Python cvxopt.matrix() Examples

The following are 30 code examples of cvxopt.matrix(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module cvxopt , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From MKLpy with GNU General Public License v3.0 7 votes vote down vote up
def radius(K):
    """evaluate the radius of the MEB (Minimum Enclosing Ball) of examples in
    feature space.

    K : (n,n) ndarray,
        the kernel that represents the data.

    r : np.float64,
        the radius of the minimum enclosing ball of examples in feature space.
    K = validation.check_K(K).numpy()
    n = K.shape[0]
    P = 2 * matrix(K)
    p = -matrix(K.diagonal())
    G = -spdiag([1.0] * n)
    h = matrix([0.0] * n)
    A = matrix([1.0] * n).T
    b = matrix([1.0])
    sol = solvers.qp(P,p,G,h,A,b)
    return abs(sol['primal objective'])**.5 
Example #2
Source File:    From MKLpy with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _update_grad(self,Kc, YY, beta, alpha, gamma):
        n = self.n_kernels
        eb = np.exp(beta)
        a,b = [], []
        gammaY = gamma['x'].T*YY
        for K in self.KL:   #optimized for generators
            K = matrix(K.numpy().astype(np.double))
            a.append( 1.-(alpha['x'].T*matrix(K)*alpha['x'])[0] )
            b.append( (gammaY*matrix(K)*gammaY.T)[0] )
        ebb, eba =,b),,a)
        den =,b)**2
        num = [eb[r] * (a[r]*ebb - b[r]*eba) for r in range(n)]
        new_beta = np.array([beta[k] - self.learning_rate * (num[k]/den) for k in range(n)])
        return new_beta 
Example #3
Source File:    From pymdptoolbox with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _evalPolicyMatrix(self):
        # Evaluate the value function of the policy using linear equations.
        # Arguments
        # ---------
        # Let S = number of states, A = number of actions
        # P(SxSxA) = transition matrix
        #      P could be an array with 3 dimensions or a cell array (1xA),
        #      each cell containing a matrix (SxS) possibly sparse
        # R(SxSxA) or (SxA) = reward matrix
        #      R could be an array with 3 dimensions (SxSxA) or
        #      a cell array (1xA), each cell containing a sparse matrix (SxS)
        #      or a 2D array(SxA) possibly sparse
        # discount = discount rate in ]0; 1[
        # policy(S) = a policy
        # Evaluation
        # ----------
        # Vpolicy(S) = value function of the policy
        Ppolicy, Rpolicy = self._computePpolicyPRpolicy()
        # V = PR + gPV  => (I-gP)V = PR  => V = inv(I-gP)* PR
        self.V = _np.linalg.solve(
            (_sp.eye(self.S, self.S) - * Ppolicy), Rpolicy) 
Example #4
Source File:    From fenics-topopt with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def lk(E=1.):
        """element stiffness matrix"""
        nu = 0.3
        k = np.array([0.5 - nu / 6., 0.125 + nu / 8., -0.25 - nu / 12.,
            -0.125 + 0.375 * nu, -0.25 + nu / 12., -0.125 - nu / 8., nu / 6.,
            0.125 - 0.375 * nu])
        KE = E / (1 - nu**2) * np.array([
            [k[0], k[1], k[2], k[3], k[4], k[5], k[6], k[7]],
            [k[1], k[0], k[7], k[6], k[5], k[4], k[3], k[2]],
            [k[2], k[7], k[0], k[5], k[6], k[3], k[4], k[1]],
            [k[3], k[6], k[5], k[0], k[7], k[2], k[1], k[4]],
            [k[4], k[5], k[6], k[7], k[0], k[1], k[2], k[3]],
            [k[5], k[4], k[3], k[2], k[1], k[0], k[7], k[6]],
            [k[6], k[3], k[4], k[1], k[2], k[7], k[0], k[5]],
            [k[7], k[2], k[1], k[4], k[3], k[6], k[5], k[0]]])
        return KE 
Example #5
Source File:    From pymdptoolbox with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, transitions, reward, discount, skip_check=False):
        # Initialise a linear programming MDP.
        # import some functions from cvxopt and set them as object methods
            from cvxopt import matrix, solvers
            self._linprog = solvers.lp
            self._cvxmat = matrix
        except ImportError:
            raise ImportError("The python module cvxopt is required to use "
                              "linear programming functionality.")
        # initialise the MDP. epsilon and max_iter are not needed
        MDP.__init__(self, transitions, reward, discount, None, None,
        # Set the cvxopt solver to be quiet by default, but ...
        # this doesn't do what I want it to do c.f. issue #3
        if not self.verbose:
            solvers.options['show_progress'] = False 
Example #6
Source File:    From transferlearning with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def fit(self, Xs, Xt):
        Fit source and target using KMM (compute the coefficients)
        :param Xs: ns * dim
        :param Xt: nt * dim
        :return: Coefficients (Pt / Ps) value vector (Beta in the paper)
        ns = Xs.shape[0]
        nt = Xt.shape[0]
        if self.eps == None:
            self.eps = self.B / np.sqrt(ns)
        K = kernel(self.kernel_type, Xs, None, self.gamma)
        kappa = np.sum(kernel(self.kernel_type, Xs, Xt, self.gamma) * float(ns) / float(nt), axis=1)

