Python ctypes.c_bool() Examples

The following are 30 code examples of ctypes.c_bool(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module ctypes , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From PythonPilot with Apache License 2.0 7 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, cfg):
        self.__is_use_can_port = cfg['use_can']

        # Data for store
        self.tx_counter_camera_unit = multiprocessing.Value(ctypes.c_int,0)
        self.tx_servo_on_flag = multiprocessing.Value(ctypes.c_bool,False)
        self.tx_target_angle = multiprocessing.Value(ctypes.c_float,0.0)
        self.can_error_count_tx = multiprocessing.Value(ctypes.c_int,0)

        # Initialize process
        self.__m = multiprocessing.Process(target=self.__update, \
                                           args=(cfg['can_name'], \
                                                 cfg['can_bustype'], \
                                                 cfg['can_bitrate'], \
                                                 cfg['can_dbc_path'], \
        # Start process

Example #2
Source File:    From blackmamba with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _load_data_imp(_cmd, _block_ptr):
    global _dragged_item_path
    handler = runtime.ObjCBlockPointer(_block_ptr,
                                       argtypes=[ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_bool, ctypes.c_void_p])

    if _dragged_item_path:
        NSURL = ObjCClass('NSURL')
        url = NSURL.fileURLWithPath_isDirectory_(ns(_dragged_item_path), os.path.isdir(_dragged_item_path))

        _dragged_item_path = None
        url = None

    if not url:
        error = NSError.errorWithDomain_code_userInfo_('com.robertvojta.blackmamba', 1, None)
        handler(None, None, error)
        handler(url.ptr, False, None) 
Example #3
Source File:    From pyglet with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def nextEventMatchingMask_untilDate_inMode_dequeue_(self, mask, date, mode, dequeue):
        if self.inLiveResize():
            # Call the idle() method while we're stuck in a live resize event.
            from pyglet import app
            if app.event_loop is not None:

        event = send_super(self, 'nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:',
                           mask, date, mode, dequeue, argtypes=[NSUInteger, c_void_p, c_void_p, c_bool])

        if event.value == None:
            return 0
            return event.value

    # Need this for set_size to not flash. 
Example #4
Source File:    From BoomER with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def process_is_wow64(handle=None):
    Determine whether the process associated with the handle is running
    in WOW64 or not.

    :param int handle: A handle to the process to check.
    :return: Whether the process is running in WOW64 or not.
    :rtype: bool
    if not hasattr(ctypes.windll.kernel32, 'IsWow64Process'):
        return False
    if platform.architecture()[0] == '64bit':
        ctypes.windll.kernel32.IsWow64Process.argtypes = [ctypes.c_uint64, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_bool)]
    handle = (handle or -1)
    is_wow64 = ctypes.c_bool()
    if not ctypes.windll.kernel32.IsWow64Process(handle, ctypes.byref(is_wow64)):
        raise WindowsProcessError('Error: IsWow64Process', get_last_error=ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetLastError())
    return is_wow64.value 
Example #5
Source File:    From kuryr-kubernetes with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def setUp(self):
        super(TestCNIHealthServer, self).setUp()
        healthy = multiprocessing.Value(c_bool, True)
        self.srv = health.CNIHealthServer(healthy)
        self.srv.application.testing = True
        self.test_client = self.srv.application.test_client() 
Example #6
Source File:    From neural_chat with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def create(cls):
        """Singleton factory."""
        if not hasattr(cls, 'length_to_eps'):
            # Maps episode length to list of episodes
            cls.length_to_eps = {}
            # Set of episode indices already in the cache
            cls.ep_indices = set()
            # List of batches if popping batches
            cls.batches = []
            # If all episodes have been loaded into memory
            cls.load_complete = Value(ctypes.c_bool, False)
            # Lock to access batches
            cls.batches_lock = Lock()
            # Lock to access length_to_eps
            cls.cache_lock = Lock()
            # Lock for condition variables
            cls.fill_cache_lock = RLock()
            # Condition notifying Loader to add to cache
            cls.add_to_cache_cv = Condition(lock=cls.fill_cache_lock)
            # Condition notifying teacher that cache has episodes
            cls.cache_filled_cv = Condition(lock=cls.fill_cache_lock) 
Example #7
Source File:    From pyglet with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def nextEventMatchingMask_untilDate_inMode_dequeue_(self, mask, date, mode, dequeue):
        if self.inLiveResize():
            # Call the idle() method while we're stuck in a live resize event.
            from pyglet import app
            if app.event_loop is not None:

