Python google.appengine.ext.ndb.AND Examples

The following are 12 code examples of google.appengine.ext.ndb.AND(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module google.appengine.ext.ndb , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From loaner with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_random(cls, question_type):
    """Get a random survey question by type.

      question_type: QuestionType, The type of question requested.

      An instance of the Question, returns None if no questions of the
      provided type are found.
    total_weight = 0
    questions = []
    active_questions = cls.query(ndb.AND(
        cls.enabled == True, cls.question_type == question_type)).fetch()  # pylint: disable=g-explicit-bool-comparison,singleton-comparison
    for question in active_questions:
      total_weight += question.rand_weight
          RandomChoice(question, question.rand_weight))
    value = random.uniform(0, total_weight)
    upto = 0
    for question, weight in questions:
      if upto + weight >= value:
        return question
      upto += weight
    return None 
Example #2
Source File:    From arithmancer with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def scoring():
  #go through all predictions, check if should be scored
  predictions = Prediction.query(
      ndb.AND(Prediction.outcome != "UNKNOWN", Prediction.resolved == False)).fetch()
  audit = []
  # Get all trades by prediction_id
  for p in predictions:
    resolve = p.outcome
    trades = Trade.query(Trade.prediction_id == p.key).fetch()
    # Get user id from those trades
    users = [trade.user_id.get() for trade in trades]
    for u in users:
      # check user ledger, map outcome to 1 or 0 based on prediction outcome
      ledger = [i for i in u.user_ledger if i.prediction_id == p.key.urlsafe()]
      if resolve == 'CONTRACT_ONE':
        earned = ledger[0].contract_one
        earned = ledger[0].contract_two
      u.balance += earned
      audit.append({'user': u, 'earned': earned})
    p.resolved = True
  return audit 
Example #3
Source File:    From loaner with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def list_by_user(cls, user):
    """Returns a list of devices assigned to a user.

      user: str, the user's email address.

      A query of devices assigned to the user.
    return cls.query(ndb.AND(cls.assigned_user == user)).fetch() 
Example #4
Source File:    From loaner with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def list(
      cls, question_type=None, enabled=True, page_size=100, next_cursor=None,
    """List all questions with filters.

      question_type: QuestionType, The type of question to be queried for.
      enabled: bool, True to retrieve enabled surveys.
      page_size: int, The number of answers to return.
      next_cursor: datastore_query.Cursor, Next page of results.
      **kwargs: each kwarg name is the name of a Question property by
          which to filter the query and its value (string, integer, boolean,

      A tuple of a list of Question instances, datastore_query.Cursor
      instance, and a boolean representing whether or not there are more to
    query = cls.query(
        cls.enabled == enabled,  # pylint: disable=g-explicit-bool-comparison
        ndb.AND(cls.question_type == question_type))
    for filters, values in kwargs.items():
      if not isinstance(values, (list, tuple)):
        values = (values,)
      for value in values:
        query = query.filter(ndb.GenericProperty(filters) == value)
    return query.fetch_page(page_size=page_size, start_cursor=next_cursor) 
Example #5
Source File:    From sndlatr with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def query_display(cls, user_id, delta_minutes=60):
        Query all jobs that have state scheduled, queued or sent (but not done)
        OR are done and have been scheduled for no longer than delta_minutes
        shortly_ago = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(

        # query all jobs that are
        return cls.query(ndb.OR(cls.state.IN(['scheduled', 'queued', 'sent']),
                                ndb.AND(cls.scheduled_at >= shortly_ago,
                                        cls.state == 'done')),
                         cls.user_id == user_id) 
Example #6
Source File:    From MyLife with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get(self, year, month):
		year, month = int(year), int(month)
		from_date =, int(month), 1)
		next_month = from_date + datetime.timedelta(days=33)

		to_date =, next_month.month, 1)

		days = [ for p in Post.query(ndb.AND( >= from_date, < to_date)).order(]

		self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = "application/json"
		self.response.write(json.dumps({"key" : from_date.strftime('%Y-%m'), "days": days})) 
Example #7
Source File:    From python-docs-samples with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def query_article_nested():
    query = Article.query(ndb.AND(Article.tags == 'python',
                                  ndb.OR(Article.tags.IN(['ruby', 'jruby']),
                                         ndb.AND(Article.tags == 'php',
                                                 Article.tags != 'perl'))))
    return query 
Example #8
Source File:    From luci-py with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_result_summaries_query(start, end, sort, state, tags):
  """Returns TaskResultSummary.query() with these filters.