        K = matrix(K)
        kappa = matrix(kappa)
        G = matrix(np.r_[np.ones((1, ns)), -np.ones((1, ns)), np.eye(ns), -np.eye(ns)])
        h = matrix(np.r_[ns * (1 + self.eps), ns * (self.eps - 1), self.B * np.ones((ns,)), np.zeros((ns,))])

        sol = solvers.qp(K, -kappa, G, h)
        beta = np.array(sol['x'])
        return beta 
Example #7
Source File:    From pymdptoolbox with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _computeReward(self, reward, transition):
        # Compute the reward for the system in one state chosing an action.
        # Arguments
        # Let S = number of states, A = number of actions
        # P could be an array with 3 dimensions or  a cell array (1xA),
        # each cell containing a matrix (SxS) possibly sparse
        # R could be an array with 3 dimensions (SxSxA) or  a cell array
        # (1xA), each cell containing a sparse matrix (SxS) or a 2D
        # array(SxA) possibly sparse
            if reward.ndim == 1:
                return self._computeVectorReward(reward)
            elif reward.ndim == 2:
                return self._computeArrayReward(reward)
                r = tuple(map(self._computeMatrixReward, reward, transition))
                return r
        except (AttributeError, ValueError):
            if len(reward) == self.A:
                r = tuple(map(self._computeMatrixReward, reward, transition))
                return r
                return self._computeVectorReward(reward) 
Example #8
Source File:    From fenics-topopt with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def lk(E=1.):
        """element stiffness matrix"""
        nu = 0.3
        k = np.array([0.5 - nu / 6., 0.125 + nu / 8., -0.25 - nu / 12.,
            -0.125 + 0.375 * nu, -0.25 + nu / 12., -0.125 - nu / 8., nu / 6.,
            0.125 - 0.375 * nu])
        KE = E / (1 - nu**2) * np.array([
            [k[0], k[1], k[2], k[3], k[4], k[5], k[6], k[7]],
            [k[1], k[0], k[7], k[6], k[5], k[4], k[3], k[2]],
            [k[2], k[7], k[0], k[5], k[6], k[3], k[4], k[1]],
            [k[3], k[6], k[5], k[0], k[7], k[2], k[1], k[4]],
            [k[4], k[5], k[6], k[7], k[0], k[1], k[2], k[3]],
            [k[5], k[4], k[3], k[2], k[1], k[0], k[7], k[6]],
            [k[6], k[3], k[4], k[1], k[2], k[7], k[0], k[5]],
            [k[7], k[2], k[1], k[4], k[3], k[6], k[5], k[0]]])
        return KE 
Example #9
Source File:    From ad_examples with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, x, y, model, opts, sample_negative=False):

