Python idc.get_name_ea_simple() Examples

The following are 17 code examples of idc.get_name_ea_simple(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module idc , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From heap-viewer with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def find_malloc_par():
    mp_ = idc.get_name_ea_simple("mp_")
    if mp_ != idc.BADADDR:
        return mp_

    segm = idaapi.get_segm_by_name("[heap]")
    if segm is None:
        return None

    offset = get_struct_offsets(malloc_par()).get('sbrk_base')
    sbrk_base = segm.start_ea
    ea = idc.get_segm_start(get_name_ea_simple("_IO_2_1_stdin_"))
    end_ea = idc.get_segm_end(ea)

    while ea < end_ea:
        ptr = config.get_ptr(ea)
        if idaapi.is_loaded(ptr) and ptr == sbrk_base:
            return (ea-offset)
        ea += config.ptr_size

    return None

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
Example #2
Source File:    From ActionScript3 with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def resolve_functions(self):

		self.addr = {
			"verifyNative": idc.get_name_ea_simple("BaseExecMgr::verifyNative"), 
			"setJit": idc.get_name_ea_simple("BaseExecMgr::setJit"), 
			"setInterp": idc.get_name_ea_simple("BaseExecMgr::setInterp"), 
			"setInterpRet": prev_head(
			"getMethodName": idc.get_name_ea_simple("MethodInfo::getMethodName"), 
			"verifyJit": idc.get_name_ea_simple("BaseExecMgr::verifyJit"), 
			"writePrologue": idc.get_name_ea_simple("CodegenLIR::writePrologue"),
			"hasReachableExceptionsRet": prev_head(
Example #3
Source File:    From bnida with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def import_names(names, sections):
    Import symbol names

    :param names: Dict containing symbol info
    :param sections: Dict containing section info

    for addr, name in names.items():
        addr = adjust_addr(sections, int(addr))
        if addr is None:

        name = sanitize_name(name)
        if idc.get_name_ea_simple(name) == idaapi.BADADDR:
            idc.set_name(addr, name) 
Example #4
Source File:    From LazyIDA with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def callback(self, event, *args):
        if event == idaapi.hxe_populating_popup:
            form, phandle, vu = args
            if vu.item.citype == idaapi.VDI_FUNC or (vu.item.citype == idaapi.VDI_EXPR and vu.item.e.is_expr() and vu.item.e.type.is_funcptr()):
                idaapi.attach_action_to_popup(form, phandle, ACTION_HX_REMOVERETTYPE, None)
        elif event == idaapi.hxe_double_click:
            vu, shift_state = args
            # auto jump to target if clicked item is xxx->func();
            if vu.item.citype == idaapi.VDI_EXPR and vu.item.e.is_expr():
                expr = idaapi.tag_remove(vu.item.e.print1(None))
                if "->" in expr:
                    # find target function
                    name = expr.split("->")[-1]
                    addr = idc.get_name_ea_simple(name)
                    if addr == idaapi.BADADDR:
                        # try class::function
                        e = vu.item.e
                        while e.x:
                            e = e.x
                        addr = idc.get_name_ea_simple("%s::%s" % (str(e.type).split()[0], name))

                    if addr != idaapi.BADADDR:
                        return 1
        return 0 
Example #5
Source File:    From Sark with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, ea=UseCurrentAddress, name=None):
        if name is not None and ea != self.UseCurrentAddress:
            raise ValueError(("Either supply a name or an address (ea). "
                              "Not both. (ea={!r}, name={!r})").format(ea, name))

        elif name is not None:
            ea = idc.get_name_ea_simple(name)

        elif ea == self.UseCurrentAddress:
            ea =

        elif ea is None:
            raise ValueError("`None` is not a valid address. To use the current screen ea, "
                             "use `Line(ea=Line.UseCurrentAddress)` or supply no `ea`.")

        self._ea = idaapi.get_item_head(ea)
        self._comments = Comments(self._ea) 
Example #6
Source File:    From Sark with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, ea=UseCurrentAddress, name=None):
        if name is not None and ea != self.UseCurrentAddress:
            raise ValueError(("Either supply a name or an address (ea). "
                              "Not both. (ea={!r}, name={!r})").format(ea, name))

        elif name is not None:
            ea = idc.get_name_ea_simple(name)
            if ea == idc.BADADDR:
                raise exceptions.SarkNoFunction(
                    "The supplied name does not belong to an existing function. "
                    "(name = {!r})".format(name))

        elif ea == self.UseCurrentAddress:
            ea =

        elif ea is None:
            raise ValueError("`None` is not a valid address. To use the current screen ea, "
                             "use `Function(ea=Function.UseCurrentAddress)` or supply no `ea`.")

