Python typing_extensions.Final() Examples
The following are 25
code examples of typing_extensions.Final().
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Example #1
Source File: From dataclasses-jsonschema with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_final_field(): @dataclass class TestWithFinal(JsonSchemaMixin): """Dataclass with final field""" name: Final[str] expected_schema = { 'type': 'object', 'description': 'Dataclass with final field', 'properties': { 'name': {'type': 'string'} }, 'required': ['name'] } assert TestWithFinal.json_schema() == compose_schema(expected_schema) assert TestWithFinal.from_dict({'name': 'foo'}) == TestWithFinal(name='foo') assert TestWithFinal(name='foo').to_dict() == {'name': 'foo'}
Example #2
Source File: From ray with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _is_parametrized_type_hint(obj): # This is very cheap but might generate false positives. # general typing Constructs is_typing = getattr(obj, '__origin__', None) is not None # typing_extensions.Literal is_litteral = getattr(obj, '__values__', None) is not None # typing_extensions.Final is_final = getattr(obj, '__type__', None) is not None # typing.Union/Tuple for old Python 3.5 is_union = getattr(obj, '__union_params__', None) is not None is_tuple = getattr(obj, '__tuple_params__', None) is not None is_callable = ( getattr(obj, '__result__', None) is not None and getattr(obj, '__args__', None) is not None ) return any((is_typing, is_litteral, is_final, is_union, is_tuple, is_callable))
Example #3
Source File: From python_withings_api with MIT License | 6 votes |
def sleep_get( self, startdate: Optional[DateType] = None, enddate: Optional[DateType] = None, data_fields: Optional[Iterable[GetSleepField]] = None, ) -> SleepGetResponse: """Get sleep data.""" params: Final[ParamsType] = {} update_params( params, "startdate", startdate, lambda val: arrow.get(val).timestamp ) update_params(params, "enddate", enddate, lambda val: arrow.get(val).timestamp) update_params( params, "data_fields", data_fields, lambda fields: ",".join([field.value for field in fields]), ) update_params(params, "action", "get") return new_sleep_get_response( self.request(path=self.PATH_V2_SLEEP, params=params) )
Example #4
Source File: From python_withings_api with MIT License | 6 votes |
def notify_get( self, callbackurl: str, appli: Optional[NotifyAppli] = None ) -> NotifyGetResponse: """ Get subscription. Return the last notification service that a user was subscribed to, and its expiry date. """ params: Final[ParamsType] = {} update_params(params, "callbackurl", callbackurl) update_params(params, "appli", appli, lambda appli: appli.value) update_params(params, "action", "get") return new_notify_get_response( self.request(path=self.PATH_NOTIFY, params=params) )
Example #5
Source File: From python_withings_api with MIT License | 6 votes |
def notify_revoke( self, callbackurl: Optional[str] = None, appli: Optional[NotifyAppli] = None ) -> None: """ Revoke a subscription. This service disables the notification between the API and the specified applications for the user. """ params: Final[ParamsType] = {} update_params(params, "callbackurl", callbackurl) update_params(params, "appli", appli, lambda appli: appli.value) update_params(params, "action", "revoke") self.request(path=self.PATH_NOTIFY, params=params)
Example #6
Source File: From python_withings_api with MIT License | 6 votes |
def response_body_or_raise(data: Any) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Parse withings response or raise exception.""" parsed_response: Final = dict_or_raise(data) status_any: Final = parsed_response.get("status") status: Final = int_or_none(status_any) if status is None: raise UnknownStatusException(status=status) if status in STATUS_SUCCESS: return cast(Dict[str, Any], parsed_response.get("body")) if status in STATUS_AUTH_FAILED: raise AuthFailedException(status=status) if status in STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS: raise InvalidParamsException(status=status) if status in STATUS_UNAUTHORIZED: raise UnauthorizedException(status=status) if status in STATUS_ERROR_OCCURRED: raise ErrorOccurredException(status=status) if status in STATUS_TIMEOUT: raise TimeoutException(status=status) if status in STATUS_BAD_STATE: raise BadStateException(status=status) if status in STATUS_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS: raise TooManyRequestsException(status=status) raise UnknownStatusException(status=status)
