Python pandas.compat.iteritems() Examples

The following are 30 code examples of pandas.compat.iteritems(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module pandas.compat , or try the search function .
Example #1
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def _reindex_columns(self, columns, method, copy, level, fill_value=None,
                         limit=None, takeable=False):
        if level is not None:
            raise TypeError('Reindex by level not supported for sparse')

        if notna(fill_value):
            raise NotImplementedError("'fill_value' argument is not supported")

        if limit:
            raise NotImplementedError("'limit' argument is not supported")

        if method is not None:
            raise NotImplementedError("'method' argument is not supported")

        # TODO: fill value handling
        sdict = {k: v for k, v in compat.iteritems(self) if k in columns}
        return self._constructor(
            sdict, index=self.index, columns=columns,
Example #2
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def test_creating_and_reading_multiple_sheets(self, ext):
        # see gh-9450
        # Test reading multiple sheets, from a runtime
        # created Excel file with multiple sheets.
        def tdf(col_sheet_name):
            d, i = [11, 22, 33], [1, 2, 3]
            return DataFrame(d, i, columns=[col_sheet_name])

        sheets = ["AAA", "BBB", "CCC"]

        dfs = [tdf(s) for s in sheets]
        dfs = dict(zip(sheets, dfs))

        with ensure_clean(ext) as pth:
            with ExcelWriter(pth) as ew:
                for sheetname, df in iteritems(dfs):
                    df.to_excel(ew, sheetname)

            dfs_returned = read_excel(pth, sheet_name=sheets, index_col=0)

            for s in sheets:
                tm.assert_frame_equal(dfs[s], dfs_returned[s]) 
Example #3
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def _unpickle_sparse_frame_compat(self, state):
        """ original pickle format """
        series, cols, idx, fv, kind = state

        if not isinstance(cols, Index):  # pragma: no cover
            from import _unpickle_array
            columns = _unpickle_array(cols)
            columns = cols

        if not isinstance(idx, Index):  # pragma: no cover
            from import _unpickle_array
            index = _unpickle_array(idx)
            index = idx

        series_dict = DataFrame()
        for col, (sp_index, sp_values) in compat.iteritems(series):
            series_dict[col] = SparseSeries(sp_values, sparse_index=sp_index,

        self._data = to_manager(series_dict, columns, index)
        self._default_fill_value = fv
        self._default_kind = kind 
Example #4
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def test_replace_input_formats_scalar(self):
        df = DataFrame({'A': [np.nan, 0, np.inf], 'B': [0, 2, 5],
                        'C': ['', 'asdf', 'fd']})

        # dict to scalar
        to_rep = {'A': np.nan, 'B': 0, 'C': ''}
        filled = df.replace(to_rep, 0)
        expected = {k: v.replace(to_rep[k], 0)
                    for k, v in compat.iteritems(df)}
        assert_frame_equal(filled, DataFrame(expected))

        pytest.raises(TypeError, df.replace, to_rep, [np.nan, 0, ''])

        # list to scalar
        to_rep = [np.nan, 0, '']
        result = df.replace(to_rep, -1)
        expected = df.copy()
        for i in range(len(to_rep)):
            expected.replace(to_rep[i], -1, inplace=True)
        assert_frame_equal(result, expected) 
Example #5
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def test_apply_nanoseconds(self):
        tests = []

                      {Timestamp('2014-07-04 15:00') + Nano(5): Timestamp(
                          '2014-07-04 16:00') + Nano(5),
                       Timestamp('2014-07-04 16:00') + Nano(5): Timestamp(
                           '2014-07-07 09:00') + Nano(5),
                       Timestamp('2014-07-04 16:00') - Nano(5): Timestamp(
                           '2014-07-04 17:00') - Nano(5)}))

                      {Timestamp('2014-07-04 15:00') + Nano(5): Timestamp(
                          '2014-07-04 14:00') + Nano(5),
                       Timestamp('2014-07-04 10:00') + Nano(5): Timestamp(
                           '2014-07-04 09:00') + Nano(5),
                       Timestamp('2014-07-04 10:00') - Nano(5): Timestamp(
                           '2014-07-03 17:00') - Nano(5), }))

        for offset, cases in tests:
            for base, expected in compat.iteritems(cases):
                assert_offset_equal(offset, base, expected) 
Example #6
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def test_equals(self):

        for name, idx in compat.iteritems(self.indices):
            assert idx.equals(idx)
            assert idx.equals(idx.copy())
            assert idx.equals(idx.astype(object))

            assert not idx.equals(list(idx))
            assert not idx.equals(np.array(idx))

