Python tensorflow.deserialize_many_sparse() Examples

The following are 22 code examples of tensorflow.deserialize_many_sparse(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module tensorflow , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From cnn_lstm_ctc_ocr with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def postbatch_fn( image, width, label, length, text ):
    """Post-batching, postprocessing: packs raw tensors into a dictionary for 
       Dataset's iterator output"""

    # Batching is complete, so now we can re-sparsify our labels for ctc_loss
    label = tf.cast( tf.deserialize_many_sparse( label, tf.int64 ),
                     tf.int32 )
    # Format relevant features for estimator ingestion
    features = {
        "image"    : image, 
        "width"    : width,
        "length"   : length,
        "text"     : text

    return features, label 
Example #2
Source File:    From deep_image_model with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def testDeserializeFailsInconsistentRank(self):
    with self.test_session(use_gpu=False) as sess:
      sp_input0 = self._SparseTensorPlaceholder()
      sp_input1 = self._SparseTensorPlaceholder()
      input0_val = self._SparseTensorValue_5x6(np.arange(6))
      input1_val = self._SparseTensorValue_1x1x1()
      serialized0 = tf.serialize_sparse(sp_input0)
      serialized1 = tf.serialize_sparse(sp_input1)
      serialized_concat = tf.stack([serialized0, serialized1])

      sp_deserialized = tf.deserialize_many_sparse(
          serialized_concat, dtype=tf.int32)

      with self.assertRaisesOpError(
          r"Inconsistent rank across SparseTensors: rank prior to "
          r"SparseTensor\[1\] was: 3 but rank of SparseTensor\[1\] is: 4"):
            sp_deserialized, {sp_input0: input0_val, sp_input1: input1_val}) 
Example #3
Source File:    From deep_image_model with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def testSerializeDeserializeMany(self):
    with self.test_session(use_gpu=False) as sess:
      sp_input0 = self._SparseTensorValue_5x6(np.arange(6))
      sp_input1 = self._SparseTensorValue_3x4(np.arange(6))
      serialized0 = tf.serialize_sparse(sp_input0)
      serialized1 = tf.serialize_sparse(sp_input1)
      serialized_concat = tf.stack([serialized0, serialized1])

      sp_deserialized = tf.deserialize_many_sparse(
          serialized_concat, dtype=tf.int32)

      combined_indices, combined_values, combined_shape =

      self.assertAllEqual(combined_indices[:6, 0], [0] * 6)  # minibatch 0
      self.assertAllEqual(combined_indices[:6, 1:], sp_input0[0])
      self.assertAllEqual(combined_indices[6:, 0], [1] * 6)  # minibatch 1
      self.assertAllEqual(combined_indices[6:, 1:], sp_input1[0])
      self.assertAllEqual(combined_values[:6], sp_input0[1])
      self.assertAllEqual(combined_values[6:], sp_input1[1])
      self.assertAllEqual(combined_shape, [2, 5, 6]) 
Example #4
Source File:    From deep_image_model with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def testFeedSerializeDeserializeMany(self):
    with self.test_session(use_gpu=False) as sess:
      sp_input0 = self._SparseTensorPlaceholder()
      sp_input1 = self._SparseTensorPlaceholder()
      input0_val = self._SparseTensorValue_5x6(np.arange(6))
      input1_val = self._SparseTensorValue_3x4(np.arange(6))
      serialized0 = tf.serialize_sparse(sp_input0)
      serialized1 = tf.serialize_sparse(sp_input1)
      serialized_concat = tf.stack([serialized0, serialized1])

      sp_deserialized = tf.deserialize_many_sparse(
          serialized_concat, dtype=tf.int32)

      combined_indices, combined_values, combined_shape =
          sp_deserialized, {sp_input0: input0_val, sp_input1: input1_val})

      self.assertAllEqual(combined_indices[:6, 0], [0] * 6)  # minibatch 0
      self.assertAllEqual(combined_indices[:6, 1:], input0_val[0])
      self.assertAllEqual(combined_indices[6:, 0], [1] * 6)  # minibatch 1
      self.assertAllEqual(combined_indices[6:, 1:], input1_val[0])
      self.assertAllEqual(combined_values[:6], input0_val[1])
      self.assertAllEqual(combined_values[6:], input1_val[1])
      self.assertAllEqual(combined_shape, [2, 5, 6]) 
Example #5
Source File:    From deep_image_model with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def testSerializeManyDeserializeManyRoundTrip(self):
    with self.test_session(use_gpu=False) as sess:
      # N == 4 because shape_value == [4, 5]
      indices_value = np.array([[0, 0], [0, 1], [2, 0]], dtype=np.int64)
      values_value = np.array([b"a", b"b", b"c"])
      shape_value = np.array([4, 5], dtype=np.int64)
      sparse_tensor = self._SparseTensorPlaceholder(dtype=tf.string)
      serialized = tf.serialize_many_sparse(sparse_tensor)
      deserialized = tf.deserialize_many_sparse(serialized, dtype=tf.string)
      serialized_value, deserialized_value =
          [serialized, deserialized],
          feed_dict={sparse_tensor.indices: indices_value,
                     sparse_tensor.values: values_value,
                     sparse_tensor.shape: shape_value})
      self.assertEqual(serialized_value.shape, (4, 3))
      self.assertAllEqual(deserialized_value.indices, indices_value)
      self.assertAllEqual(deserialized_value.values, values_value)
      self.assertAllEqual(deserialized_value.shape, shape_value) 
Example #6
Source File:    From deep_image_model with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def testDeserializeFailsWrongType(self):
    with self.test_session(use_gpu=False) as sess:
      sp_input0 = self._SparseTensorPlaceholder()
      sp_input1 = self._SparseTensorPlaceholder()
      input0_val = self._SparseTensorValue_5x6(np.arange(6))
      input1_val = self._SparseTensorValue_3x4(np.arange(6))
      serialized0 = tf.serialize_sparse(sp_input0)
      serialized1 = tf.serialize_sparse(sp_input1)
      serialized_concat = tf.stack([serialized0, serialized1])

