Python bokeh.layouts.gridplot() Examples
The following are 23
code examples of bokeh.layouts.gridplot().
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Example #1
Source File: From ndlib with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def plot(self, ncols=2): """ :param ncols: Number of grid columns :return: a bokeh figure image """ grid = gridplot(self.plots, ncols=ncols) return grid
Example #2
Source File: From gempy with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def plot_cross_covariance(trace, lags, df, n_exp=2, n_gaus=2, nuggets=None, iter_plot=200): n_equations = trace['weights'].shape[1] n_iter = trace['weights'].shape[0] lags_tiled = np.tile(lags, (iter_plot, 1)) b_var = [] for i in range(0, df.shape[1]): # n_equations, (n_exp+n_gaus)): # Init tensor b = np.zeros((len(lags), n_iter, 0)) for i_exp in range(0, n_exp): # print(i_exp, "exp") b = np.dstack((b, trace['weights'][:, i_exp + i * (n_exp + n_gaus)] * exp_vario(lags, trace['sill'][:, i_exp], trace['range'][:, i_exp]))) for i_gaus in range(n_exp, n_gaus + n_exp): # print(i_gaus) b = np.dstack((b, trace['weights'][:, i_gaus + i * (n_exp + n_gaus)] * gaus_vario(lags, trace['sill'][:, i_gaus], trace['range'][:, i_gaus]))) # Sum the contributins of each function if nuggets is not None: b_all = 1 - (b.sum(axis=2) + nuggets[i]) else: b_all = 1 - (b.sum(axis=2)) # Append each variable b_var.append(b_all[:, -iter_plot:].T) p_all = [] for e, el in enumerate(df.columns): p = bp.figure(x_axis_type="log") p.multi_line(list(lags_tiled), list(b_var[e]), color='olive', alpha=0.08) p.title.text = el p.xaxis.axis_label = "lags" p.yaxis.axis_label = "Semivariance" p_all = np.append(p_all, p) grid = bl.gridplot(list(p_all), ncols=5, plot_width=250, plot_height=150) show(grid)
Example #3
Source File: From gempy with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def plot_cross_variograms(trace, lags, df, n_exp=2, n_gaus=2, iter_plot=200, experimental=None): n_equations = trace['weights'].shape[1] n_iter = trace['weights'].shape[0] lags_tiled = np.tile(lags, (iter_plot, 1)) b_var = [] for i in range(0, df.shape[1]): # n_equations, (n_exp+n_gaus)): # Init tensor b = np.zeros((len(lags), n_iter, 0)) for i_exp in range(0, n_exp): # print(i_exp, "exp") b = np.dstack((b, trace['weights'][:, i_exp + i * (n_exp + n_gaus)] * exp_vario(lags, trace['sill'][:, i_exp], trace['range'][:, i_exp]))) for i_gaus in range(n_exp, n_gaus + n_exp): # print(i_gaus) b = np.dstack((b, trace['weights'][:, i_gaus + i * (n_exp + n_gaus)] * gaus_vario(lags, trace['sill'][:, i_gaus], trace['range'][:, i_gaus]))) # Sum the contributins of each function b_all = b.sum(axis=2) # Append each variable b_var.append(b_all[:, -iter_plot:].T) p_all = [] for e, el in enumerate(df.columns): p = bp.figure(x_axis_type="log") p.multi_line(list(lags_tiled), list(b_var[e]), color='olive', alpha=0.08) if experimental is not None: p.scatter(experimental['lags'], y=experimental[el], color='navy', size=2) p.title.text = el p.xaxis.axis_label = "lags" p.yaxis.axis_label = "Semivariance" p_all = np.append(p_all, p) grid = bl.gridplot(list(p_all), ncols=5, plot_width=200, plot_height=150) show(grid)
Example #4
Source File: From choochoo with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def health(): ''' # Health ''' ''' $contents ''' ''' ## Load Data Open a connection to the database and load the data we require. ''' s = session('-v2') health = std_health_statistics(s) ''' ## Health and Fitness ''' output_file(filename='/dev/null') fitness, fatigue = like(N.FITNESS_ANY, health.columns), like(N.FATIGUE_ANY, health.columns) colours = ['black'] * len(fitness) + ['red'] * len(fatigue) alphas = [1.0] * len(fitness) + [0.5] * len(fatigue) ff = multi_line_plot(900, 300, N.TIME, fitness + fatigue, health, colours, alphas=alphas) xrange = ff.x_range if ff else None add_multi_line_at_index(ff, N.TIME, fitness + fatigue, health, colours, alphas=alphas, index=-1) atd = std_distance_time_plot(900, 200, health, x_range=xrange) shr = multi_plot(900, 200, N.TIME, [N.DAILY_STEPS, N.REST_HR_BPM], health, ['grey', 'red'], alphas=[1, 0.5], x_range=xrange, rescale=True, plotters=[bar_plotter(dt.timedelta(hours=20)), dot_plotter()]) add_curve(shr, N.TIME, N.REST_HR_BPM, health, color='red', y_range_name=N.REST_HR_BPM) show(gridplot([[ff], [atd], [shr]]))