        :param x: np.ndarray
            The instance matrix with ALL instances
        :param y: np.array
        :param model: Aad
        :param opts: AadOpts
        :param sample_negative: bool
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.model = model
        self.opts = opts
        self.sample_negative = sample_negative

        self.meta = None 
Example #10
Source File:    From ad_examples with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_ilp():
    Problem defined in:
    Solution from:
    import cvxopt
    from cvxopt import glpk

    glpk.options['msg_lev'] = 'GLP_MSG_OFF'
    c = cvxopt.matrix([0, -1], tc='d')
    G = cvxopt.matrix([[-1, 1], [3, 2], [2, 3], [-1, 0], [0, -1]], tc='d')
    h = cvxopt.matrix([1, 12, 12, 0, 0], tc='d')
    (status, x) = cvxopt.glpk.ilp(c, G.T, h, I=set([0, 1]))
    print (status)
    print ("%s, %s" % (str(x[0]), str(x[1])))
    print (sum(c.T * x)) 
Example #11
Source File:    From qpsolvers with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def cvxopt_matrix(M):
    Convert matrix to CVXOPT format.

    M : numpy.array
        Matrix in NumPy format.

    N : cvxopt.matrix
        Matrix in CVXOPT format.
    if type(M) is ndarray:
        return matrix(M)
    elif type(M) is spmatrix or type(M) is matrix:
        return M
    coo = M.tocoo()
    return spmatrix(, coo.row.tolist(), coo.col.tolist(), size=M.shape) 
Example #12
Source File:    From PointNetGPD with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def min_singular(forces, torques, normals, soft_fingers=False, params=None):
        """ Min singular value of grasp matrix - measure of wrench that grasp is "weakest" at resisting.

        forces : 3xN :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
            set of forces on object in object basis
        torques : 3xN :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
            set of torques on object in object basis
        normals : 3xN :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
            surface normals at the contact points
        soft_fingers : bool
            whether or not to use the soft finger contact model
        params : :obj:`GraspQualityConfig`
            set of parameters for grasp matrix and contact model

        float : value of smallest singular value
        G = PointGraspMetrics3D.grasp_matrix(forces, torques, normals, soft_fingers)
        _, S, _ = np.linalg.svd(G)
        min_sig = S[5]
        return min_sig 
Example #13
Source File:    From SVM-python with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _QP(self, x, y):
        # In QP formulation (dual): m variables, 2m+1 constraints (1 equation, 2m inequations)
        m = len(y)
        print x.shape, y.shape
        P = self._kernel(x) * np.outer(y, y)
        P, q = matrix(P, tc='d'), matrix(-np.ones((m, 1)), tc='d')
        G = matrix(np.r_[-np.eye(m), np.eye(m)], tc='d')
        h = matrix(np.r_[np.zeros((m,1)), np.zeros((m,1)) + self.C], tc='d')
        A, b = matrix(y.reshape((1,-1)), tc='d'), matrix([0.0])
        # print "P, q:"
        # print P, q
        # print "G, h"
        # print G, h
        # print "A, b"
        # print A, b
        solution = solvers.qp(P, q, G, h, A, b)
        if solution['status'] == 'unknown':
            print 'Not PSD!'
            self.alphas = np.array(solution['x']).squeeze() 
Example #14
Source File:    From Machine-Learning with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def calculateA(input_,label,C,K):          #using cvxopt bag figure out the convex quadratic programming
    num = input_.shape[0]
    P = cvxopt.matrix(numpy.outer(label,label)*K)
    q = cvxopt.matrix(numpy.ones(num)*-1)
    A = cvxopt.matrix(label,(1,num))
    b = cvxopt.matrix(0.0)
    if C is None:
        G = cvxopt.matrix(numpy.diag(numpy.ones(num)*-1))
        h = cvxopt.matrix(numpy.zeros(num))
        temp1 = numpy.diag(numpy.ones(num)*-1)
        temp2 = bp.identity(num)
        G = cvxopt.matrix(numpy.vstack(temp1,temp2))
        temp1 = numpy.zeros(num)
        temp2 = numpy.ones(num)*self.C
        h = cvxopt.matrix(numpy.hstack(temp1,temp2))        #P\q\A\b\G\h are parameters of cvxopt.solvers.qp() function