        elif isinstance(ea, Line):
            ea = ea.ea
        self._func = get_func(ea)
        self._comments = Comments(self) 
Example #7
Source File:    From LazyIDA with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def parse_location(loc):
        loc = int(loc, 16)
    except ValueError:
            loc = idc.get_name_ea_simple(loc.encode().strip())
            return idaapi.BADADDR
    return loc 
Example #8
Source File:    From mcsema with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def find_main_in_ELF_file():
  """Tries to automatically find the `main` function if we haven't found it
  yet. IDA recognizes the pattern of `_start` calling `__libc_start_main` in
  ELF binaries, where one of the parameters is the `main` function. IDA will
  helpfully comment it as such."""

  start_ea = idc.get_name_ea_simple("_start")
  if is_invalid_ea(start_ea):
    start_ea = idc.get_name_ea_simple("start")
    if is_invalid_ea(start_ea):
      return idc.BADADDR

  for begin_ea, end_ea in idautils.Chunks(start_ea):
    for inst_ea in Heads(begin_ea, end_ea):
      comment = idc.GetCommentEx(inst_ea, 0)
      if comment and "main" in comment:
        for main_ea in xrefs_from(inst_ea):
          if not is_code(main_ea):

          # Sometimes the `main` function isn't identified as code. This comes
          # up when there are some alignment bytes in front of `main`.
          if is_code_by_flags(main_ea):

          main = idaapi.get_func(main_ea)
          if not main:

          if main and main.start_ea == main_ea:
            set_symbol_name(main_ea, "main")
            DEBUG("Found main at {:x}".format(main_ea))
            return main_ea

  return idc.BADADDR 
Example #9
Source File:    From ida-minsc with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def getMajorDispatchTableAddress():
    """find quicktime major dispatch table"""
    res = idc.get_name_ea_simple('theQuickTimeDispatcher')
    res = nextMnemonic(res, 'lea', idc.get_func_attr(res, idc.FUNCATTR_END))
    assert res != idc.BADADDR
    return idc.get_operand_value(res, 1) 
Example #10
Source File:    From mcsema with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def is_start_of_function(ea):
  """Returns `True` if `ea` is the start of a function."""
  if not is_code(ea):
    return False
  # originally name = idc.GetTrueName(ea) or idc.get_func_name(ea)
  # removed since ida 7.4 not supported
  name = idc.get_func_name(ea)
  return ea == idc.get_name_ea_simple(name) 
Example #11
Source File:    From heap-viewer with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def find_main_arena():
    main_arena = idc.get_name_ea_simple("main_arena") # from libc6-dbg
    if main_arena != idc.BADADDR:
        return main_arena

    ea = idc.get_segm_start(idc.get_name_ea_simple("_IO_2_1_stdin_"))
    end_ea = idc.get_segm_end(ea)

    # &main_arena->next
    offsets = {
        4: [1088, 1096], # 32 bits
        8: [2152, 2160]  # 64 bits

    if ea == idc.BADADDR or end_ea == idc.BADADDR:
        return None

    while ea < end_ea:
        ptr = config.get_ptr(ea) # ptr to main_arena
        if idaapi.is_loaded(ptr) and ptr < ea:
            if (ea-ptr) in offsets:
                return ptr
        ea += config.ptr_size
    return None