Example #5
Source File: From holoviews with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def _make_axes(self, plot): width, height = self.renderer.get_size(plot) x_axis, y_axis = None, None keys = self.layout.keys(full_grid=True) if self.xaxis: flip = self.shared_xaxis rotation = self.xrotation lsize = self._fontsize('xlabel').get('fontsize') tsize = self._fontsize('xticks', common=False).get('fontsize') xfactors = list(unique_iterator([wrap_tuple(k)[0] for k in keys])) x_axis = make_axis('x', width, xfactors, self.layout.kdims[0], flip=flip, rotation=rotation, label_size=lsize, tick_size=tsize) if self.yaxis and self.layout.ndims > 1: flip = self.shared_yaxis rotation = self.yrotation lsize = self._fontsize('ylabel').get('fontsize') tsize = self._fontsize('yticks', common=False).get('fontsize') yfactors = list(unique_iterator([k[1] for k in keys])) y_axis = make_axis('y', height, yfactors, self.layout.kdims[1], flip=flip, rotation=rotation, label_size=lsize, tick_size=tsize) if x_axis and y_axis: plot = filter_toolboxes(plot) r1, r2 = ([y_axis, plot], [None, x_axis]) if self.shared_xaxis: r1, r2 = r2, r1 if self.shared_yaxis: x_axis.margin = (0, 0, 0, 50) r1, r2 = r1[::-1], r2[::-1] plot = gridplot([r1, r2]) elif y_axis: models = [y_axis, plot] if self.shared_yaxis: models = models[::-1] plot = Row(*models) elif x_axis: models = [plot, x_axis] if self.shared_xaxis: models = models[::-1] plot = Column(*models) return plot
Example #6
Source File: From holoviews with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def initialize_plot(self, ranges=None, plots=[]): ranges = self.compute_ranges(self.layout, self.keys[-1], None) passed_plots = list(plots) plots = [[None for c in range(self.cols)] for r in range(self.rows)] for i, coord in enumerate(self.layout.keys(full_grid=True)): r = i % self.rows c = i // self.rows subplot = self.subplots.get(wrap_tuple(coord), None) if subplot is not None: plot = subplot.initialize_plot(ranges=ranges, plots=passed_plots) plots[r][c] = plot passed_plots.append(plot) else: passed_plots.append(None) plot = gridplot(plots[::-1], merge_tools=self.merge_tools, sizing_mode=self.sizing_mode, toolbar_location=self.toolbar) plot = self._make_axes(plot) title = self._get_title_div(self.keys[-1]) if title: plot = Column(title, plot) self.handles['title'] = title self.handles['plot'] = plot self.handles['plots'] = plots self._update_callbacks(plot) if self.shared_datasource: self.sync_sources() if self.top_level: self.init_links() self.drawn = True return self.handles['plot']
Example #7
Source File: From BAC0 with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def modify_document(self, doc): doc.clear() self.build_plot() layout = gridplot(self.plots, ncols=2) doc.add_root(layout) self._pcb = doc.add_periodic_callback(self.update_data, 10000) return doc
Example #8
Source File: From arviz with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def exec_file(self): print("running {0}".format(self.filename)) thumbfile = op.join("example_thumbs", self.thumbfilename) cx, cy = self.thumbloc pngfile = op.join(self.target_dir, self.pngfilename) plt.close("all") if self.backend == "matplotlib": my_globals = {"pl": plt, "plt": plt} with open(self.filename, "r") as fp: code_text = code_text = re.sub(r"(plt\.show\S+)", "", code_text) exec(compile(code_text, self.filename, "exec"), my_globals) fig = plt.gcf() fig.canvas.draw() fig.savefig(pngfile, dpi=75) elif self.backend == "bokeh": pngfile = thumbfile with open(self.filename, "r") as fp: code_text = code_text += BOKEH_EXPORT_CODE.format(pngfilename=thumbfile) with rc_context(rc={"": False}): exec( code_text, {"export_png": export_png, "ndarray": ndarray, "gridplot": gridplot}, ) create_thumbnail(pngfile, thumbfile, cx=cx, cy=cy)
