Python pandas.CategoricalIndex() Examples

The following are 30 code examples of pandas.CategoricalIndex(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module pandas , or try the search function .
Example #1
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def test_dataframe_dummies_preserve_categorical_dtype(self, dtype):
        # GH13854
        for ordered in [False, True]:
            cat = pd.Categorical(list("xy"), categories=list("xyz"),
            result = get_dummies(cat, dtype=dtype)

            data = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0]],
            cols = pd.CategoricalIndex(cat.categories,
            expected = DataFrame(data, columns=cols,

            tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) 
Example #2
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def test_categorical_preserves_tz(self):
        # GH#18664 retain tz when going DTI-->Categorical-->DTI
        # TODO: parametrize over DatetimeIndex/DatetimeArray
        #  once CategoricalIndex(DTA) works

        dti = pd.DatetimeIndex(
            [pd.NaT, '2015-01-01', '1999-04-06 15:14:13', '2015-01-01'],

        ci = pd.CategoricalIndex(dti)
        carr = pd.Categorical(dti)
        cser = pd.Series(ci)

        for obj in [ci, carr, cser]:
            result = pd.DatetimeIndex(obj)
            tm.assert_index_equal(result, dti) 
Example #3
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def test_isin(self):

        ci = CategoricalIndex(
            list('aabca') + [np.nan], categories=['c', 'a', 'b'])
            np.array([False, False, False, True, False, False]))
            ci.isin(['c', 'a', 'b']), np.array([True] * 5 + [False]))
            ci.isin(['c', 'a', 'b', np.nan]), np.array([True] * 6))

        # mismatched categorical -> coerced to ndarray so doesn't matter
        result = ci.isin(ci.set_categories(list('abcdefghi')))
        expected = np.array([True] * 6)
        tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected)

        result = ci.isin(ci.set_categories(list('defghi')))
        expected = np.array([False] * 5 + [True])
        tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) 
Example #4
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def test_repr_roundtrip(self):

        ci = CategoricalIndex(['a', 'b'], categories=['a', 'b'], ordered=True)
        tm.assert_index_equal(eval(repr(ci)), ci, exact=True)

        # formatting
        if PY3:

        # long format
        # this is not reprable
        ci = CategoricalIndex(np.random.randint(0, 5, size=100))
        if PY3:
Example #5
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def test_get_indexer_consistency(self):
        # See GH 16819
        for name, index in self.indices.items():
            if isinstance(index, IntervalIndex):

            if index.is_unique or isinstance(index, CategoricalIndex):
                indexer = index.get_indexer(index[0:2])
                assert isinstance(indexer, np.ndarray)
                assert indexer.dtype == np.intp
                e = "Reindexing only valid with uniquely valued Index objects"
                with pytest.raises(InvalidIndexError, match=e):

            indexer, _ = index.get_indexer_non_unique(index[0:2])
            assert isinstance(indexer, np.ndarray)
            assert indexer.dtype == np.intp 
Example #6
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def test_numpy_argsort(self):
        for k, ind in self.indices.items():
            result = np.argsort(ind)
            expected = ind.argsort()
            tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected)

            # these are the only two types that perform
            # pandas compatibility input validation - the
            # rest already perform separate (or no) such
            # validation via their 'values' attribute as
            # defined in pandas.core.indexes/ - they
            # cannot be changed at the moment due to
            # backwards compatibility concerns
            if isinstance(type(ind), (CategoricalIndex, RangeIndex)):
                msg = "the 'axis' parameter is not supported"
                with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
                    np.argsort(ind, axis=1)

                msg = "the 'kind' parameter is not supported"
                with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
                    np.argsort(ind, kind='mergesort')

                msg = "the 'order' parameter is not supported"
                with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
                    np.argsort(ind, order=('a', 'b')) 
Example #7
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def test_value_counts(self):
        # GH 12835
        cats = Categorical(list('abcccb'), categories=list('cabd'))
        s = Series(cats, name='xxx')
        res = s.value_counts(sort=False)

        exp_index = CategoricalIndex(list('cabd'), categories=cats.categories)
        exp = Series([3, 1, 2, 0], name='xxx', index=exp_index)
        tm.assert_series_equal(res, exp)

        res = s.value_counts(sort=True)

        exp_index = CategoricalIndex(list('cbad'), categories=cats.categories)
        exp = Series([3, 2, 1, 0], name='xxx', index=exp_index)
        tm.assert_series_equal(res, exp)

