Python os.path.isfile() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of os.path.isfile().
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Example #1
Source File: From Authenticator with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 11 votes |
def read(self): try: from PIL import Image from pyzbar.pyzbar import decode decoded_data = decode( if path.isfile(self.filename): remove(self.filename) try: url = urlparse(decoded_data[0].data.decode()) query_params = parse_qsl(url.query) self._codes = dict(query_params) return self._codes.get("secret") except (KeyError, IndexError): Logger.error("Invalid QR image") return None except ImportError: from ..application import Application Application.USE_QRSCANNER = False QRReader.ZBAR_FOUND = False
Example #2
Source File: From Gurux.DLMS.Python with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 7 votes |
def isUpdatesAvailable(cls, path): if sys.version_info < (3, 0): return False # pylint: disable=broad-except if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, "files.xml")): return True try: available = dict() for it in ET.parse(os.path.join(path, "files.xml")).iter(): if it.tag == "File": available[it.text] = datetime.datetime.strptime(it.attrib["Modified"], "%d-%m-%Y") path = NamedTemporaryFile() path.close() urllib.request.urlretrieve("", for it in ET.parse( if it.tag == "File": tmp = datetime.datetime.strptime(it.attrib["Modified"], "%d-%m-%Y") if not it.text in available or available[it.text] != tmp: return True except Exception as e: print(e) return True return False
Example #3
Source File: From b1tifi with MIT License | 7 votes |
def ThreadSSH(self): try: self.session = pxssh.pxssh(encoding='utf-8') if (not path.isfile(self.settings['Password'])): self.session.login(gethostbyname(self.settings['Host']), self.settings['User'], self.settings['Password'],port=self.settings['Port']) else: self.session.login(gethostbyname(self.settings['Host']), self.settings['User'], ssh_key=self.settings['Password'],port=self.settings['Port']) if self.connection: self.status = '[{}]'.format(setcolor('ON',color='green')) self.activated = True except Exception, e: self.status = '[{}]'.format(setcolor('OFF',color='red')) self.activated = False
Example #4
Source File: From razzy-spinner with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, senna_path, operations, encoding='utf-8'): self._encoding = encoding self._path = path.normpath(senna_path) + sep # Verifies the existence of the executable on the self._path first #senna_binary_file_1 = self.executable(self._path) exe_file_1 = self.executable(self._path) if not path.isfile(exe_file_1): # Check for the system environment if 'SENNA' in environ: #self._path = path.join(environ['SENNA'],'') self._path = path.normpath(environ['SENNA']) + sep exe_file_2 = self.executable(self._path) if not path.isfile(exe_file_2): raise OSError("Senna executable expected at %s or %s but not found" % (exe_file_1,exe_file_2)) self.operations = operations
Example #5
Source File: From Att-ChemdNER with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_perf(filename): ''' run perl script to obtain precision/recall and F1 score ''' _conlleval = PREFIX + 'conlleval' if not isfile(_conlleval): #download('') os.system('wget') chmod('', stat.S_IRWXU) # give the execute permissions out = [] proc = subprocess.Popen(["perl", _conlleval], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, _ = proc.communicate(open(filename).read()) for line in stdout.split('\n'): if 'accuracy' in line: out = line.split() break # out = ['accuracy:', '16.26%;', 'precision:', '0.00%;', 'recall:', '0.00%;', 'FB1:', '0.00'] precision = float(out[3][:-2]) recall = float(out[5][:-2]) f1score = float(out[7]) return {'p':precision, 'r':recall, 'f1':f1score}
Example #6
Source File: From mmdetection with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def cvt_annotations(devkit_path, years, split, out_file): if not isinstance(years, list): years = [years] annotations = [] for year in years: filelist = osp.join(devkit_path, f'VOC{year}/ImageSets/Main/{split}.txt') if not osp.isfile(filelist): print(f'filelist does not exist: {filelist}, ' f'skip voc{year} {split}') return img_names = mmcv.list_from_file(filelist) xml_paths = [ osp.join(devkit_path, f'VOC{year}/Annotations/{img_name}.xml') for img_name in img_names ] img_paths = [ f'VOC{year}/JPEGImages/{img_name}.jpg' for img_name in img_names ] part_annotations = mmcv.track_progress(parse_xml, list(zip(xml_paths, img_paths))) annotations.extend(part_annotations) mmcv.dump(annotations, out_file) return annotations
Example #7
Source File: From linter-pylama with MIT License | 6 votes |
def install_hg(path): """ Install hook in Mercurial repository. """ hook = op.join(path, 'hgrc') if not op.isfile(hook): open(hook, 'w+').close() c = ConfigParser() c.readfp(open(hook, 'r')) if not c.has_section('hooks'): c.add_section('hooks') if not c.has_option('hooks', 'commit'): c.set('hooks', 'commit', 'python:pylama.hooks.hg_hook') if not c.has_option('hooks', 'qrefresh'): c.set('hooks', 'qrefresh', 'python:pylama.hooks.hg_hook') c.write(open(hook, 'w+'))
Example #8