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
Example #12
Source File:    From flare-ida with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self):
        self.magicMask64 = 0xabbadabbad000000
        self.magicMask32 = 0xabba0000
        self.magicMaskMask64 = 0xffffffffffff0000
        self.magicMaskMask32 = 0xffff0000
        self.callMnems = ["call", "jmp", "BL", "BLX", "BLEQ", "BLXEQ", "BLR", "BLREQ", "B"]
        self.objcData = None
        self.objcSelRefs = None
        self.objcMsgRefs = None
        self.objcConst = None
        self.objcClassRefs = None
        self.objcCatList = None
        self.fixedSelXRefs = []
        self.ivarSetters = {}
        self.notIvarSetters = []
        for segVA in idautils.Segments():
            segName = idc.get_segm_name(segVA)
            endVA = idc.get_segm_end(segVA)
            if segName == "__objc_data":
                self.objcData = (segVA, endVA)
            elif segName == "__objc_selrefs":
                self.objcSelRefs = (segVA, endVA)
            elif segName == "__objc_msgrefs":
                self.objcMsgRefs = (segVA, endVA)
            elif segName == "__objc_const":
                self.objcConst = (segVA, endVA)
            elif segName == "__objc_classrefs":
                self.objcClassRefs = (segVA, endVA)
            elif segName == "__objc_catlist":
                self.objcCatList = (segVA, endVA)
        if self.objcSelRefs or self.objcMsgRefs:
            logging.debug("this Mach-O does not implement any Objective-C classes")
    # it appears idc.get_name_ea_simple does not work for selector reference names that end in "_" 
Example #13
Source File:    From flare-ida with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def preEmuCallback(self, eh, userData, funcStart):
        userData["magicVals"] = []
        userData["magicValsCount"] = 0
        if eh.size_pointer == 4:
            magicMask = self.magicMask32
            magicMask = self.magicMask64
        # get "self" id if in objc function
        clsName = None
        funcName = idaapi.get_func_name(funcStart)
        if funcName[0] in ["-", "+"] and "[" in funcName and "]" in funcName and " " in funcName:
            shortClsName = clsName = funcName[2:funcName.find(" ")]
            if "(" in clsName:
                clsName = "_OBJC_CATEGORY_" + \
                        "(")] + "_$_" + clsName[clsName.find("(") + 1:clsName.find(")")]
                shortClsName = shortClsName[:shortClsName.find(
                    "(")] + "_" + shortClsName[shortClsName.find("(") + 1:shortClsName.find(")")]
                clsName = "_OBJC_CLASS_$_" + clsName
        if clsName:
            if funcName[0] == "+":
                # this is a class method, use classRef
                self_ = idc.get_name_ea_simple(clsName)
                # assume rdx will hold an instance of the class
                    ("(%s *)instance" % shortClsName, shortClsName))
                inst = magicMask | userData["magicValsCount"]
                userData["magicValsCount"] += 1
                eh.uc.reg_write(eh.regs["arg3"], inst)
            elif funcName[0] == "-":
                # this is an instance method, use magic value to store "self"
                    ("(%s *)self" % shortClsName, shortClsName))
                self_ = magicMask | userData["magicValsCount"]
                userData["magicValsCount"] += 1
            eh.uc.reg_write(eh.regs["arg1"], self_) 
Example #14
Source File:    From flare-ida with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def for_each_call_to(callback, va=None):
    """For each xref to va that is a call, pass xref va to callback.

    Falls back to highlighted identifier or current location if va is
    if not va:
        v = ida_kernwin.get_current_viewer()
        hi = ida_kernwin.get_highlight(v)
        if hi and hi[1]:
            nm = hi[0]
            va = idc.get_name_ea_simple(nm)
            if va >= idaapi.cvar.inf.maxEA:
                va = None

    va = va or

    # Obtain and de-duplicate addresses of xrefs that are calls
    callsites = set([x.frm for x in idautils.XrefsTo(va)
                     if idc.print_insn_mnem(x.frm) == 'call'])
    for va in callsites:

# Instruction operand specification.
# Operand types are from ida_ua.o_* e.g. o_reg, o_mem.
# >>> {x: getattr(ida_ua, x) for x in dir(ida_ua) if x.startswith('o_')}
# Quick ref:
#   ida_ua.o_reg ==      1: "General Register (al,ax,es,ds...)",
#   ida_ua.o_mem ==      2: "Memory Reference",
#   ida_ua.o_phrase ==   3: "Base + Index",
#   ida_ua.o_displ ==    4: "Base + Index + Displacement",
#   ida_ua.o_imm ==      5: "Immediate",
#   ida_ua.o_far ==      6: "Immediate Far Address",
#   ida_ua.o_near ==     7: "Immediate Near Address",
#   ida_ua.o_idpspec0 == 8: "FPP register",
#   ida_ua.o_idpspec1 == 9: "386 control register",
#   ida_ua.o_idpspec2 == 10: "386 debug register",
#   ida_ua.o_idpspec3 == 11: "386 trace register", 
Example #15
Source File:    From DBGHider with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def hook(self, hook_addr = 0):
            hook_addr(int): address for inline hook code, 0 indicates bpt hook.

            memory size in bytes used for inline hook.

        self.hook_addr = hook_addr
        self.func_addr = idc.get_name_ea_simple(

        if self.func_addr == 0:
            return 0

        print("Hooking %s at 0x%x" % (, self.func_addr))
        if self.hook_addr == 0:
            idc.set_bpt_cond(self.func_addr, self.bpt_cond_hook_code)
            return 0
            # assemble jmp code
            jmp_code = "jmp 0x%x" % self.hook_addr
            jmp_buf, _ = assemble(jmp_code, self.func_addr)

            # read function prologue according to jmp code length
            # NOTE: instructions like 'call $+5' in prologue will
            # cause problems.
            insn = idaapi.insn_t()
            move_length = 0
            while move_length < len(jmp_buf):
                idaapi.decode_insn(insn, self.func_addr + move_length)
                move_length += insn.size
            prologue = idaapi.get_bytes(self.func_addr, move_length)