    solution = cvxopt.solvers.qp(P,q,G,h,A,b)               #figure out the model
    a = numpy.ravel(solution['x'])      #transfer the 'a' into a vector
    return a 
Example #15
Source File:    From cryptotrader with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def projection_in_norm(self, x, M):
        Projection of x to simplex induced by matrix M. Uses quadratic programming.
        m = M.shape[0]

        # Constrains matrices
        P = opt.matrix(2 * M)
        q = opt.matrix(-2 * M * x)
        G = opt.matrix(-np.eye(m))
        h = opt.matrix(np.zeros((m, 1)))
        A = opt.matrix(np.ones((1, m)))
        b = opt.matrix(1.)

        # Solve using quadratic programming
        sol = opt.solvers.qp(P, q, G, h, A, b)
        return np.squeeze(sol['x']) 
Example #16
Source File:    From cryptotrader with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def rebalance(self, obs):
        Performs portfolio rebalance within environment
        :param obs: pandas DataFrame: Environment observation
        :return: numpy array: Portfolio vector
        n_pairs = obs.columns.levels[0].shape[0]
        if self.step:
            prev_posit = self.get_portfolio_vector(obs, index=self.reb)
            price_relative = self.predict(obs)
            return self.update(prev_posit, price_relative)
            action = np.ones(n_pairs)
            action[-1] = 0
            self.sigma = np.matrix(np.eye(n_pairs) / n_pairs ** 2)
            return array_normalize(action) 
Example #17
Source File:    From PGPortfolio with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def decide_by_history(self, x, last_b):
        :param x: input matrix
        :param last_b: last portfolio
        x = self.get_last_rpv(x)
        if self.A is None:

        # calculate gradient
        grad = np.mat(x /, x)).T
        # update A
        self.A += grad * grad.T
        # update b
        self.b += (1 + 1./self.beta) * grad

        # projection of p induced by norm A
        pp = self.projection_in_norm( * self.A.I * self.b, self.A)
        return pp * (1 - self.eta) + np.ones(len(x)) / float(len(x)) * self.eta 
Example #18
Source File:    From PyAdvancedControl with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test1():
    import cvxopt
    from cvxopt import matrix

    P = matrix(np.diag([1.0, 0.0]))
    q = matrix(np.array([3.0, 4.0]).T)
    G = matrix(np.array([[-1.0, 0.0], [0, -1.0], [-1.0, -3.0], [2.0, 5.0], [3.0, 4.0]]))
    h = matrix(np.array([0.0, 0.0, -15.0, 100.0, 80.0]).T)

    sol = cvxopt.solvers.qp(P, q, G, h)

    #  print(sol)
    #  print(sol["primal objective"])

    assert sol["x"][0] - 0.0, "Error1"
    assert sol["x"][1] - 5.0, "Error2"

    P = np.diag([1.0, 0.0])
    q = np.matrix([3.0, 4.0]).T
    G = np.matrix([[-1.0, 0.0], [0, -1.0], [-1.0, -3.0], [2.0, 5.0], [3.0, 4.0]])
    h = np.matrix([0.0, 0.0, -15.0, 100.0, 80.0]).T

    sol2 = ecosqp(P, q, G, h)

    for i in range(len(sol["x"])):
        assert (sol["x"][i] - sol2["x"][i]) <= 0.001, "Error1" 
Example #19
Source File:    From ad_examples with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def plot_forest_contours_2D(x, y, xx, yy, budget, forest, pdfpath_contours, dash_xy, dash_wh):
    # Original detector contours
    tm = Timer()
    baseline_scores = 0.5 - forest.decision_function(x)
    queried = np.argsort(-baseline_scores)
    # logger.debug("baseline scores:%s\n%s" % (str(baseline_scores.shape), str(list(baseline_scores))))

