Python sqlalchemy.types.String() Examples

The following are 30 code examples of sqlalchemy.types.String(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module sqlalchemy.types , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From alembic with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def visit_column_comment(element, compiler, **kw):
    ddl = "COMMENT ON COLUMN {table_name}.{column_name} IS {comment}"
    comment = (
            element.comment, sqltypes.String()
        if element.comment is not None
        else "NULL"

    return ddl.format(
            compiler, element.table_name, element.schema
        column_name=format_column_name(compiler, element.column_name),
Example #2
Source File:    From jbox with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _render_server_default_for_compare(metadata_default,
                                       metadata_col, autogen_context):
    rendered = _user_defined_render(
        "server_default", metadata_default, autogen_context)
    if rendered is not False:
        return rendered

    if isinstance(metadata_default, sa_schema.DefaultClause):
        if isinstance(metadata_default.arg, compat.string_types):
            metadata_default = metadata_default.arg
            metadata_default = str(metadata_default.arg.compile(
    if isinstance(metadata_default, compat.string_types):
        if metadata_col.type._type_affinity is sqltypes.String:
            metadata_default = re.sub(r"^'|'$", "", metadata_default)
            return repr(metadata_default)
            return metadata_default
        return None 
Example #3
Source File:    From alembic with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _mysql_colspec(
    compiler, nullable, server_default, type_, autoincrement, comment
    spec = "%s %s" % (
        "NULL" if nullable else "NOT NULL",
    if autoincrement:
        spec += " AUTO_INCREMENT"
    if server_default is not False and server_default is not None:
        spec += " DEFAULT %s" % _render_value(compiler, server_default)
    if comment:
        spec += " COMMENT %s" % compiler.sql_compiler.render_literal_value(
            comment, sqltypes.String()

    return spec 
Example #4
Source File:    From graphene-sqlalchemy with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_should_enum_choice_convert_enum():
    class TestEnum(enum.Enum):
        es = u"Spanish"
        en = u"English"

    field = get_field(ChoiceType(TestEnum, impl=types.String()))
    graphene_type = field.type
    assert issubclass(graphene_type, graphene.Enum)
    assert == "MODEL_COLUMN"
    assert graphene_type._meta.enum.__members__["es"].value == "Spanish"
    assert graphene_type._meta.enum.__members__["en"].value == "English" 
Example #5
Source File:    From planespotter with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def with_variant(self, type_, dialect_name):
        """Produce a new type object that will utilize the given
        type when applied to the dialect of the given name.


            from sqlalchemy.types import String
            from sqlalchemy.dialects import mysql

            s = String()

            s = s.with_variant(mysql.VARCHAR(collation='foo'), 'mysql')

        The construction of :meth:`.TypeEngine.with_variant` is always
        from the "fallback" type to that which is dialect specific.
        The returned type is an instance of :class:`.Variant`, which
        itself provides a :meth:`.Variant.with_variant`
        that can be called repeatedly.

        :param type_: a :class:`.TypeEngine` that will be selected
         as a variant from the originating type, when a dialect
         of the given name is in use.
        :param dialect_name: base name of the dialect which uses
         this type. (i.e. ``'postgresql'``, ``'mysql'``, etc.)

