Python astropy.units.yr() Examples

The following are 19 code examples of astropy.units.yr(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module astropy.units , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From Carnets with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_compose_fractional_powers():
    # Warning: with a complicated unit, this test becomes very slow;
    # e.g., x = ( / u.s ** 3 * ** 2.5 / u.yr ** 0.5 / ** 2)
    # takes 3 s
    x = u.m ** 0.5 / u.yr ** 1.5

    factored = x.compose()

    for unit in factored:
        assert x.decompose() == unit.decompose()

    factored = x.compose(units=u.cgs)

    for unit in factored:
        assert x.decompose() == unit.decompose()

    factored = x.compose(

    for unit in factored:
        assert x.decompose() == unit.decompose() 
Example #2
Source File:    From Carnets with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_valid_quantity_operations1(self):
        """Check adding/substracting/comparing a time-valued quantity works
        with a TimeDelta.  Addition/subtraction should give TimeDelta"""
        t0 = TimeDelta(106400., format='sec')
        q1 = 10.*u.second
        t1 = t0 + q1
        assert isinstance(t1, TimeDelta)
        assert t1.value == t0.value+q1.to_value(u.second)
        q2 = 1.*
        t2 = t0 - q2
        assert isinstance(t2, TimeDelta)
        assert allclose_sec(t2.value, t0.value-q2.to_value(u.second))
        # now comparisons
        assert t0 > q1
        assert t0 < 1.*u.yr
        # and broadcasting
        q3 = np.arange(12.).reshape(4, 3) * u.hour
        t3 = t0 + q3
        assert isinstance(t3, TimeDelta)
        assert t3.shape == q3.shape
        assert allclose_sec(t3.value, t0.value + q3.to_value(u.second)) 
Example #3
Source File:    From Carnets with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_latex_units():
    Check to make sure that Latex and AASTex writers attempt to fall
    back on the **unit** attribute of **Column** if the supplied
    **latexdict** does not specify units.
    t = table.Table([table.Column(name='date', data=['a', 'b']),
               table.Column(name='NUV exp.time', data=[1, 2])])
    latexdict = copy.deepcopy(ascii.latexdicts['AA'])
    latexdict['units'] = {'NUV exp.time': 's'}
    out = StringIO()
    expected = '''\
\\tablehead{\\colhead{date} & \\colhead{NUV exp.time}\\\\ \\colhead{ } & \\colhead{s}}
a & 1 \\\\
b & 2
'''.replace('\n', os.linesep)

    ascii.write(t, out, format='aastex', latexdict=latexdict)
    assert out.getvalue() == expected
    # use unit attribute instead
    t['NUV exp.time'].unit = u.s
    t['date'].unit = u.yr
    out = StringIO()
    ascii.write(t, out, format='aastex', latexdict=ascii.latexdicts['AA'])
    assert out.getvalue() == expected.replace(
        'colhead{s}', r'colhead{$\mathrm{s}$}').replace(
        'colhead{ }', r'colhead{$\mathrm{yr}$}') 
Example #4
Source File:    From EXOSIMS with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def haloPosition(self,currentTime):
        """Finds orbit positions of spacecraft in a halo orbit in rotating frame
        This method returns the telescope L2 Halo orbit position vector in an ecliptic, 
        rotating frame as dictated by the Circular Restricted Three Body-Problem. 
        The origin of this frame is the centroid of the Sun and Earth-Moon system.
            currentTime (astropy Time array):
                Current absolute mission time in MJD

            r_halo (astropy Quantity nx3 array):
                Observatory orbit positions vector in an ecliptic, rotating frame 
                in units of AU
        # Find the time between Earth equinox and current time(s)
        dt = (currentTime - self.equinox).to('yr').value
        t_halo = dt % self.period_halo
        # Interpolate to find correct observatory position(s)
        r_halo = self.r_halo_interp_L2(t_halo).T*u.AU
        return r_halo 
Example #5
Source File:    From EXOSIMS with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def haloVelocity(self,currentTime):
        """Finds orbit velocity of spacecraft in a halo orbit in rotating frame
        This method returns the telescope L2 Halo orbit velocity vector in an ecliptic, 
        rotating frame as dictated by the Circular Restricted Three Body-Problem. 
            currentTime (astropy Time array):
                Current absolute mission time in MJD

