Python binascii.crc32() Examples

The following are 30 code examples of binascii.crc32(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module binascii , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From XFLTReaT with MIT License 8 votes vote down vote up
def cmh_autotune(self, module, message, additional_data, cm):
		message = message[len(self.CONTROL_AUTOTUNE)+2:]
		# get tune type, requested record type, length and encoding for crafting the answer
		(query_type, RRtype, length, encode_class) = struct.unpack("<BHHH", message[0:7])
		if self.DNS_proto.get_RR_type(RRtype)[0] == None:
			return True
		# extra parameters added to be able to response in the proper way
		additional_data = additional_data + (True, self.download_encoding_list[encode_class], self.DNS_proto.get_RR_type(RRtype)[0])		
		if (query_type == 0) or (query_type == 3):
			# record && downstream length discovery
			message = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for _ in range(length))
		if query_type == 1:
			# A record name length discovery
			message = struct.pack("<i", binascii.crc32(message[7:]))
		if query_type == 2:
			# checking download encoding, echoing back request payload
			message = message[7:]

		module.send(common.CONTROL_CHANNEL_BYTE, self.CONTROL_AUTOTUNE_CLIENT+message, additional_data)
		return True

	# tune control message handler
	# client sets the record type and encodings by calling this
	# server side 
Example #2
Source File:    From derplearning with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def send(self, rumble_high=0, rumble_low=0, red=0, green=0, blue=0, light_on=0, light_off=0):
        """Actuate the controller by setting its rumble or light color/blink"""
        packet = bytearray(79)
        packet[:5] = [0xA2, 0x11, 0x80, 0x00, 0xFF]
        packet[7] = int(rumble_high * 255 + 0.5)
        packet[8] = int(rumble_low * 255 + 0.5)
        packet[9] = int(red * 255 + 0.5)
        packet[10] = int(green * 255 + 0.5)
        packet[11] = int(blue * 255 + 0.5)
        packet[12] = int(light_on * 255 + 0.5)
        packet[13] = int(light_off * 255 + 0.5)
        crc = crc32(packet[:-4])
        packet[-4] = crc & 0x000000FF
        packet[-3] = (crc & 0x0000FF00) >> 8
        packet[-2] = (crc & 0x00FF0000) >> 16
        packet[-1] = (crc & 0xFF000000) >> 24
        hid = bytearray((self.__report_id,))
        if self.__fd is not None:
            self.__fd.write(hid + packet[2:])
            return True
        return False 
Example #3
Source File:    From ironpython2 with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _GenerateCRCTable():
        """Generate a CRC-32 table.

        ZIP encryption uses the CRC32 one-byte primitive for scrambling some
        internal keys. We noticed that a direct implementation is faster than
        relying on binascii.crc32().
        poly = 0xedb88320
        table = [0] * 256
        for i in range(256):
            crc = i
            for j in range(8):
                if crc & 1:
                    crc = ((crc >> 1) & 0x7FFFFFFF) ^ poly
                    crc = ((crc >> 1) & 0x7FFFFFFF)
            table[i] = crc
        return table 
Example #4
Source File:    From meddle with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _GenerateCRCTable():
        """Generate a CRC-32 table.

        ZIP encryption uses the CRC32 one-byte primitive for scrambling some
        internal keys. We noticed that a direct implementation is faster than
        relying on binascii.crc32().
        poly = 0xedb88320
        table = [0] * 256
        for i in range(256):
            crc = i
            for j in range(8):
                if crc & 1:
                    crc = ((crc >> 1) & 0x7FFFFFFF) ^ poly
                    crc = ((crc >> 1) & 0x7FFFFFFF)
            table[i] = crc
        return table 
Example #5
Source File:    From BinderFilter with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _GenerateCRCTable():
        """Generate a CRC-32 table.

