Python numpy.string_() Examples

The following are 30 code examples of numpy.string_(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module numpy , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From recruit with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_rstrip(self):
        assert_(issubclass(self.A.rstrip().dtype.type, np.string_))

        tgt = [[b' abc', b''],
               [b'12345', b'MixedCase'],
               [b'123 \t 345', b'UPPER']]
        assert_array_equal(self.A.rstrip(), tgt)

        tgt = [[b' abc ', b''],
               [b'1234', b'MixedCase'],
               [b'123 \t 345 \x00', b'UPP']
        assert_array_equal(self.A.rstrip([b'5', b'ER']), tgt)

        tgt = [[u' \u03a3', ''],
               ['12345', 'MixedCase'],
               ['123 \t 345', 'UPPER']]
        assert_(issubclass(self.B.rstrip().dtype.type, np.unicode_))
        assert_array_equal(self.B.rstrip(), tgt) 
Example #2
Source File:    From auto-alt-text-lambda-api with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_from_string_array(self):
        A = np.array(asbytes_nested([['abc', 'foo'],
                                     ['long   ', '0123456789']]))
        assert_equal(A.dtype.type, np.string_)
        B = np.char.array(A)
        assert_array_equal(B, A)
        assert_equal(B.dtype, A.dtype)
        assert_equal(B.shape, A.shape)
        B[0, 0] = 'changed'
        assert_(B[0, 0] != A[0, 0])
        C = np.char.asarray(A)
        assert_array_equal(C, A)
        assert_equal(C.dtype, A.dtype)
        C[0, 0] = 'changed again'
        assert_(C[0, 0] != B[0, 0])
        assert_(C[0, 0] == A[0, 0]) 
Example #3
Source File:    From BetaElephant with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def fen2state(fen):
    transfer the fen string to chessboard
    fen: fen string
    return: state of the chessboard
    fenstrlist = fen.split()
    cstate = chessboradstate()
    cstate.state = np.zeros([10, 9], np.string_)
    fenstr1st = fenstrlist[0].split('/')
    for i in range(len(fenstr1st)):
        current = 0
        for j in range(len(fenstr1st[i])):
            if fenstr1st[i][j].isdigit():
                num = int(fenstr1st[i][j])
                for k in range(num):
                    cstate.state[i][current+k] = ' '
                current += num
                cstate.state[i][current] = fenstr1st[i][j]
                current += 1
    cstate.turn = fenstrlist[1]
    cstate.roundcnt = int(fenstrlist[5])
    return cstate 
Example #4
Source File:    From BetaElephant with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def move(cstate, move):
    move the chess according to the move action
    state: the current chessborad, numpy.array[10][9], dtype=string_
    move: the action to move, string format as:'D5-E5'
    src = []
    des = []
    src.append(9 - int(move[1]))
    src.append(ord(move[0]) - ord('A'))
    des.append(9 - int(move[4]))
    des.append(ord(move[3]) - ord('A'))
    # print src, des
    chess = cstate.state[src[0]][src[1]]
    cstate.state[src[0]][src[1]] = ' '
    cstate.state[des[0]][des[1]] = chess
    cstate.roundcnt += 1
    if cstate.turn == 'b':
        cstate.turn = 'w'
        cstate.turn = 'b' 
Example #5
Source File:    From westpa with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def label_axes(h5object, labels, units=None):
    '''Stamp the given HDF5 object with axis labels. This stores the axis labels
    in an array of strings in an attribute called ``axis_labels`` on the given
    object. ``units`` if provided is a corresponding list of units.'''
    if len(labels) != len(h5object.shape):
        raise ValueError('number of axes and number of labels do not match')
    if units is None: units = []
    if len(units) and len(units) != len(labels):
        raise ValueError('number of units labels does not match number of axes')
    h5object.attrs['axis_labels'] = numpy.array([numpy.string_(i) for i in labels])
    if len(units):
        h5object.attrs['axis_units'] = numpy.array([numpy.string_(i) for i in units]) 
Example #6
Source File:    From lambda-packs with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def add(x1, x2):
    Return element-wise string concatenation for two arrays of str or unicode.