Source File: From cassh with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def init_pg(pg_conn): """ Initialize pg database """ if pg_conn is None: print('I am unable to connect to the database') sys.exit(1) cur = pg_conn.cursor() sql_files = [f for f in listdir(SQL_SERVER_PATH) if isfile(join(SQL_SERVER_PATH, f))] for sql_file in sql_files: with open('%s/%s' % (SQL_SERVER_PATH, sql_file), 'r') as sql_model_file: cur.execute( pg_conn.commit() cur.close() pg_conn.close()
Example #9
Source File: From nsf with MIT License | 6 votes |
def process_images(*, path, outfile): assert os.path.exists(path), "Input path doesn't exist" files = [f for f in listdir(path) if isfile(join(path, f))] print('Number of valid images is:', len(files)) imgs = [] for i in tqdm(range(len(files))): img = scipy.ndimage.imread(join(path, files[i])) assert isinstance(img, np.ndarray) img = img.astype('uint8') # HWC -> CHW, for use in PyTorch img = img.transpose(2, 0, 1) assert img.shape == (3, 64, 64) imgs.append(img) imgs = np.asarray(imgs).astype('uint8') assert imgs.shape[1:] == (3, 64, 64), imgs)
Example #10
Source File: From 3vilTwinAttacker with MIT License | 6 votes |
def check_dependencies(): ettercap = popen('which ettercap').read().split("\n") dhcpd = popen('which dhcpd').read().split("\n") lista = [dhcpd[0],'/usr/sbin/airbase-ng', ettercap[0]] m = [] for i in lista: m.append(path.isfile(i)) for k,g in enumerate(m): if m[k] == False: if k == 0: print '[%s✘%s] DHCP not %sfound%s.'%(RED,ENDC,YELLOW,ENDC) for c in m: if c == False: exit(1) break
Example #11
Source File: From Data_Analytics_with_Hadoop with MIT License | 6 votes |
def load_ratings(file, sep='\t'): """ Load ratings from file """ if not isfile(file): print "File %s does not exist." % file sys.exit(1) f = open(file, 'r') # Filter based on movie ratings that have been seen (0 = not seen) ratings = filter(lambda r: r[2] > 0, [parse_rating(line, '\t')[1] for line in f]) f.close() if not ratings: print "No ratings provided." sys.exit(1) else: return ratings
Example #12
Source File: From Gurux.DLMS.Python with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def readManufacturerSettings(cls, manufacturers, path): # pylint: disable=broad-except manufacturers = [] files = [f for f in listdir(path) if isfile(join(path, f))] if files: for it in files: if it.endswith(".obx"): try: manufacturers.append(cls.__parse(os.path.join(path, it))) except Exception as e: print(e) continue # # Serialize manufacturer from the xml. # # @param in # Input stream. # Serialized manufacturer. #
Example #13
Source File: From lineflow with MIT License | 6 votes |
def build_vocab(tokens, cache='vocab.pkl', max_size=50000): if not osp.isfile(cache): counter = Counter(tokens) words, _ = zip(*counter.most_common(max_size)) words = [PAD_TOKEN, UNK_TOKEN] + list(words) token_to_index = dict(zip(words, range(len(words)))) if START_TOKEN not in token_to_index: token_to_index[START_TOKEN] = len(token_to_index) words += [START_TOKEN] if END_TOKEN not in token_to_index: token_to_index[END_TOKEN] = len(token_to_index) words += [END_TOKEN] with open(cache, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump((token_to_index, words), f) else: with open(cache, 'rb') as f: token_to_index, words = pickle.load(f) return token_to_index, words
Example #14
Source File: From aws-ops-automator with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def all_services(): """ Return as list of all supported service names :return: list of all supported service names """ result = [] for f in listdir(SERVICES_PATH): if isfile(join(SERVICES_PATH, f)) and f.endswith("_{}.py".format(SERVICE.lower())): module_name = SERVICE_MODULE_NAME.format(f[0:-len(".py")]) service_module = _get_module(module_name) cls = _get_service_class(service_module) if cls is not None: service_name = cls[0][0:-len(SERVICE)] if service_name.lower() != "aws": result.append(service_name) return result
Example #15
Source File: From calmjs with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def compile_bundle_entry(self, spec, entry): """ Handler for each entry for the bundle method of the compile process. This copies the source file or directory into the build directory. """ modname, source, target, modpath = entry bundled_modpath = {modname: modpath} bundled_target = {modname: target} export_module_name = [] if isfile(source): export_module_name.append(modname) copy_target = join(spec[BUILD_DIR], target) if not exists(dirname(copy_target)): makedirs(dirname(copy_target)) shutil.copy(source, copy_target) elif isdir(source): copy_target = join(spec[BUILD_DIR], modname) shutil.copytree(source, copy_target) return bundled_modpath, bundled_target, export_module_name
Example #16