        event = send_super(self, 'nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:',
                           mask, date, mode, dequeue,
                           argtypes=[NSUInteger, c_void_p, c_void_p, c_bool])

        if event.value is None:
            return 0
            return event.value

    # Need this for set_size to not flash. 
Example #8
Source File:    From deep500 with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, so_file: str, input_descriptors: List[TensorDescriptor],
                 output_descriptors: List[TensorDescriptor]):
        self._lib = ctypes.CDLL(so_file)
        if not getattr(self._lib, 'create_new_op', False):
            raise ValueError('Invalid custom operator library file')

        self._input_desc = input_descriptors
        self._output_desc = output_descriptors

        # Obtain handle to operator object
        self._lib.create_new_op.restype = ctypes.c_void_p
        self._ophandle = ctypes.c_void_p(self._lib.create_new_op(
            _to_c_array(input_descriptors), len(input_descriptors),
            _to_c_array(output_descriptors), len(output_descriptors)))

        self._lib.is_cuda_supported.restype = ctypes.c_bool = ctypes.c_int64 
Example #9
Source File:    From deep500 with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _custom_cpp_op(op: CompilableOp, stateful, name):
    """ Compiles and registers a custom C++ Tensorflow operator """
    # Compile the .so file
    tf_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(tf.__file__))
    so_file = TFCompiler().compile_op(, op.files, 
        op.inputs, op.outputs,
        any([f.endswith('.cu') for f in op.files]), op.live_output,  
        additional_cmake_options=['-DTENSORFLOW_PATH=' + tf_path] + op.cmake_options,
        additional_definitions=op.defs, output_folder=op.output_folder)

    # Load the compiled library into Tensorflow
    op_module = tf.load_op_library(so_file)
    op_func = getattr(op_module, 'tf_op' +
    op_grad_func = getattr(op_module, 'tf_op_grad' +
    # Create the deep500 custom op object
    lib = ctypes.CDLL(so_file)
    if not getattr(lib, 'create_new_op', False):
        raise ValueError('Invalid custom operator library file')
    lib.create_new_op.restype = ctypes.c_int64
    lib.is_cuda_supported.restype = ctypes.c_bool = ctypes.c_int64

    return TFCompiledOp(op, op_func, op_grad_func, lib) 
Example #10
Source File:    From khiva-python with Mozilla Public License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def sum_of_reoccurring_datapoints(arr, is_sorted=False):
    """ Calculates the sum of all data points, that are present in the time series more than once.

    :param arr: KHIVA array with the time series.
    :param is_sorted: Indicates if the input time series is sorted or not. Defaults to false.
    :return: KHIVA array with the sum of all data points, that are present in the time series more than once.
    b = ctypes.c_void_p(0)
    error_code = ctypes.c_int(0)
    error_message = ctypes.create_string_buffer(KHIVA_ERROR_LENGTH)
                                                                 ctypes.pointer(b), ctypes.pointer(error_code), error_message)
    if error_code.value != 0:
        raise Exception(str(error_message.value.decode()))

    return Array(array_reference=b) 
Example #11
Source File:    From khiva-python with Mozilla Public License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def percentage_of_reoccurring_values_to_all_values(arr, is_sorted):
    """ Calculates the percentage of unique values, that are present in the time series more than once.

    .. math::

        \\frac{\\textit{number of data points occurring more than once}}{\\textit{number of all data points})}

    This means the percentage is normalized to the number of unique values, in contrast to the