    Arrays `x1` and `x2` must have the same shape.

    x1 : array_like of str or unicode
        Input array.
    x2 : array_like of str or unicode
        Input array.

    add : ndarray
        Output array of `string_` or `unicode_`, depending on input types
        of the same shape as `x1` and `x2`.

    arr1 = numpy.asarray(x1)
    arr2 = numpy.asarray(x2)
    out_size = _get_num_chars(arr1) + _get_num_chars(arr2)
    dtype = _use_unicode(arr1, arr2)
    return _vec_string(arr1, (dtype, out_size), '__add__', (arr2,)) 
Example #7
Source File:    From EXOSIMS with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def nan_filter(self):
        """Populates Target List and filters out values which are nan
        # filter out nan values in numerical attributes
        for att in self.catalog_atts:
            if ('close' in att) or ('bright' in att):
            if getattr(self, att).shape[0] == 0:
            elif (type(getattr(self, att)[0]) == str) or (type(getattr(self, att)[0]) == bytes):
                # FIXME: intent here unclear: 
                #   note float('nan') is an IEEE NaN, getattr(.) is a str, and != on NaNs is special
                i = np.where(getattr(self, att) != float('nan'))[0]
            # exclude non-numerical types
            elif type(getattr(self, att)[0]) not in (np.unicode_, np.string_, np.bool_, bytes):
                if att == 'coords':
                    i1 = np.where(~np.isnan('deg').value))[0]
                    i2 = np.where(~np.isnan('deg').value))[0]
                    i = np.intersect1d(i1,i2)
                    i = np.where(~np.isnan(getattr(self, att)))[0]
Example #8
Source File:    From recruit with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_char_radd(self):
        # GH issue 9620, reached gentype_add and raise TypeError
        np_s = np.string_('abc')
        np_u = np.unicode_('abc')
        s = b'def'
        u = u'def'
        assert_(np_s.__radd__(np_s) is NotImplemented)
        assert_(np_s.__radd__(np_u) is NotImplemented)
        assert_(np_s.__radd__(s) is NotImplemented)
        assert_(np_s.__radd__(u) is NotImplemented)
        assert_(np_u.__radd__(np_s) is NotImplemented)
        assert_(np_u.__radd__(np_u) is NotImplemented)
        assert_(np_u.__radd__(s) is NotImplemented)
        assert_(np_u.__radd__(u) is NotImplemented)
        assert_(s + np_s == b'defabc')
        assert_(u + np_u == u'defabc')

        class Mystr(str, np.generic):
            # would segfault

        ret = s + Mystr('abc')
        assert_(type(ret) is type(s)) 
Example #9
Source File:    From recruit with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def add(x1, x2):
    Return element-wise string concatenation for two arrays of str or unicode.

    Arrays `x1` and `x2` must have the same shape.

    x1 : array_like of str or unicode
        Input array.
    x2 : array_like of str or unicode
        Input array.

    add : ndarray
        Output array of `string_` or `unicode_`, depending on input types
        of the same shape as `x1` and `x2`.

    arr1 = numpy.asarray(x1)
    arr2 = numpy.asarray(x2)
    out_size = _get_num_chars(arr1) + _get_num_chars(arr2)
    dtype = _use_unicode(arr1, arr2)
    return _vec_string(arr1, (dtype, out_size), '__add__', (arr2,)) 
Example #10
Source File:    From recruit with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_from_string_array(self):
        A = np.array([[b'abc', b'foo'],
                      [b'long   ', b'0123456789']])
        assert_equal(A.dtype.type, np.string_)
        B = np.char.array(A)
        assert_array_equal(B, A)
        assert_equal(B.dtype, A.dtype)
        assert_equal(B.shape, A.shape)
        B[0, 0] = 'changed'
        assert_(B[0, 0] != A[0, 0])
        C = np.char.asarray(A)
        assert_array_equal(C, A)
        assert_equal(C.dtype, A.dtype)
        C[0, 0] = 'changed again'
        assert_(C[0, 0] != B[0, 0])
        assert_(C[0, 0] == A[0, 0]) 
Example #11
Source File:    From auto-alt-text-lambda-api with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_rstrip(self):
        assert_(issubclass(self.A.rstrip().dtype.type, np.string_))