    # n_found = np.cumsum(y[queried[np.arange(budget)]])
    # print n_found

    Z_if = 0.5 - forest.decision_function(np.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()])
    Z_if = Z_if.reshape(xx.shape)

    dp = DataPlotter(pdfpath=pdfpath_contours, rows=1, cols=1)
    pl = dp.get_next_plot()
    pl.contourf(xx, yy, Z_if, 20,'jet'))

    dp.plot_points(x, pl, labels=y, lbl_color_map={0: "grey", 1: "red"})

    dp.plot_points(matrix(x[queried[np.arange(budget)], :], nrow=budget),
                   pl, labels=y[queried[np.arange(budget)]], defaultcol="red",
                   lbl_color_map={0: "green", 1: "red"}, edgecolor="black",
                   marker=matplotlib.markers.MarkerStyle('o', fillstyle=None), s=35)

    # plot the sidebar
    anom_idxs = np.where(y[queried] == 1)[0]
    dash = 1 - (anom_idxs * 1.0 / x.shape[0])
    plot_sidebar(dash, dash_xy, dash_wh, pl)


    logger.debug(tm.message("plotted contours")) 
Example #20
Source File:    From PyAdvancedControl with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test1():
    import cvxopt
    from cvxopt import matrix

    P = matrix(np.diag([1.0, 0.0]))
    q = matrix(np.array([3.0, 4.0]).T)
    G = matrix(np.array([[-1.0, 0.0], [0, -1.0], [-1.0, -3.0], [2.0, 5.0], [3.0, 4.0]]))
    h = matrix(np.array([0.0, 0.0, -15.0, 100.0, 80.0]).T)

    sol = cvxopt.solvers.qp(P, q, G, h)

    #  print(sol)
    #  print(sol["primal objective"])

    assert sol["x"][0] - 0.0, "Error1"
    assert sol["x"][1] - 5.0, "Error2"

    P = np.diag([1.0, 0.0])
    q = np.matrix([3.0, 4.0]).T
    G = np.matrix([[-1.0, 0.0], [0, -1.0], [-1.0, -3.0], [2.0, 5.0], [3.0, 4.0]])
    h = np.matrix([0.0, 0.0, -15.0, 100.0, 80.0]).T

    sol2 = ecosqp(P, q, G, h)

    for i in range(len(sol["x"])):
        assert (sol["x"][i] - sol2["x"][i]) <= 0.001, "Error1" 
Example #21
Source File:    From PointNetGPD with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def force_closure_qp(forces, torques, normals, soft_fingers=False,
                         wrench_norm_thresh=1e-3, wrench_regularizer=1e-10,
        """ Checks force closure by solving a quadratic program (whether or not zero is in the convex hull)

        forces : 3xN :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
            set of forces on object in object basis
        torques : 3xN :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
            set of torques on object in object basis
        normals : 3xN :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
            surface normals at the contact points
        soft_fingers : bool
            whether or not to use the soft finger contact model
        wrench_norm_thresh : float
            threshold to use to determine equivalence of target wrenches
        wrench_regularizer : float
            small float to make quadratic program positive semidefinite
        params : :obj:`GraspQualityConfig`
            set of parameters for grasp matrix and contact model

        int : 1 if in force closure, 0 otherwise
        if params is not None:
            if 'wrench_norm_thresh' in list(params.keys()):
                wrench_norm_thresh = params.wrench_norm_thresh
            if 'wrench_regularizer' in list(params.keys()):
                wrench_regularizer = params.wrench_regularizer