Example #7
Source File: From python_withings_api with MIT License | 6 votes |
def notify_update( self, callbackurl: str, appli: NotifyAppli, new_callbackurl: str, new_appli: Optional[NotifyAppli] = None, comment: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """Update the callbackurl and or appli of a created notification.""" params: Final[ParamsType] = {} update_params(params, "callbackurl", callbackurl) update_params(params, "appli", appli, lambda appli: appli.value) update_params(params, "new_callbackurl", new_callbackurl) update_params(params, "new_appli", new_appli, lambda new_appli: new_appli.value) update_params(params, "comment", comment) update_params(params, "action", "update") self.request(path=self.PATH_NOTIFY, params=params)
Example #8
Source File: From python_withings_api with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __init__( self, client_id: str, consumer_secret: str, callback_uri: str, scope: Iterable[AuthScope] = tuple(), mode: Optional[str] = None, ): """Initialize new object.""" self._client_id: Final = client_id self._consumer_secret: Final = consumer_secret self._callback_uri: Final = callback_uri self._scope: Final = scope self._mode: Final = mode self._session: Final = OAuth2Session( self._client_id, redirect_uri=self._callback_uri, scope=",".join((scope.value for scope in self._scope)), )
Example #9
Source File: From python_withings_api with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get_measure_value( from_source: Union[ MeasureGetMeasGroup, MeasureGetMeasResponse, Tuple[MeasureGetMeasGroup, ...] ], with_measure_type: Union[MeasureType, Tuple[MeasureType, ...]], with_group_attrib: Union[ MeasureGetMeasGroupAttrib, Tuple[MeasureGetMeasGroupAttrib, ...] ] = MeasureGroupAttribs.ANY, ) -> Optional[float]: """Get the first value of a measure that meet the query requirements.""" groups: Final = query_measure_groups( from_source, with_measure_type, with_group_attrib ) return next( iter( tuple( float(measure.value * pow(10, measure.unit)) for group in groups for measure in group.measures ) ), None, )
Example #10
Source File: From python_withings_api with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _flexible_tuple_of( items: Iterable[Any], fun: Callable[[Any], GenericType] ) -> Tuple[GenericType, ...]: """Create a tuple of objects resolved through lambda. If the lambda throws an exception, the resulting item will be ignored. """ new_items: Final[List[GenericType]] = [] for item in items: try: new_items.append(fun(item)) except Exception: # pylint:disable=broad-except print( "Warning: Failed to convert object. See exception for details.", traceback.format_exc(), ) return tuple(new_items)
Example #11
Source File: From python_withings_api with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__( self, credentials: Credentials, refresh_cb: Optional[Callable[[Credentials], None]] = None, ): """Initialize new object.""" self._credentials = credentials self._refresh_cb: Final = refresh_cb token: Final = { "access_token": credentials.access_token, "refresh_token": credentials.refresh_token, "token_type": credentials.token_type, "expires_in": str(int(credentials.token_expiry) - arrow.utcnow().timestamp), } self._client: Final = OAuth2Session( credentials.client_id, token=token, client=WebApplicationClient( # nosec credentials.client_id, token=token, default_token_placement="query" ), auto_refresh_url="%s/%s" % (WithingsAuth.URL, WithingsAuth.PATH_TOKEN), auto_refresh_kwargs={ "client_id": credentials.client_id, "client_secret": credentials.consumer_secret, }, token_updater=self._update_token, )
Example #12