      sp_deserialized = tf.deserialize_many_sparse(
          serialized_concat, dtype=tf.int64)

      with self.assertRaisesOpError(
          r"Requested SparseTensor of type int64 but "
          r"SparseTensor\[0\].values.dtype\(\) == int32"):
            sp_deserialized, {sp_input0: input0_val, sp_input1: input1_val}) 
Example #7
Source File:    From speechT with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_inputs(self):
    Return's tensors for inputs, sequence_lengths and labels
    with tf.device("/cpu:0"):
      inputs, sequence_lengths, labels = self.queue.dequeue()
      labels = tf.deserialize_many_sparse(labels, dtype=tf.int32)
    return inputs, sequence_lengths, labels 
Example #8
Source File:    From cnn_lstm_ctc_ocr_for_ICPR with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def threaded_input_pipeline(base_dir,file_patterns,

    queue_capacity = num_threads*batch_size*2
    # Allow a smaller final batch if we are going for a fixed number of epochs
    final_batch = (num_epochs!=None) 

    data_queue = _get_data_queue(base_dir, file_patterns, 

    # each thread has a subgraph with its own reader (sharing filename queue)
    data_tuples = [] # list of subgraph [image, label, width, text] elements
    with tf.device(preprocess_device):
        for _ in range(num_threads):
            image, width, label, length, text, filename  = _read_word_record(
            image = _preprocess_image(image) # move after batch?
            data_tuples.append([image, width, label, length, text, filename])

    with tf.device(batch_device): # Create batch queue
        image, width, label, length, text, filename  = tf.train.batch_join( 
        label = tf.deserialize_many_sparse(label, tf.int64) # post-batching...
        label = tf.cast(label, tf.int32) # for ctc_loss
    return image, width, label, length, text, filename 
Example #9
Source File:    From Gun-Detector with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def ImageInput(input_pattern, num_threads, shape, using_ctc, reader=None):
  """Creates an input image tensor from the input_pattern filenames.

  TODO(rays) Expand for 2-d labels, 0-d labels, and logistic targets.
    input_pattern:  Filenames of the dataset(s) to read.
    num_threads:    Number of preprocessing threads.
    shape:          ImageShape with the desired shape of the input.
    using_ctc:      Take the unpadded_class labels instead of padded.
    reader:         Function that returns an actual reader to read Examples from
      input files. If None, uses tf.TFRecordReader().
    images:   Float Tensor containing the input image scaled to [-1.28, 1.27].
    heights:  Tensor int64 containing the heights of the images.
    widths:   Tensor int64 containing the widths of the images.
    labels:   Serialized SparseTensor containing the int64 labels.
    sparse_labels:   Serialized SparseTensor containing the int64 labels.
    truths:   Tensor string of the utf8 truth texts.
    ValueError: if the optimizer type is unrecognized.
  data_files = tf.gfile.Glob(input_pattern)
  assert data_files, 'no files found for dataset ' + input_pattern
  queue_capacity = shape.batch_size * num_threads * 2
  filename_queue = tf.train.string_input_producer(
      data_files, capacity=queue_capacity)

  # Create a subgraph with its own reader (but sharing the
  # filename_queue) for each preprocessing thread.
  images_and_label_lists = []
  for _ in range(num_threads):
    image, height, width, labels, text = _ReadExamples(filename_queue, shape,
                                                       using_ctc, reader)
    images_and_label_lists.append([image, height, width, labels, text])
  # Create a queue that produces the examples in batches.
  images, heights, widths, labels, truths = tf.train.batch_join(
      capacity=16 * shape.batch_size,
  # Deserialize back to sparse, because the batcher doesn't do sparse.
  labels = tf.deserialize_many_sparse(labels, tf.int64)
  sparse_labels = tf.cast(labels, tf.int32)
  labels = tf.sparse_tensor_to_dense(labels)
  labels = tf.reshape(labels, [shape.batch_size, -1], name='Labels')
  # Crush the other shapes to just the batch dimension.
  heights = tf.reshape(heights, [-1], name='Heights')
  widths = tf.reshape(widths, [-1], name='Widths')
  truths = tf.reshape(truths, [-1], name='Truths')
  # Give the images a nice name as well.
  images = tf.identity(images, name='Images')