            v_halo (astropy Quantity nx3 array):
                Observatory orbit velocity vector in an ecliptic, rotating frame 
                in units of AU/year
        # Find the time between Earth equinox and current time(s)
        dt = (currentTime - self.equinox).to('yr').value
        t_halo = dt % self.period_halo
        # Interpolate to find correct observatory velocity(-ies)
        v_halo = self.v_halo_interp(t_halo).T
        v_halo = v_halo*
        return v_halo 
Example #6
Source File:    From EXOSIMS with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def eclip2rot(self,TL,sInd,currentTime):
        """Rotates star position vectors from ecliptic to rotating frame in CRTBP
        This method returns a star's position vector in the rotating frame of 
        the Circular Restricted Three Body Problem.  
            TL (TargetList module):
                TargetList class object
            sInd (integer):
                Integer index of the star of interest
            currentTime (astropy Time):
                Current absolute mission time in MJD

            star_rot (astropy Quantity 1x3 array):
                Star position vector in rotating frame in units of AU
        star_pos = TL.starprop(sInd,currentTime).to('au')
        theta    = (np.mod(currentTime.value,self.equinox.value[0])*u.d).to('yr') / u.yr * (2.*np.pi) * u.rad
        if currentTime.size == 1:
            star_rot = np.array([, 3), 
                star_pos[x,:].to('AU').value) for x in range(len(star_pos))])[0]*u.AU
            star_rot = np.array([[x], 3), 
                star_pos[x,:].to('AU').value) for x in range(len(star_pos))])*u.AU

        return star_rot 
Example #7
Source File:    From numtraits with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_valid(self):

            self.aup.a = 3 * u.m
            self.aup.a = [1, 2, 3] *
            self.aup.a = np.ones((2, 2)) * u.pc

            self.aup.b = 3 * u.m / u.yr
            self.aup.b = [1, 2, 3] * / u.s
            self.aup.b = np.ones((2, 2)) * u.pc / u.Myr 
Example #8
Source File:    From Carnets with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_compose_no_duplicates():
    new = / u.s ** 3 * ** 2.5 / u.yr ** 0.5 / ** 2
    composed = new.compose(units=u.cgs.bases)
    assert len(composed) == 1 
Example #9
Source File:    From Carnets with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_differential_init_errors(self, omit_coslat):
        with pytest.raises(u.UnitsError):
            self.USD_cls(0.*u.deg, 10.*u.deg/u.yr) 
Example #10
Source File:    From EXOSIMS with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def find_known_plans(self):
        Find and return list of known RV stars and list of stars with earthlike planets
        TL = self.TargetList
        SU = self.SimulatedUniverse

        c = 28.4 *u.m/u.s
        Mj = 317.8 * u.earthMass
        Mpj = SU.Mp/Mj                     # planet masses in jupiter mass units
        Ms = TL.MsTrue[SU.plan2star]
        Teff = TL.stellarTeff(SU.plan2star)
        mu = const.G*(SU.Mp + Ms)
        T = (2.*np.pi*np.sqrt(SU.a**3/mu)).to(u.yr)
        e = SU.e

        t_filt = np.where((Teff.value > 3000) & (Teff.value < 6800))[0]    # planets in correct temp range

        K = (c / np.sqrt(1 - e[t_filt])) * Mpj[t_filt] * np.sin(SU.I[t_filt]) * Ms[t_filt]**(-2/3) * T[t_filt]**(-1/3)

        K_filter = (T[t_filt].to(u.d)/10**4).value
        K_filter[np.where(K_filter < 0.03)[0]] = 0.03
        k_filt = t_filt[np.where(K.value > K_filter)[0]]               # planets in the correct K range

        a_filt = k_filt[np.where((SU.a[k_filt] > .95*u.AU) & (SU.a[k_filt] < 1.67*u.AU))[0]]   # planets in habitable zone
        r_filt = a_filt[np.where(SU.Rp.value[a_filt] < 1.75)[0]]                               # rocky planets
        self.earth_candidates = np.union1d(self.earth_candidates, r_filt).astype(int)

