Python graphene.NonNull() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of graphene.NonNull().
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Example #1
Source File: From graphene-django with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_should_postgres_array_multiple_convert_list(): field = assert_conversion( ArrayField, graphene.List, ArrayField(models.CharField(max_length=100)) ) assert isinstance(field.type, graphene.NonNull) assert isinstance(field.type.of_type, graphene.List) assert isinstance(field.type.of_type.of_type, graphene.List) assert isinstance(field.type.of_type.of_type.of_type, graphene.NonNull) assert field.type.of_type.of_type.of_type.of_type == graphene.String field = assert_conversion( ArrayField, graphene.List, ArrayField(models.CharField(max_length=100, null=True)), ) assert isinstance(field.type, graphene.NonNull) assert isinstance(field.type.of_type, graphene.List) assert isinstance(field.type.of_type.of_type, graphene.List) assert field.type.of_type.of_type.of_type == graphene.String
Example #2
Source File: From graphene-gae with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def convert_local_structured_property(ndb_structured_property, registry=None): is_required = ndb_structured_property._required is_repeated = ndb_structured_property._repeated model = ndb_structured_property._modelclass name = ndb_structured_property._code_name def dynamic_type(): _type = registry.get_type_for_model(model) if not _type: return None if is_repeated: _type = List(_type) if is_required: _type = NonNull(_type) return Field(_type) field = Dynamic(dynamic_type) return ConversionResult(name=name, field=field)
Example #3
Source File: From graphene-gae with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, ndb_key_prop, graphql_type_name, *args, **kwargs): self.__ndb_key_prop = ndb_key_prop self.__graphql_type_name = graphql_type_name is_repeated = ndb_key_prop._repeated is_required = ndb_key_prop._required _type = String if is_repeated: _type = List(_type) if is_required: _type = NonNull(_type) kwargs['args'] = { 'ndb': Argument(Boolean, False, description="Return an NDB id ( instead of a GraphQL global id") } super(NdbKeyStringField, self).__init__(_type, *args, **kwargs)
Example #4
Source File: From graphene-django with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_should_manytomany_convert_connectionorlist_list(): class A(DjangoObjectType): class Meta: model = Reporter graphene_field = convert_django_field( Reporter._meta.local_many_to_many[0], A._meta.registry ) assert isinstance(graphene_field, graphene.Dynamic) dynamic_field = graphene_field.get_type() assert isinstance(dynamic_field, graphene.Field) # A NonNull List of NonNull A ([A!]!) # assert isinstance(dynamic_field.type, NonNull) assert isinstance(dynamic_field.type.of_type, graphene.List) assert isinstance(dynamic_field.type.of_type.of_type, NonNull) assert dynamic_field.type.of_type.of_type.of_type == A
Example #5
Source File: From graphene-sqlalchemy-filter with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_conjunction_filter_field_types(): filter_fields = deepcopy(UserFilter._meta.fields) for op in [UserFilter.AND, UserFilter.OR]: assert op in filter_fields assert isinstance(filter_fields[op], graphene.InputField) input_field = filter_fields[op].type assert isinstance(input_field, graphene.List) input_field_of_type = input_field.of_type assert isinstance(input_field_of_type, graphene.NonNull) non_null_input_field_of_type = input_field_of_type.of_type assert non_null_input_field_of_type is UserFilter del filter_fields[op]
Example #6
Source File: From graphene-django with MIT License | 6 votes |
def type(self): from .types import DjangoObjectType _type = super(ConnectionField, self).type non_null = False if isinstance(_type, NonNull): _type = _type.of_type non_null = True assert issubclass( _type, DjangoObjectType ), "DjangoConnectionField only accepts DjangoObjectType types" assert _type._meta.connection, "The type {} doesn't have a connection".format( _type.__name__ ) connection_type = _type._meta.connection if non_null: return NonNull(connection_type) return connection_type
Example #7
Source File: From graphene-sqlalchemy-filter with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _range_filter_type( type_: 'GRAPHENE_OBJECT_OR_CLASS', _: bool, doc: str ) -> graphene.InputObjectType: of_type = _get_class(type_) with contextlib.suppress(KeyError): return _range_filter_cache[of_type] element_type = graphene.NonNull(of_type) klass = type( str(of_type) + 'Range', (graphene.InputObjectType,), {RANGE_BEGIN: element_type, RANGE_END: element_type}, ) result = klass(description=doc) _range_filter_cache[of_type] = result return result