  tf.summary.image('Images', images)
  return images, heights, widths, labels, sparse_labels, truths 
Example #10
Source File:    From deep_image_model with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def benchmarkVeryLarge2DFloatSparseTensor(self):
    num_elements = 10000
    batch_size = 64
    indices_batch = np.random.randint(
        batch_size, size=num_elements, dtype=np.int64)
    indices_value = np.arange(num_elements, dtype=np.int64)
    indices = np.asarray(
        sorted(zip(indices_batch, indices_value)), dtype=np.int64)
    values = ["feature_value_for_embedding_lookup"] * num_elements
    shape = np.asarray([batch_size, num_elements], dtype=np.int64)
    with tf.Session() as sess:
      with tf.device("/cpu:0"):
        indices = tf.Variable(indices)
        values = tf.Variable(values)
        shape = tf.Variable(shape)
        st = tf.SparseTensor(indices, values, shape)

        st_handles = add_many_sparse_to_tensors_map(st)
        st_roundtrip = take_many_sparse_from_tensors_map(
            sparse_map_op=st_handles.op, sparse_handles=st_handles)
        st_roundtrip_op = st_roundtrip.values.op

        st_serialized = tf.serialize_many_sparse(st)
        st_deserialized = tf.deserialize_many_sparse(
            st_serialized, dtype=values.dtype)
        st_deserialized_op = st_deserialized.values.op


        st_roundtrip_values =
        st_deserialized_values =
            st_roundtrip_values.values, st_deserialized_values.values)
            st_roundtrip_values.indices, st_deserialized_values.indices)
            st_roundtrip_values.shape, st_deserialized_values.shape)

            sess, st_roundtrip_op, min_iters=2000,
            sess, st_deserialized_op, min_iters=2000,
Example #11
Source File:    From cnn_lstm_ctc_ocr_for_ICPR with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def bucketed_input_pipeline(base_dir,file_patterns,
                            boundaries=[32, 64, 96, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256],
    """Get input tensors bucketed by image width
      image : float32 image tensor [batch_size 32 ? 1] padded to batch max width
      width : int32 image widths (for calculating post-CNN sequence length)
      label : Sparse tensor with label sequences for the batch
      length : Length of label sequence (text length)
      text  :  Human readable string for the image
      filename : Source file path
    queue_capacity = num_threads*batch_size*2
    # Allow a smaller final batch if we are going for a fixed number of epochs
    final_batch = (num_epochs!=None) 

    data_queue = _get_data_queue(base_dir, file_patterns, 

    with tf.device(input_device): # Create bucketing batcher
        image, width, label, length, text, filename  = _read_word_record(
        image = _preprocess_image(image) # move after batch?

        keep_input = _get_input_filter(width, width_threshold,
                                       length, length_threshold)
        data_tuple = [image, label, length, text, filename]
        width,data_tuple =
        [image, label, length, text, filename] = data_tuple
        label = tf.deserialize_many_sparse(label, tf.int64) # post-batching...
        label = tf.cast(label, tf.int32) # for ctc_loss
    return image, width, label, length, text, filename 
Example #12
Source File:    From yolo_v2 with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def ImageInput(input_pattern, num_threads, shape, using_ctc, reader=None):
  """Creates an input image tensor from the input_pattern filenames.

  TODO(rays) Expand for 2-d labels, 0-d labels, and logistic targets.
    input_pattern:  Filenames of the dataset(s) to read.
    num_threads:    Number of preprocessing threads.
    shape:          ImageShape with the desired shape of the input.
    using_ctc:      Take the unpadded_class labels instead of padded.
    reader:         Function that returns an actual reader to read Examples from
      input files. If None, uses tf.TFRecordReader().
    images:   Float Tensor containing the input image scaled to [-1.28, 1.27].
    heights:  Tensor int64 containing the heights of the images.
    widths:   Tensor int64 containing the widths of the images.
    labels:   Serialized SparseTensor containing the int64 labels.
    sparse_labels:   Serialized SparseTensor containing the int64 labels.
    truths:   Tensor string of the utf8 truth texts.
    ValueError: if the optimizer type is unrecognized.
  data_files = tf.gfile.Glob(input_pattern)
  assert data_files, 'no files found for dataset ' + input_pattern
  queue_capacity = shape.batch_size * num_threads * 2
  filename_queue = tf.train.string_input_producer(
      data_files, capacity=queue_capacity)

  # Create a subgraph with its own reader (but sharing the
  # filename_queue) for each preprocessing thread.
  images_and_label_lists = []
  for _ in range(num_threads):
    image, height, width, labels, text = _ReadExamples(filename_queue, shape,
                                                       using_ctc, reader)
    images_and_label_lists.append([image, height, width, labels, text])
  # Create a queue that produces the examples in batches.
  images, heights, widths, labels, truths = tf.train.batch_join(
      capacity=16 * shape.batch_size,
  # Deserialize back to sparse, because the batcher doesn't do sparse.
  labels = tf.deserialize_many_sparse(labels, tf.int64)
  sparse_labels = tf.cast(labels, tf.int32)
  labels = tf.sparse_tensor_to_dense(labels)
  labels = tf.reshape(labels, [shape.batch_size, -1], name='Labels')
  # Crush the other shapes to just the batch dimension.
  heights = tf.reshape(heights, [-1], name='Heights')
  widths = tf.reshape(widths, [-1], name='Widths')
  truths = tf.reshape(truths, [-1], name='Truths')
  # Give the images a nice name as well.
  images = tf.identity(images, name='Images')

  tf.summary.image('Images', images)
  return images, heights, widths, labels, sparse_labels, truths 
Example #13
Source File:    From Action_Recognition_Zoo with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def ImageInput(input_pattern, num_threads, shape, using_ctc, reader=None):
  """Creates an input image tensor from the input_pattern filenames.