        known_stars = np.unique(SU.plan2star[k_filt])
        known_rocky = np.unique(SU.plan2star[r_filt])
        return known_stars.astype(int), known_rocky.astype(int) 
Example #11
Source File:    From Carnets with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_earth_barycentric_velocity_multi_d():
    # Might as well test it with a multidimensional array too.
    t = Time('2016-03-20T12:30:00') + np.arange(8.).reshape(2, 2, 2) * u.yr / 2.
    ep, ev = get_body_barycentric_posvel('earth', t)
    # note: assert_quantity_allclose doesn't like the shape mismatch.
    # this is a problem with np.testing.assert_allclose.
    assert quantity_allclose(ep.get_xyz(xyz_axis=-1),
                             [[-1., 0., 0.], [+1., 0., 0.]]*u.AU,
    expected = u.Quantity([0.*,
                           np.sin(23.5*u.deg)]) * ([[-30.], [30.]] * / u.s)
    assert quantity_allclose(ev.get_xyz(xyz_axis=-1), expected,
Example #12
Source File:    From Carnets with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_valid_quantity_input(self):
        """Test Time formats that are allowed to take quantity input."""
        q = 2450000.125*
        t1 = Time(q, format='jd', scale='utc')
        assert t1.value == q.value
        q2 =
        t2 = Time(q2, format='jd', scale='utc')
        assert t2.value == q.value == q2.to_value(
        q3 = q-2400000.5*
        t3 = Time(q3, format='mjd', scale='utc')
        assert t3.value == q3.value
        # test we can deal with two quantity arguments, with different units
        qs = 24.*36.*u.second
        t4 = Time(q3, qs, format='mjd', scale='utc')
        assert t4.value == (q3+qs).to_value(

        qy = 1990.*u.yr
        ty1 = Time(qy, format='jyear', scale='utc')
        assert ty1.value == qy.value
        ty2 = Time(, format='jyear', scale='utc')
        assert ty2.value == qy.value
        qy2 = 10.*u.yr
        tcxc = Time(qy2, format='cxcsec')
        assert tcxc.value == qy2.to_value(u.second)
        tgps = Time(qy2, format='gps')
        assert tgps.value == qy2.to_value(u.second)
        tunix = Time(qy2, format='unix')
        assert tunix.value == qy2.to_value(u.second)
        qd = 2000.*365.*
        tplt = Time(qd, format='plot_date', scale='utc')
        assert tplt.value == qd.value 
Example #13
Source File:    From Carnets with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_no_quantity_input_allowed(self):
        """Time formats that are not allowed to take Quantity input."""
        qy = 1990.*u.yr
        for fmt in ('iso', 'yday', 'datetime', 'byear',
                    'byear_str', 'jyear_str'):
            with pytest.raises(ValueError):
                Time(qy, format=fmt, scale='utc') 
Example #14
Source File:    From Carnets with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_preserve_dtype(self):
        """Test that if an explicit dtype is given, it is used, while if not,
        numbers are converted to float (including decimal.Decimal, which
        numpy converts to an object; closes #1419)
        # If dtype is specified, use it, but if not, convert int, bool to float
        q1 = u.Quantity(12, unit=u.m / u.s, dtype=int)
        assert q1.dtype == int

        q2 = u.Quantity(q1)
        assert q2.dtype == float
        assert q2.value == float(q1.value)
        assert q2.unit == q1.unit

        # but we should preserve any float32 or even float16
        a3_32 = np.array([1., 2.], dtype=np.float32)
        q3_32 = u.Quantity(a3_32, u.yr)
        assert q3_32.dtype == a3_32.dtype
        a3_16 = np.array([1., 2.], dtype=np.float16)
        q3_16 = u.Quantity(a3_16, u.yr)
        assert q3_16.dtype == a3_16.dtype
        # items stored as objects by numpy should be converted to float
        # by default
        q4 = u.Quantity(decimal.Decimal('10.25'), u.m)
        assert q4.dtype == float

        q5 = u.Quantity(decimal.Decimal('10.25'), u.m, dtype=object)
        assert q5.dtype == object 
Example #15
Source File:    From Carnets with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_units_conversion():
    assert_allclose(, 0.001)
    assert_allclose(, 1000)
    assert_allclose(, 1.e-6)
    assert_allclose(, 4.84813681e-6)
    assert_allclose(, 6.283185307179586) 
Example #16
Source File:    From Carnets with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 4 votes vote down vote up
def test_gravitational_redshift():
    someloc = EarthLocation(lon=-87.7*u.deg, lat=37*u.deg)
    sometime = Time('2017-8-21 18:26:40')
    zg0 = someloc.gravitational_redshift(sometime)

    # should be of order ~few mm/s change per week
    zg_week = someloc.gravitational_redshift(sometime + 7 *
    assert 1.* < abs(zg_week - zg0) < 1*

    # ~cm/s over a half-year
    zg_halfyear = someloc.gravitational_redshift(sometime + 0.5 * u.yr)
    assert 1* < abs(zg_halfyear - zg0) < 1*

