Python torch.roll() Examples

The following are 12 code examples of torch.roll(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module torch , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From KAIR with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def p2o(psf, shape):
    # psf: NxCxhxw
    # shape: [H,W]
    # otf: NxCxHxWx2
    otf = torch.zeros(psf.shape[:-2] + shape).type_as(psf)
    for axis, axis_size in enumerate(psf.shape[2:]):
        otf = torch.roll(otf, -int(axis_size / 2), dims=axis+2)
    otf = torch.rfft(otf, 2, onesided=False)
    n_ops = torch.sum(torch.tensor(psf.shape).type_as(psf) * torch.log2(torch.tensor(psf.shape).type_as(psf)))
    otf[...,1][torch.abs(otf[...,1])<n_ops*2.22e-16] = torch.tensor(0).type_as(psf)
    return otf

# otf2psf: not sure where I got this one from. Maybe translated from Octave source code or whatever. It's just math. 
Example #2
Source File:    From KAIR with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def p2o(psf, shape):
        psf: NxCxhxw
        shape: [H,W]

        otf: NxCxHxWx2
    otf = torch.zeros(psf.shape[:-2] + shape).type_as(psf)
    for axis, axis_size in enumerate(psf.shape[2:]):
        otf = torch.roll(otf, -int(axis_size / 2), dims=axis+2)
    otf = torch.rfft(otf, 2, onesided=False)
    n_ops = torch.sum(torch.tensor(psf.shape).type_as(psf) * torch.log2(torch.tensor(psf.shape).type_as(psf)))
    otf[...,1][torch.abs(otf[...,1])<n_ops*2.22e-16] = torch.tensor(0).type_as(psf)
    return otf 
Example #3
Source File:    From PySyft with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_roll(workers):
    bob, alice, james = (workers["bob"], workers["alice"], workers["james"])
    t = torch.tensor([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])
    x = t.share(bob, alice, crypto_provider=james)

    res1 = torch.roll(x, 2)
    res2 = torch.roll(x, 2, dims=1)
    res3 = torch.roll(x, (1, 2), dims=(0, 1))

    assert (res1.get() == torch.roll(t, 2)).all()
    assert (res2.get() == torch.roll(t, 2, dims=1)).all()
    assert (res3.get() == torch.roll(t, (1, 2), dims=(0, 1))).all()

    # With MultiPointerTensor
    shifts = torch.tensor(1).send(alice, bob)
    res = torch.roll(x, shifts)

    shifts1 = torch.tensor(1).send(alice, bob)
    shifts2 = torch.tensor(2).send(alice, bob)
    res2 = torch.roll(x, (shifts1, shifts2), dims=(0, 1))

    assert (res.get() == torch.roll(t, 1)).all()
    assert (res2.get() == torch.roll(t, (1, 2), dims=(0, 1))).all() 
Example #4
Source File:    From marl_transfer with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def calculate_mask(self, inp):
        # inp is batch_size x self.input_size where batch_size is num_processes*num_agents
        pos = inp[:, self.pos_index:self.pos_index+2]
        bsz = inp.size(0)//self.num_agents
        mask = torch.full(size=(bsz,self.num_agents,self.num_agents),fill_value=0,dtype=torch.uint8)
        if self.mask_dist is not None and self.mask_dist > 0: 
            for i in range(1,self.num_agents):
                shifted = torch.roll(pos,-bsz*i,0)
                dists = torch.norm(pos-shifted,dim=1)
                restrict = dists > self.mask_dist
                for x in range(self.num_agents):
        elif self.mask_dist is not None and self.mask_dist == -10:
           if self.dropout_mask is None or bsz!=self.dropout_mask.shape[0] or np.random.random_sample() < 0.1: # sample new dropout mask
               temp = torch.rand(mask.size()) > 0.85
               self.dropout_mask = (temp+temp.transpose(1,2))!=0

        return mask 
Example #5
Source File:    From KAIR with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def otf2psf(otf, outsize=None):
    insize = np.array(otf.shape)
    psf = np.fft.ifftn(otf, axes=(0, 1))
    for axis, axis_size in enumerate(insize):
        psf = np.roll(psf, np.floor(axis_size / 2).astype(int), axis=axis)
    if type(outsize) != type(None):
        insize = np.array(otf.shape)
        outsize = np.array(outsize)
        n = max(np.size(outsize), np.size(insize))
        # outsize = postpad(outsize(:), n, 1);
        # insize = postpad(insize(:) , n, 1);
        colvec_out = outsize.flatten().reshape((np.size(outsize), 1))
        colvec_in = insize.flatten().reshape((np.size(insize), 1))
        outsize = np.pad(colvec_out, ((0, max(0, n - np.size(colvec_out))), (0, 0)), mode="constant")
        insize = np.pad(colvec_in, ((0, max(0, n - np.size(colvec_in))), (0, 0)), mode="constant")

        pad = (insize - outsize) / 2
        if np.any(pad < 0):
            print("otf2psf error: OUTSIZE must be smaller than or equal than OTF size")
        prepad = np.floor(pad)
        postpad = np.ceil(pad)
        dims_start = prepad.astype(int)
        dims_end = (insize - postpad).astype(int)
        for i in range(len(dims_start.shape)):
            psf = np.take(psf, range(dims_start[i][0], dims_end[i][0]), axis=i)
    n_ops = np.sum(otf.size * np.log2(otf.shape))
    psf = np.real_if_close(psf, tol=n_ops)
    return psf

# psf2otf copied/modified from 
Example #6
Source File:    From fairseq with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def __getitem__(self, index):
        item = self.dataset[index]
        return torch.roll(item, self.shifts) 
Example #7
Source File:    From PySyft with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_roll(workers):
    x = torch.tensor([1.0, 2.0, 3, 4, 5])
    expected = torch.roll(x, -1)

    index = torch.tensor([-1.0])
    result = torch.roll(x, index)

    assert (result == expected).all() 
Example #8
Source File:    From attn2d with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def __getitem__(self, index):
        item = self.dataset[index]
        return torch.roll(item, self.shifts) 
Example #9
Source File:    From KAIR with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def psf2otf(psf, shape=None):
    Convert point-spread function to optical transfer function.
    Compute the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) of the point-spread
    function (PSF) array and creates the optical transfer function (OTF)
    array that is not influenced by the PSF off-centering.
    By default, the OTF array is the same size as the PSF array.
    To ensure that the OTF is not altered due to PSF off-centering, PSF2OTF
    post-pads the PSF array (down or to the right) with zeros to match
    dimensions specified in OUTSIZE, then circularly shifts the values of
    the PSF array up (or to the left) until the central pixel reaches (1,1)
    psf : `numpy.ndarray`
        PSF array
    shape : int
        Output shape of the OTF array
    otf : `numpy.ndarray`
        OTF array
    Adapted from MATLAB psf2otf function
    if type(shape) == type(None):
        shape = psf.shape
    shape = np.array(shape)
    if np.all(psf == 0):
        # return np.zeros_like(psf)
        return np.zeros(shape)
    if len(psf.shape) == 1:
        psf = psf.reshape((1, psf.shape[0]))
    inshape = psf.shape
    psf = zero_pad(psf, shape, position='corner')
    for axis, axis_size in enumerate(inshape):
        psf = np.roll(psf, -int(axis_size / 2), axis=axis)
    # Compute the OTF
    otf = np.fft.fft2(psf, axes=(0, 1))
    # Estimate the rough number of operations involved in the FFT
    # and discard the PSF imaginary part if within roundoff error
    # roundoff error  = machine epsilon = sys.float_info.epsilon
    # or np.finfo().eps
    n_ops = np.sum(psf.size * np.log2(psf.shape))
    otf = np.real_if_close(otf, tol=n_ops)
    return otf 
Example #10
Source File:    From KAIR with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def psf2otf(psf, shape=None):
    Convert point-spread function to optical transfer function.
    Compute the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) of the point-spread
    function (PSF) array and creates the optical transfer function (OTF)
    array that is not influenced by the PSF off-centering.
    By default, the OTF array is the same size as the PSF array.
    To ensure that the OTF is not altered due to PSF off-centering, PSF2OTF
    post-pads the PSF array (down or to the right) with zeros to match
    dimensions specified in OUTSIZE, then circularly shifts the values of
    the PSF array up (or to the left) until the central pixel reaches (1,1)
    psf : `numpy.ndarray`
        PSF array
    shape : int
        Output shape of the OTF array
    otf : `numpy.ndarray`
        OTF array
    Adapted from MATLAB psf2otf function
    if type(shape) == type(None):
        shape = psf.shape
    shape = np.array(shape)
    if np.all(psf == 0):
        # return np.zeros_like(psf)
        return np.zeros(shape)
    if len(psf.shape) == 1:
        psf = psf.reshape((1, psf.shape[0]))
    inshape = psf.shape
    psf = zero_pad(psf, shape, position='corner')
    for axis, axis_size in enumerate(inshape):
        psf = np.roll(psf, -int(axis_size / 2), axis=axis)
    # Compute the OTF
    otf = np.fft.fft2(psf, axes=(0, 1))
    # Estimate the rough number of operations involved in the FFT
    # and discard the PSF imaginary part if within roundoff error
    # roundoff error  = machine epsilon = sys.float_info.epsilon
    # or np.finfo().eps
    n_ops = np.sum(psf.size * np.log2(psf.shape))
    otf = np.real_if_close(otf, tol=n_ops)
    return otf 
Example #11
Source File:    From PySyft with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def maxpool_deriv(x_sh):
    """ Compute derivative of MaxPool

        x_sh (AdditiveSharingTensor): the private tensor on which the op applies

        an AdditiveSharingTensor of the same shape as x_sh full of zeros except for
        a 1 at the position of the max value
    assert (
        x_sh.dtype != "custom"
    ), "`custom` dtype shares are unsupported in SecureNN, use dtype = `long` or `int` instead"

    workers = x_sh.locations
    crypto_provider = x_sh.crypto_provider
    L = x_sh.field
    dtype = get_dtype(L)
    torch_dtype = get_torch_dtype(L)

    n1, n2 = x_sh.shape
    n = n1 * n2
    assert L % n == 0
    x_sh = x_sh.view(-1)

    # Common Randomness
    U_sh = _shares_of_zero(n, L, dtype, crypto_provider, *workers)

    r = _random_common_value(L, *workers)

    # 1)
    _, ind_max_sh = maxpool(x_sh)

    # 2)
    j = sy.MultiPointerTensor(
        children=[torch.tensor([int(i == 0)]).send(w, **no_wrap) for i, w in enumerate(workers)]
    k_sh = ind_max_sh + j * r

    # 3)
    t = k_sh.get()
    k = t % n
    E_k = torch.zeros(n, dtype=torch_dtype)
    E_k[k] = 1
    E_sh = E_k.share(*workers, field=L, dtype=dtype, **no_wrap)

    # 4)
    g = r % n
    D_sh = torch.roll(E_sh, -g)

    maxpool_d_sh = D_sh + U_sh
    return maxpool_d_sh.view(n1, n2) 
Example #12
Source File:    From advex-uar with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def fog_creator(fog_vars, bsize=1, mapsize=256, wibbledecay=1.75):
    assert (mapsize & (mapsize - 1) == 0)
    maparray = torch.from_numpy(np.empty((bsize, mapsize, mapsize), dtype=np.float32)).cuda()
    maparray[:, 0, 0] = 0
    stepsize = mapsize
    wibble = 100
    var_num = 0
    def wibbledmean(array, var_num):
        result = array / 4. + fog_vars[var_num] * 2 * wibble - wibble
        return result
    def fillsquares(var_num):
        """For each square of points stepsize apart,
           calculate middle value as mean of points + wibble"""
        cornerref = maparray[:, 0:mapsize:stepsize, 0:mapsize:stepsize]
        squareaccum = cornerref + torch.roll(cornerref, -1, 1)
        squareaccum = squareaccum + torch.roll(squareaccum, -1, 2)
        maparray[:, stepsize // 2:mapsize:stepsize,
        stepsize // 2:mapsize:stepsize] = wibbledmean(squareaccum, var_num)
        return var_num + 1

    def filldiamonds(var_num):
        """For each diamond of points stepsize apart,
           calculate middle value as mean of points + wibble"""
        mapsize = maparray.size(1)
        drgrid = maparray[:, stepsize // 2:mapsize:stepsize, stepsize // 2:mapsize:stepsize]
        ulgrid = maparray[:, 0:mapsize:stepsize, 0:mapsize:stepsize]
        ldrsum = drgrid + torch.roll(drgrid, 2, 1)
        lulsum = ulgrid + torch.roll(ulgrid, -1, 2)
        ltsum = ldrsum + lulsum
        maparray[:, 0:mapsize:stepsize, stepsize // 2:mapsize:stepsize] = wibbledmean(ltsum, var_num)
        var_num += 1
        tdrsum = drgrid + torch.roll(drgrid, 2, 2)
        tulsum = ulgrid + torch.roll(ulgrid, -1, 1)
        ttsum = tdrsum + tulsum
        maparray[:, stepsize // 2:mapsize:stepsize, 0:mapsize:stepsize] = wibbledmean(ttsum, var_num)
        return var_num + 1

    while stepsize >= 2:
        var_num = fillsquares(var_num)
        var_num = filldiamonds(var_num)
        stepsize //= 2
        wibble /= wibbledecay

    maparray = maparray - maparray.min()
    return (maparray / maparray.max()).reshape(bsize, 1, mapsize, mapsize)