        tgt = asbytes_nested([[' abc', ''],
                              ['12345', 'MixedCase'],
                              ['123 \t 345', 'UPPER']])
        assert_array_equal(self.A.rstrip(), tgt)

        tgt = asbytes_nested([[' abc ', ''],
                              ['1234', 'MixedCase'],
                              ['123 \t 345 \x00', 'UPP']
        assert_array_equal(self.A.rstrip(asbytes_nested(['5', 'ER'])), tgt)

        tgt = [[sixu(' \u03a3'), ''],
               ['12345', 'MixedCase'],
               ['123 \t 345', 'UPPER']]
        assert_(issubclass(self.B.rstrip().dtype.type, np.unicode_))
        assert_array_equal(self.B.rstrip(), tgt) 
Example #12
Source File:    From auto-alt-text-lambda-api with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_join(self):
        if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
            # NOTE: list(b'123') == [49, 50, 51]
            #       so that b','.join(b'123') results to an error on Py3
            A0 = self.A.decode('ascii')
            A0 = self.A

        A = np.char.join([',', '#'], A0)
        if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
            assert_(issubclass(A.dtype.type, np.unicode_))
            assert_(issubclass(A.dtype.type, np.string_))
        tgt = np.array([[' ,a,b,c, ', ''],
                        ['1,2,3,4,5', 'M#i#x#e#d#C#a#s#e'],
                        ['1,2,3, ,\t, ,3,4,5, ,\x00, ', 'U#P#P#E#R']])
        assert_array_equal(np.char.join([',', '#'], A0), tgt) 
Example #13
Source File:    From auto-alt-text-lambda-api with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_rjust(self):
        assert_(issubclass(self.A.rjust(10).dtype.type, np.string_))

        C = self.A.rjust([10, 20])
        assert_array_equal(np.char.str_len(C), [[10, 20], [10, 20], [12, 20]])

        C = self.A.rjust(20, asbytes('#'))
                           [[False, True], [False, False], [False, False]])

        C = np.char.rjust(asbytes('FOO'), [[10, 20], [15, 8]])
        tgt = asbytes_nested([['       FOO', '                 FOO'],
                              ['            FOO', '     FOO']])
        assert_(issubclass(C.dtype.type, np.string_))
        assert_array_equal(C, tgt) 
Example #14
Source File:    From recruit with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_join(self):
        if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
            # NOTE: list(b'123') == [49, 50, 51]
            #       so that b','.join(b'123') results to an error on Py3
            A0 = self.A.decode('ascii')
            A0 = self.A

        A = np.char.join([',', '#'], A0)
        if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
            assert_(issubclass(A.dtype.type, np.unicode_))
            assert_(issubclass(A.dtype.type, np.string_))
        tgt = np.array([[' ,a,b,c, ', ''],
                        ['1,2,3,4,5', 'M#i#x#e#d#C#a#s#e'],
                        ['1,2,3, ,\t, ,3,4,5, ,\x00, ', 'U#P#P#E#R']])
        assert_array_equal(np.char.join([',', '#'], A0), tgt) 
Example #15
Source File:    From recruit with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_ljust(self):
        assert_(issubclass(self.A.ljust(10).dtype.type, np.string_))

        C = self.A.ljust([10, 20])
        assert_array_equal(np.char.str_len(C), [[10, 20], [10, 20], [12, 20]])

        C = self.A.ljust(20, b'#')
        assert_array_equal(C.startswith(b'#'), [
                [False, True], [False, False], [False, False]])