        # check object dtype handles the as the same
        # (tested in
        s = Series(["a", "b", "c", "c", "c", "b"], name='xxx')
        res = s.value_counts()
        exp = Series([3, 2, 1], name='xxx', index=["c", "b", "a"])
        tm.assert_series_equal(res, exp) 
Example #8
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def test_value_counts_categorical_ordered(self):
        # most dtypes are tested in
        values = pd.Categorical([1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 3], ordered=True)

        exp_idx = pd.CategoricalIndex([1, 3, 2], categories=[1, 2, 3],
        exp = pd.Series([3, 2, 1], index=exp_idx, name='xxx')

        s = pd.Series(values, name='xxx')
        tm.assert_series_equal(s.value_counts(), exp)
        # check CategoricalIndex outputs the same result
        idx = pd.CategoricalIndex(values, name='xxx')
        tm.assert_series_equal(idx.value_counts(), exp)

        # normalize
        exp = pd.Series(np.array([3., 2., 1]) / 6.,
                        index=exp_idx, name='xxx')
        tm.assert_series_equal(s.value_counts(normalize=True), exp)
        tm.assert_series_equal(idx.value_counts(normalize=True), exp) 
Example #9
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def test_unstack_categorical():
    # GH11558 (example is taken from the original issue)
    df = pd.DataFrame({'a': range(10),
                       'medium': ['A', 'B'] * 5,
                       'artist': list('XYXXY') * 2})
    df['medium'] = df['medium'].astype('category')

    gcat = df.groupby(
        ['artist', 'medium'], observed=False)['a'].count().unstack()
    result = gcat.describe()

    exp_columns = pd.CategoricalIndex(['A', 'B'], ordered=False,
    tm.assert_index_equal(result.columns, exp_columns)
    tm.assert_categorical_equal(result.columns.values, exp_columns.values)

    result = gcat['A'] + gcat['B']
    expected = pd.Series([6, 4], index=pd.Index(['X', 'Y'], name='artist'))
    tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) 
Example #10
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def test_map_with_dict_or_series(self):
        orig_values = ['a', 'B', 1, 'a']
        new_values = ['one', 2, 3.0, 'one']
        cur_index = pd.CategoricalIndex(orig_values, name='XXX')
        expected = pd.CategoricalIndex(new_values,
                                       name='XXX', categories=[3.0, 2, 'one'])

        mapper = pd.Series(new_values[:-1], index=orig_values[:-1])
        output =
        # Order of categories in output can be different
        tm.assert_index_equal(expected, output)

        mapper = {o: n for o, n in
                  zip(orig_values[:-1], new_values[:-1])}
        output =
        # Order of categories in output can be different
        tm.assert_index_equal(expected, output) 
Example #11
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def test_construction_with_dtype(self):

        # specify dtype
        ci = self.create_index(categories=list('abc'))

        result = Index(np.array(ci), dtype='category')
        tm.assert_index_equal(result, ci, exact=True)

        result = Index(np.array(ci).tolist(), dtype='category')
        tm.assert_index_equal(result, ci, exact=True)

        # these are generally only equal when the categories are reordered
        ci = self.create_index()

        result = Index(
            np.array(ci), dtype='category').reorder_categories(ci.categories)
        tm.assert_index_equal(result, ci, exact=True)