  TODO(rays) Expand for 2-d labels, 0-d labels, and logistic targets.
    input_pattern:  Filenames of the dataset(s) to read.
    num_threads:    Number of preprocessing threads.
    shape:          ImageShape with the desired shape of the input.
    using_ctc:      Take the unpadded_class labels instead of padded.
    reader:         Function that returns an actual reader to read Examples from
      input files. If None, uses tf.TFRecordReader().
    images:   Float Tensor containing the input image scaled to [-1.28, 1.27].
    heights:  Tensor int64 containing the heights of the images.
    widths:   Tensor int64 containing the widths of the images.
    labels:   Serialized SparseTensor containing the int64 labels.
    sparse_labels:   Serialized SparseTensor containing the int64 labels.
    truths:   Tensor string of the utf8 truth texts.
    ValueError: if the optimizer type is unrecognized.
  data_files = tf.gfile.Glob(input_pattern)
  assert data_files, 'no files found for dataset ' + input_pattern
  queue_capacity = shape.batch_size * num_threads * 2
  filename_queue = tf.train.string_input_producer(
      data_files, capacity=queue_capacity)

  # Create a subgraph with its own reader (but sharing the
  # filename_queue) for each preprocessing thread.
  images_and_label_lists = []
  for _ in range(num_threads):
    image, height, width, labels, text = _ReadExamples(filename_queue, shape,
                                                       using_ctc, reader)
    images_and_label_lists.append([image, height, width, labels, text])
  # Create a queue that produces the examples in batches.
  images, heights, widths, labels, truths = tf.train.batch_join(
      capacity=16 * shape.batch_size,
  # Deserialize back to sparse, because the batcher doesn't do sparse.
  labels = tf.deserialize_many_sparse(labels, tf.int64)
  sparse_labels = tf.cast(labels, tf.int32)
  labels = tf.sparse_tensor_to_dense(labels)
  labels = tf.reshape(labels, [shape.batch_size, -1], name='Labels')
  # Crush the other shapes to just the batch dimension.
  heights = tf.reshape(heights, [-1], name='Heights')
  widths = tf.reshape(widths, [-1], name='Widths')
  truths = tf.reshape(truths, [-1], name='Truths')
  # Give the images a nice name as well.
  images = tf.identity(images, name='Images')

  tf.image_summary('Images', images)
  return images, heights, widths, labels, sparse_labels, truths 
Example #14
Source File:    From ECO-pytorch with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 4 votes vote down vote up
def ImageInput(input_pattern, num_threads, shape, using_ctc, reader=None):
  """Creates an input image tensor from the input_pattern filenames.

  TODO(rays) Expand for 2-d labels, 0-d labels, and logistic targets.
    input_pattern:  Filenames of the dataset(s) to read.
    num_threads:    Number of preprocessing threads.
    shape:          ImageShape with the desired shape of the input.
    using_ctc:      Take the unpadded_class labels instead of padded.
    reader:         Function that returns an actual reader to read Examples from
      input files. If None, uses tf.TFRecordReader().
    images:   Float Tensor containing the input image scaled to [-1.28, 1.27].
    heights:  Tensor int64 containing the heights of the images.
    widths:   Tensor int64 containing the widths of the images.
    labels:   Serialized SparseTensor containing the int64 labels.
    sparse_labels:   Serialized SparseTensor containing the int64 labels.
    truths:   Tensor string of the utf8 truth texts.
    ValueError: if the optimizer type is unrecognized.
  data_files = tf.gfile.Glob(input_pattern)
  assert data_files, 'no files found for dataset ' + input_pattern
  queue_capacity = shape.batch_size * num_threads * 2
  filename_queue = tf.train.string_input_producer(
      data_files, capacity=queue_capacity)

  # Create a subgraph with its own reader (but sharing the
  # filename_queue) for each preprocessing thread.
  images_and_label_lists = []
  for _ in range(num_threads):
    image, height, width, labels, text = _ReadExamples(filename_queue, shape,
                                                       using_ctc, reader)
    images_and_label_lists.append([image, height, width, labels, text])
  # Create a queue that produces the examples in batches.
  images, heights, widths, labels, truths = tf.train.batch_join(
      capacity=16 * shape.batch_size,
  # Deserialize back to sparse, because the batcher doesn't do sparse.
  labels = tf.deserialize_many_sparse(labels, tf.int64)
  sparse_labels = tf.cast(labels, tf.int32)
  labels = tf.sparse_tensor_to_dense(labels)
  labels = tf.reshape(labels, [shape.batch_size, -1], name='Labels')
  # Crush the other shapes to just the batch dimension.
  heights = tf.reshape(heights, [-1], name='Heights')
  widths = tf.reshape(widths, [-1], name='Widths')
  truths = tf.reshape(truths, [-1], name='Truths')
  # Give the images a nice name as well.
  images = tf.identity(images, name='Images')

  tf.image_summary('Images', images)
  return images, heights, widths, labels, sparse_labels, truths 
Example #15
Source File:    From hands-detection with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def ImageInput(input_pattern, num_threads, shape, using_ctc, reader=None):
  """Creates an input image tensor from the input_pattern filenames.