Example #9
Source File: From arviz with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def show_layout(ax, show=True, force_layout=False): """Create a layout and call bokeh show.""" if show is None: show = rcParams[""] if show: import bokeh.plotting as bkp layout = create_layout(ax, force_layout=force_layout)
Example #10
Source File: From backtrader_plotting with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def get_analyzer_panel(self, analyzers: List[bt.Analyzer]) -> Optional[Panel]: if len(analyzers) == 0: return None table_width = int(self.p.scheme.analyzer_tab_width / self.p.scheme.analyzer_tab_num_cols) acolumns = [] for analyzer in analyzers: table_header, elements = self._tablegen.get_analyzers_tables(analyzer, table_width) acolumns.append(column([table_header] + elements)) childs = gridplot(acolumns, ncols=self.p.scheme.analyzer_tab_num_cols, toolbar_options={'logo': None}) return Panel(child=childs, title='Analyzers')
Example #11
Source File: From backtrader_plotting with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _get_nodata_panel(self): chart_grid = gridplot([], toolbar_location=self.p.scheme.toolbar_location, toolbar_options={'logo': None}) return Panel(child=chart_grid, title="No Data")
Example #12
Source File: From stock with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def add_plot(stockStat, conf): p_list = []"############################", type(conf["dic"])) # 循环 多个line 信息。 for key, val in enumerate(conf["dic"]): p1 = figure(width=1000, height=150, x_axis_type="datetime") # add renderers stockStat["date"] = pd.to_datetime(stockStat.index.values) # ["volume","volume_delta"] # 设置20个颜色循环,显示0 2 4 6 号序列。 p1.line(stockStat["date"], stockStat[val], color=Category20[20][key * 2]) # Set date format for x axis 格式化。 p1.xaxis.formatter = DatetimeTickFormatter( hours=["%Y-%m-%d"], days=["%Y-%m-%d"], months=["%Y-%m-%d"], years=["%Y-%m-%d"]) # p1.xaxis.major_label_orientation = radians(30) #可以旋转一个角度。 p_list.append([p1]) gp = gridplot(p_list) script, div = components(gp) return { "script": script, "div": div, "title": conf["title"], "desc": conf["desc"] }
Example #13
Source File: From pysdr with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def main_doc(doc): # Frequncy Sink (line plot) fft_plot = pysdr.base_plot('Freq [MHz]', 'PSD [dB]', 'Frequency Sink', disable_horizontal_zooming=True) f = (np.linspace(-sample_rate/2.0, sample_rate/2.0, fft_size) + center_freq)/1e6 fft_line = fft_plot.line(f, np.zeros(len(f)), color="aqua", line_width=1) # set x values but use dummy values for y # Time Sink (line plot) time_plot = pysdr.base_plot('Time [ms]', ' ', 'Time Sink', disable_horizontal_zooming=True) t = np.linspace(0.0, samples_in_time_plots / sample_rate, samples_in_time_plots) * 1e3 # in ms timeI_line = time_plot.line(t, np.zeros(len(t)), color="aqua", line_width=1) # set x values but use dummy values for y timeQ_line = time_plot.line(t, np.zeros(len(t)), color="red", line_width=1) # set x values but use dummy values for y # Waterfall Sink ("image" plot) waterfall_plot = pysdr.base_plot(' ', 'Time', 'Waterfall', disable_all_zooming=True) waterfall_plot._set_x_range(0, fft_size) # Bokeh tries to automatically figure out range, but in this case we need to specify it waterfall_plot._set_y_range(0, waterfall_samples) waterfall_plot.axis.visible = False # i couldn't figure out how to update x axis when freq changes, so just hide them for now waterfall_data = waterfall_plot.image(image = [shared_buffer['waterfall']], # input has to be in list form x = 0, # start of x y = 0, # start of y dw = fft_size, # size of x dh = waterfall_samples, # size of y palette = "Spectral9") # closest thing to matlab's jet # IQ/Constellation Sink ("circle" plot) iq_plot = pysdr.base_plot(' ', ' ', 'IQ Plot') #iq_plot._set_x_range(-1.0, 1.0) # this is to keep it fixed at -1 to 1. you can also just zoom out with mouse wheel and it will stop auto-ranging #iq_plot._set_y_range(-1.0, 1.0) iq_data =, np.zeros(samples_in_time_plots), line_alpha=0.0, # setting line_width=0 didn't make it go away, but this works fill_color="aqua", fill_alpha=0.5, size=4) # size of circles # Utilization bar (standard plot defined in utilization_plot = pysdr.utilization_bar(1.0) # sets top of bar to be 100% utilization_data = utilization_plot.quad(top=[shared_buffer['utilization']], bottom=[0], left=[0], right=[1], color="#B3DE69") #adds 1 rectangle # Add four plots to document, using the gridplot method of arranging them doc.add_root(utilization_plot) doc.add_root(gridplot([[fft_plot, time_plot], [waterfall_plot, iq_plot]], sizing_mode="scale_width", merge_tools=False)) # Spacer(width=20, sizing_mode="fixed") # This function gets called periodically, and is how the "real-time streaming mode" works def plot_update():['y'] = shared_buffer['i'] # send most recent I to time sink['y'] = shared_buffer['q'] # send most recent Q to time sink['x'] = shared_buffer['i'] # send most recent I to IQ['y'] = shared_buffer['q'] # send most recent Q to IQ['y'] = shared_buffer['psd'] # send most recent psd to freq sink['image'] = [shared_buffer['waterfall']] # send waterfall 2d array to waterfall sink['top'] = [shared_buffer['utilization']] # send most recent utilization level (only need to adjust top of rectangle) # Add a periodic callback to be run every x milliseconds doc.add_periodic_callback(plot_update, 150) # pull out a theme from doc.theme = pysdr.black_and_white
Example #14
Source File: From with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def plot_heatmaps(heatmap: pd.Series, agg: str, ncols: int, filename: str = '', plot_width: int = 1200, open_browser: bool = True): if not (isinstance(heatmap, pd.Series) and isinstance(heatmap.index, pd.MultiIndex)): raise ValueError('heatmap must be heatmap Series as returned by ' '`Backtest.optimize(..., return_heatmap=True)`') _bokeh_reset(filename) param_combinations = combinations(heatmap.index.names, 2) dfs = [heatmap.groupby(list(dims)).agg(agg).to_frame(name='_Value') for dims in param_combinations] plots = [] cmap = LinearColorMapper(palette='Viridis256', low=min(df.min().min() for df in dfs), high=max(df.max().max() for df in dfs), nan_color='white') for df in dfs: name1, name2 = df.index.names level1 = df.index.levels[0].astype(str).tolist() level2 = df.index.levels[1].astype(str).tolist() df = df.reset_index() df[name1] = df[name1].astype('str') df[name2] = df[name2].astype('str') fig = _figure(x_range=level1, y_range=level2, x_axis_label=name1, y_axis_label=name2, plot_width=plot_width // ncols, plot_height=plot_width // ncols, tools='box_zoom,reset,save', tooltips=[(name1, '@' + name1), (name2, '@' + name2), ('Value', '@_Value{0.[000]}')]) fig.grid.grid_line_color = None fig.axis.axis_line_color = None fig.axis.major_tick_line_color = None fig.axis.major_label_standoff = 0 fig.rect(x=name1, y=name2, width=1, height=1, source=df, line_color=None, fill_color=dict(field='_Value', transform=cmap)) plots.append(fig) fig = gridplot( plots, ncols=ncols, toolbar_options=dict(logo=None), toolbar_location='above', merge_tools=True, ) show(fig, browser=None if open_browser else 'none') return fig
Example #15
Source File: From skein with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