    # but when back to the same time in a year, should be tenths of mm
    # even over decades
    zg_year = someloc.gravitational_redshift(sometime - 20 * u.year)
    assert .1* < abs(zg_year - zg0) < 1*

    # Check mass adjustments.
    # If Jupiter and the moon are ignored, effect should be off by ~ .5 mm/s
    masses = {'sun': constants.G*constants.M_sun,
              'jupiter': 0*constants.G*,
              'moon': 0*constants.G*}
    zg_moonjup = someloc.gravitational_redshift(sometime, masses=masses)
    assert .1* < abs(zg_moonjup - zg0) < 1*
    # Check that simply not including the bodies gives the same result.
    assert zg_moonjup == someloc.gravitational_redshift(sometime,
    # And that earth can be given, even not as last argument
    assert zg_moonjup == someloc.gravitational_redshift(
        sometime, bodies=('earth', 'sun',))

    # If the earth is also ignored, effect should be off by ~ 20 cm/s
    # This also tests the conversion of kg to gravitational units.
    masses['earth'] = 0*
    zg_moonjupearth = someloc.gravitational_redshift(sometime, masses=masses)
    assert 1* < abs(zg_moonjupearth - zg0) < 1*u.m/u.s

    # If all masses are zero, redshift should be 0 as well.
    masses['sun'] = 0*
    assert someloc.gravitational_redshift(sometime, masses=masses) == 0

    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
        someloc.gravitational_redshift(sometime, bodies=('saturn',))

    with pytest.raises(u.UnitsError):
        masses = {'sun': constants.G*constants.M_sun,
                  'jupiter': constants.G*constants.M_jup,
                  'moon': 1*,  # wrong units!
                  'earth': constants.G*constants.M_earth}
        someloc.gravitational_redshift(sometime, masses=masses) 
Example #17
Source File:    From Carnets with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 4 votes vote down vote up
def test_differential_arithmetic(self, omit_coslat):
        s = self.s

        o_lon = self.USD_cls(1.*u.arcsec, 0.*u.arcsec)
        o_lon_by_2 = o_lon / 2.
        assert type(o_lon_by_2) is self.USD_cls
        assert_representation_allclose(o_lon_by_2.to_cartesian(s) * 2.,
                                       o_lon.to_cartesian(s), atol=1e-10*
        s_lon = s + o_lon
        s_lon2 = s + 2 * o_lon_by_2
        assert type(s_lon) is SphericalRepresentation
        assert_representation_allclose(s_lon, s_lon2, atol=1e-10*
        o_lon_rec = o_lon_by_2 + o_lon_by_2
        assert type(o_lon_rec) is self.USD_cls
        assert representation_equal(o_lon, o_lon_rec)
        assert_representation_allclose(s + o_lon, s + o_lon_rec,
        o_lon_0 = o_lon - o_lon
        assert type(o_lon_0) is self.USD_cls
        for c in o_lon_0.components:
            assert np.all(getattr(o_lon_0, c) == 0.)

        o_lon2 = self.USD_cls(1.*u.mas/u.yr, 0.*u.mas/u.yr)
        kks =
        assert_quantity_allclose(o_lon2.norm(s)[0], 4.74047*kks, atol=1e-4*kks)
        assert_representation_allclose(o_lon2.to_cartesian(s) * 1000.*u.yr,
                                       o_lon.to_cartesian(s), atol=1e-10*
        s_off = s + o_lon
        s_off2 = s + o_lon2 * 1000.*u.yr
        assert_representation_allclose(s_off, s_off2, atol=1e-10*

        factor = 1e5 * u.radian/u.arcsec
        if not omit_coslat:
            factor = factor / np.cos(
        s_off_big = s + o_lon * factor

            s_off_big, SphericalRepresentation(s.lon + 90.*u.deg,
                                               0.*u.deg, 1e5),

        o_lon3c = CartesianRepresentation(0., 4.74047, 0., unit=kks)
        # This looses information!!
        o_lon3 = self.USD_cls.from_cartesian(o_lon3c, base=s)
        expected0 = self.USD_cls(1.*u.mas/u.yr, 0.*u.mas/u.yr)
        assert_differential_allclose(o_lon3[0], expected0)
        # Part of motion kept.
        part_kept = s.cross(CartesianRepresentation(0, 1, 0,
        assert_quantity_allclose(o_lon3.norm(s), 4.74047*part_kept*kks,
        # (lat[0]=0, so works for both normal and CosLat differential)
        s_off_big2 = s + o_lon3 * 1e5 * u.yr * u.radian/u.mas
        expected0 = SphericalRepresentation(90.*u.deg, 0.*u.deg,
        assert_representation_allclose(s_off_big2[0], expected0, atol=5.* 
Example #18
Source File:    From Carnets with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 4 votes vote down vote up
def test_differential_arithmetic(self, omit_coslat):
        s = self.s