        # make sure indexes are handled
        expected = CategoricalIndex([0, 1, 2], categories=[0, 1, 2],
        idx = Index(range(3))
        result = CategoricalIndex(idx, categories=idx, ordered=True)
        tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected, exact=True) 
Example #12
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def test_map_dictlike(idx, mapper):

    if isinstance(idx, (pd.CategoricalIndex, pd.IntervalIndex)):
        pytest.skip("skipping tests for {}".format(type(idx)))

    identity = mapper(idx.values, idx)

    # we don't infer to UInt64 for a dict
    if isinstance(idx, pd.UInt64Index) and isinstance(identity, dict):
        expected = idx.astype('int64')
        expected = idx

    result =
    tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)

    # empty mappable
    expected = pd.Index([np.nan] * len(idx))
    result =, idx))
    tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) 
Example #13
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def test_bar_categorical(self):
        # GH 13019
        df1 = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(6, 5),
        # categorical index must behave the same
        df2 = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(6, 5),

        for df in [df1, df2]:
            ax =
            ticks = ax.xaxis.get_ticklocs()
            tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(ticks, np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]))
            assert ax.get_xlim() == (-0.5, 5.5)
            # check left-edge of bars
            assert ax.patches[0].get_x() == -0.25
            assert ax.patches[-1].get_x() == 5.15

            ax =
            tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(ticks, np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]))
            assert ax.get_xlim() == (-0.5, 5.5)
            assert ax.patches[0].get_x() == -0.25
            assert ax.patches[-1].get_x() == 4.75 
Example #14
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def test_numpy_argsort(idx):
    result = np.argsort(idx)
    expected = idx.argsort()
    tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected)

    # these are the only two types that perform
    # pandas compatibility input validation - the
    # rest already perform separate (or no) such
    # validation via their 'values' attribute as
    # defined in pandas.core.indexes/ - they
    # cannot be changed at the moment due to
    # backwards compatibility concerns
    if isinstance(type(idx), (CategoricalIndex, RangeIndex)):
        msg = "the 'axis' parameter is not supported"
        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
            np.argsort(idx, axis=1)

        msg = "the 'kind' parameter is not supported"
        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
            np.argsort(idx, kind='mergesort')

        msg = "the 'order' parameter is not supported"
        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
            np.argsort(idx, order=('a', 'b')) 
Example #15
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def test_contains(self):

        ci = self.create_index(categories=list('cabdef'))

        assert 'a' in ci
        assert 'z' not in ci
        assert 'e' not in ci
        assert np.nan not in ci

        # assert codes NOT in index
        assert 0 not in ci
        assert 1 not in ci

        ci = CategoricalIndex(
            list('aabbca') + [np.nan], categories=list('cabdef'))
        assert np.nan in ci 
Example #16
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def test_union_categorical_unwrap(self):
        # GH 14173
        c1 = Categorical(['a', 'b'])
        c2 = pd.Series(['b', 'c'], dtype='category')
        result = union_categoricals([c1, c2])
        expected = Categorical(['a', 'b', 'b', 'c'])
        tm.assert_categorical_equal(result, expected)

        c2 = CategoricalIndex(c2)
        result = union_categoricals([c1, c2])
        tm.assert_categorical_equal(result, expected)

        c1 = Series(c1)
        result = union_categoricals([c1, c2])
        tm.assert_categorical_equal(result, expected)

        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            union_categoricals([c1, ['a', 'b', 'c']]) 
Example #17
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def test_crosstab_with_categorial_columns(self):
        # GH 8860
        df = pd.DataFrame({'MAKE': ['Honda', 'Acura', 'Tesla',
                                    'Honda', 'Honda', 'Acura'],
                           'MODEL': ['Sedan', 'Sedan', 'Electric',
                                     'Pickup', 'Sedan', 'Sedan']})
        categories = ['Sedan', 'Electric', 'Pickup']
        df['MODEL'] = (df['MODEL'].astype('category')
        result = pd.crosstab(df['MAKE'], df['MODEL'])

