Python tensorflow.keras.backend.squeeze() Examples

The following are 9 code examples of tensorflow.keras.backend.squeeze(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module tensorflow.keras.backend , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From spektral with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def call(self, inputs):
        if self.data_mode == 'disjoint':
            X, I = inputs
            if K.ndim(I) == 2:
                I = I[:, 0]
            X = inputs
        attn_coeff =, self.attn_kernel)
        attn_coeff = K.squeeze(attn_coeff, -1)
        attn_coeff = K.softmax(attn_coeff)
        if self.data_mode == 'single':
            output =[None, ...], X)
        elif self.data_mode == 'batch':
            output = K.batch_dot(attn_coeff, X)
            output = attn_coeff[:, None] * X
            output = tf.math.segment_sum(output, I)

        return output 
Example #2
Source File:    From cxplain with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def build(self, input_layer):
        last_layer = input_layer
        input_shape = K.int_shape(input_layer)

        if self.with_embedding:
            if input_shape[-1] != 1:
                raise ValueError("Only one feature (the index) can be used with embeddings, "
                                 "i.e. the input shape should be (num_samples, length, 1). "
                                 "The actual shape was: " + str(input_shape))

            last_layer = Lambda(lambda x: K.squeeze(x, axis=-1),
                                output_shape=K.int_shape(last_layer)[:-1])(last_layer)  # Remove feature dimension.
            last_layer = Embedding(self.embedding_size, self.embedding_dimension,

        for _ in range(self.num_layers):
            last_layer = Dense(self.num_units, activation=self.activation)(last_layer)
            if self.with_bn:
                last_layer = BatchNormalization()(last_layer)
            if not np.isclose(self.p_dropout, 0):
                last_layer = Dropout(self.p_dropout)(last_layer)
        return last_layer 
Example #3
Source File:    From medaka with Mozilla Public License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def cat_acc(y_true, y_pred):
    """Keras loss function for sparse_categorical_accuracy.

    :param y_true: tensor of true class labels.
    :param y_pred: class output scores from network.

    :returns: categorical accuracy.
    # sparse_categorical_accuracy is broken in keras 2.2.4
    # this is taken from e59570ae
    from tensorflow.keras import backend as K
    # reshape in case it's in shape (num_samples, 1) instead of (num_samples,)
    if K.ndim(y_true) == K.ndim(y_pred):
        y_true = K.squeeze(y_true, -1)
    # convert dense predictions to labels
    y_pred_labels = K.argmax(y_pred, axis=-1)
    y_pred_labels = K.cast(y_pred_labels, K.floatx())
    return K.cast(K.equal(y_true, y_pred_labels), K.floatx()) 
Example #4
Source File:    From ICCV2019-Horde with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _build_tf_cosine_similarity(max_rank=0, offset=1, eps=1e-12):
    # We build the graph (See utils.generic_utils.tf_recall_at_k for original implementation):
    tf_db = K.placeholder(ndim=2, dtype=K.floatx())  # Where to find
    tf_labels = K.placeholder(ndim=1, dtype=K.floatx())  # and their labels

    tf_batch_query = K.placeholder(ndim=2, dtype=K.floatx())  # Used in case of memory issues
    batch_labels = K.placeholder(ndim=2, dtype=K.floatx())  # and their labels

    all_representations_T = K.expand_dims(tf_db, axis=0)  # 1 x D x N
    batch_representations = K.expand_dims(tf_batch_query, axis=0)  # 1 x n x D
    sim = K.batch_dot(batch_representations, all_representations_T)  # 1 x n x N
    sim = K.squeeze(sim, axis=0)  # n x N
    sim /= tf.linalg.norm(tf_batch_query, axis=1, keepdims=True) + eps
    sim /= tf.linalg.norm(tf_db, axis=0, keepdims=True) + eps

    if max_rank > 0:  # computing r@K or mAP@K
        index_ranking = tf.nn.top_k(sim, k=max_rank + offset).indices
        index_ranking = tf.contrib.framework.argsort(sim, axis=-1, direction='DESCENDING', stable=True)

    top_k = index_ranking[:, offset:]
    tf_ranking = tf.gather(tf_labels, top_k)

    return tf_db, tf_labels, tf_batch_query, batch_labels, tf_ranking 
Example #5
Source File:    From spektral with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def call(self, inputs):
        if self.data_mode == 'disjoint':
            X, I = inputs
            X = ops.disjoint_signal_to_batch(X, I)
            X = inputs
            if self.data_mode == 'single':
                X = tf.expand_dims(X, 0)