        ZIP encryption uses the CRC32 one-byte primitive for scrambling some
        internal keys. We noticed that a direct implementation is faster than
        relying on binascii.crc32().
        poly = 0xedb88320
        table = [0] * 256
        for i in range(256):
            crc = i
            for j in range(8):
                if crc & 1:
                    crc = ((crc >> 1) & 0x7FFFFFFF) ^ poly
                    crc = ((crc >> 1) & 0x7FFFFFFF)
            table[i] = crc
        return table 
Example #6
Source File:    From python_moztelemetry with Mozilla Public License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def sampler(dataframe, modulo, column="client_id", sample_id=42):
    """ Collect a sample of clients given an input column

    Filter dataframe based on the modulus of the CRC32 of a given string
    column matching a given sample_id. if dataframe has already been filtered
    by sample_id, then modulo should be a multiple of 100, column should be
    "client_id", and the given sample_id should match the value previously
    used, optionally plus multiples of 100.

        dataframe: A Dataframe to be sampled
        modulo (int): selects a 1/modulo sampling of dataframe
        column (str): name of a string column to sample on
        sample_id (int): modulus result to select for sampling

        A DataFrame sampled on the given inputs.
    return dataframe \
            udf(lambda key: (crc32(key or "") & 0xffffffff) % modulo)(column),
        ).where("sampler = %s" % sample_id).drop("sampler") 
Example #7
Source File:    From oss-ftp with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _GenerateCRCTable():
        """Generate a CRC-32 table.

        ZIP encryption uses the CRC32 one-byte primitive for scrambling some
        internal keys. We noticed that a direct implementation is faster than
        relying on binascii.crc32().
        poly = 0xedb88320
        table = [0] * 256
        for i in range(256):
            crc = i
            for j in range(8):
                if crc & 1:
                    crc = ((crc >> 1) & 0x7FFFFFFF) ^ poly
                    crc = ((crc >> 1) & 0x7FFFFFFF)
            table[i] = crc
        return table 
Example #8
Source File:    From with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def shard_key(base, key, total_elements, shard_size):   #A
    if isinstance(key, (int, long)) or key.isdigit():   #B
        shard_id = int(str(key), 10) // shard_size      #C
        shards = 2 * total_elements // shard_size       #D
        shard_id = binascii.crc32(key) % shards         #E
    return "%s:%s"%(base, shard_id)                     #F
# <end id="calculate-shard-key"/>
#A We will call the shard_key() function with a base HASH name, along with the key to be stored in the sharded HASH, the total number of expected elements, and the desired shard size
#B If the value is an integer or a string that looks like an integer, we will use it directly to calculate the shard id
#C For integers, we assume they are sequentially assigned ids, so we can choose a shard id based on the upper 'bits' of the numeric id itself. We also use an explicit base here (necessitating the str() call) so that a key of '010' turns into 10, and not 8
#D For non-integer keys, we first calculate the total number of shards desired, based on an expected total number of elements and desired shard size
#E When we know the number of shards we want, we hash the key and find its value modulo the number of shards we want
#F Finally, we combine the base key with the shard id we calculated to determine the shard key

# <start id="sharded-hset-hget"/> 
Example #9
Source File:    From msticpy with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def crc32_hash_df(data: pd.DataFrame, column: str) -> pd.Series:
    Return the CRC32 hash of the input column.

    data : pd.DataFrame
        The DataFrame to process
    column : str
        Column name to process

        CRC32 hash of input column

    return data.apply(lambda x: crc32(bytes(x[column].encode("utf-8"))), axis=1)

# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments, too-many-statements 
Example #10
Source File:    From msticpy with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def crc32_hash(value: str) -> int:
    Return the CRC32 hash of the input column.

    value : str
        Data to process

        CRC32 hash

    return crc32(bytes(value.encode("utf-8"))) 
Example #11
Source File:    From msticpy with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def delim_hash(value: str, delim_list: str = r'[\s\-\\/\.,"\'|&:;%$()]') -> int:
    Return a hash (CRC32) of the delimiters from input column.

    value : str
        Data to process
    delim_list : str, optional
        delimiters to use. (the default is r'[\\s\\\\-\\\\\\\\/\.,"\\\\'|&:;%$()]')

        Hash of delimiter set in the string.

    return crc32(bytes("".join(re.findall(delim_list, value)), "utf-8")) 
Example #12
Source File:    From monero-python with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_checksum(cls, phrase):
        """Given a mnemonic word string, return a string of the computed checksum.