    :param arr: KHIVA array with the time series.
    :param is_sorted: Indicates if the input time series is sorted or not. Defaults to false.
    :return: KHIVA array with the percentage of unique values, that are present in the time series more than once.
    b = ctypes.c_void_p(0)
    error_code = ctypes.c_int(0)
    error_message = ctypes.create_string_buffer(KHIVA_ERROR_LENGTH)
                                                                                  ctypes.pointer(b), ctypes.pointer(error_code), error_message)
    if error_code.value != 0:
        raise Exception(str(error_message.value.decode()))

    return Array(array_reference=b) 
Example #12
Source File:    From nsf2x with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def __SetDLLReturnTypes(self):
        self.nnotesdll.NotesInitExtended.restype = ctypes.c_uint16
        self.nnotesdll.NotesTerm.restype = ctypes.c_uint16
        self.nnotesdll.NSFDbOpen.restype = ctypes.c_uint16
        self.nnotesdll.NSFDbClose.restype = ctypes.c_uint16
        self.nnotesdll.NSFNoteOpenExt.restype = ctypes.c_uint16
        self.nnotesdll.NSFNoteOpenByUNID.restype = ctypes.c_uint16
        self.nnotesdll.NSFNoteClose.restype = ctypes.c_uint16
        self.nnotesdll.NSFNoteCopy.restype = ctypes.c_uint16
        self.nnotesdll.NSFNoteGetInfo.restype = None
        self.nnotesdll.NSFNoteIsSignedOrSealed.restype = ctypes.c_bool
        self.nnotesdll.NSFNoteDecrypt.restype = ctypes.c_uint16
        self.nnotesdll.NSFItemDelete.restype = ctypes.c_uint16
        self.nnotesdll.NSFNoteHasMIMEPart.restype = ctypes.c_bool
        self.nnotesdll.NSFNoteHasMIME.restype = ctypes.c_bool
        self.nnotesdll.NSFNoteHasComposite.restype = ctypes.c_bool
        self.nnotesdll.MMCreateConvControls.restype = ctypes.c_uint16
        self.nnotesdll.MMDestroyConvControls.restype = ctypes.c_uint16
        self.nnotesdll.MMSetMessageContentEncoding.restype = None
        self.nnotesdll.MIMEConvertCDParts.restype = ctypes.c_uint16
        self.nnotesdll.MIMEConvertMIMEPartCC.restype = ctypes.c_uint16
        self.nnotesdll.NSFNoteUpdate.restype = ctypes.c_uint16 
Example #13
Source File:    From khiva-python with Mozilla Public License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def cid_ce(arr, z_normalize):
    """ Calculates an estimate for the time series complexity defined by
    Batista, Gustavo EAPA, et al (2014). (A more complex time series has more peaks,
    valleys, etc.)

    :param arr: KHIVA array with the time series.
    :param z_normalize: Controls wheter the time series should be z-normalized or not.
    :return: KHIVA array with the complexity value for the given time series.
    b = ctypes.c_void_p(0)
    error_code = ctypes.c_int(0)
    error_message = ctypes.create_string_buffer(KHIVA_ERROR_LENGTH)
                                          ctypes.pointer(ctypes.c_bool(z_normalize)), ctypes.pointer(b), ctypes.pointer(error_code), error_message)
    if error_code.value != 0:
        raise Exception(str(error_message.value.decode()))

    return Array(array_reference=b) 
Example #14
Source File:    From khiva-python with Mozilla Public License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def auto_covariance(arr, unbiased=False):
    """ Calculates the auto-covariance the given time series.

    :param arr: KHIVA array with the time series.
    :param unbiased: Determines whether it divides by n - lag (if true) or n (if false).
    :return: KHIVA array with the auto-covariance value for the given time series.
    b = ctypes.c_void_p(0)
    error_code = ctypes.c_int(0)
    error_message = ctypes.create_string_buffer(KHIVA_ERROR_LENGTH)
                                                   ctypes.pointer(b), ctypes.pointer(error_code), error_message)
    if error_code.value != 0:
        raise Exception(str(error_message.value.decode()))

    return Array(array_reference=b) 
Example #15
Source File:    From khiva-python with Mozilla Public License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def cross_covariance(xss, yss, unbiased):
    """ Calculates the cross-covariance of the given time series.

