Python tensorflow.sparse_softmax() Examples

The following are 19 code examples of tensorflow.sparse_softmax(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module tensorflow , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From deep_image_model with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def testEquivalentToDensified(self):
    n, m = np.random.choice(20, size=2)

    for dtype in [np.float32, np.float64]:
      sp_vals_np = np.random.rand(n, m).astype(dtype)

      batched_sp_t, unused_nnz1 = _sparsify(
          sp_vals_np.reshape((1, n, m)), thresh=0.)  # No masking.

      with self.test_session(use_gpu=False):
        densified = tf.constant(sp_vals_np)

        sp_result = sparse_ops.sparse_softmax(
            batched_sp_t).eval().values.reshape((n, m))
        dense_result = tf.nn.softmax(densified)

        self.assertAllClose(dense_result.eval(), sp_result) 
Example #2
Source File:    From DGFraud with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def node_attention(inputs, adj, return_weights=False):
        hidden_size = inputs.shape[-1].value
        H_v = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([hidden_size, 1], stddev=0.1))

        # convert adj to sparse tensor
        zero = tf.constant(0, dtype=tf.float32)
        where = tf.not_equal(adj, zero)
        indices = tf.where(where)
        values = tf.gather_nd(adj, indices)
        adj = tf.SparseTensor(indices=indices,

        with tf.name_scope('v'):
            v = adj * tf.squeeze(tf.tensordot(inputs, H_v, axes=1))

        weights = tf.sparse_softmax(v, name='alphas')  # [nodes,nodes]
        output = tf.sparse_tensor_dense_matmul(weights, inputs)

        if not return_weights:
            return output
            return output, weights

    # view-level attention (equation (4) in SemiGNN) 
Example #3
Source File:    From gcnn-survey-paper with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def compute_inference(self, node_features_in, sp_adj_matrix, is_training):
    """Forward pass for GAT model."""
    adj_matrix_pred = self.edge_model.compute_inference(
        node_features_in, sp_adj_matrix, is_training)
    sp_adj_mask = tf.SparseTensor(
    sp_adj_att = sp_adj_mask * adj_matrix_pred
    sp_adj_att = tf.SparseTensor(
    sp_adj_att = tf.sparse_softmax(sp_adj_att)
    logits = self.node_model.compute_inference(node_features_in, sp_adj_att,
    return logits, adj_matrix_pred 
Example #4
Source File:    From deep_image_model with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def testHigherRanks(self):
    # For the first shape:
    # First batch:
    # [?   e.]
    # [1.  ? ]
    # Second batch:
    # [e   ? ]
    # [e   e ]
    # The softmax results should be:
    # [?   1.]     [1    ?]
    # [1.  ? ] and [.5  .5]
    # where ? means implicitly zero.
    # The second shape: same input data, but with a higher-rank shape.
    shapes = [[2, 2, 2], [2, 1, 2, 2]]
    for shape in shapes:
      values = np.asarray(
          [0., np.e, 1., 0., np.e, 0., np.e, np.e]).reshape(shape)
      sp_t, unused_nnz = _sparsify(values, thresh=1e-2)
      expected_values = [1., 1., 1., .5, .5]

      with self.test_session(use_gpu=False):
        result = sparse_ops.sparse_softmax(sp_t).eval()

        self.assertAllEqual(expected_values, result.values)
        self.assertAllEqual(sp_t.indices.eval(), result.indices)
        self.assertAllEqual(shape, result.shape) 
Example #5
Source File:    From deep_image_model with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def testGradient(self):
    x_shape = [2, 5, 10]
    with self.test_session(use_gpu=False):
      for dtype in [np.float32, np.float64]:
        x_np = np.random.randn(*x_shape).astype(dtype)
        x_tf, nnz = _sparsify(x_np)
        y_tf = tf.sparse_softmax(x_tf)
        err = tf.test.compute_gradient_error(x_tf.values, (nnz,), y_tf.values,
        self.assertLess(err, 1e-4) 
Example #6
Source File:    From masif with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def build_sparse_matrix_softmax(self, idx_non_zero_values, X, dense_shape_A):
        A = tf.SparseTensorValue(idx_non_zero_values, tf.squeeze(X), dense_shape_A)
        A = tf.sparse_reorder(A)  # n_edges x n_edges
        A = tf.sparse_softmax(A)