        .. versionadded:: 0.7.2

        return Variant(self, {dialect_name: to_instance(type_)}) 
Example #6
Source File:    From data_integration_celery with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def fresh_tushare_stock_fund_holdings(year, quarter):
    table_name = 'tushare_stock_fund_holdings'"更新 %s 表%s年%s季度基金持股信息开始", table_name, year, quarter)
    has_table = engine_md.has_table(table_name)
    tushare_fund_holdings_indicator_param_list = [
        ('ts_code', String(20)),
        ('sec_name', String(20)),
        ('end_date', Date),
        ('nums', DOUBLE),
        ('nlast', DOUBLE),
        ('count', DOUBLE),
        ('clast', DOUBLE),
        ('amount', DOUBLE),
        ('ratio', DOUBLE),
    tushare_fund_holdings_dtype = {key: val for key, val in tushare_fund_holdings_indicator_param_list}
    data_df_list, data_count, all_data_count, = [], 0, 0
    data_df = invoke_fund_holdings(year, quarter)
    ts_code_list = []
    for i in data_df.code:
        if i[0] == '6':
            sh = i + '.SH'
            sz = i + '.SZ'
    data_df.code = ts_code_list
    data_df = data_df.rename(columns={'code': 'ts_code', 'name': 'sec_name', 'date': 'end_date'})
    bunch_insert_on_duplicate_update(data_df, table_name, engine_md, tushare_fund_holdings_dtype)"%s年%s季度 %s 更新 %d 条基金持股信息", year, quarter, table_name, all_data_count) 
Example #7
Source File:    From graphene-sqlalchemy with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_should_intenum_choice_convert_enum():
    class TestEnum(enum.IntEnum):
        one = 1
        two = 2

    field = get_field(ChoiceType(TestEnum, impl=types.String()))
    graphene_type = field.type
    assert issubclass(graphene_type, graphene.Enum)
    assert == "MODEL_COLUMN"
    assert graphene_type._meta.enum.__members__["one"].value == 1
    assert graphene_type._meta.enum.__members__["two"].value == 2 
Example #8
Source File:    From planespotter with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def define_tables(cls, metadata):
        Table('test_table', metadata,
              Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
              Column('data', String(50))
Example #9
Source File:    From jbox with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def bind_processor(self, dialect):
            if dialect._cx_oracle_with_unicode:
                def process(value):
                    if value is None:
                        return value
                        return unicode(value)
                return process
                return super(
                    _NativeUnicodeMixin, self).bind_processor(dialect)

    # we apply a connection output handler that returns
    # unicode in all cases, so the "native_unicode" flag
    # will be set for the default String.result_processor. 
Example #10
Source File:    From netezza_sqlalchemy with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_columns(self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw):
        SQL_COLS = """
            SELECT CAST(a.attname AS VARCHAR(128)) as name,
                   a.atttypid as typeid,
                   not a.attnotnull as nullable,
                   a.attcolleng as length,
            FROM _v_relation_column a
            WHERE = :tablename
            ORDER BY a.attnum
        s = text(SQL_COLS,
                 bindparams=[bindparam('tablename', type_=sqltypes.String)],
                 typemap={'name': NAME,
                          'typeid': sqltypes.Integer,
                          'nullable': sqltypes.Boolean,
                          'length': sqltypes.Integer,
                          'format_type': sqltypes.String,
        c = connection.execute(s, tablename=table_name)
        rows = c.fetchall()
        # format columns
        columns = []
        for name, typeid, nullable, length, format_type in rows:
            coltype_class, has_length = oid_datatype_map[typeid]
            if coltype_class is sqltypes.Numeric:
                precision, scale = re.match(
                    r'numeric\((\d+),(\d+)\)', format_type).groups()
                coltype = coltype_class(int(precision), int(scale))
            elif has_length:
                coltype = coltype_class(length)
                coltype = coltype_class()
                'name': name,
                'type': coltype,
                'nullable': nullable,
        return columns 
Example #11
Source File:    From quay with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def load_dialect_impl(self, dialect):
        if == "mysql":
            return dialect.type_descriptor(
                    charset="utf8mb4", collation="utf8mb4_unicode_ci", length=self.impl.length
            return dialect.type_descriptor(String(length=self.impl.length)) 
Example #12
Source File:    From data_integration_celery with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def import_jq_stock_info(chain_param=None, refresh=False):
    """ 获取全市场股票代码及名称
    table_name = TABLE_NAME"更新 %s 开始", table_name)
    # has_table = engine_md.has_table(table_name)
    param_list = [
        ('jq_code', String(20)),
        ('display_name', String(20)),
        ('name', String(20)),
        ('start_date', Date),
        ('end_date', Date),
    # 设置 dtype
    dtype = {key: val for key, val in param_list}