        C = np.char.ljust(b'FOO', [[10, 20], [15, 8]])
        tgt = [[b'FOO       ', b'FOO                 '],
               [b'FOO            ', b'FOO     ']]
        assert_(issubclass(C.dtype.type, np.string_))
        assert_array_equal(C, tgt) 
Example #16
Source File:    From auto-alt-text-lambda-api with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_replace(self):
        R = self.A.replace(asbytes_nested(['3', 'a']),
                           asbytes_nested(['##########', '@']))
        tgt = asbytes_nested([[' abc ', ''],
                              ['12##########45', 'MixedC@se'],
                              ['12########## \t ##########45 \x00', 'UPPER']])
        assert_(issubclass(R.dtype.type, np.string_))
        assert_array_equal(R, tgt)

        if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
            # NOTE: b'abc'.replace(b'a', 'b') is not allowed on Py3
            R = self.A.replace(asbytes('a'), sixu('\u03a3'))
            tgt = [[sixu(' \u03a3bc '), ''],
                   ['12345', sixu('MixedC\u03a3se')],
                   ['123 \t 345 \x00', 'UPPER']]
            assert_(issubclass(R.dtype.type, np.unicode_))
            assert_array_equal(R, tgt) 
Example #17
Source File:    From recruit with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_lstrip(self):
        tgt = [[b'abc ', b''],
               [b'12345', b'MixedCase'],
               [b'123 \t 345 \0 ', b'UPPER']]
        assert_(issubclass(self.A.lstrip().dtype.type, np.string_))
        assert_array_equal(self.A.lstrip(), tgt)

        tgt = [[b' abc', b''],
               [b'2345', b'ixedCase'],
               [b'23 \t 345 \x00', b'UPPER']]
        assert_array_equal(self.A.lstrip([b'1', b'M']), tgt)

        tgt = [[u'\u03a3 ', ''],
               ['12345', 'MixedCase'],
               ['123 \t 345 \0 ', 'UPPER']]
        assert_(issubclass(self.B.lstrip().dtype.type, np.unicode_))
        assert_array_equal(self.B.lstrip(), tgt) 
Example #18
Source File:    From auto-alt-text-lambda-api with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_ljust(self):
        assert_(issubclass(self.A.ljust(10).dtype.type, np.string_))

        C = self.A.ljust([10, 20])
        assert_array_equal(np.char.str_len(C), [[10, 20], [10, 20], [12, 20]])

        C = self.A.ljust(20, asbytes('#'))
        assert_array_equal(C.startswith(asbytes('#')), [
                [False, True], [False, False], [False, False]])

        C = np.char.ljust(asbytes('FOO'), [[10, 20], [15, 8]])
        tgt = asbytes_nested([['FOO       ', 'FOO                 '],
                              ['FOO            ', 'FOO     ']])
        assert_(issubclass(C.dtype.type, np.string_))
        assert_array_equal(C, tgt) 
Example #19
Source File:    From recruit with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_rjust(self):
        assert_(issubclass(self.A.rjust(10).dtype.type, np.string_))

        C = self.A.rjust([10, 20])
        assert_array_equal(np.char.str_len(C), [[10, 20], [10, 20], [12, 20]])

        C = self.A.rjust(20, b'#')
                           [[False, True], [False, False], [False, False]])

        C = np.char.rjust(b'FOO', [[10, 20], [15, 8]])
        tgt = [[b'       FOO', b'                 FOO'],
               [b'            FOO', b'     FOO']]
        assert_(issubclass(C.dtype.type, np.string_))
        assert_array_equal(C, tgt) 
Example #20
Source File:    From recruit with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_strip(self):
        tgt = [[b'abc', b''],
               [b'12345', b'MixedCase'],
               [b'123 \t 345', b'UPPER']]
        assert_(issubclass(self.A.strip().dtype.type, np.string_))
        assert_array_equal(self.A.strip(), tgt)

        tgt = [[b' abc ', b''],
               [b'234', b'ixedCas'],
               [b'23 \t 345 \x00', b'UPP']]
        assert_array_equal(self.A.strip([b'15', b'EReM']), tgt)

        tgt = [[u'\u03a3', ''],
               ['12345', 'MixedCase'],
               ['123 \t 345', 'UPPER']]
        assert_(issubclass(self.B.strip().dtype.type, np.unicode_))
        assert_array_equal(self.B.strip(), tgt) 
Example #21
Source File:    From auto-alt-text-lambda-api with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_center(self):
        assert_(issubclass(, np.string_))
        C =[10, 20])
        assert_array_equal(np.char.str_len(C), [[10, 20], [10, 20], [12, 20]])