            # Cannot pass in non-int64 dtype to RangeIndex
            if not isinstance(idx, RangeIndex):
                same_values = Index(idx, dtype=object)
                assert idx.equals(same_values)
                assert same_values.equals(idx)

            if idx.nlevels == 1:
                # do not test MultiIndex
                assert not idx.equals(pd.Series(idx)) 
Example #7
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def test_delete_base(self):

        for name, idx in compat.iteritems(self.indices):

            if not len(idx):

            if isinstance(idx, RangeIndex):
                # tested in class

            expected = idx[1:]
            result = idx.delete(0)
            assert result.equals(expected)
            assert ==

            expected = idx[:-1]
            result = idx.delete(-1)
            assert result.equals(expected)
            assert ==

            with pytest.raises((IndexError, ValueError)):
                # either depending on numpy version
Example #8
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def _combine_match_index(self, other, func, level=None):
        new_data = {}

        if level is not None:
            raise NotImplementedError("'level' argument is not supported")

        this, other = self.align(other, join='outer', axis=0, level=level,

        for col, series in compat.iteritems(this):
            new_data[col] = func(series.values, other.values)

        fill_value = self._get_op_result_fill_value(other, func)

        return self._constructor(
            new_data, index=this.index, columns=self.columns,
Example #9
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def test_infer_freq_tz(self):

        freqs = {'AS-JAN':
                 ['2009-01-01', '2010-01-01', '2011-01-01', '2012-01-01'],
                 ['2009-01-31', '2009-04-30', '2009-07-31', '2009-10-31'],
                 'M': ['2010-11-30', '2010-12-31', '2011-01-31', '2011-02-28'],
                 ['2010-12-25', '2011-01-01', '2011-01-08', '2011-01-15'],
                 'D': ['2011-01-01', '2011-01-02', '2011-01-03', '2011-01-04'],
                 'H': ['2011-12-31 22:00', '2011-12-31 23:00',
                       '2012-01-01 00:00', '2012-01-01 01:00']}

        # GH 7310
        for tz in [None, 'Australia/Sydney', 'Asia/Tokyo', 'Europe/Paris',
                   'US/Pacific', 'US/Eastern']:
            for expected, dates in compat.iteritems(freqs):
                idx = DatetimeIndex(dates, tz=tz)
                assert idx.inferred_freq == expected 
Example #10
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def test_freq_code(self):
        assert get_freq('A') == 1000
        assert get_freq('3A') == 1000
        assert get_freq('-1A') == 1000

        assert get_freq('Y') == 1000
        assert get_freq('3Y') == 1000
        assert get_freq('-1Y') == 1000

        assert get_freq('W') == 4000
        assert get_freq('W-MON') == 4001
        assert get_freq('W-FRI') == 4005

        for freqstr, code in compat.iteritems(_period_code_map):
            result = get_freq(freqstr)
            assert result == code

            result = resolution.get_freq_group(freqstr)
            assert result == code // 1000 * 1000

            result = resolution.get_freq_group(code)
            assert result == code // 1000 * 1000 
Example #11
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def test_memory_usage(self):
        for name, index in compat.iteritems(self.indices):
            result = index.memory_usage()
            if len(index):
                result2 = index.memory_usage()
                result3 = index.memory_usage(deep=True)

                # RangeIndex, IntervalIndex
                # don't have engines
                if not isinstance(index, (RangeIndex, IntervalIndex)):
                    assert result2 > result

                if index.inferred_type == 'object':
                    assert result3 > result2


                # we report 0 for no-length
                assert result == 0 
Example #12
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def _iter_data(self, data=None, keep_index=False, fillna=None):
        if data is None:
            data =
        if fillna is not None:
            data = data.fillna(fillna)

        # TODO: unused?
        # if self.sort_columns:
        #     columns = com.try_sort(data.columns)
        # else:
        #     columns = data.columns

        for col, values in data.iteritems():
            if keep_index is True:
                yield col, values
                yield col, values.values 
Example #13
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def _simple_new(cls, start, stop=None, step=None, name=None,
                    dtype=None, **kwargs):
        result = object.__new__(cls)

        # handle passed None, non-integers
        if start is None and stop is None:
            # empty
            start, stop, step = 0, 0, 1

        if start is None or not is_integer(start):

                return RangeIndex(start, stop, step, name=name, **kwargs)
            except TypeError:
                return Index(start, stop, step, name=name, **kwargs)

        result._start = start
        result._stop = stop or 0
        result._step = step or 1 = name
        for k, v in compat.iteritems(kwargs):
            setattr(result, k, v)

        return result

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------- 
Example #14
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def _reindex_with_indexers(self, reindexers, method=None, fill_value=None,
                               limit=None, copy=False, allow_dups=False):

        if method is not None or limit is not None:
            raise NotImplementedError("cannot reindex with a method or limit "
                                      "with sparse")

        if fill_value is None:
            fill_value = np.nan

        reindexers = {self._get_axis_number(a): val
                      for (a, val) in compat.iteritems(reindexers)}

        index, row_indexer = reindexers.get(0, (None, None))
        columns, col_indexer = reindexers.get(1, (None, None))

        if columns is None:
            columns = self.columns

        new_arrays = {}
        for col in columns:
            if col not in self:
            if row_indexer is not None:
                new_arrays[col] = algos.take_1d(self[col].get_values(),
                new_arrays[col] = self[col]

        return self._constructor(new_arrays, index=index,
Example #15
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def stack_sparse_frame(frame):
    Only makes sense when fill_value is NaN
    lengths = [s.sp_index.npoints for _, s in compat.iteritems(frame)]
    nobs = sum(lengths)