    # 数据提取
    # types: list: 用来过滤securities的类型, list元素可选:
    # 'stock', 'fund', 'index', 'futures', 'etf', 'lof', 'fja', 'fjb'。types为空时返回所有股票, 不包括基金,指数和期货
    # date: 日期, 一个字符串或者 [datetime.datetime]/[] 对象,
    # 用于获取某日期还在上市的股票信息. 默认值为 None, 表示获取所有日期的股票信息
    stock_info_all_df = get_all_securities()
    stock_info_all_df.index.rename('jq_code', inplace=True)
    stock_info_all_df.reset_index(inplace=True)'%s stock data will be import', stock_info_all_df.shape[0])
    data_count = bunch_insert_on_duplicate_update(
        stock_info_all_df, table_name, engine_md, dtype=dtype,
        myisam_if_create_table=True, primary_keys=['jq_code'], schema=config.DB_SCHEMA_MD)"更新 %s 完成 存量数据 %d 条", table_name, data_count)
    # 更新 map 表
Example #13
Source File:    From data_integration_celery with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def import_info_table(type_name, insert_db=True) -> pd.DataFrame:
    调用 get_all_securities 获取指定 type 的信息
    type: 'stock', 'fund', 'index', 'futures', 'etf', 'lof', 'fja', 'fjb'。types为空时返回所有股票, 不包括基金,指数和期货
    :param type_name:
    table_name = f'jq_{type_name}_info'"更新 %s 开始", table_name)
    # has_table = engine_md.has_table(table_name)
    param_list = [
        ('jq_code', String(20)),
        ('display_name', String(20)),
        ('name', String(20)),
        ('start_date', Date),
        ('end_date', Date),
    # 设置 dtype
    dtype = {key: val for key, val in param_list}

    # 数据提取
    # types: list: 用来过滤securities的类型, list元素可选:
    # 'stock', 'fund', 'index', 'futures', 'etf', 'lof', 'fja', 'fjb'。types为空时返回所有股票, 不包括基金,指数和期货
    # date: 日期, 一个字符串或者 [datetime.datetime]/[] 对象,
    # 用于获取某日期还在上市的股票信息. 默认值为 None, 表示获取所有日期的股票信息
    stock_info_all_df = get_all_securities(types=type_name)
    stock_info_all_df.index.rename('jq_code', inplace=True)

    if insert_db:'%s 数据将被导入', stock_info_all_df.shape[0])
        data_count = bunch_insert_p(stock_info_all_df, table_name=table_name, dtype=dtype, primary_keys=['jq_code'])"更新 %s 完成 存量数据 %d 条", table_name, data_count)

