Python utils.assert_eq() Examples

The following are 16 code examples of utils.assert_eq(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module utils , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From Attention-on-Attention-for-VQA with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _load_dataset(dataroot, name, img_id2val):
    """Load entries

    img_id2val: dict {img_id -> val} val can be used to retrieve image or features
    dataroot: root path of dataset
    name: 'train', 'val'
    question_path = os.path.join(
        dataroot, 'v2_OpenEnded_mscoco_%s2014_questions.json' % name)
    questions = sorted(json.load(open(question_path))['questions'],
                       key=lambda x: x['question_id'])
    answer_path = os.path.join(dataroot, 'cache', '%s_target.pkl' % name)
    answers = cPickle.load(open(answer_path, 'rb'))
    answers = sorted(answers, key=lambda x: x['question_id'])

    utils.assert_eq(len(questions), len(answers))
    entries = []
    for question, answer in zip(questions, answers):
        utils.assert_eq(question['question_id'], answer['question_id'])
        utils.assert_eq(question['image_id'], answer['image_id'])
        img_id = question['image_id']
        entries.append(_create_entry(img_id2val[img_id], question, answer))

    return entries 
Example #2
Source File:    From VQA_ReGAT with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def tokenize(self, max_length=14):
        """Tokenizes the questions.

        This will add q_token in each entry of the dataset.
        -1 represent nil, and should be treated as padding_idx in embedding
        for entry in self.entries:
            tokens = self.dictionary.tokenize(entry['question'], False)
            tokens = tokens[:max_length]
            if len(tokens) < max_length:
                # Note here we pad to the back of the sentence
                padding = [self.dictionary.padding_idx] * \
                          (max_length - len(tokens))
                tokens = tokens + padding
            utils.assert_eq(len(tokens), max_length)
            entry['q_token'] = tokens 
Example #3
Source File:    From VQA_ReGAT with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def tokenize(self, max_length=14):
        """Tokenizes the questions.

        This will add q_token in each entry of the dataset.
        -1 represent nil, and should be treated as padding_idx in embedding
        for entry in self.entries:
            tokens = self.dictionary.tokenize(entry['question'], False)
            tokens = tokens[:max_length]
            if len(tokens) < max_length:
                # Note here we pad to the back of the sentence
                padding = [self.dictionary.padding_idx] * \
                          (max_length - len(tokens))
                tokens = tokens + padding
            utils.assert_eq(len(tokens), max_length)
            entry['q_token'] = tokens 
Example #4
Source File:    From bottom-up-attention-vqa with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _load_dataset(dataroot, name, img_id2val):
    """Load entries

    img_id2val: dict {img_id -> val} val can be used to retrieve image or features
    dataroot: root path of dataset
    name: 'train', 'val'
    question_path = os.path.join(
        dataroot, 'v2_OpenEnded_mscoco_%s2014_questions.json' % name)
    questions = sorted(json.load(open(question_path))['questions'],
                       key=lambda x: x['question_id'])
    answer_path = os.path.join(dataroot, 'cache', '%s_target.pkl' % name)
    answers = cPickle.load(open(answer_path, 'rb'))
    answers = sorted(answers, key=lambda x: x['question_id'])

    utils.assert_eq(len(questions), len(answers))
    entries = []
    for question, answer in zip(questions, answers):
        utils.assert_eq(question['question_id'], answer['question_id'])
        utils.assert_eq(question['image_id'], answer['image_id'])
        img_id = question['image_id']
        entries.append(_create_entry(img_id2val[img_id], question, answer))

    return entries 
Example #5
Source File:    From bottom-up-attention-tf with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _load_dataset(dataroot, name, img_id2val):
    """Load entries
    img_id2val: dict {img_id -> val} val can be used to retrieve image or features
    dataroot: root path of dataset
    name: 'train', 'val'
    question_path = os.path.join(
        dataroot, 'v2_OpenEnded_mscoco_%s2014_questions.json' % name)
    questions = sorted(json.load(open(question_path))['questions'],
                       key=lambda x: x['question_id'])
    answer_path = os.path.join(dataroot, 'cache', '%s_target.pkl' % name)
    answers = pickle.load(open(answer_path, 'rb'))
    answers = sorted(answers, key=lambda x: x['question_id'])

    utils.assert_eq(len(questions), len(answers))
    entries = []
    for question, answer in zip(questions, answers):
        utils.assert_eq(question['question_id'], answer['question_id'])
        utils.assert_eq(question['image_id'], answer['image_id'])
        img_id = question['image_id']
        entries.append(_create_entry(img_id2val[img_id], question, answer))

    return entries 
Example #6
Source File:    From Attention-on-Attention-for-VQA with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def tokenize(self, max_length=14):
        """Tokenizes the questions.