        G = PointGraspMetrics3D.grasp_matrix(forces, torques, normals, soft_fingers, params=params)
        min_norm, _ = PointGraspMetrics3D.min_norm_vector_in_facet(G, wrench_regularizer=wrench_regularizer)
        return 1 * (min_norm < wrench_norm_thresh)  # if greater than wrench_norm_thresh, 0 is outside of hull 
Example #22
Source File:    From SVM-python with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def fit(self, x, y):
        # x, y: np.ndarray
        # x.shape: (m, n), where m = # samples, n = # features.
        # y.shape: (m,), m labels which range from {-1.0, +1.0}.
        assert type(x) == np.ndarray
        # print type(x), type(y)
        print x.shape, y.shape
        # In the design matrix x: m examples, n features
        # In QP formulation (dual): m variables, 2m+1 constraints (1 equation, 2m inequations)
        # print 'x = ', x
        # print 'y = ', y
        if self.kernel == 'rbf' and self.gamma is None:
            self.gamma = 1.0 / x.shape[1]
            print 'gamma = ', self.gamma
        if self.alg == 'dual':
            self._QP(x, y)
            assert self.alg == 'SMO'
            K = self._kernel(x)
            self._SMO5(K, y)'self.alphas = ' + str(self.alphas))
        sv_indices = filter(lambda i:self.alphas[i] > self.eps, xrange(len(y)))
        self.sv_x, self.sv_y, self.alphas = x[sv_indices], y[sv_indices], self.alphas[sv_indices]
        self.n_sv = len(sv_indices)'sv_indices:' + str(sv_indices))
        print self.n_sv, 'SVs!'[self.sv_x, self.sv_y]))
        if self.kernel == 'linear':
            self.w = * self.sv_y, self.sv_x)
        if self.alg == 'dual':
            # calculate b: average over all support vectors
            sv_boundary = self.alphas < self.C - self.eps
            self.b = np.mean(self.sv_y[sv_boundary] - * self.sv_y,
                                                             self._kernel(self.sv_x, self.sv_x[sv_boundary]))) 
Example #23
Source File:    From Machine-Learning with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def fit(self,input_,label):         #fit data
        samples,features = input_.shape
        K = makeKernelMatrix(input_,self.kernel)          #calculate the kernel matrix
        a = calculateA(input_,label,self.C,K)             #calculate the process parameter 'a'
        supportVector = a > 1e-5                          #if a < 1e-5,then think a is 1
        indexis = numpy.arange(len(a))[supportVector]     #the support vectors' indexis
        self.a = a[supportVector]                         #the support vectors' a
        self.supportVector = input_[supportVector]        #the support vectors
        self.supportVectorLabel = label[supportVector]    #the support vectorss' label
        print(len(self.a),' support vectors out of ',samples,' points')
        self.b = calculateB(self.a,self.supportVectorLabel,supportVector,K,indexis)   #calculate the model's risdual
        self.w = calculateWeight(self.kernel,features,self.a,self.supportVector,self.supportVectorLabel)    #calculate the model's weights 
Example #24
Source File:    From pymdptoolbox with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def run(self):
        # Run the policy iteration algorithm.

        while True:
            self.iter += 1
            # these _evalPolicy* functions will update the classes value
            # attribute
            if self.eval_type == "matrix":
            elif self.eval_type == "iterative":
            # This should update the classes policy attribute but leave the
            # value alone
            policy_next, null = self._bellmanOperator()
            del null
            # calculate in how many places does the old policy disagree with
            # the new policy
            n_different = (policy_next != self.policy).sum()
            # if verbose then continue printing a table
            if self.verbose:
                _printVerbosity(self.iter, n_different)
            # Once the policy is unchanging of the maximum number of
            # of iterations has been reached then stop
            if n_different == 0:
                if self.verbose:
            elif self.iter == self.max_iter:
                if self.verbose:
                self.policy = policy_next