  TODO(rays) Expand for 2-d labels, 0-d labels, and logistic targets.
    input_pattern:  Filenames of the dataset(s) to read.
    num_threads:    Number of preprocessing threads.
    shape:          ImageShape with the desired shape of the input.
    using_ctc:      Take the unpadded_class labels instead of padded.
    reader:         Function that returns an actual reader to read Examples from
      input files. If None, uses tf.TFRecordReader().
    images:   Float Tensor containing the input image scaled to [-1.28, 1.27].
    heights:  Tensor int64 containing the heights of the images.
    widths:   Tensor int64 containing the widths of the images.
    labels:   Serialized SparseTensor containing the int64 labels.
    sparse_labels:   Serialized SparseTensor containing the int64 labels.
    truths:   Tensor string of the utf8 truth texts.
    ValueError: if the optimizer type is unrecognized.
  data_files = tf.gfile.Glob(input_pattern)
  assert data_files, 'no files found for dataset ' + input_pattern
  queue_capacity = shape.batch_size * num_threads * 2
  filename_queue = tf.train.string_input_producer(
      data_files, capacity=queue_capacity)

  # Create a subgraph with its own reader (but sharing the
  # filename_queue) for each preprocessing thread.
  images_and_label_lists = []
  for _ in range(num_threads):
    image, height, width, labels, text = _ReadExamples(filename_queue, shape,
                                                       using_ctc, reader)
    images_and_label_lists.append([image, height, width, labels, text])
  # Create a queue that produces the examples in batches.
  images, heights, widths, labels, truths = tf.train.batch_join(
      capacity=16 * shape.batch_size,
  # Deserialize back to sparse, because the batcher doesn't do sparse.
  labels = tf.deserialize_many_sparse(labels, tf.int64)
  sparse_labels = tf.cast(labels, tf.int32)
  labels = tf.sparse_tensor_to_dense(labels)
  labels = tf.reshape(labels, [shape.batch_size, -1], name='Labels')
  # Crush the other shapes to just the batch dimension.
  heights = tf.reshape(heights, [-1], name='Heights')
  widths = tf.reshape(widths, [-1], name='Widths')
  truths = tf.reshape(truths, [-1], name='Truths')
  # Give the images a nice name as well.
  images = tf.identity(images, name='Images')

  tf.summary.image('Images', images)
  return images, heights, widths, labels, sparse_labels, truths 
Example #16
Source File:    From object_detection_kitti with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def ImageInput(input_pattern, num_threads, shape, using_ctc, reader=None):
  """Creates an input image tensor from the input_pattern filenames.

  TODO(rays) Expand for 2-d labels, 0-d labels, and logistic targets.
    input_pattern:  Filenames of the dataset(s) to read.
    num_threads:    Number of preprocessing threads.
    shape:          ImageShape with the desired shape of the input.
    using_ctc:      Take the unpadded_class labels instead of padded.
    reader:         Function that returns an actual reader to read Examples from
      input files. If None, uses tf.TFRecordReader().
    images:   Float Tensor containing the input image scaled to [-1.28, 1.27].
    heights:  Tensor int64 containing the heights of the images.
    widths:   Tensor int64 containing the widths of the images.
    labels:   Serialized SparseTensor containing the int64 labels.
    sparse_labels:   Serialized SparseTensor containing the int64 labels.
    truths:   Tensor string of the utf8 truth texts.
    ValueError: if the optimizer type is unrecognized.
  data_files = tf.gfile.Glob(input_pattern)
  assert data_files, 'no files found for dataset ' + input_pattern
  queue_capacity = shape.batch_size * num_threads * 2
  filename_queue = tf.train.string_input_producer(
      data_files, capacity=queue_capacity)

  # Create a subgraph with its own reader (but sharing the
  # filename_queue) for each preprocessing thread.
  images_and_label_lists = []
  for _ in range(num_threads):
    image, height, width, labels, text = _ReadExamples(filename_queue, shape,
                                                       using_ctc, reader)
    images_and_label_lists.append([image, height, width, labels, text])
  # Create a queue that produces the examples in batches.
  images, heights, widths, labels, truths = tf.train.batch_join(
      capacity=16 * shape.batch_size,
  # Deserialize back to sparse, because the batcher doesn't do sparse.
  labels = tf.deserialize_many_sparse(labels, tf.int64)
  sparse_labels = tf.cast(labels, tf.int32)
  labels = tf.sparse_tensor_to_dense(labels)
  labels = tf.reshape(labels, [shape.batch_size, -1], name='Labels')
  # Crush the other shapes to just the batch dimension.
  heights = tf.reshape(heights, [-1], name='Heights')
  widths = tf.reshape(widths, [-1], name='Widths')
  truths = tf.reshape(truths, [-1], name='Truths')
  # Give the images a nice name as well.
  images = tf.identity(images, name='Images')

  tf.summary.image('Images', images)
  return images, heights, widths, labels, sparse_labels, truths 
Example #17
Source File:    From DOTA_models with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def ImageInput(input_pattern, num_threads, shape, using_ctc, reader=None):
  """Creates an input image tensor from the input_pattern filenames.