        return A 
Example #7
Source File:    From masif with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def build_sparse_matrix_softmax(self, idx_non_zero_values, X, dense_shape_A):
        A = tf.SparseTensorValue(idx_non_zero_values, tf.squeeze(X), dense_shape_A)
        A = tf.sparse_reorder(A)  # n_edges x n_edges
        A = tf.sparse_softmax(A)

        return A 
Example #8
Source File:    From masif with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def build_sparse_matrix_softmax(self, idx_non_zero_values, X, dense_shape_A):
        A = tf.SparseTensorValue(idx_non_zero_values, tf.squeeze(X), dense_shape_A)
        A = tf.sparse_reorder(A)  # n_edges x n_edges
        A = tf.sparse_softmax(A)

        return A 
Example #9
Source File:    From RelationPrediction with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def forward_incidence_matrix(self, normalization):
        if normalization[0] == "none":
            mtr_values = tf.to_float(tf.ones_like(self.receiver_indices))
            message_indices = tf.range(self.edge_count)

            mtr_indices = tf.to_int64(tf.transpose(tf.stack([self.receiver_indices, message_indices])))
            mtr_shape = tf.to_int64(tf.stack([self.vertex_count, self.edge_count]))

            tensor = tf.SparseTensor(indices=mtr_indices,

            return tensor
        elif normalization[0] == "global":
            mtr_values = tf.to_float(tf.ones_like(self.receiver_indices))
            message_indices = tf.range(self.edge_count)

            mtr_indices = tf.to_int64(tf.transpose(tf.stack([self.receiver_indices, message_indices])))
            mtr_shape = tf.to_int64(tf.stack([self.vertex_count, self.edge_count]))

            tensor = tf.sparse_softmax(tf.SparseTensor(indices=mtr_indices,

            return tensor
        elif normalization[0] == "local":
            mtr_values = tf.to_float(tf.ones_like(self.receiver_indices))
            message_indices = tf.range(self.edge_count)

            mtr_indices = tf.to_int64(tf.transpose(tf.stack([self.message_types, self.receiver_indices, message_indices])))
            mtr_shape = tf.to_int64(tf.stack([self.label_count*2, self.vertex_count, self.edge_count]))

            tensor = tf.sparse_softmax(tf.SparseTensor(indices=mtr_indices,

            tensor = tf.sparse_reduce_sum_sparse(tensor, 0)

            return tensor 
Example #10
Source File:    From RelationPrediction with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def backward_incidence_matrix(self, normalization):
        if normalization[0] == "none":
            mtr_values = tf.to_float(tf.ones_like(self.sender_indices))
            message_indices = tf.range(self.edge_count)

            mtr_indices = tf.to_int64(tf.transpose(tf.stack([self.sender_indices, message_indices])))
            mtr_shape = tf.to_int64(tf.stack([self.vertex_count, self.edge_count]))

            tensor = tf.SparseTensor(indices=mtr_indices,

            return tensor
        elif normalization[0] == "global":
            mtr_values = tf.to_float(tf.ones_like(self.sender_indices))
            message_indices = tf.range(self.edge_count)

            mtr_indices = tf.to_int64(tf.transpose(tf.stack([self.sender_indices, message_indices])))
            mtr_shape = tf.to_int64(tf.stack([self.vertex_count, self.edge_count]))

            tensor = tf.sparse_softmax(tf.SparseTensor(indices=mtr_indices,

            return tensor
        elif normalization[0] == "local":
            mtr_values = tf.to_float(tf.ones_like(self.sender_indices))
            message_indices = tf.range(self.edge_count)

            mtr_indices = tf.to_int64(tf.transpose(tf.stack([self.message_types, self.sender_indices, message_indices])))
            mtr_shape = tf.to_int64(tf.stack([self.label_count*2, self.vertex_count, self.edge_count]))

            tensor = tf.sparse_softmax(tf.SparseTensor(indices=mtr_indices,

            tensor = tf.sparse_reduce_sum_sparse(tensor, 0)

            return tensor 
Example #11
Source File:    From gcnn-survey-paper with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def sp_gat_layer(node_features, adj_matrix, in_dim, out_dim, p_drop,
                 is_training, sparse):
  """Single graph attention layer using sparse tensors.

    node_features: Sparse Tensor of shape (nb_nodes, in_dim) or SparseTensor.
    adj_matrix: Sparse Tensor.
    in_dim: integer specifying the input feature dimension.
    out_dim: integer specifying the output feature dimension.
    p_drop: dropout probability.
    is_training: boolean, True if the model is being trained, False otherwise
    sparse: True if node features are sparse.

    node_features: tensor of shape (nb_nodes, out_dim). New node
        features obtained from applying one head of attention to input.