    # this is pretty fast
    minor_codes = np.repeat(np.arange(len(frame.columns)), lengths)

    inds_to_concat = []
    vals_to_concat = []
    # TODO: Figure out whether this can be reached.
    # I think this currently can't be reached because you can't build a
    # SparseDataFrame with a non-np.NaN fill value (fails earlier).
    for _, series in compat.iteritems(frame):
        if not np.isnan(series.fill_value):
            raise TypeError('This routine assumes NaN fill value')

        int_index = series.sp_index.to_int_index()

    major_codes = np.concatenate(inds_to_concat)
    stacked_values = np.concatenate(vals_to_concat)
    index = MultiIndex(levels=[frame.index, frame.columns],
                       codes=[major_codes, minor_codes],

    lp = DataFrame(stacked_values.reshape((nobs, 1)), index=index,
    return lp.sort_index(level=0) 
Example #16
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def __setstate__(self, state):
        Necessary for making this object picklable.

        if isinstance(state, dict):
            self._data = state.pop('data')
            for k, v in compat.iteritems(state):
                setattr(self, k, v)

        elif isinstance(state, tuple):

            if len(state) == 2:
                nd_state, own_state = state
                data = np.empty(nd_state[1], dtype=nd_state[2])
                np.ndarray.__setstate__(data, nd_state)
       = own_state[0]

            else:  # pragma: no cover
                data = np.empty(state)
                np.ndarray.__setstate__(data, state)

            self._data = data
            raise Exception("invalid pickle state") 
Example #17
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def __setstate__(self, state):
        """Necessary for making this object picklable"""
        if not isinstance(state, dict):
            raise Exception('invalid pickle state')

        # Provide compatibility with pre-0.15.0 Categoricals.
        if '_categories' not in state and '_levels' in state:
            state['_categories'] = self.dtype.validate_categories(state.pop(
        if '_codes' not in state and 'labels' in state:
            state['_codes'] = coerce_indexer_dtype(
                state.pop('labels'), state['_categories'])

        # 0.16.0 ordered change
        if '_ordered' not in state:

            # >=15.0 < 0.16.0
            if 'ordered' in state:
                state['_ordered'] = state.pop('ordered')
                state['_ordered'] = False

        # 0.21.0 CategoricalDtype change
        if '_dtype' not in state:
            state['_dtype'] = CategoricalDtype(state['_categories'],

        for k, v in compat.iteritems(state):
            setattr(self, k, v) 
Example #18
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def _simple_new(cls, values, name=None, dtype=None, **kwargs):
        We require that we have a dtype compat for the values. If we are passed
        a non-dtype compat, then coerce using the constructor.

        Must be careful not to recurse.
        if not hasattr(values, 'dtype'):
            if (values is None or not len(values)) and dtype is not None:
                values = np.empty(0, dtype=dtype)
                values = np.array(values, copy=False)
                if is_object_dtype(values):
                    values = cls(values, name=name, dtype=dtype,

        if isinstance(values, (ABCSeries, ABCIndexClass)):
            # Index._data must always be an ndarray.
            # This is no-copy for when _values is an ndarray,
            # which should be always at this point.
            values = np.asarray(values._values)

        result = object.__new__(cls)
        result._data = values
        # _index_data is a (temporary?) fix to ensure that the direct data
        # manipulation we do in `_libs/reduction.pyx` continues to work.
        # We need access to the actual ndarray, since we're messing with
        # data buffers and strides. We don't re-use `_ndarray_values`, since
        # we actually set this value too.
        result._index_data = values = name
        for k, v in compat.iteritems(kwargs):
            setattr(result, k, v)
        return result._reset_identity() 
Example #19
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def _clean_dict(d):
    Sanitize dictionary for JSON by converting all keys to strings.

    d : dict
        The dictionary to convert.

