Python torch.take() Examples

The following are 8 code examples of torch.take(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module torch , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From CrypTen with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def take(self, index, dimension=None):
        """Take entries of tensor along a dimension according to the index.
            This function is identical to torch.take() when dimension=None,
            otherwise, it is identical to ONNX gather() function.
        result = self.shallow_copy()
        index = index.long()
        if dimension is None:
            result.share = torch.take(self.share, index)
            all_indices = [slice(0, x) for x in self.size()]
            all_indices[dimension] = index
            result.share = self.share[all_indices]
        return result

    # negation and reciprocal: 
Example #2
Source File:    From incubator-tvm with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_forward_take():
    class Take1(Module):
        def forward(self, *args):
            indices = torch.tensor([[0,0],[1,0]])
            if torch.cuda.is_available():
                indices = indices.cuda()
            return torch.take(args[0], indices)

    class Take2(Module):
        def forward(self, *args):
            return torch.take(args[0], args[1])

    input_data = torch.tensor([[1,2],[3,4]])
    verify_model(Take1().float().eval(), input_data=input_data)
    indices = torch.tensor([[0,0],[1,0]])
    verify_model(Take2().float().eval(), input_data=[input_data, indices]) 
Example #3
Source File:    From audio with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _find_max_per_frame(
        nccf: Tensor,
        sample_rate: int,
        freq_high: int
) -> Tensor:
    For each frame, take the highest value of NCCF,
    apply centered median smoothing, and convert to frequency.

    Note: If the max among all the lags is very close
    to the first half of lags, then the latter is taken.

    lag_min = int(math.ceil(sample_rate / freq_high))

    # Find near enough max that is smallest

    best = torch.max(nccf[..., lag_min:], -1)

    half_size = nccf.shape[-1] // 2
    half = torch.max(nccf[..., lag_min:half_size], -1)

    best = _combine_max(half, best)
    indices = best[1]

    # Add back minimal lag
    indices += lag_min
    # Add 1 empirical calibration offset
    indices += 1

    return indices 
Example #4
Source File:    From RegRCNN with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def compute_focal_class_loss(anchor_matches, class_pred_logits, gamma=2.):
    """ Focal Loss :math:`FL = -(1-q)^g log(q)` with q = pred class probability, g = gamma hyperparameter.

    :param anchor_matches: (n_anchors). [-1, 0, class] for negative, neutral, and positive matched anchors.
    :param class_pred_logits: (n_anchors, n_classes). logits from classifier sub-network.
    :param gamma: g in above formula, good results with g=2 in original paper.
    :return: loss: torch tensor
    :return: focal loss
    # Positive and Negative anchors contribute to the loss but neutral anchors (match value = 0) don't.
    pos_indices = torch.nonzero(anchor_matches > 0).squeeze(-1) # dim=-1 instead of 1 or 0 to cover empty matches.
    neg_indices = torch.nonzero(anchor_matches == -1).squeeze(-1)
    target_classes  = (anchor_matches[pos_indices].long(), torch.LongTensor([0] * neg_indices.shape[0]).cuda()) )

    non_neutral_indices = (pos_indices, neg_indices) )
    # q shape: (n_non_neutral_anchors, n_classes)
    q = F.softmax(class_pred_logits[non_neutral_indices], dim=1)

    # one-hot encoded target classes: keep only the pred probs of the correct class.
    # that class will receive the incentive to be maximized.
    # log(q_i) where i = target class --> FL shape (n_anchors,)
    # need to transform to indices into flattened tensor to use torch.take
    target_locs_flat = q.shape[1] * torch.arange(q.shape[0]).cuda() + target_classes
    q = torch.take(q, target_locs_flat)