        :rtype: str
        phrase_split = phrase.split(" ")
        if len(phrase_split) < 12:
            raise ValueError("Invalid mnemonic phrase")
        if len(phrase_split) > 13:
            # Standard format
            phrase = phrase_split[:24]
            # MyMonero format
            phrase = phrase_split[:12]
        wstr = "".join(word[:cls.unique_prefix_length] for word in phrase)
        wstr = bytearray(wstr.encode('utf-8'))
        z = ((crc32(wstr) & 0xffffffff) ^ 0xffffffff ) >> 0
        z2 = ((z ^ 0xffffffff) >> 0) % len(phrase)
        return phrase_split[z2] 
Example #13
Source File:    From jawfish with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _GenerateCRCTable():
        """Generate a CRC-32 table.

        ZIP encryption uses the CRC32 one-byte primitive for scrambling some
        internal keys. We noticed that a direct implementation is faster than
        relying on binascii.crc32().
        poly = 0xedb88320
        table = [0] * 256
        for i in range(256):
            crc = i
            for j in range(8):
                if crc & 1:
                    crc = ((crc >> 1) & 0x7FFFFFFF) ^ poly
                    crc = ((crc >> 1) & 0x7FFFFFFF)
            table[i] = crc
        return table 
Example #14
Source File:    From mtprotoproxy with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def read(self, buf_size):
        msg_len_bytes = await self.upstream.readexactly(4)
        msg_len = int.from_bytes(msg_len_bytes, "little")
        # skip paddings
        while msg_len == 4:
            msg_len_bytes = await self.upstream.readexactly(4)
            msg_len = int.from_bytes(msg_len_bytes, "little")

        len_is_bad = (msg_len % len(PADDING_FILLER) != 0)
        if not MIN_MSG_LEN <= msg_len <= MAX_MSG_LEN or len_is_bad:
            print_err("msg_len is bad, closing connection", msg_len)
            return b""

        msg_seq_bytes = await self.upstream.readexactly(4)
        msg_seq = int.from_bytes(msg_seq_bytes, "little", signed=True)
        if msg_seq != self.seq_no:
            print_err("unexpected seq_no")
            return b""

        self.seq_no += 1

        data = await self.upstream.readexactly(msg_len - 4 - 4 - 4)
        checksum_bytes = await self.upstream.readexactly(4)
        checksum = int.from_bytes(checksum_bytes, "little")

        computed_checksum = binascii.crc32(msg_len_bytes + msg_seq_bytes + data)
        if computed_checksum != checksum:
            return b""
        return data 
Example #15
Source File:    From oss-ftp with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _update_crc(self, newdata, eof):
        # Update the CRC using the given data.
        if self._expected_crc is None:
            # No need to compute the CRC if we don't have a reference value
        self._running_crc = crc32(newdata, self._running_crc) & 0xffffffff
        # Check the CRC if we're at the end of the file
        if eof and self._running_crc != self._expected_crc:
            raise BadZipfile("Bad CRC-32 for file %r" % 
Example #16
Source File:    From oss-ftp with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_crc32empty(self):
        self.assertEqual(zlib.crc32("", 0), 0)
        self.assertEqual(zlib.crc32("", 1), 1)
        self.assertEqual(zlib.crc32("", 432), 432) 
Example #17
Source File:    From oss-ftp with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, fileobj, mode, zipinfo, decrypter=None,
        self._fileobj = fileobj
        self._decrypter = decrypter
        self._close_fileobj = close_fileobj

        self._compress_type = zipinfo.compress_type
        self._compress_size = zipinfo.compress_size
        self._compress_left = zipinfo.compress_size