        expected_index = pd.Index(['Acura', 'Honda', 'Tesla'], name='MAKE')
        expected_columns = pd.CategoricalIndex(categories,
        expected_data = [[2, 0, 0], [2, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0]]
        expected = pd.DataFrame(expected_data,
        tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) 
Example #18
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def test_from_arrays_index_series_categorical():
    # GH13743
    idx1 = pd.CategoricalIndex(list("abcaab"), categories=list("bac"),
    idx2 = pd.CategoricalIndex(list("abcaab"), categories=list("bac"),

    result = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([idx1, idx2])
    tm.assert_index_equal(result.get_level_values(0), idx1)
    tm.assert_index_equal(result.get_level_values(1), idx2)

    result2 = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([pd.Series(idx1), pd.Series(idx2)])
    tm.assert_index_equal(result2.get_level_values(0), idx1)
    tm.assert_index_equal(result2.get_level_values(1), idx2)

    result3 = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([idx1.values, idx2.values])
    tm.assert_index_equal(result3.get_level_values(0), idx1)
    tm.assert_index_equal(result3.get_level_values(1), idx2) 
Example #19
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def test_categorical_aggfunc(self, observed):
        # GH 9534
        df = pd.DataFrame({"C1": ["A", "B", "C", "C"],
                           "C2": ["a", "a", "b", "b"],
                           "V": [1, 2, 3, 4]})
        df["C1"] = df["C1"].astype("category")
        result = df.pivot_table("V", index="C1", columns="C2",
                                dropna=observed, aggfunc="count")

        expected_index = pd.CategoricalIndex(['A', 'B', 'C'],
                                             categories=['A', 'B', 'C'],
        expected_columns = pd.Index(['a', 'b'], name='C2')
        expected_data = np.array([[1., np.nan],
                                  [1., np.nan],
                                  [np.nan, 2.]])
        expected = pd.DataFrame(expected_data,
        tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) 
Example #20
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def test_preserve_categorical_dtype(self):
        # GH13854
        for ordered in [False, True]:
            cidx = pd.CategoricalIndex(list("xyz"), ordered=ordered)
            midx = pd.MultiIndex(levels=[['a'], cidx],
                                 codes=[[0, 0], [0, 1]])
            df = DataFrame([[10, 11]], index=midx)

            expected = DataFrame([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]],
                                 index=midx, columns=cidx)

            from pandas.core.reshape.reshape import make_axis_dummies
            result = make_axis_dummies(df)
            tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected)

            result = make_axis_dummies(df, transform=lambda x: x)
            tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) 
Example #21
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def test_delete(self):

        ci = self.create_index()
        categories = ci.categories

        result = ci.delete(0)
        expected = CategoricalIndex(list('abbca'), categories=categories)
        tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected, exact=True)

        result = ci.delete(-1)
        expected = CategoricalIndex(list('aabbc'), categories=categories)
        tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected, exact=True)

        with pytest.raises((IndexError, ValueError)):
            # Either depending on NumPy version
Example #22
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def test_astype(self):

        ci = self.create_index()
        result = ci.astype(object)
        tm.assert_index_equal(result, Index(np.array(ci)))

        # this IS equal, but not the same class
        assert result.equals(ci)
        assert isinstance(result, Index)
        assert not isinstance(result, CategoricalIndex)

        # interval
        ii = IntervalIndex.from_arrays(left=[-0.001, 2.0],
                                       right=[2, 4],

        ci = CategoricalIndex(Categorical.from_codes(
            [0, 1, -1], categories=ii, ordered=True))

        result = ci.astype('interval')
        expected = ii.take([0, 1, -1])
        tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)

        result = IntervalIndex(result.values)
        tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) 
Example #23
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def test_astype_category(self, copy, name, ordered):
        # GH 18630
        index = self.create_index()
        if name:
            index = index.rename(name)