  TODO(rays) Expand for 2-d labels, 0-d labels, and logistic targets.
    input_pattern:  Filenames of the dataset(s) to read.
    num_threads:    Number of preprocessing threads.
    shape:          ImageShape with the desired shape of the input.
    using_ctc:      Take the unpadded_class labels instead of padded.
    reader:         Function that returns an actual reader to read Examples from
      input files. If None, uses tf.TFRecordReader().
    images:   Float Tensor containing the input image scaled to [-1.28, 1.27].
    heights:  Tensor int64 containing the heights of the images.
    widths:   Tensor int64 containing the widths of the images.
    labels:   Serialized SparseTensor containing the int64 labels.
    sparse_labels:   Serialized SparseTensor containing the int64 labels.
    truths:   Tensor string of the utf8 truth texts.
    ValueError: if the optimizer type is unrecognized.
  data_files = tf.gfile.Glob(input_pattern)
  assert data_files, 'no files found for dataset ' + input_pattern
  queue_capacity = shape.batch_size * num_threads * 2
  filename_queue = tf.train.string_input_producer(
      data_files, capacity=queue_capacity)

  # Create a subgraph with its own reader (but sharing the
  # filename_queue) for each preprocessing thread.
  images_and_label_lists = []
  for _ in range(num_threads):
    image, height, width, labels, text = _ReadExamples(filename_queue, shape,
                                                       using_ctc, reader)
    images_and_label_lists.append([image, height, width, labels, text])
  # Create a queue that produces the examples in batches.
  images, heights, widths, labels, truths = tf.train.batch_join(
      capacity=16 * shape.batch_size,
  # Deserialize back to sparse, because the batcher doesn't do sparse.
  labels = tf.deserialize_many_sparse(labels, tf.int64)
  sparse_labels = tf.cast(labels, tf.int32)
  labels = tf.sparse_tensor_to_dense(labels)
  labels = tf.reshape(labels, [shape.batch_size, -1], name='Labels')
  # Crush the other shapes to just the batch dimension.
  heights = tf.reshape(heights, [-1], name='Heights')
  widths = tf.reshape(widths, [-1], name='Widths')
  truths = tf.reshape(truths, [-1], name='Truths')
  # Give the images a nice name as well.
  images = tf.identity(images, name='Images')

  tf.summary.image('Images', images)
  return images, heights, widths, labels, sparse_labels, truths 
Example #18
Source File:    From object_detection_with_tensorflow with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def ImageInput(input_pattern, num_threads, shape, using_ctc, reader=None):
  """Creates an input image tensor from the input_pattern filenames.

  TODO(rays) Expand for 2-d labels, 0-d labels, and logistic targets.
    input_pattern:  Filenames of the dataset(s) to read.
    num_threads:    Number of preprocessing threads.
    shape:          ImageShape with the desired shape of the input.
    using_ctc:      Take the unpadded_class labels instead of padded.
    reader:         Function that returns an actual reader to read Examples from
      input files. If None, uses tf.TFRecordReader().
    images:   Float Tensor containing the input image scaled to [-1.28, 1.27].
    heights:  Tensor int64 containing the heights of the images.
    widths:   Tensor int64 containing the widths of the images.
    labels:   Serialized SparseTensor containing the int64 labels.
    sparse_labels:   Serialized SparseTensor containing the int64 labels.
    truths:   Tensor string of the utf8 truth texts.
    ValueError: if the optimizer type is unrecognized.
  data_files = tf.gfile.Glob(input_pattern)
  assert data_files, 'no files found for dataset ' + input_pattern
  queue_capacity = shape.batch_size * num_threads * 2
  filename_queue = tf.train.string_input_producer(
      data_files, capacity=queue_capacity)

  # Create a subgraph with its own reader (but sharing the
  # filename_queue) for each preprocessing thread.
  images_and_label_lists = []
  for _ in range(num_threads):
    image, height, width, labels, text = _ReadExamples(filename_queue, shape,
                                                       using_ctc, reader)
    images_and_label_lists.append([image, height, width, labels, text])
  # Create a queue that produces the examples in batches.
  images, heights, widths, labels, truths = tf.train.batch_join(
      capacity=16 * shape.batch_size,
  # Deserialize back to sparse, because the batcher doesn't do sparse.
  labels = tf.deserialize_many_sparse(labels, tf.int64)
  sparse_labels = tf.cast(labels, tf.int32)
  labels = tf.sparse_tensor_to_dense(labels)
  labels = tf.reshape(labels, [shape.batch_size, -1], name='Labels')
  # Crush the other shapes to just the batch dimension.
  heights = tf.reshape(heights, [-1], name='Heights')
  widths = tf.reshape(widths, [-1], name='Widths')
  truths = tf.reshape(truths, [-1], name='Truths')
  # Give the images a nice name as well.
  images = tf.identity(images, name='Images')

  tf.summary.image('Images', images)
  return images, heights, widths, labels, sparse_labels, truths 
Example #19
Source File:    From HumanRecognition with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def ImageInput(input_pattern, num_threads, shape, using_ctc, reader=None):
  """Creates an input image tensor from the input_pattern filenames.