def build_html(): """Build the html, to be served by IndexHandler""" source = AjaxDataSource(data_url='./data', polling_interval=INTERVAL, method='GET') # OHLC plot p = figure(plot_height=400, title='OHLC', sizing_mode='scale_width', tools="xpan,xwheel_zoom,xbox_zoom,reset", x_axis_type=None, y_axis_location="right", y_axis_label="Price ($)") p.x_range.follow = "end" p.x_range.follow_interval = 100 p.x_range.range_padding = 0 p.line(x='time', y='average', alpha=0.25, line_width=3, color='black', source=source) p.line(x='time', y='ma', alpha=0.8, line_width=2, color='steelblue', source=source) p.segment(x0='time', y0='low', x1='time', y1='high', line_width=2, color='black', source=source) p.segment(x0='time', y0='open', x1='time', y1='close', line_width=8, color='color', source=source, alpha=0.8) # MACD plot p2 = figure(plot_height=200, title='MACD', sizing_mode='scale_width', x_range=p.x_range, x_axis_label='Time (s)', tools="xpan,xwheel_zoom,xbox_zoom,reset", y_axis_location="right") p2.line(x='time', y='macd', color='darkred', line_width=2, source=source) p2.line(x='time', y='macd9', color='navy', line_width=2, source=source) p2.segment(x0='time', y0=0, x1='time', y1='macdh', line_width=6, color='steelblue', alpha=0.5, source=source) # Combine plots together plot = gridplot([[p], [p2]], toolbar_location="left", plot_width=1000) # Compose html from plots and template script, div = components(plot, theme=theme) html = template.render(resources=CDN.render(), script=script, div=div) return html
Example #16
Source File: From autopilot with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def trial_viewer(step_data, roll_type = "ewm", roll_span=100, bar=False): """ Args: step_data: grad_data: """ step_data.loc[step_data['response'] == 'L','response'] = 0 step_data.loc[step_data['response'] == 'R','response'] = 1 step_data.loc[step_data['target'] == 'L','target'] = 0 step_data.loc[step_data['target'] == 'R','target'] = 1 palette = [cc.rainbow[i] for i in range(len(step_data['subject'].unique()))] palette = [cc.rainbow[i*15] for i in range(5)] mice = sorted(step_data['subject'].unique()) current_step = step_data.groupby('subject').last().reset_index() current_step = current_step[['subject','step']] plots = [] p = figure(x_range=step_data['subject'].unique(),title='Subject Steps', plot_height=200) p.xaxis.major_label_orientation = np.pi / 2 p.vbar(x=current_step['subject'], top=current_step['step'], width=0.9) plots.append(p) for i, (mus, group) in enumerate(step_data.groupby('subject')): if roll_type == "ewm": meancx = group['correct'].ewm(span=roll_span,ignore_na=True).mean() else: meancx = group['correct'].rolling(window=roll_span).mean() title_str = "{}, step: {}".format(mus, group.step.iloc[-1]) p = figure(plot_height=100,y_range=(0,1),title=title_str) if bar: hline = Span(location=bar, dimension="width", line_color='red', line_width=1) p.renderers.append(hline) p.line(group['trial_num'], meancx, color=palette[group['step'].iloc[0]-1]) plots.append(p) grid = gridplot(plots, ncols=1) show(grid)
Example #17
Source File: From arviz with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def create_layout(ax, force_layout=False): """Transform bokeh array of figures to layout.""" ax = np.atleast_2d(ax) subplot_order = rcParams["plot.bokeh.layout.order"] if force_layout: from bokeh.layouts import gridplot as layout ax = ax.tolist() layout_args = { "sizing_mode": rcParams["plot.bokeh.layout.sizing_mode"], "toolbar_location": rcParams["plot.bokeh.layout.toolbar_location"], } elif any(item in subplot_order for item in ("row", "column")): # check number of rows match = re.match(r"(\d*)(row|column)", subplot_order) n = int( if is not None else 1 subplot_order = # set up 1D list of axes ax = [item for item in ax.ravel().tolist() if item is not None] layout_args = {"sizing_mode": rcParams["plot.bokeh.layout.sizing_mode"]} if subplot_order == "row" and n == 1: from bokeh.layouts import row as layout elif subplot_order == "column" and n == 1: from bokeh.layouts import column as layout else: from bokeh.layouts import layout if n != 1: ax = np.array(ax + [None for _ in range(int(np.ceil(len(ax) / n)) - len(ax))]) if subplot_order == "row": ax = ax.reshape(n, -1) else: ax = ax.reshape(-1, n) ax = ax.tolist() else: if subplot_order in ("square", "square_trimmed"): ax = [item for item in ax.ravel().tolist() if item is not None] n = int(np.ceil(len(ax) ** 0.5)) ax = ax + [None for _ in range(n ** 2 - len(ax))] ax = np.array(ax).reshape(n, n) ax = ax.tolist() if (subplot_order == "square_trimmed") and any( all(item is None for item in row) for row in ax ): from bokeh.layouts import layout ax = [row for row in ax if not all(item is None for item in row)] layout_args = {"sizing_mode": rcParams["plot.bokeh.layout.sizing_mode"]} else: from bokeh.layouts import gridplot as layout layout_args = { "sizing_mode": rcParams["plot.bokeh.layout.sizing_mode"], "toolbar_location": rcParams["plot.bokeh.layout.toolbar_location"], } # ignore "fixed" sizing_mode without explicit width and height if layout_args.get("sizing_mode", "") == "fixed": layout_args.pop("sizing_mode") return layout(ax, **layout_args)
Example #18
Source File: From backtrader_plotting with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def generate_model_tabs(self, fp: FigurePage, tradingdomain=None) -> List[Panel]: observers = [x for x in fp.figure_envs if isinstance(x.master, bt.Observer)] datas = [x for x in fp.figure_envs if isinstance(x.master, bt.DataBase)] inds = [x for x in fp.figure_envs if isinstance(x.master, bt.Indicator)] # now assign figures to tabs # 1. assign default tabs if no manual tab is assigned for figure in [x for x in datas if x.plottab is None]: figure.plottab = 'Plots' if self.is_tabs_single else 'Datas' for figure in [x for x in inds if x.plottab is None]: figure.plottab = 'Plots' if self.is_tabs_single else 'Indicators' for figure in [x for x in observers if x.plottab is None]: figure.plottab = 'Plots' if self.is_tabs_single else 'Observers' # 2. group panels by desired tabs # groupby expects the groups to be sorted or else will produce duplicated groups sorted_figs = list(itertools.chain(datas, inds, observers)) # 3. filter tradingdomains if tradingdomain is not None: filtered = [] for f in sorted_figs: lgs = f.get_tradingdomains() for lg in lgs: if lg is True or lg == tradingdomain: filtered.append(f) sorted_figs = filtered sorted_figs.sort(key=lambda x: x.plottab) tabgroups = itertools.groupby(sorted_figs, lambda x: x.plottab) panels = [] def build_panel(objects, panel_title): if len(objects) == 0: return Bokeh._sort_plotobjects(objects) g = gridplot([[x.figure] for x in objects], toolbar_options={'logo': None}, toolbar_location=self.p.scheme.toolbar_location, sizing_mode=self.p.scheme.plot_sizing_mode, ) panels.append(Panel(title=panel_title, child=g)) for tabname, figures in tabgroups: build_panel(list(figures), tabname) return panels # endregion
Example #19
Source File: From pairstrade-fyp-2019 with MIT License | 4 votes |
def main(): output_dir = "../../jupyter-py/output/" + get_current_time() execution_command = """ python ../../jupyter-py/ --strategy_type {} --output_dir {} --backtest_start {} --backtest_end {} --stk0 {} --stk1 {} """ if backtest_params["strategy_type"] == "kalman": execution_command += " --kalman_estimation_length 200" elif backtest_params["strategy_type"] == "cointegration": execution_command += " --lookback 76" elif backtest_params["strategy_type"] == "distance": execution_command += " --lookback 70" execution_command= execution_command.format(backtest_params["strategy_type"], output_dir, backtest_params["backtest_start"], backtest_params["backtest_end"], backtest_params["stk_0"], backtest_params["stk_1"]) # os.system("rm -rf ../../jupyter-py/output") os.system(execution_command) stock_list = glob.glob("../../ib-data/nyse-daily-tech/*.csv") for i, file in enumerate(stock_list): stock_list[i] = os.path.basename(file)[:-4] # get results from log file backtest_df, trades_df = Decoder.get_strategy_status(output_dir) metrics_dict = Decoder.get_strategy_performance(output_dir) # build figures normalized_price_fig = build_normalized_price_fig(backtest_df) spread_fig = build_spread_fig(backtest_df, trades_df) pv_fig = build_pv_fig(backtest_df) widget_wb = build_widgets_wb(stock_list) # build_final_gridplot grid = gridplot([[widget_wb, normalized_price_fig], [pv_fig, spread_fig]], sizing_mode='fixed') curdoc().add_root(grid)
Example #20
Source File: From Pandas-Bokeh with MIT License | 4 votes |
def plot_grid(children, show_plot=True, return_html=False, **kwargs): """Create a grid of plots rendered on separate canvases and shows the layout. plot_grid is designed to layout a set of plots. --------------------------------------------------------------- Parameters: -children (list of lists of Plot) – An array of plots to display in a grid, given as a list of lists of Plot objects. To leave a position in the grid empty, pass None for that position in the children list. OR list of Plot if called with ncols. OR an instance of GridSpec. - show_plot (bool, default=True) - Show the plot grid when function gets called - sizing_mode ("fixed", "stretch_both", "scale_width", "scale_height", "scale_both") – How will the items in the layout resize to fill the available space. Default is "fixed". For more information on the different modes see sizing_mode description on LayoutDOM. - toolbar_location (above, below, left, right) – Where the toolbar will be located, with respect to the grid. Default is above. If set to None, no toolbar will be attached to the grid. -ncols (int, optional) – Specify the number of columns you would like in your grid. You must only pass an un-nested list of plots (as opposed to a list of lists of plots) when using ncols. - plot_width (int, optional) – The width you would like all your plots to be - plot_height (int, optional) – The height you would like all your plots to be. - toolbar_options (dict, optional) – A dictionary of options that will be used to construct the grid’s toolbar (an instance of ToolbarBox). If none is supplied, ToolbarBox’s defaults will be used. - merge_tools (True, False) – Combine tools from all child plots into a single toolbar. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Returns: A row or column containing the grid toolbar and the grid of plots (depending on whether the toolbar is left/right or above/below). The grid is always a Column of Rows of plots.""" layout = gridplot(children=children, **kwargs) if show_plot: show(layout) if return_html: return embedded_html(layout) return layout
Example #21
Source File: From gempy with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def plot_cross_variograms(self, iter_plot=200, trace=None, experimental=None): """ Plot the analytical cross-variogram of a given MCMC inference Args: iter_plot (int): Number of traces to plot trace (pymc3.trace): trace with the sill, range and weights of each property experimental (bool): if True plot the experimental variogram as well Returns: None """ if not trace: trace = self.trace assert trace, 'set the trace to the object' n_exp = self.n_exp n_gauss = self.n_gauss lags = self.lags # DEP- n_equations = trace['weights'].shape[1] n_iter = trace['weights'].shape[0] lags_tiled = np.tile(lags, (iter_plot, 1)) b_var = [] for i in range(0, self.n_properties): # DEP- n_equations, (n_exp+n_gaus)): # Init tensor b = np.zeros((len(lags), n_iter, 0)) for i_exp in range(0, n_exp): b = np.dstack((b, trace['weights'][:, i_exp + i * (n_exp + n_gauss)] * exp_vario(lags, trace['sill'][:, i_exp], trace['range'][:, i_exp]))) for