Python flask_migrate.upgrade() Examples
The following are 11
code examples of flask_migrate.upgrade().
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Example #1
Source File: From betterlifepsi with MIT License | 6 votes |
def wait_on_postgres(retries=5, migrate=True): """Block until Postgres is ready (optionally, run any migrations) Shamelessly appropriated from """ dsn = os.environ.get('DATABASE_URL') @retry(retries, exceptions=(psycopg2.OperationalError,)) def wait(): con = psycopg2.connect(**psycopg2.extensions.parse_dsn(dsn)) con.close()'Postgres is ready!') wait() if migrate:'Running database migrations, if any') with application.app_context(): flask_migrate.upgrade(directory=MIGRATION_DIR)
Example #2
Source File: From app with MIT License | 5 votes |
def create_db(): if not database_exists(DB_URI): LOG.debug("db not exist, create database") create_database(DB_URI) # Create all tables # Use flask-migrate instead of db.create_all() flask_migrate.upgrade()
Example #3
Source File: From flask-restful-example with MIT License | 5 votes |
def setUp(self): app_ctx = app_ctx.push() flask_migrate.init() flask_migrate.migrate() flask_migrate.upgrade() app_ctx.pop()['TESTING'] = True self.client =
Example #4
Source File: From ara-archive with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def configure_db(app): """ 0.10 is the first version of ARA that ships with a stable database schema. We can identify a database that originates from before this by checking if there is an alembic revision available. If there is no alembic revision available, assume we are running the first revision which contains the latest state of the database prior to this. """ db.init_app(app) log = logging.getLogger(app.logger_name) if app.config.get('ARA_AUTOCREATE_DATABASE'): with app.app_context(): migrations = app.config['DB_MIGRATIONS'] flask_migrate.Migrate(app, db, directory=migrations) config = app.extensions['migrate'].migrate.get_config(migrations) # Verify if the database tables have been created at all inspector = Inspector.from_engine(db.engine) if len(inspector.get_table_names()) == 0:'Initializing new DB from scratch') flask_migrate.upgrade(directory=migrations) # Get current alembic head revision script = ScriptDirectory.from_config(config) head = script.get_current_head() # Get current revision, if available connection = db.engine.connect() context = MigrationContext.configure(connection) current = context.get_current_revision() if not current:'Unstable DB schema, stamping original revision') flask_migrate.stamp(directory=migrations, revision='da9459a1f71c') if head != current:'DB schema out of date, upgrading') flask_migrate.upgrade(directory=migrations)
Example #5
Source File: From zou with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def init_db(): "Creates datababase table (database must be created through PG client)." print("Creating database and tables...") from import app with app.app_context(): import zou directory = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(zou.__file__), "migrations") flask_migrate.upgrade(directory=directory) print("Database and tables created.")
Example #6
Source File: From zou with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def upgrade_db(): "Upgrade database schema." from import app with app.app_context(): import zou directory = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(zou.__file__), "migrations") flask_migrate.upgrade(directory=directory)
Example #7
Source File: From cloudify-manager with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def upgrade(args): """Upgrade database schema.""" flask_migrate.upgrade(DIRECTORY, args['revision'])
Example #8
Source File: From puffin with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def init(): "Initialize Puffin dependencies" wait() db_create() flask_migrate.upgrade() user_create("puffin") machine_network() machine_volume() machine_proxy() machine_mail()
Example #9