  TODO(rays) Expand for 2-d labels, 0-d labels, and logistic targets.
    input_pattern:  Filenames of the dataset(s) to read.
    num_threads:    Number of preprocessing threads.
    shape:          ImageShape with the desired shape of the input.
    using_ctc:      Take the unpadded_class labels instead of padded.
    reader:         Function that returns an actual reader to read Examples from
      input files. If None, uses tf.TFRecordReader().
    images:   Float Tensor containing the input image scaled to [-1.28, 1.27].
    heights:  Tensor int64 containing the heights of the images.
    widths:   Tensor int64 containing the widths of the images.
    labels:   Serialized SparseTensor containing the int64 labels.
    sparse_labels:   Serialized SparseTensor containing the int64 labels.
    truths:   Tensor string of the utf8 truth texts.
    ValueError: if the optimizer type is unrecognized.
  data_files = tf.gfile.Glob(input_pattern)
  assert data_files, 'no files found for dataset ' + input_pattern
  queue_capacity = shape.batch_size * num_threads * 2
  filename_queue = tf.train.string_input_producer(
      data_files, capacity=queue_capacity)

  # Create a subgraph with its own reader (but sharing the
  # filename_queue) for each preprocessing thread.
  images_and_label_lists = []
  for _ in range(num_threads):
    image, height, width, labels, text = _ReadExamples(filename_queue, shape,
                                                       using_ctc, reader)
    images_and_label_lists.append([image, height, width, labels, text])
  # Create a queue that produces the examples in batches.
  images, heights, widths, labels, truths = tf.train.batch_join(
      capacity=16 * shape.batch_size,
  # Deserialize back to sparse, because the batcher doesn't do sparse.
  labels = tf.deserialize_many_sparse(labels, tf.int64)
  sparse_labels = tf.cast(labels, tf.int32)
  labels = tf.sparse_tensor_to_dense(labels)
  labels = tf.reshape(labels, [shape.batch_size, -1], name='Labels')
  # Crush the other shapes to just the batch dimension.
  heights = tf.reshape(heights, [-1], name='Heights')
  widths = tf.reshape(widths, [-1], name='Widths')
  truths = tf.reshape(truths, [-1], name='Truths')
  # Give the images a nice name as well.
  images = tf.identity(images, name='Images')

  tf.summary.image('Images', images)
  return images, heights, widths, labels, sparse_labels, truths 
Example #20
Source File:    From g-tensorflow-models with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def ImageInput(input_pattern, num_threads, shape, using_ctc, reader=None):
  """Creates an input image tensor from the input_pattern filenames.

  TODO(rays) Expand for 2-d labels, 0-d labels, and logistic targets.
    input_pattern:  Filenames of the dataset(s) to read.
    num_threads:    Number of preprocessing threads.
    shape:          ImageShape with the desired shape of the input.
    using_ctc:      Take the unpadded_class labels instead of padded.
    reader:         Function that returns an actual reader to read Examples from
      input files. If None, uses tf.TFRecordReader().
    images:   Float Tensor containing the input image scaled to [-1.28, 1.27].
    heights:  Tensor int64 containing the heights of the images.
    widths:   Tensor int64 containing the widths of the images.
    labels:   Serialized SparseTensor containing the int64 labels.
    sparse_labels:   Serialized SparseTensor containing the int64 labels.
    truths:   Tensor string of the utf8 truth texts.
    ValueError: if the optimizer type is unrecognized.
  data_files = tf.gfile.Glob(input_pattern)
  assert data_files, 'no files found for dataset ' + input_pattern
  queue_capacity = shape.batch_size * num_threads * 2
  filename_queue = tf.train.string_input_producer(
      data_files, capacity=queue_capacity)

  # Create a subgraph with its own reader (but sharing the
  # filename_queue) for each preprocessing thread.
  images_and_label_lists = []
  for _ in range(num_threads):
    image, height, width, labels, text = _ReadExamples(filename_queue, shape,
                                                       using_ctc, reader)
    images_and_label_lists.append([image, height, width, labels, text])
  # Create a queue that produces the examples in batches.
  images, heights, widths, labels, truths = tf.train.batch_join(
      capacity=16 * shape.batch_size,
  # Deserialize back to sparse, because the batcher doesn't do sparse.
  labels = tf.deserialize_many_sparse(labels, tf.int64)
  sparse_labels = tf.cast(labels, tf.int32)
  labels = tf.sparse_tensor_to_dense(labels)
  labels = tf.reshape(labels, [shape.batch_size, -1], name='Labels')
  # Crush the other shapes to just the batch dimension.
  heights = tf.reshape(heights, [-1], name='Heights')
  widths = tf.reshape(widths, [-1], name='Widths')
  truths = tf.reshape(truths, [-1], name='Truths')
  # Give the images a nice name as well.
  images = tf.identity(images, name='Images')

  tf.summary.image('Images', images)
  return images, heights, widths, labels, sparse_labels, truths 
Example #21
Source File:    From models with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def ImageInput(input_pattern, num_threads, shape, using_ctc, reader=None):
  """Creates an input image tensor from the input_pattern filenames.