        o_lon = self.SD_cls(1.*u.arcsec, 0.*u.arcsec, 0.*u.kpc)
        o_lon_by_2 = o_lon / 2.
        assert_representation_allclose(o_lon_by_2.to_cartesian(s) * 2.,
                                       o_lon.to_cartesian(s), atol=1e-10*u.kpc)
        assert_representation_allclose(s + o_lon, s + 2 * o_lon_by_2,
        o_lon_rec = o_lon_by_2 + o_lon_by_2
        assert_representation_allclose(s + o_lon, s + o_lon_rec,
        o_lon_0 = o_lon - o_lon
        for c in o_lon_0.components:
            assert np.all(getattr(o_lon_0, c) == 0.)
        o_lon2 = self.SD_cls(1*u.mas/u.yr, 0*u.mas/u.yr, 0*
        assert_quantity_allclose(o_lon2.norm(s)[0], 4.74*,
        assert_representation_allclose(o_lon2.to_cartesian(s) * 1000.*u.yr,
                                       o_lon.to_cartesian(s), atol=1e-10*u.kpc)
        s_off = s + o_lon
        s_off2 = s + o_lon2 * 1000.*u.yr
        assert_representation_allclose(s_off, s_off2, atol=1e-10*u.kpc)

        factor = 1e5 * u.radian/u.arcsec
        if not omit_coslat:
            factor = factor / np.cos(
        s_off_big = s + o_lon * factor

            s_off_big, SphericalRepresentation(s.lon + 90.*u.deg, 0.*u.deg,

        o_lon3c = CartesianRepresentation(0., 4.74047, 0.,
        o_lon3 = self.SD_cls.from_cartesian(o_lon3c, base=s)
        expected0 = self.SD_cls(1.*u.mas/u.yr, 0.*u.mas/u.yr, 0.*
        assert_differential_allclose(o_lon3[0], expected0)
        s_off_big2 = s + o_lon3 * 1e5 * u.yr * u.radian/u.mas
            s_off_big2, SphericalRepresentation(90.*u.deg, 0.*u.deg,
                                                1e5*u.kpc), atol=5.*u.kpc)

        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            o_lon - s
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            s.to_cartesian() + o_lon 
Example #19
Source File:    From EXOSIMS with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 4 votes vote down vote up
def orbit(self, currentTime, eclip=False):
        """Finds observatory orbit positions vector in heliocentric equatorial (default)
        or ecliptic frame for current time (MJD).
        This method returns the telescope L2 Halo orbit position vector.
            currentTime (astropy Time array):
                Current absolute mission time in MJD
            eclip (boolean):
                Boolean used to switch to heliocentric ecliptic frame. Defaults to 
                False, corresponding to heliocentric equatorial frame.
            r_obs (astropy Quantity nx3 array):
                Observatory orbit positions vector in heliocentric equatorial (default)
                or ecliptic frame in units of AU
        Note: Use eclip=True to get ecliptic coordinates.
        # find time from Earth equinox and interpolated position
        dt = (currentTime - self.equinox).to('yr').value
        t_halo = dt % self.period_halo
        r_halo = self.r_halo_interp(t_halo).T
        # find Earth positions in heliocentric ecliptic frame
        r_Earth = self.solarSystem_body_position(currentTime, 'Earth',
        # adding Earth-Sun distances (projected in ecliptic plane)
        r_Earth_norm = np.linalg.norm(r_Earth[:,0:2], axis=1)
        r_halo[:,0] = r_halo[:,0] + r_Earth_norm
        # Earth ecliptic longitudes
        lon = np.sign(r_Earth[:,1])*np.arccos(r_Earth[:,0]/r_Earth_norm)
        # observatory positions vector in heliocentric ecliptic frame
        r_obs = np.array([[x], 3), 
                r_halo[x,:]) for x in range(currentTime.size)])*u.AU
        assert np.all(np.isfinite(r_obs)), \
                "Observatory positions vector r_obs has infinite value."
        if not eclip:
            # observatory positions vector in heliocentric equatorial frame
            r_obs = self.eclip2equat(r_obs, currentTime)
        return r_obs