Source File: From AerialDetection with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def cvt_annotations(devkit_path, years, split, out_file): if not isinstance(years, list): years = [years] annotations = [] for year in years: filelist = osp.join(devkit_path, 'VOC{}/ImageSets/Main/{}.txt'.format( year, split)) if not osp.isfile(filelist): print('filelist does not exist: {}, skip voc{} {}'.format( filelist, year, split)) return img_names = mmcv.list_from_file(filelist) xml_paths = [ osp.join(devkit_path, 'VOC{}/Annotations/{}.xml'.format( year, img_name)) for img_name in img_names ] img_paths = [ 'VOC{}/JPEGImages/{}.jpg'.format(year, img_name) for img_name in img_names ] part_annotations = mmcv.track_progress(parse_xml, list(zip(xml_paths, img_paths))) annotations.extend(part_annotations) mmcv.dump(annotations, out_file) return annotations
Example #17
Source File: From aws-ops-automator with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def all_actions(): """ Returns a list of all available actions from the *.py files in the actions directory :return: ist of all available action """ result = [] directory = os.getcwd() while True: if any([entry for entry in listdir(directory) if entry == ACTIONS_DIR and isdir(os.path.join(directory, entry))]): break directory = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(directory, '..')) actions_dir = os.path.join(directory, ACTIONS_DIR) for f in listdir(actions_dir): if isfile(join(actions_dir, f)) and f.endswith("_{}.py".format(ACTION.lower())): module_name = ACTION_MODULE_NAME.format(f[0:-len(".py")]) mod = get_action_module(module_name) cls = _get_action_class_from_module(mod) if cls is not None: action_name = cls[0][0:-len(ACTION)] result.append(action_name) return result
Example #18
Source File: From aws-ops-automator with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def all_handlers(): global __actions if __actions is None: __actions = [] current = abspath(os.getcwd()) while True: if isdir(os.path.join(current, "handlers")): break parent = dirname(current) if parent == current: # at top level raise Exception("Could not find handlers directory") else: current = parent for f in listdir(os.path.join(current, "handlers")): if isfile(join(current, "handlers", f)) and f.endswith("_{}.py".format(HANDLER.lower())): module_name = HANDLERS_MODULE_NAME.format(f[0:-len(".py")]) m = _get_module(module_name) cls = _get_handler_class(m) if cls is not None: handler_name = cls[0] __actions.append(handler_name) return __actions
Example #19
Source File: From misp42splunk with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def _load_options_from_inputs_spec(app_root, stanza_name): input_spec_file = 'inputs.conf.spec' file_path = op.join(app_root, 'README', input_spec_file) if not op.isfile(file_path): raise RuntimeError("README/%s doesn't exist" % input_spec_file) parser = configparser.RawConfigParser(allow_no_value=True) options = list(parser.defaults().keys()) stanza_prefix = '%s://' % stanza_name stanza_exist = False for section in parser.sections(): if section == stanza_name or section.startswith(stanza_prefix): options.extend(parser.options(section)) stanza_exist = True if not stanza_exist: raise RuntimeError("Stanza %s doesn't exist" % stanza_name) return set(options)
Example #20
Source File: From misp42splunk with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def _load_options_from_inputs_spec(app_root, stanza_name): input_spec_file = 'inputs.conf.spec' file_path = op.join(app_root, 'README', input_spec_file) if not op.isfile(file_path): raise RuntimeError("README/%s doesn't exist" % input_spec_file) parser = configparser.RawConfigParser(allow_no_value=True) options = list(parser.defaults().keys()) stanza_prefix = '%s://' % stanza_name stanza_exist = False for section in parser.sections(): if section == stanza_name or section.startswith(stanza_prefix): options.extend(parser.options(section)) stanza_exist = True if not stanza_exist: raise RuntimeError("Stanza %s doesn't exist" % stanza_name) return set(options)
Example #21
Source File: From MySQL-AutoXtraBackup with MIT License | 6 votes |
def parse_backup_tags(backup_dir, tag_name): """ Static Method for returning the backup directory name and backup type :param backup_dir: The backup directory path :param tag_name: The tag name to search :return: Tuple of (backup directory, backup type) (2017-11-09_19-37-16, Full). :raises: RuntimeError if there is no such tag inside backup_tags.txt """ if os.path.isfile("{}/backup_tags.txt".format(backup_dir)): with open('{}/backup_tags.txt'.format(backup_dir), 'r') as bcktags: f = bcktags.readlines() for i in f: splitted = i.split('\t') if tag_name == splitted[-1].rstrip("'\n\r").lstrip("'"): return splitted[0], splitted[1] raise RuntimeError('There is no such tag for backups')
Example #22
Source File: From MySQL-AutoXtraBackup with MIT License | 6 votes |
def show_tags(backup_dir): if os.path.isfile("{}/backup_tags.txt".format(backup_dir)): with open('{}/backup_tags.txt'.format(backup_dir), 'r') as bcktags: from_file = column_names = "{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}\t{4}\tTAG\n".format( "Backup".ljust(19), "Type".ljust(4), "Status".ljust(2), "Completion_time".ljust(19), "Size") extra_str = "{}\n".format("-"*(len(column_names)+21)) print(column_names + extra_str + from_file) + extra_str + from_file) else: logger.warning("Could not find backup_tags.txt inside given backup directory. Can't print tags.") print("WARNING: Could not find backup_tags.txt inside given backup directory. Can't print tags.")