        This will add q_token in each entry of the dataset.
        -1 represent nil, and should be treated as padding_idx in embedding
        for entry in self.entries:
            tokens = self.dictionary.tokenize(entry['question'], False)
            tokens = tokens[:max_length]
            if len(tokens) < max_length:
                # Note here we pad in front of the sentence
                padding = [self.dictionary.padding_idx] * (max_length - len(tokens))
                tokens = padding + tokens
            utils.assert_eq(len(tokens), max_length)
            entry['q_token'] = tokens 
Example #7
Source File:    From VQA_ReGAT with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def make_json(logits, qIds, dataloader):
    utils.assert_eq(logits.size(0), len(qIds))
    results = []
    for i in range(logits.size(0)):
        result = {}
        result['question_id'] = qIds[i].item()
        result['answer'] = get_answer(logits[i], dataloader)
    return results 
Example #8
Source File:    From VQA_ReGAT with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _load_dataset(dataroot, name, coco_train_img_id2val, coco_val_img_id2val,
    """Load entries

        dict {img_id -> val} val can be used to retrieve image or features
    dataroot: root path of dataset
    name: 'train', 'val'
    question_path = os.path.join(
        dataroot, 'cp_v2_questions/vqacp_v2_%s_questions.json' % name)
    questions = sorted(json.load(open(question_path)),
                       key=lambda x: x['question_id'])
    answer_path = os.path.join(dataroot, 'cache', 'cp_v2_%s_target.pkl' % name)
    answers = pickle.load(open(answer_path, 'rb'))
    answers = sorted(answers, key=lambda x: x['question_id'])

    utils.assert_eq(len(questions), len(answers))
    entries = []
    for question, answer in zip(questions, answers):
        utils.assert_eq(question['question_id'], answer['question_id'])
        utils.assert_eq(question['image_id'], answer['image_id'])
        img_id = question['image_id']
        coco_split = question["coco_split"]
        index = coco_train_img_id2val[img_id]\
            if coco_split == "train2014" else coco_val_img_id2val[img_id]
        if not COUNTING_ONLY \
           or is_howmany(question['question'], answer, label2ans):
            entries.append(_create_entry(index, question, answer))
    return entries 
Example #9
Source File:    From VQA_ReGAT with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _load_dataset(dataroot, name, img_id2val, label2ans):
    """Load entries

    img_id2val: dict {img_id -> val} val can be used to
                retrieve image or features
    dataroot: root path of dataset
    name: 'train', 'val', 'test-dev2015', test2015'
    question_path = os.path.join(
        dataroot, 'Questions/v2_OpenEnded_mscoco_%s_questions.json' %
        (name + '2014' if 'test' != name[:4] else name))
    questions = sorted(json.load(open(question_path))['questions'],
                       key=lambda x: x['question_id'])
    # train, val
    if 'test' != name[:4]:
        answer_path = os.path.join(dataroot, 'cache', '%s_target.pkl' % name)
        answers = pickle.load(open(answer_path, 'rb'))
        answers = sorted(answers, key=lambda x: x['question_id'])

        utils.assert_eq(len(questions), len(answers))
        entries = []
        for question, answer in zip(questions, answers):
            utils.assert_eq(question['question_id'], answer['question_id'])
            utils.assert_eq(question['image_id'], answer['image_id'])
            img_id = question['image_id']
            if not COUNTING_ONLY \
               or is_howmany(question['question'], answer, label2ans):
                                             question, answer))
    # test2015
        entries = []
        for question in questions:
            img_id = question['image_id']
            if not COUNTING_ONLY \
               or is_howmany(question['question'], None, None):
                                             question, None))

    return entries 
Example #10
Source File:    From bottom-up-attention-vqa with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def tokenize(self, max_length=14):
        """Tokenizes the questions.