    FL = torch.log(q) # element-wise log
    FL *= -(1.-q)**gamma

    # take mean over all considered anchors
    FL = FL.sum() / FL.shape[0]
    return FL 
Example #5
Source File:    From spectre with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def split(self, data: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
        ret = torch.take(data, self._sorted_indices)
        assert ret.dtype not in {torch.int8, torch.int16, torch.int32, torch.int64}, \
            'tensor cannot be any type of int, recommended to use float32'
        ret.masked_fill_(self._padding_mask, np.nan)
        return ret 
Example #6
Source File:    From spectre with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def revert(self, split_data: torch.Tensor, dbg_str='None') -> torch.Tensor:
        if tuple(split_data.shape) != self._data_shape:
            if tuple(split_data.shape[:2]) == self._data_shape[:2]:
                raise ValueError('The downstream needs shape{2}, and the input factor "{1}" is '
                                 'shape{0}. Look like this factor has multiple return values, '
                                 'use slice to select a value before using it, for example: '
                                 .format(tuple(split_data.shape), dbg_str, self._data_shape))
                raise ValueError('The return data shape{} of Factor `{}` must same as input{}.'
                                 .format(tuple(split_data.shape), dbg_str, self._data_shape))
        return torch.take(split_data, self._inverse_indices) 
Example #7
Source File:    From spectre with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def quantile(data, bins, dim=1):
    if data.dtype == torch.bool:
        data = data.char()
    if data.shape[1] == 1:  # if only one asset in universe
        return data.new_full(data.shape, 0, dtype=torch.float32)

    x, _ = torch.sort(data, dim=dim)
    # get non-nan size of each row
    mask = torch.isnan(data)
    act_size = data.shape[dim] - mask.sum(dim=dim)
    # get each bin's cut indices of each row by non-nan size
    q = torch.linspace(0, 1, bins + 1, device=data.device)
    q = q.view(-1, *[1 for _ in range(dim)])
    q_index = q * (act_size - 1)
    # calculate un-perfect cut weight
    q_weight = q % 1
    q_index = q_index.long()
    q_next = q_index + 1
    q_next[-1] = act_size - 1

    # get quantile values of each row
    dim_len = data.shape[dim]
    offset = torch.arange(0, q_index[0].nelement(), device=data.device) * dim_len
    offset = offset.reshape(q_index[0].shape)
    q_index += offset
    q_next += offset
    b_start = x.take(q_index)
    b_end = x.take(q_next)
    b = b_start + (b_end - b_start) * q_weight
    b[0] -= 1
    b = b.unsqueeze(-1)

    ret = data.new_full(data.shape, np.nan, dtype=torch.float32)
    for start, end, tile in zip(b[:-1], b[1:], range(bins)):
        ret[(data > start) & (data <= end)] = tile
    return ret 
Example #8
Source File:    From EchoTorch with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def finalize(self):
        Finalize training with LU factorization or Pseudo-inverse
        # Reshape average
        xTx, avg, tlen = self._fix(self.xTx, self.xTx_avg, self.tlen)

        # Reshape
        self.avg = avg.unsqueeze(0)

        # We need more observations than variables
        if self.tlen < self.input_dim:
            raise Exception(u"The number of observations ({}) is larger than  the number of input variables ({})".format(self.tlen, self.input_dim))
        # end if

        # Total variance
        total_var = torch.diag(xTx).sum()

        # Compute and sort eigenvalues
        d, v = torch.symeig(xTx, eigenvectors=True)

        # Check for negative eigenvalues
        if float(d.min()) < 0:
            # raise Exception(u"Got negative eigenvalues ({}). You may either set output_dim to be smaller".format(d))
        # end if

        # Indexes
        indexes = range(d.size(0)-1, -1, -1)

        # Sort by descending order
        d = torch.take(d, Variable(torch.LongTensor(indexes)))
        v = v[:, indexes]

        # Explained covariance
        self.explained_variance = torch.sum(d) / total_var

        # Store eigenvalues
        self.d = d[:self.output_dim]

        # Store eigenvectors
        self.v = v[:, :self.output_dim]

        # Total variance
        self.total_variance = total_var

        # Stop training
    # end finalize

    # Get explained variance