    return stock_info_all_df 
Example #14
Source File:    From data_integration_celery with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def import_variety_info():
    table_name = 'ifind_future_variety_info'
    exchange_list = [
        # '纽约期货交易所(NYBOT)',  # 暂无数据
        # '洲际交易所(ICE)',  # 暂无数据
    # 设置 dtype
    dtype = {
        'exchange': String(20),
        'ID': String(20),
        'SECURITY_NAME': String(20),
    data_df_list = []
    data_count = len(exchange_list)
        for num, exchange in enumerate(exchange_list):
            logger.debug("%d/%d) %s 获取交易品种信息", num, data_count, exchange)
            data_df = invoker.THS_DataPool('variety', exchange, 'variety:Y,id:Y')
            data_df['exchange'] = exchange
        if len(data_df_list) > 0:
            tot_data_df = pd.concat(data_df_list)
            # tot_data_df.to_sql('ifind_variety_info', engine_md, index=False, if_exists='append', dtype=dtype)
            tot_data_count = bunch_insert_on_duplicate_update(tot_data_df, table_name, engine_md, dtype=dtype)
            tot_data_count = 0'保存交易所品种信息完成, %d条数据被保存', tot_data_count) 
Example #15
Source File:    From data_integration_celery with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def save_future_daily_df_list(data_df_list):
    data_df_count = len(data_df_list)
    if data_df_count > 0:'merge data with %d df', data_df_count)
        data_df = pd.concat(data_df_list)
        data_count = data_df.shape[0]
        data_df.to_sql('ifind_future_daily', engine_md, if_exists='append', index=False,
                           'ths_code': String(20),
                           'time': Date,
                           'preClose': String(20),
                           'open': DOUBLE,
                           'high': DOUBLE,
                           'low': DOUBLE,
                           'close': DOUBLE,
                           'volume': DOUBLE,
                           'amount': DOUBLE,
                           'avgPrice': DOUBLE,
                           'change': DOUBLE,
                           'changeRatio': DOUBLE,
                           'preSettlement': DOUBLE,
                           'settlement': DOUBLE,
                           'change_settlement': DOUBLE,
                           'chg_settlement': DOUBLE,
                           'openInterest': DOUBLE,
                           'positionChange': DOUBLE,
                           'amplitude': DOUBLE,
                       })"更新 wind_future_daily 结束 %d 条记录被更新", data_count)
    else:"更新 wind_future_daily 结束 0 条记录被更新") 
Example #16
Source File:    From data_integration_celery with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def import_tushare_stock_info(chain_param=None, refresh=False):
    """ 获取全市场股票代码及名称
    table_name = 'tushare_stock_info'"更新 %s 开始", table_name)
    has_table = engine_md.has_table(table_name)
    tushare_indicator_param_list = [
        ('ts_code', String(20)),
        ('symbol', String(20)),
        ('name', String(40)),
        ('area', String(100)),
        ('industry', String(200)),
        ('fullname', String(100)),
        ('enname', String(200)),
        ('market', String(100)),
        ('exchange', String(20)),
        ('curr_type', String(20)),
        ('list_status', String(20)),
        ('list_date', Date),
        ('delist_date', Date),
        ('is_hs', String(20)),
    #     # 获取列属性名,以逗号进行分割 "ipo_date,trade_code,mkt,exch_city,exch_eng"
    param = ",".join([key for key, _ in tushare_indicator_param_list])
    # 设置 dtype
    dtype = {key: val for key, val in tushare_indicator_param_list}
    dtype['ts_code'] = String(20)

    # 数据提取

    stock_info_all_df = pro.stock_basic(exchange='',
                                        fields='ts_code,symbol,name,area,industry,fullname,enname,market,exchange,curr_type,list_status,list_date,delist_date,is_hs,is_hs,is_hs')'%s stock data will be import', stock_info_all_df.shape[0])
    data_count = bunch_insert_on_duplicate_update(
        stock_info_all_df, table_name, engine_md, dtype=dtype,
        myisam_if_create_table=True, primary_keys=['ts_code'], schema=config.DB_SCHEMA_MD)"更新 %s 完成 存量数据 %d 条", table_name, data_count)

    # 更新 code_mapping 表
    # update_from_info_table(table_name) 
Example #17
Source File:    From parade with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def sqltype_to_stdtype(sqltype):
    import sqlalchemy.types as sqltypes
    if isinstance(sqltype, (sqltypes.VARCHAR, sqltypes.CHAR, sqltypes.TEXT, sqltypes.Enum, sqltypes.String)):
        return _STRING_TYPE
    if isinstance(sqltype, (sqltypes.DATETIME, sqltypes.DATE, sqltypes.TIME, sqltypes.TIMESTAMP)):
        return _DATE_TYPE
    if isinstance(sqltype, (sqltypes.INTEGER, sqltypes.BIGINT, sqltypes.SMALLINT, sqltypes.Integer)):
        return _INTEGER_TYPE
    if isinstance(sqltype, (sqltypes.REAL, sqltypes.DECIMAL, sqltypes.NUMERIC, sqltypes.FLOAT)):
        return _DECIMAL_TYPE
    if isinstance(sqltype, sqltypes.BOOLEAN):
        return _BOOLEAN_TYPE 
Example #18
Source File:    From graphene-sqlalchemy with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_should_string_convert_string():
    assert get_field(types.String()).type == graphene.String 
Example #19
Source File:    From graphene-sqlalchemy with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def convert_scalar_list_to_list(type, column, registry=None):
    return List(String) 
Example #20
Source File:    From graphene-sqlalchemy with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def convert_sqlalchemy_hybrid_method(hybrid_prop, resolver, **field_kwargs):
    if 'type' not in field_kwargs:
        # TODO The default type should be dependent on the type of the property propety.
        field_kwargs['type'] = String