        if self._compress_type == ZIP_DEFLATED:
            self._decompressor = zlib.decompressobj(-15)
        elif self._compress_type != ZIP_STORED:
            descr = compressor_names.get(self._compress_type)
            if descr:
                raise NotImplementedError("compression type %d (%s)" % (self._compress_type, descr))
                raise NotImplementedError("compression type %d" % (self._compress_type,))
        self._unconsumed = ''

        self._readbuffer = ''
        self._offset = 0

        self._universal = 'U' in mode
        self.newlines = None

        # Adjust read size for encrypted files since the first 12 bytes
        # are for the encryption/password information.
        if self._decrypter is not None:
            self._compress_left -= 12

        self.mode = mode = zipinfo.filename

        if hasattr(zipinfo, 'CRC'):
            self._expected_crc = zipinfo.CRC
            self._running_crc = crc32(b'') & 0xffffffff
            self._expected_crc = None 
Example #18
Source File:    From oss-ftp with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_abcdefghijklmnop(self):
        """test issue1202 compliance: signed crc32, adler32 in 2.x"""
        foo = 'abcdefghijklmnop'
        # explicitly test signed behavior
        self.assertEqual(zlib.crc32(foo), -1808088941)
        self.assertEqual(zlib.crc32('spam'), 1138425661)
        self.assertEqual(zlib.adler32(foo+foo), -721416943)
        self.assertEqual(zlib.adler32('spam'), 72286642) 
Example #19
Source File:    From oss-ftp with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_penguins(self):
        self.assertEqual32(zlib.crc32("penguin", 0), 0x0e5c1a120L)
        self.assertEqual32(zlib.crc32("penguin", 1), 0x43b6aa94)
        self.assertEqual32(zlib.adler32("penguin", 0), 0x0bcf02f6)
        self.assertEqual32(zlib.adler32("penguin", 1), 0x0bd602f7)

        self.assertEqual(zlib.crc32("penguin"), zlib.crc32("penguin", 0))
Example #20
Source File:    From genielibs with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def system_id(self):
            system_id = self.parent.system_id
            if system_id is None:
                unique_int = binascii.crc32(self.device_name.encode())
                system_id = IsisSystemID(
                        (unique_int >> 16) & 0xFFFF,
                        unique_int & 0xFFFF,
            return system_id 
Example #21
Source File:    From oss-ftp with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_negative_crc_iv_input(self):
        # The range of valid input values for the crc state should be
        # -2**31 through 2**32-1 to allow inputs artifically constrained
        # to a signed 32-bit integer.
        self.assertEqual(zlib.crc32('ham', -1), zlib.crc32('ham', 0xffffffffL))
        self.assertEqual(zlib.crc32('spam', -3141593),
                         zlib.crc32('spam',  0xffd01027L))
        self.assertEqual(zlib.crc32('spam', -(2**31)),
                         zlib.crc32('spam',  (2**31))) 
Example #22
Source File:    From genielibs with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def area_addresses(self):
            area_addresses = self.parent.area_addresses
            if area_addresses is None:
                unique_int = binascii.crc32(self.device_name.encode())
                area_addresses = [
                            (unique_int >> 16) & 0xFFFF,
                            unique_int & 0xFFFF,
            return frozenset(area_addresses) 
Example #23
Source File:    From genielibs with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def area_addresses(self):
        unique_int = binascii.crc32(
        return frozenset([
                    (unique_int >> 16) & 0xFFFF,
                    unique_int & 0xFFFF,
Example #24
Source File:    From aiokafka with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def validate_crc(self):
        crc = crc32(self._buffer[self.MAGIC_OFFSET:])
        return self._crc == crc 
Example #25
Source File:    From mtprotoproxy with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def write(self, msg, extra={}):
        len_bytes = int.to_bytes(len(msg) + 4 + 4 + 4, 4, "little")
        seq_bytes = int.to_bytes(self.seq_no, 4, "little", signed=True)
        self.seq_no += 1