  TODO(rays) Expand for 2-d labels, 0-d labels, and logistic targets.
    input_pattern:  Filenames of the dataset(s) to read.
    num_threads:    Number of preprocessing threads.
    shape:          ImageShape with the desired shape of the input.
    using_ctc:      Take the unpadded_class labels instead of padded.
    reader:         Function that returns an actual reader to read Examples from
      input files. If None, uses tf.TFRecordReader().
    images:   Float Tensor containing the input image scaled to [-1.28, 1.27].
    heights:  Tensor int64 containing the heights of the images.
    widths:   Tensor int64 containing the widths of the images.
    labels:   Serialized SparseTensor containing the int64 labels.
    sparse_labels:   Serialized SparseTensor containing the int64 labels.
    truths:   Tensor string of the utf8 truth texts.
    ValueError: if the optimizer type is unrecognized.
  data_files = tf.gfile.Glob(input_pattern)
  assert data_files, 'no files found for dataset ' + input_pattern
  queue_capacity = shape.batch_size * num_threads * 2
  filename_queue = tf.train.string_input_producer(
      data_files, capacity=queue_capacity)

  # Create a subgraph with its own reader (but sharing the
  # filename_queue) for each preprocessing thread.
  images_and_label_lists = []
  for _ in range(num_threads):
    image, height, width, labels, text = _ReadExamples(filename_queue, shape,
                                                       using_ctc, reader)
    images_and_label_lists.append([image, height, width, labels, text])
  # Create a queue that produces the examples in batches.
  images, heights, widths, labels, truths = tf.train.batch_join(
      capacity=16 * shape.batch_size,
  # Deserialize back to sparse, because the batcher doesn't do sparse.
  labels = tf.deserialize_many_sparse(labels, tf.int64)
  sparse_labels = tf.cast(labels, tf.int32)
  labels = tf.sparse_tensor_to_dense(labels)
  labels = tf.reshape(labels, [shape.batch_size, -1], name='Labels')
  # Crush the other shapes to just the batch dimension.
  heights = tf.reshape(heights, [-1], name='Heights')
  widths = tf.reshape(widths, [-1], name='Widths')
  truths = tf.reshape(truths, [-1], name='Truths')
  # Give the images a nice name as well.
  images = tf.identity(images, name='Images')

  tf.summary.image('Images', images)
  return images, heights, widths, labels, sparse_labels, truths 
Example #22
Source File:    From multilabel-image-classification-tensorflow with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def ImageInput(input_pattern, num_threads, shape, using_ctc, reader=None):
  """Creates an input image tensor from the input_pattern filenames.

  TODO(rays) Expand for 2-d labels, 0-d labels, and logistic targets.
    input_pattern:  Filenames of the dataset(s) to read.
    num_threads:    Number of preprocessing threads.
    shape:          ImageShape with the desired shape of the input.
    using_ctc:      Take the unpadded_class labels instead of padded.
    reader:         Function that returns an actual reader to read Examples from
      input files. If None, uses tf.TFRecordReader().
    images:   Float Tensor containing the input image scaled to [-1.28, 1.27].
    heights:  Tensor int64 containing the heights of the images.
    widths:   Tensor int64 containing the widths of the images.
    labels:   Serialized SparseTensor containing the int64 labels.
    sparse_labels:   Serialized SparseTensor containing the int64 labels.
    truths:   Tensor string of the utf8 truth texts.
    ValueError: if the optimizer type is unrecognized.
  data_files = tf.gfile.Glob(input_pattern)
  assert data_files, 'no files found for dataset ' + input_pattern
  queue_capacity = shape.batch_size * num_threads * 2
  filename_queue = tf.train.string_input_producer(
      data_files, capacity=queue_capacity)

  # Create a subgraph with its own reader (but sharing the
  # filename_queue) for each preprocessing thread.
  images_and_label_lists = []
  for _ in range(num_threads):
    image, height, width, labels, text = _ReadExamples(filename_queue, shape,
                                                       using_ctc, reader)
    images_and_label_lists.append([image, height, width, labels, text])
  # Create a queue that produces the examples in batches.
  images, heights, widths, labels, truths = tf.train.batch_join(
      capacity=16 * shape.batch_size,
  # Deserialize back to sparse, because the batcher doesn't do sparse.
  labels = tf.deserialize_many_sparse(labels, tf.int64)
  sparse_labels = tf.cast(labels, tf.int32)
  labels = tf.sparse_tensor_to_dense(labels)
  labels = tf.reshape(labels, [shape.batch_size, -1], name='Labels')
  # Crush the other shapes to just the batch dimension.
  heights = tf.reshape(heights, [-1], name='Heights')
  widths = tf.reshape(widths, [-1], name='Widths')
  truths = tf.reshape(truths, [-1], name='Truths')
  # Give the images a nice name as well.
  images = tf.identity(images, name='Images')

  tf.summary.image('Images', images)
  return images, heights, widths, labels, sparse_labels, truths