    cleaned_dict : dict

    return {str(k): v for k, v in compat.iteritems(d)} 
Example #20
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def test_replace_input_formats_listlike(self):
        # both dicts
        to_rep = {'A': np.nan, 'B': 0, 'C': ''}
        values = {'A': 0, 'B': -1, 'C': 'missing'}
        df = DataFrame({'A': [np.nan, 0, np.inf], 'B': [0, 2, 5],
                        'C': ['', 'asdf', 'fd']})
        filled = df.replace(to_rep, values)
        expected = {k: v.replace(to_rep[k], values[k])
                    for k, v in compat.iteritems(df)}
        assert_frame_equal(filled, DataFrame(expected))

        result = df.replace([0, 2, 5], [5, 2, 0])
        expected = DataFrame({'A': [np.nan, 5, np.inf], 'B': [5, 2, 0],
                              'C': ['', 'asdf', 'fd']})
        assert_frame_equal(result, expected)

        # scalar to dict
        values = {'A': 0, 'B': -1, 'C': 'missing'}
        df = DataFrame({'A': [np.nan, 0, np.nan], 'B': [0, 2, 5],
                        'C': ['', 'asdf', 'fd']})
        filled = df.replace(np.nan, values)
        expected = {k: v.replace(np.nan, values[k])
                    for k, v in compat.iteritems(df)}
        assert_frame_equal(filled, DataFrame(expected))

        # list to list
        to_rep = [np.nan, 0, '']
        values = [-2, -1, 'missing']
        result = df.replace(to_rep, values)
        expected = df.copy()
        for i in range(len(to_rep)):
            expected.replace(to_rep[i], values[i], inplace=True)
        assert_frame_equal(result, expected)

        pytest.raises(ValueError, df.replace, to_rep, values[1:]) 
Example #21
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def int_frame():
    Fixture for DataFrame of ints with index of unique strings

    Columns are ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']
    df = DataFrame({k: v.astype(int)
                   for k, v in compat.iteritems(tm.getSeriesData())})
    # force these all to int64 to avoid platform testing issues
    return DataFrame({c: s for c, s in compat.iteritems(df)}, dtype=np.int64) 
Example #22
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def test_rank_int(self):
        s = self.s.dropna().astype('i8')

        for method, res in compat.iteritems(self.results):
            result = s.rank(method=method)
            expected = Series(res).dropna()
            expected.index = result.index
            assert_series_equal(result, expected) 
Example #23
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def test_reindex(test_data):
    identity = test_data.series.reindex(test_data.series.index)

    # __array_interface__ is not defined for older numpies
    # and on some pythons
        assert np.may_share_memory(test_data.series.index, identity.index)
    except AttributeError:

    assert identity.index.is_(test_data.series.index)
    assert identity.index.identical(test_data.series.index)

    subIndex = test_data.series.index[10:20]
    subSeries = test_data.series.reindex(subIndex)

    for idx, val in compat.iteritems(subSeries):
        assert val == test_data.series[idx]

    subIndex2 = test_data.ts.index[10:20]
    subTS = test_data.ts.reindex(subIndex2)

    for idx, val in compat.iteritems(subTS):
        assert val == test_data.ts[idx]
    stuffSeries = test_data.ts.reindex(subIndex)

    assert np.isnan(stuffSeries).all()

    # This is extremely important for the Cython code to not screw up
    nonContigIndex = test_data.ts.index[::2]
    subNonContig = test_data.ts.reindex(nonContigIndex)
    for idx, val in compat.iteritems(subNonContig):
        assert val == test_data.ts[idx]

    # return a copy the same index here
    result = test_data.ts.reindex()
    assert not (result is test_data.ts) 
Example #24
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def test_append(self, datetime_series, string_series, object_series):
        appendedSeries = string_series.append(object_series)
        for idx, value in compat.iteritems(appendedSeries):
            if idx in string_series.index:
                assert value == string_series[idx]
            elif idx in object_series.index:
                assert value == object_series[idx]
                raise AssertionError("orphaned index!")

        msg = "Indexes have overlapping values:"
        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
            datetime_series.append(datetime_series, verify_integrity=True) 
Example #25
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def test_constructor_subclass_dict(self):
        data = tm.TestSubDict((x, 10.0 * x) for x in range(10))
        series = self.series_klass(data)
        expected = self.series_klass(dict(compat.iteritems(data)))
        self._assert_series_equal(series, expected) 
Example #26
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def test_offset(self, case):
        offset, cases = case
        for base, expected in compat.iteritems(cases):
            assert_offset_equal(offset, base, expected) 
Example #27
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def test_offset(self, case):
        offset, cases = case
        for base, expected in compat.iteritems(cases):
            assert_offset_equal(offset, base, expected) 
Example #28
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def test_offset(self, case):
        offset, cases = case
        for base, expected in compat.iteritems(cases):
            assert_offset_equal(offset, base, expected) 
Example #29
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def test_offset(self, case):
        offset, cases = case
        for base, expected in compat.iteritems(cases):
            assert_offset_equal(offset, base, expected) 
Example #30
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def test_offset(self, case):
        offset, cases = case
        for base, expected in compat.iteritems(cases):
            assert_offset_equal(offset, base, expected)