    :param xss: A KHIVA array with time series.
    :param yss: A KHIVA Array with time series.
    :param unbiased: Determines whether it divides by n - lag (if true) or n (if false).
    :return: KHIVA array with the cross-covariance value for the given time series.

    b = ctypes.c_void_p(0)
    error_code = ctypes.c_int(0)
    error_message = ctypes.create_string_buffer(KHIVA_ERROR_LENGTH)
                                                    ctypes.pointer(ctypes.c_bool(unbiased)), ctypes.pointer(b), ctypes.pointer(error_code), error_message)
    if error_code.value != 0:
        raise Exception(str(error_message.value.decode()))

    return Array(array_reference=b) 
Example #16
Source File:    From lackey with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def getWindowByTitle(self, wildcard, order=0):
        """ Returns a handle for the first window that matches the provided "wildcard" regex """
        EnumWindowsProc = ctypes.WINFUNCTYPE(
        def callback(hwnd, context):
            if ctypes.windll.user32.IsWindowVisible(hwnd):
                length = ctypes.windll.user32.GetWindowTextLengthW(hwnd)
                buff = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(length + 1)
                ctypes.windll.user32.GetWindowTextW(hwnd, buff, length + 1)
                if["wildcard"], buff.value, flags=re.I) != None and not context["handle"]:
                    if context["order"] > 0:
                        context["order"] -= 1
                        context["handle"] = hwnd
            return True
        data = {"wildcard": wildcard, "handle": None, "order": order}
        ctypes.windll.user32.EnumWindows(EnumWindowsProc(callback), ctypes.py_object(data))
        return data["handle"] 
Example #17
Source File:    From lackey with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def getWindowByPID(self, pid, order=0):
        """ Returns a handle for the first window that matches the provided PID """
        if pid <= 0:
            return None
        EnumWindowsProc = ctypes.WINFUNCTYPE(
        def callback(hwnd, context):
            if ctypes.windll.user32.IsWindowVisible(hwnd):
                pid = ctypes.c_ulong()
                ctypes.windll.user32.GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, ctypes.byref(pid))
                if context["pid"] == int(pid.value) and not context["handle"]:
                    if context["order"] > 0:
                        context["order"] -= 1
                        context["handle"] = hwnd
            return True
        data = {"pid": pid, "handle": None, "order": order}
        ctypes.windll.user32.EnumWindows(EnumWindowsProc(callback), ctypes.py_object(data))
        return data["handle"] 
Example #18
Source File:    From PythonPilot with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, cfg):
        self.__is_use_can_port = cfg['use_can']

        # Data for store
        self.rx_counter_servo_unit = multiprocessing.Value(ctypes.c_int,0)
        self.rx_time_us_diff = multiprocessing.Value(ctypes.c_int,0)
        self.rx_button_y = multiprocessing.Value(ctypes.c_bool,False)
        self.rx_button_g = multiprocessing.Value(ctypes.c_bool,False)
        self.rx_button_r = multiprocessing.Value(ctypes.c_bool,False)
        self.rx_actual_angle = multiprocessing.Value(ctypes.c_float,0.0)
        self.can_error_count_rx = multiprocessing.Value(ctypes.c_int,0)

        # Initialize process
        self.__m = multiprocessing.Process(target=self.__process_can, \
                                           args=(cfg['can_name'], \
                                                 cfg['can_bustype'], \
                                                 cfg['can_bitrate'], \
                                                 cfg['can_dbc_path'], \
        # Start process

Example #19
Source File:    From khiva-python with Mozilla Public License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def transpose(self, conjugate=False):
        Transpose the KHIVA Array.

        :param conjugate: Indicates if the transpose is conjugated or not.
        :return: The transposed KHIVA Array.
        result = ctypes.c_void_p(0)
        error_code = ctypes.c_int(0)
        error_message = ctypes.create_string_buffer(KHIVA_ERROR_LENGTH)
        if error_code.value != 0:
            raise Exception(str(error_message.value.decode()))

        return Array(array_reference=result) 
Example #20
Source File:    From PyMiniRacer with ISC License 6 votes vote down vote up
def eval(self, js_str, timeout=0, max_memory=0):
        """ Eval the JavaScript string """

        if is_unicode(js_str):
            bytes_val = js_str.encode("utf8")
            bytes_val = js_str