Example #8
Source File: From graphene-django with MIT License | 5 votes |
def connection_type(self): type = self.type if isinstance(type, NonNull): return type.of_type return type
Example #9
Source File: From graphene-sqlalchemy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_should_primary_integer_convert_id(): assert get_field(types.Integer(), primary_key=True).type == graphene.NonNull(graphene.ID)
Example #10
Source File: From graphene-mongo with MIT License | 5 votes |
def connection_resolver(cls, resolver, connection_type, root, info, **args): iterable = resolver(root, info, **args) if isinstance(connection_type, graphene.NonNull): connection_type = connection_type.of_type on_resolve = partial(cls.resolve_connection, connection_type, args) if Promise.is_thenable(iterable): return Promise.resolve(iterable).then(on_resolve) return on_resolve(iterable)
Example #11
Source File: From graphene-mongo with MIT License | 5 votes |
def convert_field_to_list(field, registry=None): base_type = convert_mongoengine_field(field.field, registry=registry) if isinstance(base_type, graphene.Field): return graphene.List( base_type._type, description=get_field_description(field, registry), required=field.required ) if isinstance(base_type, (graphene.Dynamic)): base_type = base_type.get_type() if base_type is None: return base_type = base_type._type if graphene.is_node(base_type): return base_type._meta.connection_field_class(base_type) # Non-relationship field relations = (mongoengine.ReferenceField, mongoengine.EmbeddedDocumentField) if not isinstance(base_type, (graphene.List, graphene.NonNull)) and not isinstance( field.field, relations ): base_type = type(base_type) return graphene.List( base_type, description=get_field_description(field, registry), required=field.required, )
Example #12
Source File: From graphene-django with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, _type, *args, **kwargs): from .types import DjangoObjectType if isinstance(_type, NonNull): _type = _type.of_type # Django would never return a Set of None vvvvvvv super(DjangoListField, self).__init__(List(NonNull(_type)), *args, **kwargs) assert issubclass( self._underlying_type, DjangoObjectType ), "DjangoListField only accepts DjangoObjectType types"
Example #13
Source File: From graphene-django with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_resolver(self, parent_resolver): _type = self.type if isinstance(_type, NonNull): _type = _type.of_type django_object_type = _type.of_type.of_type return partial( self.list_resolver, django_object_type, parent_resolver, self.get_default_queryset(), )
Example #14
Source File: From graphene-sqlalchemy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_nullable_type(_type): if isinstance(_type, NonNull): return _type.of_type return _type
Example #15
Source File: From graphene-django with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_non_null_type(self): class Reporter(DjangoObjectType): class Meta: model = ReporterModel fields = ("first_name",) list_field = DjangoListField(NonNull(Reporter)) assert isinstance(list_field.type, List) assert isinstance(list_field.type.of_type, NonNull) assert list_field.type.of_type.of_type is Reporter
Example #16
Source File: From graphene-django with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_should_boolean_convert_non_null_boolean(): field = assert_conversion(models.BooleanField, graphene.Boolean, null=False) assert isinstance(field.type, graphene.NonNull) assert field.type.of_type == graphene.Boolean
Example #17
Source File: From graphene-django with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_should_manytoone_convert_connectionorlist(): class A(DjangoObjectType): class Meta: model = Article graphene_field = convert_django_field(Reporter.articles.rel, A._meta.registry) assert isinstance(graphene_field, graphene.Dynamic) dynamic_field = graphene_field.get_type() assert isinstance(dynamic_field, graphene.Field) # a NonNull List of NonNull A ([A!]!) assert isinstance(dynamic_field.type, NonNull) assert isinstance(dynamic_field.type.of_type, graphene.List) assert isinstance(dynamic_field.type.of_type.of_type, NonNull) assert dynamic_field.type.of_type.of_type.of_type == A
Example #18