Example #23
Source File: From lineflow with MIT License | 6 votes |
def build_vocab(tokens, cache='vocab.pkl', max_size=50000): if not osp.isfile(cache): counter = Counter(tokens) words, _ = zip(*counter.most_common(max_size)) words = [PAD_TOKEN, UNK_TOKEN] + list(words) token_to_index = dict(zip(words, range(len(words)))) if START_TOKEN not in token_to_index: token_to_index[START_TOKEN] = len(token_to_index) words += [START_TOKEN] if END_TOKEN not in token_to_index: token_to_index[END_TOKEN] = len(token_to_index) words += [END_TOKEN] with open(cache, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump((token_to_index, words), f) else: with open(cache, 'rb') as f: token_to_index, words = pickle.load(f) return token_to_index, words
Example #24
Source File: From landmarkerio-server with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def convert_legacy_template(path): with open(path) as f: ta ='\n\n') groups = [parse_group(g) for g in ta] data = {'groups': [group_to_dict(g) for g in groups]} new_path = path[:-3] + 'yml' warning = '' if p.isfile(new_path): new_path = path[:-4] + '-converted.yml' warning = '(appended -converted to avoid collision)' with open(new_path, 'w') as nf: yaml.dump(data, nf, indent=4, default_flow_style=False) os.remove(path) print " - {} > {} {}".format(path, new_path, warning)
Example #25
Source File: From Gurux.DLMS.Python with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def isFirstRun(cls, path): if not os.path.isdir(path): os.mkdir(path) return True if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, "files.xml")): return True return False # # Check if there are any updates available in Gurux www server. # # @param path # Settings directory. # Returns true if there are any updates available. #
Example #26
Source File: From sslyze with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def get_include_files() -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: """"Get the list of trust stores so they properly packaged when doing a cx_freeze build. """ plugin_data_files = [] trust_stores_pem_path = root_path / "sslyze" / "plugins" / "certificate_info" / "trust_stores" / "pem_files" for file in listdir(trust_stores_pem_path): file = path.join(trust_stores_pem_path, file) if path.isfile(file): # skip directories filename = path.basename(file) plugin_data_files.append((file, path.join("pem_files", filename))) return plugin_data_files
Example #27
Source File: From hsds with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def getHDF5JSON(filename): if not op.isfile(filename): return None hdf5_json = None with open(filename) as f: hdf5_json = json.load(f) return hdf5_json
Example #28
Source File: From Dispersion-based-Clustering with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _check_integrity(self): return osp.isdir(osp.join(self.root, 'images')) and \ osp.isfile(osp.join(self.root, 'meta.json')) and \ osp.isfile(osp.join(self.root, 'splits.json'))
Example #29
Source File: From reading-text-in-the-wild with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def loadImage(self, filename): if not isfile(filename): print filename + "does not exist" else: img = mpimg.imread(filename) if len(img.shape) == 3 and img.shape[2] == 3: img =[...,:3], [0.2989, 0.5870, 0.1140]) # Convert to greyscale im = resize(img, (32,100), order=1, preserve_range=True) im = np.array(im,dtype=np.float32) # convert to single precision img = (im - np.mean(im)) / ( (np.std(im) + 0.0001) ) return img
Example #30
Source File: From CalibrationNN with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __fromfile(self): file_name = self.file_name() + '.h5' if isfile(file_name): self.model = load_model(file_name) else: self.model = None