  # Linear transform
  node_features = dense(node_features, in_dim, out_dim, p_drop, is_training,
  # Attention scores
  alpha = sp_compute_adj_att(node_features, adj_matrix)
  alpha = tf.SparseTensor(
  alpha = tf.sparse_softmax(alpha)
  alpha = sparse_dropout(alpha, p_drop, is_training)
  node_features = tf.layers.dropout(
      inputs=node_features, rate=p_drop, training=is_training)
  # Compute self-attention features
  node_features = tf.sparse_tensor_dense_matmul(alpha, node_features)
  node_features = tf.contrib.layers.bias_add(node_features)
  return node_features 
Example #12
Source File:    From gcnn-survey-paper with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def sp_egat_layer(node_features, adj_matrix, in_dim, out_dim, p_drop,
                  is_training, sparse):
  """Single graph attention layer using sparse tensors.

    node_features: Tensor of shape (nb_nodes, in_dim) or SparseTensor.
    adj_matrix: Sparse Tensor.
    in_dim: integer specifying the input feature dimension.
    out_dim: integer specifying the output feature dimension.
    p_drop: dropout probability.
    is_training: boolean, True if the model is being trained, False otherwise
    sparse: True if node features are sparse.

    node_features: tensor of shape (nb_nodes, out_dim). New node
        features obtained from applying one head of attention to input.

  # Linear transform
  node_features = dense(node_features, in_dim, out_dim, p_drop, is_training,
  # Attention scores
  alpha = sp_compute_adj_att(node_features, adj_matrix)
  alpha = tf.SparseTensor(
  alpha = tf.sparse_softmax(alpha)
  alpha = sparse_dropout(alpha, p_drop, is_training)
  node_features = tf.layers.dropout(
      inputs=node_features, rate=p_drop, training=is_training)
  # Compute self-attention features
  node_features = tf.sparse_tensor_dense_matmul(alpha, node_features)
  node_features = tf.contrib.layers.bias_add(node_features)
  return node_features

############################## MULTI LAYERS ############################# 
Example #13
Source File:    From gcnn-survey-paper with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def compute_inference(self, node_features_in, sp_adj_matrix, is_training):
    adj_matrix_pred = self.edge_model.compute_inference(
        node_features_in, sp_adj_matrix, is_training)
    self.adj_matrix_pred = adj_matrix_pred
    adj_mask = get_sp_topk(adj_matrix_pred, sp_adj_matrix, self.nb_nodes,
    sp_adj_pred = tf.contrib.layers.dense_to_sparse(
        tf.multiply(adj_mask, tf.nn.leaky_relu(adj_matrix_pred)))
    sp_adj_pred = tf.sparse_softmax(sp_adj_pred)
    logits = self.node_model.compute_inference(node_features_in, sp_adj_pred,
    return logits, adj_matrix_pred

############################ EXPERIMENTAL MODELS ############################# 
Example #14
Source File:    From GAT with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def sp_attn_head(seq, out_sz, adj_mat, activation, nb_nodes, in_drop=0.0, coef_drop=0.0, residual=False):
    with tf.name_scope('sp_attn'):
        if in_drop != 0.0:
            seq = tf.nn.dropout(seq, 1.0 - in_drop)

        seq_fts = tf.layers.conv1d(seq, out_sz, 1, use_bias=False)

        # simplest self-attention possible
        f_1 = tf.layers.conv1d(seq_fts, 1, 1)
        f_2 = tf.layers.conv1d(seq_fts, 1, 1)
        f_1 = tf.reshape(f_1, (nb_nodes, 1))
        f_2 = tf.reshape(f_2, (nb_nodes, 1))

        f_1 = adj_mat*f_1
        f_2 = adj_mat * tf.transpose(f_2, [1,0])

        logits = tf.sparse_add(f_1, f_2)
        lrelu = tf.SparseTensor(indices=logits.indices, 
        coefs = tf.sparse_softmax(lrelu)

        if coef_drop != 0.0:
            coefs = tf.SparseTensor(indices=coefs.indices,
                    values=tf.nn.dropout(coefs.values, 1.0 - coef_drop),
        if in_drop != 0.0:
            seq_fts = tf.nn.dropout(seq_fts, 1.0 - in_drop)