        res = None
            res = self.ext.mr_eval_context(self.ctx,

            if bool(res) is False:
                raise JSConversionException()
            return self._eval_return(res)
            if res is not None:
Example #21
Source File:    From logiPy with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def logi_led_pulse_single_key(key_name, red_percentage_start, green_percentage_start, blue_percentage_start, ms_duration, is_infinite = False, red_percentage_end = 0, green_percentage_end = 0, blue_percentage_end = 0):
    """ pulses the lighting color of the combined RGB percentages over the specified millisecond duration for the specified key name. 
        the color will gradually change from the starting color to the ending color. if no ending color is specified, the ending color will be black.
        the effect will stop after one interval unless is_infinite is set to True. note that RGB ranges from 0-255, but this function ranges from 0-100.
        this function only applies to LOGI_DEVICETYPE_PERKEY_RGB devices. """
    if led_dll:
        key_name               = ctypes.c_int(key_name)
        red_percentage_start   = ctypes.c_int(red_percentage_start)
        green_percentage_start = ctypes.c_int(green_percentage_start)
        blue_percentage_start  = ctypes.c_int(blue_percentage_start)
        red_percentage_end     = ctypes.c_int(red_percentage_end)
        green_percentage_end   = ctypes.c_int(green_percentage_end)
        blue_percentage_end    = ctypes.c_int(blue_percentage_end)
        ms_duration            = ctypes.c_int(ms_duration)
        is_infinite            = ctypes.c_bool(is_infinite)
        return bool(led_dll.LogiLedPulseSingleKey(key_name, red_percentage_start, green_percentage_start, blue_percentage_start, red_percentage_end, green_percentage_end, blue_percentage_end, ms_duration, is_infinite))
        return False 
Example #22
Source File:    From training_results_v0.6 with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, num_processes, max_queue_size, fn):

        num_processes: int
            Number of processes to spawn
        max_queue_size: int
            Maximum samples in the queue before processes wait
        fn: function
            function that generates samples, executed on separate processes.
        self.queue = mp.Queue(maxsize=int(max_queue_size))
        self.alive = mp.Value(c_bool, False, lock=False)
        self.num_proc = num_processes
        self.proc = list()
        self.fn = fn 
Example #23
Source File:    From python-zpar with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, modelpath, libptr, zpar_session_obj):
        super(Tagger, self).__init__()

        # save the zpar session object
        self._zpar_session_obj = zpar_session_obj

        # set up a logger
        self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

        # get the library method that loads the tagger models
        self._load_tagger = libptr.load_tagger
        self._load_tagger.restype = c.c_int
        self._load_tagger.argtypes = [c.c_void_p, c.c_char_p]

        # get the library methods that tag sentences and files
        self._tag_sentence = libptr.tag_sentence
        self._tag_sentence.restype = c.c_char_p
        self._tag_sentence.argtypes = [c.c_void_p, c.c_char_p, c.c_bool]

        self._tag_file = libptr.tag_file
        self._tag_file.restype = None
        self._tag_file.argtypes = [c.c_void_p, c.c_char_p, c.c_char_p, c.c_bool]

        if self._load_tagger(self._zpar_session_obj, modelpath.encode('utf-8')):
            raise OSError('Cannot find tagger model at {}\n'.format(modelpath)) 
Example #24
Source File:    From mayhem with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def process_is_wow64(handle=None):
	Determine whether the process associated with the handle is running
	in WOW64 or not.

	:param int handle: A handle to the process to check.
	:return: Whether the process is running in WOW64 or not.
	:rtype: bool
	if not hasattr(m_k32, 'IsWow64Process'):
		return False
	handle = (handle or -1)
	is_wow64 = ctypes.c_bool()
	if not m_k32.IsWow64Process(handle, ctypes.byref(is_wow64)):
		raise WindowsProcessError('Error: IsWow64Process', get_last_error=m_k32.GetLastError())
	return is_wow64.value 
Example #25
Source File:    From khiva-python with Mozilla Public License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def auto_correlation(arr, max_lag, unbiased):
    """ Calculates the autocorrelation of the specified lag for the given time series.