            # write jmp code
            idaapi.patch_bytes(self.func_addr, jmp_buf)

            # assmble hook code
            hook_buf, _ = assemble(self.inline_hook_code, self.hook_addr)
            hook_buf += prologue
            jmp_back_code = 'jmp 0x%x' % (self.func_addr + move_length)
            jmp_back_buf, _ = assemble(jmp_back_code, self.hook_addr + len(hook_buf))
            hook_buf += jmp_back_buf

            # wirte hook code
            idaapi.patch_bytes(self.hook_addr, hook_buf)
            return len(hook_buf) 
Example #16
Source File:    From flare-ida with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def getIvarTypeFromFunc(self, eh, va):
        if va in self.ivarSetters:
            return self.ivarSetters[va]
        elif va in self.notIvarSetters:
            return UNKNOWN
        addr = va
        endVa = idc.get_func_attr(va, idc.FUNCATTR_END)
        if endVa - va < 0x20:
            ivarVa = None
            while addr <= endVa:
                srcOpnd = idc.print_operand(addr, 1)
                # if ivar is the src op for an instruction, assume this function will return it
                if eh.arch == unicorn.UC_ARCH_ARM and "_OBJC_IVAR_$_" in srcOpnd:
                    oploc = idc.get_name_ea_simple(
                        srcOpnd[srcOpnd.find("_OBJC_IVAR_$_"):srcOpnd.find(" ")])
                    if oploc != idc.BADADDR:
                        ivarVa = oploc
                elif eh.arch == unicorn.UC_ARCH_ARM64:
                    for x in idautils.XrefsFrom(addr):
                        if (idc.get_segm_name( == "__objc_ivar" and
                                idc.get_name(, idc.ida_name.GN_VISIBLE)[:13] == "_OBJC_IVAR_$_"):
                            ivarVa =
                elif eh.arch == unicorn.UC_ARCH_X86:
                    if "_OBJC_IVAR_$_" in srcOpnd:
                        ivarVa = idc.get_operand_value(addr, 1)

                addr = idc.next_head(addr, idc.get_inf_attr(idc.INF_MAX_EA))

            if ivarVa:
                for x in idautils.XrefsTo(ivarVa):
                    if x.frm >= self.objcConst[0] and x.frm < self.objcConst[1]:
                        typeStr = eh.getIDBString(
                            eh.derefPtr(x.frm + eh.size_pointer * 2))
                        self.ivarSetters[va] = typeStr[2:-1]
                        logging.debug("%s is an ivar getter function, returning type %s" % (
                            eh.hexString(va), typeStr[2:-1]))
                        return typeStr[2:-1]
                    "%s determined not to be an ivar getter function", eh.hexString(va))
                "%s determined not to be an ivar getter function", eh.hexString(va))
        return UNKNOWN

    # returns class or sel name from IDA name 
Example #17
Source File:    From flare-ida with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def _patchCalls(self):
        def do_patch_call(va):
            retval = False
            stub_loc = idc.get_name_ea_simple(self._stubname(nm))

            # Preserve original disassembly and format new comment
            old_target = idc.print_operand(va, 0)
            orig_cmt = idc.get_cmt(va, 0) or ''
            new_cmt = '%s\n\t%s' % (g_patched_call_cmt, idc.GetDisasm(va))

            if idc.get_operand_type(va, 0) == ida_ua.o_mem:
                retval = patch_import(va, self._stubname(nm))
                new_cmt += '\n%s %s to %s)' % (g_cmt_pointed, old_target,
            elif idc.get_operand_type(va, 0) == ida_ua.o_reg:
                va_imp = self._get_imp_for_register_call(va, nm)
                if va_imp:
                    patch_pointer_width(va_imp, stub_loc)
                    retval = True
                    logger.warn('Could not find import to patch call at %s' %

            else:  # Usually optype 7 otherwise
                # Won't work if displacement exceeds 32-bit operand size
                call_offset_loc = va + idc.get_item_size(va)
                if abs(call_offset_loc - stub_loc) > 0x100000000:
                    msg = ('Call site at %s too far from %s (%s)' %
                           (phex(va), self._stubname(nm), phex(stub_loc)))
                    raise CodeGraftingDisplacementError(msg)
                retval = patch_call(va, self._stubname(nm))

            if retval:
                if orig_cmt:
                    new_cmt += '\n%s' % (orig_cmt)
                idc.set_cmt(va, new_cmt, 0)
                ida_xref.add_cref(va, stub_loc, ida_xref.fl_CN)

            return retval

        for names in self._emu_stubs.keys():
            for nm in names:
                va = idc.get_name_ea_simple(nm)
                mykutils.for_each_call_to(do_patch_call, va)

        for nm, aliases in g_allocators_aliases.items():
            for alias in aliases:
                # do_patch_call closure will turn <nm> into stub_<nm>