    return Field(
Example #21
Source File:    From sqlalchemy-teradata with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _resolve_type(self, t, **kw):
        Resolve types for String, Numeric, Date/Time, etc. columns
        t = self.normalize_name(t)
        if t in ischema_names:
            t = ischema_names[t]
            if issubclass(t, sqltypes.String):
                return t(length=kw['length']/2 if kw['chartype']=='UNICODE' else kw['length'],\

            elif issubclass(t, sqltypes.Numeric):
                return t(precision=kw['prec'], scale=kw['scale'])

            elif issubclass(t, sqltypes.Time) or issubclass(t, sqltypes.DateTime):

                prec = kw['fmt']    
                #For some timestamps and dates, there is no precision, or indicatd in scale
                prec = prec[prec.index('(') + 1: prec.index(')')] if '(' in prec else 0
                prec = kw['scale'] if prec=='F' else int(prec)

                #prec = int(prec[prec.index('(') + 1: prec.index(')')]) if '(' in prec else 0
                return t(precision=prec,timezone=tz)

            elif issubclass(t, sqltypes.Interval):
                return t(day_precision=kw['prec'],second_precision=kw['scale'])

                return t() # For types like Integer, ByteInt

        return ischema_names[None] 
Example #22
Source File:    From graphene-sqlalchemy-filter with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_sql_alchemy_subclass_column_types():
    class F(FilterSet):
        ALLOWED_FILTERS = {types.Integer: ['eq', 'gt']}

        class Meta:
            abstract = True

    class MyNVARCHAR(types.NVARCHAR):

    class TestModel(Base):
        __tablename__ = 'test'

        id = Column(types.SmallInteger, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
        text = Column(MyNVARCHAR)

    class TestFilter(F):
        EXTRA_ALLOWED_FILTERS = {types.String: ['eq']}

        class Meta:
            model = TestModel
            fields = {'id': [...], 'text': [...]}

    filter_fields = set(TestFilter._meta.fields)
    ok = {'id', 'id_gt', 'text', 'text_is_null', 'and', 'not', 'or'}

    assert filter_fields == ok 
Example #23
Source File:    From Fluid-Designer with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def assert_tables_equal(self, table, reflected_table, strict_types=False):
        assert len(table.c) == len(reflected_table.c)
        for c, reflected_c in zip(table.c, reflected_table.c):
            assert reflected_c is reflected_table.c[]
            eq_(c.primary_key, reflected_c.primary_key)
            eq_(c.nullable, reflected_c.nullable)

            if strict_types:
                msg = "Type '%s' doesn't correspond to type '%s'"
                assert isinstance(reflected_c.type, type(c.type)), \
                    msg % (reflected_c.type, c.type)
                self.assert_types_base(reflected_c, c)

            if isinstance(c.type, sqltypes.String):
                eq_(c.type.length, reflected_c.type.length)

                set([ for f in c.foreign_keys]),
                set([ for f in reflected_c.foreign_keys])
            if c.server_default:
                assert isinstance(reflected_c.server_default,

        assert len(table.primary_key) == len(reflected_table.primary_key)
        for c in table.primary_key:
            assert reflected_table.primary_key.columns[] is not None 
Example #24
Source File:    From Fluid-Designer with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_varchar_reflection(self):
        typ = self._type_round_trip(sql_types.String(52))[0]
        assert isinstance(typ, sql_types.String)
        eq_(typ.length, 52) 
Example #25
Source File:    From Fluid-Designer with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def define_tables(cls, metadata):
        Table('test_table', metadata,
              Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
              Column('data', String(50))
Example #26
Source File:    From Fluid-Designer with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def with_variant(self, type_, dialect_name):
        """Produce a new type object that will utilize the given
        type when applied to the dialect of the given name.


            from sqlalchemy.types import String
            from sqlalchemy.dialects import mysql

            s = String()

            s = s.with_variant(mysql.VARCHAR(collation='foo'), 'mysql')

        The construction of :meth:`.TypeEngine.with_variant` is always
        from the "fallback" type to that which is dialect specific.
        The returned type is an instance of :class:`.Variant`, which
        itself provides a :meth:`.Variant.with_variant`
        that can be called repeatedly.