Source File: From graphene-django with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_should_postgres_array_convert_list(): field = assert_conversion( ArrayField, graphene.List, models.CharField(max_length=100) ) assert isinstance(field.type, graphene.NonNull) assert isinstance(field.type.of_type, graphene.List) assert isinstance(field.type.of_type.of_type, graphene.NonNull) assert field.type.of_type.of_type.of_type == graphene.String field = assert_conversion( ArrayField, graphene.List, models.CharField(max_length=100, null=True) ) assert isinstance(field.type, graphene.NonNull) assert isinstance(field.type.of_type, graphene.List) assert field.type.of_type.of_type == graphene.String
Example #19
Source File: From graphene-django-plus with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _is_id_field(field): return ( field.type == graphene.ID or isinstance(field.type, graphene.NonNull) and field.type.of_type == graphene.ID )
Example #20
Source File: From graphene-sqlalchemy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_required_sqlalachemy_connection(): field = SQLAlchemyConnectionField(Pet.connection, required=True) assert isinstance(field.type, NonNull) assert issubclass(field.type.of_type, Connection) assert field.type.of_type._meta.node is Pet
Example #21
Source File: From graphene-sqlalchemy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_nonnull_sqlalachemy_connection(): field = SQLAlchemyConnectionField(NonNull(Pet.connection)) assert isinstance(field.type, NonNull) assert issubclass(field.type.of_type, Connection) assert field.type.of_type._meta.node is Pet
Example #22
Source File: From dagster with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def create_registry_nonnull(registry): class NonNull(graphene.NonNull): def __init__(self, of_type, *args, **kwargs): super(NonNull, self).__init__(get_type_fn(registry, of_type), *args, **kwargs) return NonNull
Example #23
Source File: From dagster with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def non_null_list(self, of_type): return self.NonNull(self.List(self.NonNull(of_type)))
Example #24
Source File: From graphene-sqlalchemy-filter with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _in_filter_type( type_: 'GRAPHENE_OBJECT_OR_CLASS', nullable: bool, doc: str ) -> graphene.List: of_type = type_ if not isinstance(of_type, graphene.List): of_type = _get_class(type_) if not nullable: of_type = graphene.NonNull(of_type) filter_field = graphene.List(of_type, description=doc) return filter_field
Example #25
Source File: From graphene-django-extras with MIT License | 5 votes |
def to_graphql_fields(self): return { self.cursor_query_param: NonNull( String, description=self.cursor_query_description ) }
Example #26
Source File: From graphene-django-extras with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__( self, _type, ordering="-created", cursor_query_param="cursor", *args, **kwargs ): kwargs.setdefault("args", {}) self.page_size = graphql_api_settings.DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE self.page_size_query_param = "page_size" if not self.page_size else None self.cursor_query_param = cursor_query_param self.ordering = ordering self.cursor_query_description = "The pagination cursor value." self.page_size_query_description = "Number of results to return per page." kwargs[self.cursor_query_param] = NonNull( String, description=self.cursor_query_description ) if self.page_size_query_param: if not self.page_size: kwargs[self.page_size_query_param] = NonNull( Int, description=self.page_size_query_description ) else: kwargs[self.page_size_query_param] = Int( description=self.page_size_query_description ) super(CursorPaginationField, self).__init__(List(_type), *args, **kwargs)
Example #27
Source File: From graphene with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, NonNull) and ( self.of_type == other.of_type and self.args == other.args and self.kwargs == other.kwargs )
Example #28
Source File: From graphene with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(NonNull, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) assert not isinstance( self._of_type, NonNull ), f"Can only create NonNull of a Nullable GraphQLType but got: {self._of_type}."
Example #29
Source File: From graphene with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_type(self): """ This function is called when the unmounted type (List or NonNull instance) is mounted (as a Field, InputField or Argument) """ return self
Example #30
Source File: From graphene-gae with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def testStringProperty_required_shouldConvertToList(self): ndb_prop = ndb.StringProperty(required=True) result = convert_ndb_property(ndb_prop) graphene_type = result.field._type self.assertIsInstance(graphene_type, graphene.NonNull) self.assertEqual(graphene_type.of_type, graphene.String)