Source File: From python_withings_api with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_get_measure_value() -> None: """Test function.""" response: Final = MeasureGetMeasResponse( offset=0, more=False, timezone=TIMEZONE0, updatetime=arrow.get(100000), measuregrps=( MeasureGetMeasGroup( attrib=MeasureGetMeasGroupAttrib.MANUAL_USER_DURING_ACCOUNT_CREATION, category=MeasureGetMeasGroupCategory.USER_OBJECTIVES, created=arrow.utcnow(), date=arrow.utcnow(), deviceid="dev1", grpid=1, measures=( MeasureGetMeasMeasure(type=MeasureType.WEIGHT, unit=1, value=10), MeasureGetMeasMeasure( type=MeasureType.BONE_MASS, unit=-2, value=20 ), ), ), ), ) assert get_measure_value(response, MeasureType.BODY_TEMPERATURE) is None assert get_measure_value(response.measuregrps, MeasureType.BODY_TEMPERATURE) is None assert ( get_measure_value(response.measuregrps[0], MeasureType.BODY_TEMPERATURE) is None ) assert get_measure_value(response, MeasureType.WEIGHT) == 100 assert get_measure_value(response.measuregrps, MeasureType.WEIGHT) == 100 assert get_measure_value(response.measuregrps[0], MeasureType.WEIGHT) == 100 assert get_measure_value(response, MeasureType.BONE_MASS) == 0.2 assert get_measure_value(response.measuregrps, MeasureType.BONE_MASS) == 0.2 assert get_measure_value(response.measuregrps[0], MeasureType.BONE_MASS) == 0.2
Example #13
Source File: From python_withings_api with MIT License | 5 votes |
def withings_api_instance() -> WithingsApi: """Test function.""" client_id: Final = "my_client_id" consumer_secret: Final = "my_consumer_secret" credentials: Final = Credentials( access_token="my_access_token", token_expiry=arrow.utcnow().timestamp + 10000, token_type="Bearer", refresh_token="my_refresh_token", userid=_USERID, client_id=client_id, consumer_secret=consumer_secret, ) return WithingsApi(credentials)
Example #14
Source File: From python_withings_api with MIT License | 5 votes |
def new_measure_get_meas_response(data: dict) -> MeasureGetMeasResponse: """Create GetMeasResponse from json.""" timezone: Final = timezone_or_raise(data.get("timezone")) return MeasureGetMeasResponse( measuregrps=_flexible_tuple_of( data.get("measuregrps", ()), lambda group: new_measure_get_meas_group(group, timezone), ), more=data.get("more"), offset=data.get("offset"), timezone=timezone, updatetime=arrow_or_raise(data.get("updatetime")).to(timezone), )
Example #15
Source File: From python_withings_api with MIT License | 5 votes |
def new_get_sleep_summary_serie(data: dict) -> GetSleepSummarySerie: """Create GetSleepSummarySerie from json.""" timezone: Final = timezone_or_raise(data.get("timezone")) return GetSleepSummarySerie( date=arrow_or_raise(data.get("date")).to(timezone), enddate=arrow_or_raise(data.get("enddate")).to(timezone), model=new_sleep_model(data.get("model")), modified=arrow_or_raise(data.get("modified")).to(timezone), startdate=arrow_or_raise(data.get("startdate")).to(timezone), timezone=timezone, data=new_get_sleep_summary_data(dict_or_raise(data.get("data"))), )
Example #16
Source File: From python_withings_api with MIT License | 5 votes |
def refresh_token(self) -> None: """Manually refresh the token.""" token_dict: Final = self._client.refresh_token( token_url=self._client.auto_refresh_url ) self._update_token(token=token_dict)
Example #17
Source File: From datcord_bot with MIT License | 5 votes |
def delete_edit_timer( msg: Any, time: int, error: bool = False, call_msg: Any = None ) -> None: """ Counts down by editing the response message, then deletes both that one and the original message. """ ws: Final = ":white_small_square:" bs: Final = ":black_small_square:" # Cache the message content. We can't use msg.content in the for # loop as the msg object is mutable (so that we would append a new # line for every loop iteration). msg_text: str = msg.content for i in range(time + 1): await msg.edit(content=msg_text + "\n" + ws * (time - i) + bs * i) await asyncio.sleep(1) await msg.delete() if call_msg: # Prevent crash if the call message has been deleted before the bot # gets to it. try: await call_msg.delete() except: print("Call message does not exist.")