    start: Earliest creation date of retrieved tasks.
    end: Most recent creation date of retrieved tasks, normally None.
    sort: Order to use. Must default to 'created_ts' to use the default. Cannot
        be used along start and end.
    state: One of State enum value as str. Use 'all' to get all tasks.
    tags: List of search for one or multiple task tags.
  # Disable the in-process local cache. This is important, as there can be up to
  # a thousand entities loaded in memory, and this is a pure memory leak, as
  # there's no chance this specific instance will need these again, therefore
  # this leads to 'Exceeded soft memory limit' AppEngine errors.
  q = TaskResultSummary.query(
  # Filter by one or more tags.
  if tags:
    # Add TaskResultSummary indexes if desired.
    if sort != 'created_ts':
      raise ValueError(
          'Add needed indexes for sort:%s and tags if desired' % sort)
    tags_filter = TaskResultSummary.tags == tags[0]
    for tag in tags[1:]:
      tags_filter = ndb.AND(tags_filter, TaskResultSummary.tags == tag)
    q = q.filter(tags_filter)
  return _filter_query(TaskResultSummary, q, start, end, sort, state) 
Example #9
Source File:    From arithmancer with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def GetTradesForPredictionId(prediction_id):
    user = users.get_current_user()
    trades = Trade.query(ndb.AND(Trade.prediction_id == ndb.Key(urlsafe=prediction_id),
                                 Trade.user_id == ndb.Key('Profile', user.user_id()))).fetch()
    return str(trades) 
Example #10
Source File:    From arithmancer with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def price():
  predictions = Prediction.query(
      ndb.AND(Prediction.outcome == "UNKNOWN", Prediction.resolved == False)).fetch()
  input_date =

  for p in predictions:
    price = Price(prediction_id=p.key,
Example #11
Source File:    From beans with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def get_previous_meetings(subscription, cooldown=None):

    if cooldown is None:
        cooldown = get_config()['meeting_cooldown_weeks']

    meetings = defaultdict(list)

    # get all meeting specs from x weeks ago til now
    time_threshold_for_meetings = - timedelta(weeks=cooldown)

    meeting_spec_keys = [
        spec.key for spec in MeetingSpec.query(
            ndb.AND(MeetingSpec.datetime > time_threshold_for_meetings,
                    MeetingSpec.meeting_subscription == subscription)
    ]'Previous Meeting History: ')[meeting.get().datetime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") for meeting in meeting_spec_keys])

    if meeting_spec_keys == []:
        return set([])

    # get all meetings from meeting specs
    meeting_keys = [meeting.key for meeting in Meeting.query().filter(

    if meeting_keys == []:
        return set([])

    # get all participants from meetings
    participants = MeetingParticipant.query().filter(

    if participants == []:
        return set([])

    # group by meeting Id
    for participant in participants:

    # ids are sorted, all matches should be in increasing order by id for the matching algorithm to work
    disallowed_meetings = set([tuple(sorted(meeting, key=lambda Key: for meeting in meetings.values()])'Past Meetings')[tuple([meeting.get().get_username() for meeting in meeting]) for meeting in disallowed_meetings])

    disallowed_meetings = {tuple([ for meeting in meeting]) for meeting in disallowed_meetings}

    return disallowed_meetings 
Example #12
Source File:    From upvote with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def _QueryModel(self, search_dict, ancestor=None):
    """Queries the model class for field-value pairs.

      search_dict: A dictionary mapping from field name to search by to the
          search term.
      ancestor: ndb.Key, If provided, the ancestor for the query.

      The model query.

      QueryError: If the queried field is not a property of the model.
      QueryTypeError: If search_term does not match the type of the search_base
          model property.
    filter_nodes = []
    for search_base, search_term in search_dict.items():
      field_name = string_utils.CamelToSnakeCase(search_base)

      # If the model class offers a translation function for property queries,
      # invoke it and set the field and search term to the result.
        field_name, search_term = self.MODEL_CLASS.TranslatePropertyQuery(
            field_name, search_term)
      except AttributeError:
      else:'Converted query to (%s = %s)', field_name, search_term)

      # Check for the property on the model itself (as opposed to, say, catching
      # a getattr exception) to ensure that the field being accessed is an ndb
      # property as opposed to a Python attribute.
      if not datastore_utils.HasProperty(self.MODEL_CLASS, field_name):
        raise QueryError('Invalid searchBase %s' % field_name)

      field = getattr(self.MODEL_CLASS, field_name)

      # If the field is of a non-string type, attempt to coerce the argument to
      # conform to this type
      search_term = _CoerceQueryParam(field, search_term)

      filter_nodes.append(ndb.FilterNode(field_name, '=', search_term))

    query = self.MODEL_CLASS.query(ancestor=ancestor)
    if filter_nodes:
      query = query.filter(ndb.AND(*filter_nodes))
    return query