    :param arr: KHIVA array with the time series.
    :param max_lag: The maximum lag to compute.
    :param unbiased: Determines whether it divides by n - lag (if true) or n (if false).
    :return: KHIVA array with the autocorrelation value for the given time series.
    b = ctypes.c_void_p(0)
    error_code = ctypes.c_int(0)
    error_message = ctypes.create_string_buffer(KHIVA_ERROR_LENGTH)
                                                    ctypes.pointer(b), ctypes.pointer(error_code), error_message)
    if error_code.value != 0:
        raise Exception(str(error_message.value.decode()))

    return Array(array_reference=b) 
Example #26
Source File:    From manticore with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def _manticore_single(self):
        self._worker_type = WorkerSingle

        class FakeLock:
            def _nothing(self, *args, **kwargs):

            acquire = _nothing
            release = _nothing
            __enter__ = _nothing
            __exit__ = _nothing
            notify_all = _nothing
            wait = _nothing

            def wait_for(self, condition, *args, **kwargs):
                if not condition():
                    raise Exception("Deadlock: Waiting for CTRL+C")

        self._lock = FakeLock()
        self._killed = ctypes.c_bool(False)
        self._running = ctypes.c_bool(False)
        self._ready_states = []
        self._terminated_states = []
        self._busy_states = []
        self._killed_states = []
        self._shared_context = {} 
Example #27
Source File:    From KBRD with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def create(cls):
        if not hasattr(cls, 'length_to_eps'):
            # Maps episode length to list of episodes
            cls.length_to_eps = {}
        if not hasattr(cls, 'ep_indices'):
            # Set of episode indices already in the cache
            cls.ep_indices = set()
        if not hasattr(cls, 'batches'):
            # List of batches if popping batches
            cls.batches = []
        if not hasattr(cls, 'load_complete'):
            # If all episodes have been loaded into memory
            cls.load_complete = Value(ctypes.c_bool, False)
        if not hasattr(cls, 'batches_lock'):
            # Lock to access batches
            cls.batches_lock = Lock()
        if not hasattr(cls, 'cache_lock'):
            # Lock to access length_to_eps
            cls.cache_lock = Lock()
        if not hasattr(cls, 'fill_cache_lock'):
            # Lock for condition variables
            cls.fill_cache_lock = RLock()
        if not hasattr(cls, 'add_to_cache_cv'):
            # Condition notifying Loader to add to cache
            cls.add_to_cache_cv = Condition(lock=cls.fill_cache_lock)
        if not hasattr(cls, 'cache_filled_cv'):
            # Condition notifying teacher that cache has episodes
            cls.cache_filled_cv = Condition(lock=cls.fill_cache_lock) 
Example #28
Source File:    From PyMiniRacer with ISC License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _fetch_ext_handle():
    global _ext_handle

    if _ext_handle:
        return _ext_handle

    _ext_handle = ctypes.CDLL(EXTENSION_PATH)

    _ext_handle.mr_init_context.restype = ctypes.c_void_p

    _ext_handle.mr_eval_context.argtypes = [
    _ext_handle.mr_eval_context.restype = ctypes.POINTER(PythonValue)

    _ext_handle.mr_free_value.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p]

    _ext_handle.mr_free_context.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p]

    _ext_handle.mr_heap_stats.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p]
    _ext_handle.mr_heap_stats.restype = ctypes.POINTER(PythonValue)

    _ext_handle.mr_low_memory_notification.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p]

    _ext_handle.mr_heap_snapshot.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p]
    _ext_handle.mr_heap_snapshot.restype = ctypes.POINTER(PythonValue)

    _ext_handle.mr_set_soft_memory_limit.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_size_t]
    _ext_handle.mr_set_soft_memory_limit.restype = None

    _ext_handle.mr_soft_memory_limit_reached.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p]
    _ext_handle.mr_soft_memory_limit_reached.restype = ctypes.c_bool

    return _ext_handle 
Example #29
Source File:    From manticore with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def _manticore_threading(self):
        self._worker_type = WorkerThread
        self._lock = threading.Condition()
        self._killed = ctypes.c_bool(False)
        self._running = ctypes.c_bool(False)
        self._ready_states = []
        self._terminated_states = []
        self._busy_states = []
        self._killed_states = []
        self._shared_context = {} 
Example #30
Source File:    From dynamic-training-with-apache-mxnet-on-aws with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def check_format(self, full_check=True):
        """Check whether the NDArray format is valid.

        full_check : bool, optional
            If `True`, rigorous check, O(N) operations. Otherwise
            basic check, O(1) operations (default True).
        check_call(_LIB.MXNDArraySyncCheckFormat(self.handle, ctypes.c_bool(full_check)))