        msg_without_checksum = len_bytes + seq_bytes + msg
        checksum = int.to_bytes(binascii.crc32(msg_without_checksum), 4, "little")

        full_msg = msg_without_checksum + checksum
        padding = PADDING_FILLER * ((-len(full_msg) % CBC_PADDING) // len(PADDING_FILLER))

        return self.upstream.write(full_msg + padding) 
Example #26
Source File:    From BinderFilter with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, fileobj, mode, zipinfo, decrypter=None,
        self._fileobj = fileobj
        self._decrypter = decrypter
        self._close_fileobj = close_fileobj

        self._compress_type = zipinfo.compress_type
        self._compress_size = zipinfo.compress_size
        self._compress_left = zipinfo.compress_size

        if self._compress_type == ZIP_DEFLATED:
            self._decompressor = zlib.decompressobj(-15)
        elif self._compress_type != ZIP_STORED:
            descr = compressor_names.get(self._compress_type)
            if descr:
                raise NotImplementedError("compression type %d (%s)" % (self._compress_type, descr))
                raise NotImplementedError("compression type %d" % (self._compress_type,))
        self._unconsumed = ''

        self._readbuffer = ''
        self._offset = 0

        self._universal = 'U' in mode
        self.newlines = None

        # Adjust read size for encrypted files since the first 12 bytes
        # are for the encryption/password information.
        if self._decrypter is not None:
            self._compress_left -= 12

        self.mode = mode = zipinfo.filename

        if hasattr(zipinfo, 'CRC'):
            self._expected_crc = zipinfo.CRC
            self._running_crc = crc32(b'') & 0xffffffff
            self._expected_crc = None 
Example #27
Source File:    From with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def shard_key(base, key, total_elements, shard_size):   #A
    if isinstance(key, (int, long)) or key.isdigit():   #B
        shard_id = int(str(key), 10) // shard_size      #C
        shards = 2 * total_elements // shard_size       #D
        shard_id = binascii.crc32(key) % shards         #E
    return "%s:%s"%(base, shard_id)                     #F 
Example #28
Source File:    From poc with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def layer7(svc_group, svc_num, sess_id, data):

  hdr  = pack('<HHII',svc_group, svc_num, sess_id, len(data))
  hdr += pack('<HH', 0, 0) 

  pdu  = pack('<HH',0xcd55, len(hdr))
  pdu += hdr 
  pdu += data # Layer7 body 

  pdu = pack('<Ii', len(pdu), binascii.crc32(pdu)) + pdu 

  return pdu 
Example #29
Source File:    From poc with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def layer4_meta(type, data):

  type |= 0xC0 # Meta request from client
  pdu  = pack('<BBH', type, 0, 0x0101)  
  pdu = pdu + pack('<i', binascii.crc32(pdu + '\x00'*4 + data)) + data 
  return pdu 
Example #30
Source File:    From web2board with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def add_mbedlib(libname, libar):
    if libar in env.get("LIBS"):

    lib_dir = join(env.subst("$PLATFORMFW_DIR"), "libs", libname)
    if not isfile(join(lib_dir, "TARGET_%s" % variant,
                       "TOOLCHAIN_GCC_ARM", "lib%s.a" % libar)):
        print (
            "Warning: %s board doesn't have native support for '%s' library!" %
            (env.get("BOARD"), libname), file=sys.stderr)

            join(env.subst("$PLATFORMFW_DIR"), "libs", libname,
                 "TARGET_%s" % variant, "TOOLCHAIN_GCC_ARM")

    sysincdirs = (

    for root, _, files in walk(lib_dir):
        if (not any(f.endswith(".h") for f in files) and
                basename(root) not in sysincdirs):
        var_dir = join("$BUILD_DIR", "FrameworkMbed%sInc%d" %
                       (libname.upper(), crc32(root)))
        if var_dir in env.get("CPPPATH"):
        env.VariantDirWrap(var_dir, root)