Source File: From cloudify-manager with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def parse_arguments(argv): """Parse command line arguments. :param argv: Command line arguments :type argv: list(str) :returns: Parsed arguments :rtype: argparse.Namespace """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) parser.add_argument('--postgresql-host', dest='postgresql_host', help='Address the database is listening on', default='localhost') parser.add_argument('--postgresql-username', dest='postgresql_username', help='Username for the database connection') parser.add_argument('--postgresql-password', dest='postgresql_password', help='Password for the database connection') parser.add_argument('--postgresql-db-name', dest='postgresql_db_name', help='Database name') subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(help='Migration subcommands') downgrade_parser = subparsers.add_parser( 'downgrade', help='Downgrade schema to target revision') downgrade_parser.add_argument('revision', help='Target schema revision') downgrade_parser.set_defaults(func=downgrade) upgrade_parser = subparsers.add_parser( 'upgrade', help='Upgrade schema to target revision') upgrade_parser.add_argument('revision', help='Target schema revision') upgrade_parser.set_defaults(func=upgrade) current_parser = subparsers.add_parser( 'current', help='Get current database schema revision') current_parser.set_defaults(func=current) log_levels = ['debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error', 'critical'] parser.add_argument( '-l', '--log-level', dest='log_level', choices=log_levels, default='debug', help=('Log level. One of {0} or {1} ' '(%(default)s by default)' .format(', '.join(log_levels[:-1]), log_levels[-1]))) args = vars(parser.parse_args(argv)) args['log_level'] = getattr(logging, args['log_level'].upper()) return args
Example #10
Source File: From PowerDNS-Admin with MIT License | 4 votes |
def initial_data(): pdns_proto = os.environ['PDNS_PROTO'] pdns_host = os.environ['PDNS_HOST'] pdns_port = os.environ['PDNS_PORT'] pdns_api_url = '{0}://{1}:{2}'.format(pdns_proto, pdns_host, pdns_port) api_url_setting = Setting('pdns_api_url', pdns_api_url) api_key_setting = Setting('pdns_api_key', os.environ['PDNS_API_KEY']) allow_create_domain_setting = Setting('allow_user_create_domain', True) try: flask_migrate.upgrade() db.session.add(api_url_setting) db.session.add(api_key_setting) db.session.add(allow_create_domain_setting) test_user = app.config.get('TEST_USER') test_user_pass = app.config.get('TEST_USER_PASSWORD') test_admin_user = app.config.get('TEST_ADMIN_USER') test_admin_pass = app.config.get('TEST_ADMIN_PASSWORD') admin_user = User(username=test_admin_user, plain_text_password=test_admin_pass, email="") msg = admin_user.create_local_user() if not msg: raise Exception("Error occurred creating user {0}".format(msg)) ordinary_user = User(username=test_user, plain_text_password=test_user_pass, email="") msg = ordinary_user.create_local_user() if not msg: raise Exception("Error occurred creating user {0}".format(msg)) except Exception as e: print("Unexpected ERROR: {0}".format(e)) raise e yield db.session.close() os.unlink(app.config['TEST_DB_LOCATION'])
Example #11
Source File: From PowerDNS-Admin with MIT License | 4 votes |
def initial_apikey_data(): pdns_proto = os.environ['PDNS_PROTO'] pdns_host = os.environ['PDNS_HOST'] pdns_port = os.environ['PDNS_PORT'] pdns_api_url = '{0}://{1}:{2}'.format(pdns_proto, pdns_host, pdns_port) api_url_setting = Setting('pdns_api_url', pdns_api_url) api_key_setting = Setting('pdns_api_key', os.environ['PDNS_API_KEY']) allow_create_domain_setting = Setting('allow_user_create_domain', True) try: flask_migrate.upgrade() db.session.add(api_url_setting) db.session.add(api_key_setting) db.session.add(allow_create_domain_setting) test_user_apikey = app.config.get('TEST_USER_APIKEY') test_admin_apikey = app.config.get('TEST_ADMIN_APIKEY') dummy_apikey = ApiKey(desc="dummy", role_name="Administrator") admin_key = dummy_apikey.get_hashed_password( plain_text_password=test_admin_apikey).decode('utf-8') admin_apikey = ApiKey(key=admin_key, desc="test admin apikey", role_name="Administrator") admin_apikey.create() user_key = dummy_apikey.get_hashed_password( plain_text_password=test_user_apikey).decode('utf-8') user_apikey = ApiKey(key=user_key, desc="test user apikey", role_name="User") user_apikey.create() except Exception as e: print("Unexpected ERROR: {0}".format(e)) raise e yield db.session.close() os.unlink(app.config['TEST_DB_LOCATION'])