Example #18
Source File: From python_withings_api with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_authorize_url(self) -> str: """Generate the authorize url.""" url: Final = str( self._session.authorization_url("%s/%s" % (self.URL, self.PATH_AUTHORIZE))[ 0 ] ) if self._mode: return url + "&mode=" + self._mode return url
Example #19
Source File: From python_withings_api with MIT License | 5 votes |
def notify_subscribe( self, callbackurl: str, appli: Optional[NotifyAppli] = None, comment: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """Subscribe to receive notifications when new data is available.""" params: Final[ParamsType] = {} update_params(params, "callbackurl", callbackurl) update_params(params, "appli", appli, lambda appli: appli.value) update_params(params, "comment", comment) update_params(params, "action", "subscribe") self.request(path=self.PATH_NOTIFY, params=params)
Example #20
Source File: From python_withings_api with MIT License | 5 votes |
def sleep_get_summary( self, startdateymd: Optional[DateType] = None, enddateymd: Optional[DateType] = None, data_fields: Optional[Iterable[GetSleepSummaryField]] = None, lastupdate: Optional[DateType] = None, ) -> SleepGetSummaryResponse: """Get sleep summary.""" params: Final[ParamsType] = {} update_params( params, "startdateymd", startdateymd, lambda val: arrow.get(val).format("YYYY-MM-DD"), ) update_params( params, "enddateymd", enddateymd, lambda val: arrow.get(val).format("YYYY-MM-DD"), ) update_params( params, "data_fields", data_fields, lambda fields: ",".join([field.value for field in fields]), ) update_params( params, "lastupdate", lastupdate, lambda val: arrow.get(val).timestamp ) update_params(params, "action", "getsummary") return new_sleep_get_summary_response( self.request(path=self.PATH_V2_SLEEP, params=params) )
Example #21
Source File: From python_withings_api with MIT License | 5 votes |
def measure_get_meas( self, meastype: Optional[MeasureType] = None, category: Optional[MeasureGetMeasGroupCategory] = None, startdate: Optional[DateType] = None, enddate: Optional[DateType] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, lastupdate: Optional[DateType] = None, ) -> MeasureGetMeasResponse: """Get measures.""" params: Final[ParamsType] = {} update_params(params, "meastype", meastype, lambda val: val.value) update_params(params, "category", category, lambda val: val.value) update_params( params, "startdate", startdate, lambda val: arrow.get(val).timestamp ) update_params(params, "enddate", enddate, lambda val: arrow.get(val).timestamp) update_params(params, "offset", offset) update_params( params, "lastupdate", lastupdate, lambda val: arrow.get(val).timestamp ) update_params(params, "action", "getmeas") return new_measure_get_meas_response( self.request(path=self.PATH_MEASURE, params=params) )
Example #22
Source File: From python_withings_api with MIT License | 5 votes |
def measure_get_activity( self, startdateymd: Optional[DateType] = None, enddateymd: Optional[DateType] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, data_fields: Optional[Iterable[GetActivityField]] = None, lastupdate: Optional[DateType] = None, ) -> MeasureGetActivityResponse: """Get user created activities.""" params: Final[ParamsType] = {} update_params( params, "startdateymd", startdateymd, lambda val: arrow.get(val).format("YYYY-MM-DD"), ) update_params( params, "enddateymd", enddateymd, lambda val: arrow.get(val).format("YYYY-MM-DD"), ) update_params(params, "offset", offset) update_params( params, "data_fields", data_fields, lambda fields: ",".join([field.value for field in fields]), ) update_params( params, "lastupdate", lastupdate, lambda val: arrow.get(val).timestamp ) update_params(params, "action", "getactivity") return new_measure_get_activity_response( self.request(path=self.PATH_V2_MEASURE, params=params) )
Example #23
Source File: From python_withings_api with MIT License | 4 votes |