        N = tf.shape(X)[-2]
        sort_perm = tf.argsort(X[..., -1], direction='DESCENDING')
        X_sorted = tf.gather(X, sort_perm, axis=-2, batch_dims=1)

        def truncate():
            _X_out = X_sorted[..., : self.k, :]
            return _X_out

        def pad():
            padding = [[0, 0], [0, self.k - N], [0, 0]]
            _X_out = tf.pad(X_sorted, padding)
            return _X_out

        X_out = tf.cond(tf.less_equal(self.k, N), truncate, pad)

        if self.data_mode == 'single':
            X_out = tf.squeeze(X_out, [0])
            X_out.set_shape((self.k, self.F))
        elif self.data_mode == 'batch' or self.data_mode == 'disjoint':
            X_out.set_shape((None, self.k, self.F))

        return X_out 
Example #6
Source File:    From ICCV2019-Horde with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _build_tf_l2_similarity(max_rank=0, offset=1):
    # We build the graph (See utils.generic_utils.tf_recall_at_k for original implementation):
    tf_db = K.placeholder(ndim=2, dtype=K.floatx())  # Where to find
    tf_labels = K.placeholder(ndim=1, dtype=K.floatx())  # and their labels

    tf_batch_query = K.placeholder(ndim=2, dtype=K.floatx())  # Used in case of memory issues
    batch_labels = K.placeholder(ndim=2, dtype=K.floatx())  # and their labels

    all_representations_T = K.expand_dims(tf_db, axis=0)  # 1 x D x N
    batch_representations = K.expand_dims(tf_batch_query, axis=0)  # 1 x n x D
    dist = -2. * K.batch_dot(batch_representations, all_representations_T)  # 1 x n x N
    dist = K.squeeze(dist, axis=0)  # n x N
    dist += K.sum(tf_batch_query * tf_batch_query, axis=1, keepdims=True)
    dist += K.sum(tf_db * tf_db, axis=0, keepdims=True)

    if max_rank > 0:  # computing r@K or mAP@K
        # top_k finds the k greatest entries and we want the lowest. Note that distance with itself will be last ranked
        dist = -dist
        index_ranking = tf.nn.top_k(dist, k=max_rank + offset).indices
        index_ranking = tf.contrib.framework.argsort(dist, axis=-1, direction='ASCENDING', stable=True)

    index_ranking = index_ranking[:, offset:]

    tf_ranking = tf.gather(tf_labels, index_ranking)

    return tf_db, tf_labels, tf_batch_query, batch_labels, tf_ranking 
Example #7
Source File:    From DeepPavlov with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def create_score_model(self) -> Model:
        cr = self.model.inputs
        if self.triplet_mode:
            emb_c = self.model.get_layer("gru").output
            emb_r = self.model.get_layer("pooling").get_output(-1)
            dist_score = Lambda(lambda x: self.euclidian_dist(x), name="score_model")
            score = dist_score([emb_c, emb_r])
            score = self.model.get_layer("score_model").output
            score = Lambda(lambda x: 1. - K.squeeze(x, -1))(score)
        score = Lambda(lambda x: 1. - x)(score)
        model = Model(cr, score)
        return model 
Example #8
Source File:    From DeepPavlov with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def create_score_model(self) -> Model:
        cr = self.model.inputs
        if self.triplet_mode:
            emb_c = self.model.get_layer("sentence_embedding").get_output_at(0)
            emb_r = self.model.get_layer("sentence_embedding").get_output_at(1)
            dist_score = Lambda(lambda x: self._euclidian_dist(x), name="score_model")
            score = dist_score([emb_c, emb_r])
            score = self.model.get_layer("score_model").output
            score = Lambda(lambda x: 1. - K.squeeze(x, -1))(score)
        score = Lambda(lambda x: 1. - x)(score)
        model = Model(cr, score)
        return model 
Example #9
Source File:    From DeepPavlov with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def _triplet_loss(self, labels: Tensor, pairwise_dist: Tensor) -> Tensor:
        y_true = K.squeeze(labels, axis=1)
        """Triplet loss function"""
        if self.hard_triplets:
            triplet_loss = self._batch_hard_triplet_loss(y_true, pairwise_dist)
            triplet_loss = self._batch_all_triplet_loss(y_true, pairwise_dist)
        return triplet_loss