        # As tf.sparse_tensor_dense_matmul expects its arguments to have rank-2,
        # here we make an assumption that our input is of batch size 1, and reshape appropriately.
        # The method will fail in all other cases!
        coefs = tf.sparse_reshape(coefs, [nb_nodes, nb_nodes])
        seq_fts = tf.squeeze(seq_fts)
        vals = tf.sparse_tensor_dense_matmul(coefs, seq_fts)
        vals = tf.expand_dims(vals, axis=0)
        vals.set_shape([1, nb_nodes, out_sz])
        ret = tf.contrib.layers.bias_add(vals)

        # residual connection
        if residual:
            if seq.shape[-1] != ret.shape[-1]:
                ret = ret + conv1d(seq, ret.shape[-1], 1) # activation
                ret = ret + seq

        return activation(ret)  # activation 
Example #15
Source File:    From gnn-benchmark with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def attention_mechanism(features, graph_adj, adj_with_self_loops_indices, coefficient_dropout_prob, weight_decay, name):
    # apply a feedforward network parametrized with a weight vector to the transformed features.
    input_dim = int(features.get_shape()[1])
    a_i = tf.get_variable(f"{name}-att_i", [input_dim, 1], dtype=tf.float32,
    a_j = tf.get_variable(f"{name}-att_j", [input_dim, 1], dtype=tf.float32,
    tf.add_to_collection(ATTENTION_WEIGHTS, a_i)
    tf.add_to_collection(ATTENTION_WEIGHTS, a_j)

    # dims: num_nodes x input_dim, input_dim, 1 -> num_nodes x 1
    att_i = tf.matmul(features, a_i)
    att_i = tf.contrib.layers.bias_add(att_i)
    # dims: num_nodes x input_dim, input_dim, 1 -> num_nodes x 1
    att_j = tf.matmul(features, a_j)
    att_j = tf.contrib.layers.bias_add(att_j)

    # Extracts the relevant attention coefficients with respect to the 1-hop neighbours of each node
    # Method: first extract all the attention coefficients of the left nodes of each edge, then those
    # of the right nodes and add them up.
    # The result is a list of relevant attention weights ordered in the same way as the edges in the
    # sparse adjacency matrix.
    # dims: num_nodes x 1, num_edges, num_nodes x 1, num_edges -> 1 x num_edges x 1
    attention_weights_of_edges = tf.gather(att_i, adj_with_self_loops_indices[0], axis=0) + \
                                 tf.gather(att_j, adj_with_self_loops_indices[1], axis=0)
    # dims: 1 x num_edges x 1 -> num_edges
    attention_weights_of_edges = tf.squeeze(attention_weights_of_edges)

    # blow list of attention weights up into a sparse matrix. Use the coordinates from the original
    # adjacency matrix to specify which attention weight belongs to which edge.
    # Simultaneously applies the LeakyReLU as given in the paper.
    # dims: num_nodes x num_nodes, num_edges -> num_nodes x num_nodes
    attention_weight_matrix = tf.SparseTensor(
        values=tf.nn.leaky_relu(attention_weights_of_edges, alpha=0.2),

    # finish the attention by normalizing coefficients using softmax
    attention_coefficients = tf.sparse_softmax(attention_weight_matrix)

    # apply dropout to attention coefficients, meaning that in every epoch a single node is only exposed to a
    # sampled subset of its neighbour
    attention_coefficients = tf.cond(
        tf.cast(coefficient_dropout_prob, tf.bool),
        true_fn=(lambda: dropout_supporting_sparse_tensors(attention_coefficients, 1.0 - coefficient_dropout_prob)),
        false_fn=(lambda: attention_coefficients)

    return attention_coefficients 
Example #16
Source File:    From OpenHINE with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def sp_attn_head(seq, out_sz, adj_mat, activation, nb_nodes, in_drop=0.0, coef_drop=0.0, residual=False):
    with tf.name_scope('sp_attn'):
        if in_drop != 0.0:
            seq = tf.nn.dropout(seq, 1.0 - in_drop)

        seq_fts = tf.layers.conv1d(seq, out_sz, 1, use_bias=False)