        C =, asbytes('#'))

        C ='FOO'), [[10, 20], [15, 8]])
        tgt = asbytes_nested([['   FOO    ', '        FOO         '],
                              ['      FOO      ', '  FOO   ']])
        assert_(issubclass(C.dtype.type, np.string_))
        assert_array_equal(C, tgt) 
Example #22
Source File:    From auto-alt-text-lambda-api with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_from_string(self):
        A = np.char.array(asbytes('abc'))
        assert_equal(len(A), 1)
        assert_equal(len(A[0]), 3)
        assert_(issubclass(A.dtype.type, np.string_)) 
Example #23
Source File:    From auto-alt-text-lambda-api with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_non_existent_method(self):

        def fail():
            _vec_string('a', np.string_, 'bogus')

        self.assertRaises(AttributeError, fail) 
Example #24
Source File:    From auto-alt-text-lambda-api with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_non_string_array(self):

        def fail():
            _vec_string(1, np.string_, 'strip')

        self.assertRaises(TypeError, fail) 
Example #25
Source File:    From lambda-packs with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def __mod__(self, i):
        Return (self % i), that is pre-Python 2.6 string formatting
        (iterpolation), element-wise for a pair of array_likes of `string_`
        or `unicode_`.

        See also
        return asarray(mod(self, i)) 
Example #26
Source File:    From auto-alt-text-lambda-api with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_invalid_args_tuple(self):

        def fail():
            _vec_string(['a'], np.string_, 'strip', 1)

        self.assertRaises(TypeError, fail) 
Example #27
Source File:    From auto-alt-text-lambda-api with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_capitalize(self):
        tgt = asbytes_nested([[' abc ', ''],
                              ['12345', 'Mixedcase'],
                              ['123 \t 345 \0 ', 'Upper']])
        assert_(issubclass(self.A.capitalize().dtype.type, np.string_))
        assert_array_equal(self.A.capitalize(), tgt)

        tgt = [[sixu(' \u03c3 '), ''],
               ['12345', 'Mixedcase'],
               ['123 \t 345 \0 ', 'Upper']]
        assert_(issubclass(self.B.capitalize().dtype.type, np.unicode_))
        assert_array_equal(self.B.capitalize(), tgt) 
Example #28
Source File:    From lambda-packs with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def GetNumpyAppendFn(dtype):
  # numpy dtype for strings are variable length. We can not compare
  # dtype with a single constant (np.string does not exist) to decide
  # dtype is a "string" type. We need to compare the dtype.type to be
  # sure it's a string type.
  if dtype.type == np.string_ or dtype.type == np.unicode_:
      return fast_tensor_util.AppendObjectArrayToTensorProto
      return SlowAppendObjectArrayToTensorProto
  return GetFromNumpyDTypeDict(_NP_TO_APPEND_FN, dtype) 
Example #29
Source File:    From lambda-packs with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def write(self, arr, name):
        ''' Write matrix `arr`, with name `name`

        arr : array_like
           array to write
        name : str
           name in matlab workspace
        # we need to catch sparse first, because np.asarray returns an
        # an object array for scipy.sparse
        if scipy.sparse.issparse(arr):
            self.write_sparse(arr, name)
        arr = np.asarray(arr)
        dt = arr.dtype
        if not dt.isnative:
            arr = arr.astype(dt.newbyteorder('='))
        dtt = dt.type
        if dtt is np.object_:
            raise TypeError('Cannot save object arrays in Mat4')
        elif dtt is np.void:
            raise TypeError('Cannot save void type arrays')
        elif dtt in (np.unicode_, np.string_):
            self.write_char(arr, name)
        self.write_numeric(arr, name) 
Example #30
Source File:    From recruit with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def __mod__(self, i):
        Return (self % i), that is pre-Python 2.6 string formatting
        (iterpolation), element-wise for a pair of array_likes of `string_`
        or `unicode_`.

        See also
        return asarray(mod(self, i))