        # standard categories
        dtype = CategoricalDtype(ordered=ordered)
        result = index.astype(dtype, copy=copy)
        expected = CategoricalIndex(index.values, name=name, ordered=ordered)
        tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)

        # non-standard categories
        dtype = CategoricalDtype(index.unique().tolist()[:-1], ordered)
        result = index.astype(dtype, copy=copy)
        expected = CategoricalIndex(index.values, name=name, dtype=dtype)
        tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)

        if ordered is False:
            # dtype='category' defaults to ordered=False, so only test once
            result = index.astype('category', copy=copy)
            expected = CategoricalIndex(index.values, name=name)
            tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) 
Example #24
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def test_astype_category(self):
        obj = pd.period_range("2000", periods=2)
        result = obj.astype('category')
        expected = pd.CategoricalIndex([pd.Period('2000-01-01', freq="D"),
                                        pd.Period('2000-01-02', freq="D")])
        tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)

        result = obj._data.astype('category')
        expected = expected.values
        tm.assert_categorical_equal(result, expected) 
Example #25
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def test_astype_category(self, tz):
        obj = pd.date_range("2000", periods=2, tz=tz)
        result = obj.astype('category')
        expected = pd.CategoricalIndex([pd.Timestamp('2000-01-01', tz=tz),
                                        pd.Timestamp('2000-01-02', tz=tz)])
        tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)

        result = obj._data.astype('category')
        expected = expected.values
        tm.assert_categorical_equal(result, expected) 
Example #26
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def test_fillna_categorical(self):
        # GH 11343
        idx = CategoricalIndex([1.0, np.nan, 3.0, 1.0], name='x')
        # fill by value in categories
        exp = CategoricalIndex([1.0, 1.0, 3.0, 1.0], name='x')
        tm.assert_index_equal(idx.fillna(1.0), exp)

        # fill by value not in categories raises ValueError
        msg = 'fill value must be in categories'
        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
Example #27
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def test_set_levels_categorical(ordered):
    # GH13854
    index = MultiIndex.from_arrays([list("xyzx"), [0, 1, 2, 3]])

    cidx = CategoricalIndex(list("bac"), ordered=ordered)
    result = index.set_levels(cidx, 0)
    expected = MultiIndex(levels=[cidx, [0, 1, 2, 3]],
    tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)

    result_lvl = result.get_level_values(0)
    expected_lvl = CategoricalIndex(list("bacb"),
    tm.assert_index_equal(result_lvl, expected_lvl) 
Example #28
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def test_engine_type(self, dtype, engine_type):
        if dtype != np.int64:
            # num. of uniques required to push to a
            # dtype (128 categories required for .codes dtype to be int16 etc.)
            num_uniques = {np.int8: 1, np.int16: 128, np.int32: 32768}[dtype]
            ci = pd.CategoricalIndex(range(num_uniques))
            # having 2**32 - 2**31 categories would be very memory-intensive,
            # so we cheat a bit with the dtype
            ci = pd.CategoricalIndex(range(32768))  # == 2**16 - 2**(16 - 1)
            ci.values._codes = ci.values._codes.astype('int64')
        assert np.issubdtype(, dtype)
        assert isinstance(ci._engine, engine_type) 
Example #29
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def test_take_invalid_kwargs(self):
        idx = pd.CategoricalIndex([1, 2, 3], name='foo')
        indices = [1, 0, -1]

        msg = r"take\(\) got an unexpected keyword argument 'foo'"
        with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg):
            idx.take(indices, foo=2)

        msg = "the 'out' parameter is not supported"
        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
            idx.take(indices, out=indices)

        msg = "the 'mode' parameter is not supported"
        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
            idx.take(indices, mode='clip') 
Example #30
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def test_mask_with_boolean(index):
    s = Series(range(3))
    idx = Categorical([True, False, True])
    if index:
        idx = CategoricalIndex(idx)

    assert com.is_bool_indexer(idx)
    result = s[idx]
    expected = s[idx.astype('object')]
    tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected)