Python pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPException() Examples
The following are 6
code examples of pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPException().
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Example #1
Source File: From sentry-python with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 6 votes |
def _capture_exception(exc_info): # type: (ExcInfo) -> None if exc_info[0] is None or issubclass(exc_info[0], HTTPException): return hub = Hub.current if hub.get_integration(PyramidIntegration) is None: return # If an integration is there, a client has to be there. client = hub.client # type: Any event, hint = event_from_exception( exc_info, client_options=client.options, mechanism={"type": "pyramid", "handled": False}, ) hub.capture_event(event, hint=hint)
Example #2
Source File: From shavar with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def log_uncaught_exceptions(handler, registry): """Tween to log all uncaught exceptions.""" def log_uncaught_exceptions_tween(request): try: return handler(request) except HTTPException: raise except Exception: lines = ["Uncaught exception while processing request:\n"] lines.append("%s %s\n" % (request.method, request.path_url)) lines.append(safer_format_traceback(*sys.exc_info())) mozsvc.logger.error("".join(lines)) raise return log_uncaught_exceptions_tween
Example #3
Source File: From schematizer with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def handle_view_exception(exception, status_code, error_message=None): def handle_view_exception_decorator(func): def handle_exception(request): try: return func(request) except exception as e: if not isinstance(e, HTTPException): raise exception_response( status_code, detail=error_message or repr(e) ) else: raise e return handle_exception return handle_view_exception_decorator
Example #4
Source File: From shavar with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def fuzz_backoff_headers(handler, registry): """Add some random fuzzing to the value of various backoff headers. This can help to avoid a "dogpile" effect where all backed-off clients retry at the same time and overload the server. """ HEADERS = ["Retry-After", "X-Backoff", "X-Weave-Backoff"] def fuzz_response(response): for header in HEADERS: value = response.headers.get(header) if value is not None: # The header value is a backoff duration in seconds. Fuzz # it upward by up to 5% or 5 seconds, whichever is greater. value = int(value) max_fuzz = max(int(value * 0.05), 5) value += random.randint(0, max_fuzz) response.headers[header] = str(value) def fuzz_backoff_headers_tween(request): try: response = handler(request) except HTTPException as response: fuzz_response(response) raise else: fuzz_response(response) return response return fuzz_backoff_headers_tween
Example #5
Source File: From python-sensor with MIT License | 4 votes |
def __call__(self, request): ctx = tracer.extract(ot.Format.HTTP_HEADERS, request.headers) scope = tracer.start_active_span('http', child_of=ctx) scope.span.set_tag(ext.SPAN_KIND, ext.SPAN_KIND_RPC_SERVER) scope.span.set_tag("", scope.span.set_tag(ext.HTTP_METHOD, request.method) scope.span.set_tag(ext.HTTP_URL, request.path) if request.matched_route is not None: scope.span.set_tag("http.path_tpl", request.matched_route.pattern) if hasattr(agent, 'extra_headers') and agent.extra_headers is not None: for custom_header in agent.extra_headers: # Headers are available in this format: HTTP_X_CAPTURE_THIS h = ('HTTP_' + custom_header.upper()).replace('-', '_') if h in request.headers: scope.span.set_tag("http.%s" % custom_header, request.headers[h]) if len(request.query_string): scrubbed_params = strip_secrets(request.query_string, agent.secrets_matcher, agent.secrets_list) scope.span.set_tag("http.params", scrubbed_params) response = None try: response = self.handler(request) tracer.inject(scope.span.context, ot.Format.HTTP_HEADERS, response.headers) response.headers['Server-Timing'] = "intid;desc=%s" % scope.span.context.trace_id except HTTPException as e: response = e raise except BaseException as e: scope.span.set_tag("http.status", 500) # we need to explicitly populate the `message` tag with an error here # so that it's picked up from an SDK span scope.span.set_tag("message", str(e)) scope.span.log_exception(e) logger.debug("Pyramid Instana tween", exc_info=True) finally: if response: scope.span.set_tag("http.status", response.status_int) if 500 <= response.status_int <= 511: if response.exception is not None: message = str(response.exception) scope.span.log_exception(response.exception) else: message = response.status scope.span.set_tag("message", message) scope.span.assure_errored() scope.close() return response
Example #6
Source File: From shavar with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def send_backoff_responses(handler, registry): """Send backoff/unavailable responses to a percentage of clients. This tween allows the server to respond to a set percentage of traffic with an X-Backoff header and/or a "503 Service Unavilable" response. The two probabilities are controlled by config options 'mozsvc.backoff_probability' and 'mozsvc.unavailable_probability' respectively. If neither option is set then the tween is not activated, avoiding overhead in the (hopefully!) common case. """ settings = registry.settings backoff_probability = settings.get("mozsvc.backoff_probability", 0) unavailable_probability = settings.get("mozsvc.unavailable_probability", 0) retry_after = settings.get("mozsvc.retry_after", 1800) if backoff_probability: backoff_probability = float(backoff_probability) def add_backoff_header(response): if "X-Backoff" not in response.headers: if "X-Weave-Backoff" not in response.headers: response.headers["X-Backoff"] = str(retry_after) response.headers["X-Weave-Backoff"] = str(retry_after) def send_backoff_header_tween(request, handler=handler): try: response = handler(request) except HTTPException as response: if random.random() < backoff_probability: add_backoff_header(response) raise else: if random.random() < backoff_probability: add_backoff_header(response) return response handler = send_backoff_header_tween if unavailable_probability: unavailable_probability = float(unavailable_probability) def send_unavailable_response_tween(request, handler=handler): if random.random() < unavailable_probability: return HTTPServiceUnavailable(body="0", retry_after=retry_after, content_type="application/json") return handler(request) handler = send_unavailable_response_tween return handler