        # simplest self-attention possible
        f_1 = tf.layers.conv1d(seq_fts, 1, 1)
        f_2 = tf.layers.conv1d(seq_fts, 1, 1)
        logits = tf.sparse_add(adj_mat * f_1, adj_mat *
                               tf.transpose(f_2, [0, 2, 1]))
        lrelu = tf.SparseTensor(indices=logits.indices,
        coefs = tf.sparse_softmax(lrelu)

        if coef_drop != 0.0:
            coefs = tf.SparseTensor(indices=coefs.indices,
                                        coefs.values, 1.0 - coef_drop),
        if in_drop != 0.0:
            seq_fts = tf.nn.dropout(seq_fts, 1.0 - in_drop)

        # As tf.sparse_tensor_dense_matmul expects its arguments to have rank-2,
        # here we make an assumption that our input is of batch size 1, and reshape appropriately.
        # The method will fail in all other cases!
        coefs = tf.sparse_reshape(coefs, [nb_nodes, nb_nodes])
        seq_fts = tf.squeeze(seq_fts)
        vals = tf.sparse_tensor_dense_matmul(coefs, seq_fts)
        vals = tf.expand_dims(vals, axis=0)
        vals.set_shape([1, nb_nodes, out_sz])
        ret = tf.contrib.layers.bias_add(vals)

        # residual connection
        if residual:
            if seq.shape[-1] != ret.shape[-1]:
                ret = ret + conv1d(seq, ret.shape[-1], 1)  # activation
                seq_fts = ret + seq

        return activation(ret)  # activation

# final_embed, att_val = layers.SimpleAttLayer(multi_embed, mp_att_size,
#                                                      time_major=False,
#                                                      return_alphas=True) 
Example #17
Source File:    From hetsann with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def sp_attn_head(seq, out_sz, adj_mat, activation, nb_nodes, in_drop=0.0, coef_drop=0.0, residual=False):
    with tf.name_scope('sp_attn'):
        if in_drop != 0.0:
            seq = tf.nn.dropout(seq, 1.0 - in_drop)

        seq_fts = tf.layers.conv1d(seq, out_sz, 1, use_bias=False)

        # simplest self-attention possible
        f_1 = tf.layers.conv1d(seq_fts, 1, 1)
        f_2 = tf.layers.conv1d(seq_fts, 1, 1)
        f_1 = tf.reshape(f_1, (nb_nodes, 1))
        f_2 = tf.reshape(f_2, (nb_nodes, 1))

        f_1 = adj_mat*f_1
        f_2 = adj_mat * tf.transpose(f_2, [1,0])

        logits = tf.sparse_add(f_1, f_2)
        lrelu = tf.SparseTensor(indices=logits.indices, 
        coefs = tf.sparse_softmax(lrelu)

        if coef_drop != 0.0:
            coefs = tf.SparseTensor(indices=coefs.indices,
                    values=tf.nn.dropout(coefs.values, 1.0 - coef_drop),
        if in_drop != 0.0:
            seq_fts = tf.nn.dropout(seq_fts, 1.0 - in_drop)

        # As tf.sparse_tensor_dense_matmul expects its arguments to have rank-2,
        # here we make an assumption that our input is of batch size 1, and reshape appropriately.
        # The method will fail in all other cases!
        coefs = tf.sparse_reshape(coefs, [nb_nodes, nb_nodes])
        seq_fts = tf.squeeze(seq_fts)
        vals = tf.sparse_tensor_dense_matmul(coefs, seq_fts)
        vals = tf.expand_dims(vals, axis=0)
        vals.set_shape([1, nb_nodes, out_sz])
        ret = tf.contrib.layers.bias_add(vals)