def test_authorize() -> None: """Test function.""" client_id: Final = "fake_client_id" consumer_secret: Final = "fake_consumer_secret" callback_uri: Final = "" arrow.utcnow = MagicMock(return_value=arrow.get(100000000)) responses.add( method=responses.POST, url="", json=_FETCH_TOKEN_RESPONSE_BODY, status=200, ) auth: Final = WithingsAuth( client_id, consumer_secret, callback_uri=callback_uri, scope=(AuthScope.USER_METRICS, AuthScope.USER_ACTIVITY), ) url: Final = auth.get_authorize_url() assert url.startswith("") assert_url_query_equals( url, { "response_type": "code", "client_id": "fake_client_id", "redirect_uri": "", "scope": "user.metrics,user.activity", }, ) params: Final = dict(parse.parse_qsl(parse.urlsplit(url).query)) assert "scope" in params assert len(params["scope"]) > 0 creds: Final = auth.get_credentials("FAKE_CODE") assert creds == Credentials( access_token="my_access_token", token_expiry=100000011, token_type="Bearer", refresh_token="my_refresh_token", userid=_USERID, client_id=client_id, consumer_secret=consumer_secret, )
Example #24
Source File: From python_withings_api with MIT License | 4 votes |
def test_refresh_token() -> None: """Test function.""" client_id: Final = "my_client_id" consumer_secret: Final = "my_consumer_secret" credentials: Final = Credentials( access_token="my_access_token,_old", token_expiry=arrow.utcnow().timestamp - 1, token_type="Bearer", refresh_token="my_refresh_token_old", userid=_USERID, client_id=client_id, consumer_secret=consumer_secret, ) responses.add( method=responses.POST, url=re.compile("*"), status=200, json=_FETCH_TOKEN_RESPONSE_BODY, ) responses.add( method=responses.POST, url=re.compile("*"), status=200, json={ "access_token": "my_access_token_refreshed", "expires_in": 11, "token_type": "Bearer", "refresh_token": "my_refresh_token_refreshed", "userid": _USERID, }, ) responses_add_measure_get_activity() refresh_callback: Final = MagicMock() api: Final = WithingsApi(credentials, refresh_callback) api.measure_get_activity() refresh_callback.assert_called_with(api.get_credentials()) new_credentials1: Final = api.get_credentials() assert new_credentials1.access_token == "my_access_token" assert new_credentials1.refresh_token == "my_refresh_token" assert new_credentials1.token_expiry > credentials.token_expiry refresh_callback.reset_mock() api.refresh_token() refresh_callback.assert_called_with(api.get_credentials()) new_credentials2: Final = api.get_credentials() assert new_credentials2.access_token == "my_access_token_refreshed" assert new_credentials2.refresh_token == "my_refresh_token_refreshed" assert new_credentials2.token_expiry > credentials.token_expiry
Example #25
Source File: From ray with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def _save_parametrized_type_hint(self, obj): # The distorted type check sematic for typing construct becomes: # ``type(obj) is type(TypeHint)``, which means "obj is a # parametrized TypeHint" if type(obj) is type(Literal): # pragma: no branch initargs = (Literal, obj.__values__) elif type(obj) is type(Final): # pragma: no branch initargs = (Final, obj.__type__) elif type(obj) is type(ClassVar): initargs = (ClassVar, obj.__type__) elif type(obj) is type(Generic): parameters = obj.__parameters__ if len(obj.__parameters__) > 0: # in early Python 3.5, __parameters__ was sometimes # preferred to __args__ initargs = (obj.__origin__, parameters) else: initargs = (obj.__origin__, obj.__args__) elif type(obj) is type(Union): if sys.version_info < (3, 5, 3): # pragma: no cover initargs = (Union, obj.__union_params__) else: initargs = (Union, obj.__args__) elif type(obj) is type(Tuple): if sys.version_info < (3, 5, 3): # pragma: no cover initargs = (Tuple, obj.__tuple_params__) else: initargs = (Tuple, obj.__args__) elif type(obj) is type(Callable): if sys.version_info < (3, 5, 3): # pragma: no cover args = obj.__args__ result = obj.__result__ if args != Ellipsis: if isinstance(args, tuple): args = list(args) else: args = [args] else: (*args, result) = obj.__args__ if len(args) == 1 and args[0] is Ellipsis: args = Ellipsis else: args = list(args) initargs = (Callable, (args, result)) else: # pragma: no cover raise pickle.PicklingError( "Cloudpickle Error: Unknown type {}".format(type(obj)) ) self.save_reduce(_create_parametrized_type_hint, initargs, obj=obj) # Tornado support