i_gauss in range(n_exp, n_gauss + n_exp): b = np.dstack((b, trace['weights'][:, i_gauss + i * (n_exp + n_gauss)] * gaus_vario(lags, trace['sill'][:, i_gauss], trace['range'][:, i_gauss]))) # Sum the contributins of each function b_all = b.sum(axis=2) # Append each variable b_var.append(b_all[:, -iter_plot:].T) # Bokeh code to plot this p_all = [] for e, el in enumerate( p = bp.figure()#x_axis_type="log") p.multi_line(list(lags_tiled), list(b_var[e]), color='olive', alpha=0.08) if experimental: p.scatter(self.lags, y=self.exp_var[el], color='navy', size=2) p.title.text = el p.xaxis.axis_label = "lags" p.yaxis.axis_label = "Semivariance" p_all = np.append(p_all, p) grid = bl.gridplot(list(p_all), ncols=5, plot_width=250, plot_height=150) show(grid)
Example #22
Source File: From gempy with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def plot_cross_covariance(self, nuggets=False, iter_plot=200): """ Plot the cross covariance for the given properties Args: nuggets (numpy.array): subtracted nuggets iter_plot (int): number of traces to plot Returns: None """ n_exp = self.n_exp n_gauss = self.n_gauss trace = self.trace lags = self.lags n_equations = trace['weights'].shape[1] n_iter = trace['weights'].shape[0] lags_tiled = np.tile(lags, (iter_plot, 1)) b_var = [] for i in range(0, self.n_properties): # n_equations, (n_exp+n_gaus)): # Init tensor b = np.zeros((len(lags), n_iter, 0)) for i_exp in range(0, n_exp): # print(i_exp, "exp") b = np.dstack((b, trace['weights'][:, i_exp + i * (n_exp + n_gauss)] * exp_vario(lags, trace['sill'][:, i_exp], trace['range'][:, i_exp]))) for i_gaus in range(n_exp, n_gauss + n_exp): # print(i_gaus) b = np.dstack((b, trace['weights'][:, i_gaus + i * (n_exp + n_gauss)] * gaus_vario(lags, trace['sill'][:, i_gaus], trace['range'][:, i_gaus]))) # Sum the contributins of each function if nuggets: b_all = 1 - (b.sum(axis=2) + self.nuggets[i]) else: b_all = 1 - (b.sum(axis=2)) # Append each variable b_var.append(b_all[:, -iter_plot:].T) p_all = [] for e, el in enumerate( p = bp.figure(x_axis_type="log") p.multi_line(list(lags_tiled), list(b_var[e]), color='olive', alpha=0.08) p.title.text = el p.xaxis.axis_label = "lags" p.yaxis.axis_label = "Semivariance" p_all = np.append(p_all, p) grid = bl.gridplot(list(p_all), ncols=5, plot_width=250, plot_height=150) show(grid)
Example #23
Source File: From estimagic with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
def comparison_plot( results, color_dict=None, height=None, width=500, axis_for_every_parameter=False, x_padding=0.1, num_bins=50, ): """Make a comparison plot from a dictionary containing optimization results. Args: results (list): List of estimagic optimization results where the info can have been extended with 'model' and 'model_name' color_dict (dict): mapping from the model class names to colors. height (int): height of the plot. width (int): width of the plot (in pixels). axis_for_every_parameter (bool): if False the x axis is only shown once for every group of parameters. x_padding (float): the x_range is extended on each side by x_padding times the range of the data num_bins (int): number of bins Returns: source_dfs, grid """ source_dfs, plot_info = comparison_plot_inputs( results=results, x_padding=x_padding, num_bins=num_bins, color_dict=color_dict, fig_height=height, ) source_dict, figure_dict, glyph_dict = _create_comparison_plot_components( source_dfs=source_dfs, plot_info=plot_info, axis_for_every_parameter=axis_for_every_parameter, width=width, ) model_classes = sorted({["model_class"] for res in results}) plots_with_callbacks = _add_callbacks( source_dict=source_dict, figure_dict=figure_dict, glyph_dict=glyph_dict, model_classes=model_classes, ) grid = gridplot(plots_with_callbacks, toolbar_location="right", ncols=1) show(grid) return source_dfs, grid