        # residual connection
        if residual:
            if seq.shape[-1] != ret.shape[-1]:
                ret = ret + conv1d(seq, ret.shape[-1], 1) # activation
                ret = ret + seq

        return activation(ret)  # activation 
Example #18
Source File:    From hetsann with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def sp_attn_head(seq, out_sz, adj_mat, activation, nb_nodes, in_drop=0.0, coef_drop=0.0, residual=False):
    with tf.name_scope('sp_attn'):
        if in_drop != 0.0:
            seq = tf.nn.dropout(seq, 1.0 - in_drop)

        seq_fts = tf.layers.conv1d(seq, out_sz, 1, use_bias=False)

        # simplest self-attention possible
        f_1 = tf.layers.conv1d(seq_fts, 1, 1)
        f_2 = tf.layers.conv1d(seq_fts, 1, 1)
        f_1 = tf.reshape(f_1, (nb_nodes, 1))
        f_2 = tf.reshape(f_2, (nb_nodes, 1))

        f_1 = adj_mat*f_1
        f_2 = adj_mat * tf.transpose(f_2, [1,0])

        logits = tf.sparse_add(f_1, f_2)
        lrelu = tf.SparseTensor(indices=logits.indices, 
        coefs = tf.sparse_softmax(lrelu)

        if coef_drop != 0.0:
            coefs = tf.SparseTensor(indices=coefs.indices,
                    values=tf.nn.dropout(coefs.values, 1.0 - coef_drop),
        if in_drop != 0.0:
            seq_fts = tf.nn.dropout(seq_fts, 1.0 - in_drop)

        # As tf.sparse_tensor_dense_matmul expects its arguments to have rank-2,
        # here we make an assumption that our input is of batch size 1, and reshape appropriately.
        # The method will fail in all other cases!
        coefs = tf.sparse_reshape(coefs, [nb_nodes, nb_nodes])
        seq_fts = tf.squeeze(seq_fts)
        vals = tf.sparse_tensor_dense_matmul(coefs, seq_fts)
        vals = tf.expand_dims(vals, axis=0)
        vals.set_shape([1, nb_nodes, out_sz])
        ret = tf.contrib.layers.bias_add(vals)

        # residual connection
        if residual:
            if seq.shape[-1] != ret.shape[-1]:
                ret = ret + conv1d(seq, ret.shape[-1], 1) # activation
                ret = ret + seq

        return activation(ret)  # activation 
Example #19
Source File:    From hetsann with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def sp_attn_head(seq, out_sz, adj_mat, activation, nb_nodes, in_drop=0.0, coef_drop=0.0, residual=False):
    with tf.name_scope('sp_attn'):
        if in_drop != 0.0:
            seq = tf.nn.dropout(seq, 1.0 - in_drop)

        seq_fts = tf.layers.conv1d(seq, out_sz, 1, use_bias=False)

        # simplest self-attention possible
        f_1 = tf.layers.conv1d(seq_fts, 1, 1)
        f_2 = tf.layers.conv1d(seq_fts, 1, 1)
        f_1 = tf.reshape(f_1, (nb_nodes, 1))
        f_2 = tf.reshape(f_2, (nb_nodes, 1))

        f_1 = adj_mat*f_1
        f_2 = adj_mat * tf.transpose(f_2, [1,0])

        logits = tf.sparse_add(f_1, f_2)
        lrelu = tf.SparseTensor(indices=logits.indices, 
        coefs = tf.sparse_softmax(lrelu)

        if coef_drop != 0.0:
            coefs = tf.SparseTensor(indices=coefs.indices,
                    values=tf.nn.dropout(coefs.values, 1.0 - coef_drop),
        if in_drop != 0.0:
            seq_fts = tf.nn.dropout(seq_fts, 1.0 - in_drop)

        # As tf.sparse_tensor_dense_matmul expects its arguments to have rank-2,
        # here we make an assumption that our input is of batch size 1, and reshape appropriately.
        # The method will fail in all other cases!
        coefs = tf.sparse_reshape(coefs, [nb_nodes, nb_nodes])
        seq_fts = tf.squeeze(seq_fts)
        vals = tf.sparse_tensor_dense_matmul(coefs, seq_fts)
        vals = tf.expand_dims(vals, axis=0)
        vals.set_shape([1, nb_nodes, out_sz])
        ret = tf.contrib.layers.bias_add(vals)

        # residual connection
        if residual:
            if seq.shape[-1] != ret.shape[-1]:
                ret = ret + conv1d(seq, ret.shape[-1], 1) # activation
                ret = ret + seq

        return activation(ret)  # activation