Example #25
Source File:    From Machine-Learning with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def makeKernelMatrix(input_,kernel,par = 3):      #set up kernel matrix according to the kernel
    num = input_.shape[0]
    K = numpy.zeros((num,num))
    for i in range(num):
        for j in range(num):
            if kernel == 'linearKernel':
                K[i,j] = linearKernel(input_[i],input_[j])
                K[i,j] = gaussianKernel(input_[i],input_[j],par)
    return K 
Example #26
Source File:    From picos with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def SOCP1Test(solver_to_test):
        #first test (A optimality)
        except Exception as ex:
                return (False,repr(ex))
        primf = primal.check_current_value_feasibility()
        if not(primf[0]):
                return (False,'not primal feasible|{0:1.0e}'.format(primf[1]))
        pgap = abs(primal.obj_value()-obj)/abs(obj)
        if pgap>0.1:
                return (False,'failed')        
        elif pgap>1e-5:
                return (False,'not primal optimal|{0:1.0e}'.format(pgap))
                Z=[cvx.matrix(cs.dual[1:],Zvar[i].size) for i,cs in enumerate(primal.constraints)]
                mu=[cs.dual[0] for cs in primal.constraints]
        except TypeError:
                return (False,'no dual computed')
        for i,zi in enumerate(Z):
        if not(dualf[0]):
                return (False,'not dual feasible|{0:1.0e}'.format(dualf[1]))
        dgap = abs(prob_dual_A.obj_value()-obj)/abs(obj)
        if dgap >1e-5:
                return (False,'not dual optimal|{0:1.0e}'.format(dgap))
        return (True,primal.status) 
Example #27
Source File:    From PGPortfolio with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def projection_in_norm(self, x, M):
        """ Projection of x to simplex indiced by matrix M. Uses quadratic programming.
        m = M.shape[0]

        P = matrix(2*M)
        q = matrix(-2 * M * x)
        G = matrix(-np.eye(m))
        h = matrix(np.zeros((m,1)))
        A = matrix(np.ones((1,m)))
        b = matrix(1.)

        sol = solvers.qp(P, q, G, h, A, b)
        return np.squeeze(sol['x']) 
Example #28
Source File:    From picos with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def slack_var(self):
        return cvx.matrix([1 - norm(self.exp, 'inf').value,
                           self.radius - norm(self.exp, 1).value]) 
Example #29
Source File:    From augur with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def fit_nnl2reg(self):
            from cvxopt import matrix, solvers
        except ImportError:
            raise ImportError("To infer titer models, you need a working installation of cvxopt")
        n_params = self.design_matrix.shape[1]
        P = matrix(, self.design_matrix) + self.lam_drop*np.eye(n_params))
        q = matrix( self.titer_dist, self.design_matrix))
        h = matrix(np.zeros(n_params)) # Gw <=h
        G = matrix(-np.eye(n_params))
        W = solvers.qp(P,q,G,h)
        return np.array([x for x in W['x']]) 
Example #30
Source File:    From PointNetGPD with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def wrench_volume(forces, torques, normals, soft_fingers=False, params=None):
        """ Volume of grasp matrix singular values - score of all wrenches that the grasp can resist.

        forces : 3xN :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
            set of forces on object in object basis
        torques : 3xN :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
            set of torques on object in object basis
        normals : 3xN :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
            surface normals at the contact points
        soft_fingers : bool
            whether or not to use the soft finger contact model
        params : :obj:`GraspQualityConfig`
            set of parameters for grasp matrix and contact model

        float : value of wrench volume
        k = 1
        if params is not None and 'k' in list(params.keys()):
            k = params.k

        G = PointGraspMetrics3D.grasp_matrix(forces, torques, normals, soft_fingers)
        _, S, _ = np.linalg.svd(G)
        sig = S
        return k * np.sqrt(