        :param type_: a :class:`.TypeEngine` that will be selected
         as a variant from the originating type, when a dialect
         of the given name is in use.
        :param dialect_name: base name of the dialect which uses
         this type. (i.e. ``'postgresql'``, ``'mysql'``, etc.)

        .. versionadded:: 0.7.2

        return Variant(self, {dialect_name: to_instance(type_)}) 
Example #27
Source File:    From data_integration_celery with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def insert_into_db(data_df_list, engine_md):
    data_count = len(data_df_list)
    table_name = 'wind_stock_tick'
    has_table = engine_md.has_table(table_name)
    param_list = [
        ('datetime', DateTime),
        ('open', DOUBLE),
        ('high', DOUBLE),
        ('low', DOUBLE),
        ('close', DOUBLE),
        ('ask1', DOUBLE),
        ('bid1', DOUBLE),
        ('asize1', DOUBLE),
        ('bsize1', DOUBLE),
        ('volume', DOUBLE),
        ('amount', DOUBLE),
        ('preclose', DOUBLE),
    dtype = {key: val for key, val in param_list}
    dtype['wind_code'] = String(20)
    if data_count > 0:
        data_df_all = pd.concat(data_df_list)
        data_df_all.index.rename('datetime', inplace=True)
        bunch_insert_on_duplicate_update(data_df_all, table_name, engine_md, dtype=dtype)'%d data imported', data_df_all.shape[0])
        if not has_table and engine_md.has_table(table_name):
            alter_table_2_myisam(engine_md, [table_name])

    return data_count 
Example #28
Source File:    From Fluid-Designer with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def bind_processor(self, dialect):
            if dialect._cx_oracle_with_unicode:
                def process(value):
                    if value is None:
                        return value
                        return unicode(value)
                return process
                return super(
                    _NativeUnicodeMixin, self).bind_processor(dialect)

    # we apply a connection output handler that returns
    # unicode in all cases, so the "native_unicode" flag
    # will be set for the default String.result_processor. 
Example #29
Source File:    From osm-wikidata with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def new_wikipedia_tag(self, languages):
        sitelinks = {code[:-4]: link['title']
                     for code, link in self.item.sitelinks().items()
                     if code.endswith('wiki')}

        for lang in languages:
            code = lang if isinstance(lang, str) else lang.wikimedia_language_code
            if code in sitelinks:
                return (code, sitelinks[code])
        return (None, None)

# class ItemCandidateTag(Base):
#     __tablename__ = 'item_candidate_tag'
#     __table_args__ = (
#         ForeignKeyConstraint(['item_id', 'osm_id', 'osm_type'],
#                              [ItemCandidate.item_id,
#                               ItemCandidate.osm_id,
#                               ItemCandidate.osm_type]),
#     )
#     item_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
#     osm_id = Column(BigInteger, primary_key=True)
#     osm_type = Column(osm_type_enum, primary_key=True)
#     k = Column(String, primary_key=True)
#     v = Column(String, primary_key=True)
#     item_candidate = relationship(ItemCandidate,
#                                   backref=backref('tag_table', lazy='dynamic')) 
Example #30
Source File:    From alembic with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _render_server_default_for_compare(
    metadata_default, metadata_col, autogen_context
    rendered = _user_defined_render(
        "server_default", metadata_default, autogen_context
    if rendered is not False:
        return rendered

    if isinstance(metadata_default, sa_schema.DefaultClause):
        if isinstance(metadata_default.arg, compat.string_types):
            metadata_default = metadata_default.arg
            metadata_default = str(
                    compile_kwargs={"literal_binds": True},
    if isinstance(metadata_default, compat.string_types):
        if metadata_col.type._type_affinity is sqltypes.String:
            metadata_default = re.sub(r"^'|'$", "", metadata_default)
            return repr(metadata_default)
            return metadata_default
        return None