        This will add q_token in each entry of the dataset.
        -1 represent nil, and should be treated as padding_idx in embedding
        for entry in self.entries:
            tokens = self.dictionary.tokenize(entry['question'], False)
            tokens = tokens[:max_length]
            if len(tokens) < max_length:
                # Note here we pad in front of the sentence
                padding = [self.dictionary.padding_idx] * (max_length - len(tokens))
                tokens = padding + tokens
            utils.assert_eq(len(tokens), max_length)
            entry['q_token'] = tokens 
Example #11
Source File:    From bottom-up-attention-tf with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def tokenize(self, max_length=14):
        """Tokenizes the questions.
        This will add q_token in each entry of the dataset.
        -1 represent nil, and should be treated as padding_idx in embedding
        for entry in self.entries:
            tokens = self.dictionary.tokenize(entry['question'], False)
            tokens = tokens[:max_length]
            if len(tokens) < max_length:
                # Note here we pad in front of the sentence
                padding = [self.dictionary.padding_idx] * (max_length - len(tokens))
                tokens = padding + tokens
            utils.assert_eq(len(tokens), max_length)
            entry['q_token'] = tokens 
Example #12
Source File:    From ban-vqa with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def make_json(logits, qIds, dataloader):
    utils.assert_eq(logits.size(0), len(qIds))
    results = []
    for i in range(logits.size(0)):
        result = {}
        result['question_id'] = qIds[i].item()
        result['answer'] = get_answer(logits[i], dataloader)
    return results 
Example #13
Source File:    From ban-vqa with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _load_dataset(dataroot, name, img_id2val, label2ans):
    """Load entries

    img_id2val: dict {img_id -> val} val can be used to retrieve image or features
    dataroot: root path of dataset
    name: 'train', 'val', 'test-dev2015', test2015'
    question_path = os.path.join(
        dataroot, 'v2_OpenEnded_mscoco_%s_questions.json' % \
        (name + '2014' if 'test'!=name[:4] else name))
    questions = sorted(json.load(open(question_path))['questions'],
                       key=lambda x: x['question_id'])
    if 'test'!=name[:4]: # train, val
        answer_path = os.path.join(dataroot, 'cache', '%s_target.pkl' % name)
        answers = cPickle.load(open(answer_path, 'rb'))
        answers = sorted(answers, key=lambda x: x['question_id'])

        utils.assert_eq(len(questions), len(answers))
        entries = []
        for question, answer in zip(questions, answers):
            utils.assert_eq(question['question_id'], answer['question_id'])
            utils.assert_eq(question['image_id'], answer['image_id'])
            img_id = question['image_id']
            if not COUNTING_ONLY or is_howmany(question['question'], answer, label2ans):
                entries.append(_create_entry(img_id2val[img_id], question, answer))
    else: # test2015
        entries = []
        for question in questions:
            img_id = question['image_id']
            if not COUNTING_ONLY or is_howmany(question['question'], None, None):
                entries.append(_create_entry(img_id2val[img_id], question, None))

    return entries 
Example #14
Source File:    From ban-vqa with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def tokenize(self, max_length=14):
        """Tokenizes the questions.

        This will add q_token in each entry of the dataset.
        -1 represent nil, and should be treated as padding_idx in embedding
        for entry in self.entries:
            tokens = self.dictionary.tokenize(entry['question'], False)
            tokens = tokens[:max_length]
            if len(tokens) < max_length:
                # Note here we pad in front of the sentence
                padding = [self.dictionary.padding_idx] * (max_length - len(tokens))
                tokens = tokens + padding
            utils.assert_eq(len(tokens), max_length)
            entry['q_token'] = tokens 
Example #15
Source File:    From ban-vqa with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def tokenize(self, max_length=14):
        """Tokenizes the questions.

        This will add q_token in each entry of the dataset.
        -1 represent nil, and should be treated as padding_idx in embedding
        for entry in self.entries:
            tokens = self.dictionary.tokenize(entry['question'], False)
            tokens = tokens[:max_length]
            if len(tokens) < max_length:
                # Note here we pad in front of the sentence
                padding = [self.dictionary.padding_idx] * (max_length - len(tokens))
                tokens = tokens + padding
            utils.assert_eq(len(tokens), max_length)
            entry['q_token'] = tokens 
Example #16
Source File:    From ban-vqa with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def tokenize(self, max_length=82):
        """Tokenizes the questions.

        This will add q_token in each entry of the dataset.
        -1 represent nil, and should be treated as padding_idx in embedding
        for entry in self.entries:
            tokens = self.dictionary.tokenize(entry['sentence'], False)
            tokens = tokens[:max_length]
            if len(tokens) < max_length:
                # Note here we pad in front of the sentence
                padding = [self.dictionary.padding_idx] * (max_length - len(tokens))
                tokens = tokens + padding
            utils.assert_eq(len(tokens), max_length)
            entry['p_token'] = tokens