Python numpy.tril_indices() Examples

The following are 30 code examples of numpy.tril_indices(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module numpy , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From vnpy_crypto with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _diff_contrast(self, levels):
        nlevels = len(levels)
        contr = np.zeros((nlevels, nlevels-1))
        int_range = np.arange(1, nlevels)
        upper_int = np.repeat(int_range, int_range)
        row_i, col_i = np.triu_indices(nlevels-1)
        # we want to iterate down the columns not across the rows
        # it would be nice if the index functions had a row/col order arg
        col_order = np.argsort(col_i)
              col_i[col_order]] = (upper_int-nlevels)/float(nlevels)
        lower_int = np.repeat(int_range, int_range[::-1])
        row_i, col_i = np.tril_indices(nlevels-1)
        # we want to iterate down the columns not across the rows
        col_order = np.argsort(col_i)
        contr[row_i[col_order]+1, col_i[col_order]] = lower_int/float(nlevels)
        return contr 
Example #2
Source File:    From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def vector_to_amplitudes_ea(vector, kshift, nkpts, nmo, nocc, kconserv):
    nvir = nmo - nocc

    r1 = vector[:nvir].copy()
    r2_tril = vector[nvir:].copy().reshape(nocc*nkpts*nvir*(nkpts*nvir-1)//2)
    r2 = np.zeros((nkpts,nkpts,nocc,nvir,nvir), dtype=vector.dtype)

    index = 0
    for kj, ka in itertools.product(range(nkpts), repeat=2):
        kb = kconserv[kshift,ka,kj]
        if ka < kb:
            idx, idy = np.tril_indices(nvir, 0)
            idx, idy = np.tril_indices(nvir, -1)
        tmp = r2_tril[index:index + nocc*len(idy)].reshape(-1,nocc)
        r2[kj,ka,:,idx,idy] = tmp
        r2[kj,kb,:,idy,idx] = -tmp
        index = index + nocc*len(idy)

    return [r1,r2] 
Example #3
Source File:    From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def reorder4irrep(eri, norb, link_index, orbsym, offdiag=0):
    if orbsym is None:
        return eri, link_index, numpy.array(norb, dtype=numpy.int32)
    orbsym = numpy.asarray(orbsym)
# map irrep IDs of Dooh or Coov to D2h, C2v
# see symm.basis.linearmole_symm_descent
    orbsym = orbsym % 10
# irrep of (ij| pair
    trilirrep = (orbsym[:,None]^orbsym)[numpy.tril_indices(norb, offdiag)]
# and the number of occurence for each irrep
    dimirrep = numpy.array(numpy.bincount(trilirrep), dtype=numpy.int32)
# we sort the irreps of (ij| pair, to group the pairs which have same irreps
# "order" is irrep-id-sorted index. The (ij| paired is ordered that the
# pair-id given by order[0] comes first in the sorted pair
# "rank" is a sorted "order". Given nth (ij| pair, it returns the place(rank)
# of the sorted pair
    order = numpy.asarray(trilirrep.argsort(), dtype=numpy.int32)
    rank = numpy.asarray(order.argsort(), dtype=numpy.int32)
    eri = lib.take_2d(eri, order, order)
    link_index_irrep = link_index.copy()
    link_index_irrep[:,:,0] = rank[link_index[:,:,0]]
    return numpy.asarray(eri, order='C'), link_index_irrep, dimirrep 
Example #4
Source File:    From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def unpack_eri_2s(eri, norb):

    n_oo = norb * (norb + 1) // 2
    ind_oo = np.tril_indices(norb)

    eri_ = None

    if len(eri.shape) == 2:
        if (eri.shape[0] != n_oo or eri.shape[1] != n_oo):
            raise TypeError("ERI dimensions don't match")

        temp = np.zeros((n_oo, norb, norb))
        temp[:, ind_oo[0], ind_oo[1]] = eri
        temp[:, ind_oo[1], ind_oo[0]] = eri
        eri_ = np.zeros((norb, norb, norb, norb))
        eri_[ind_oo[0], ind_oo[1]] = temp
        eri_[ind_oo[1], ind_oo[0]] = temp
            raise RuntimeError("ERI does not have a correct dimension")

    return eri_ 
Example #5
Source File:    From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def reorder_eri(eri, norb, orbsym):
    if orbsym is None:
        return [eri], numpy.arange(norb), numpy.zeros(norb,dtype=numpy.int32)
# map irrep IDs of Dooh or Coov to D2h, C2v
# see symm.basis.linearmole_symm_descent
    orbsym = numpy.asarray(orbsym) % 10
# irrep of (ij| pair
    trilirrep = (orbsym[:,None]^orbsym)[numpy.tril_indices(norb)]
# and the number of occurence for each irrep
    dimirrep = numpy.asarray(numpy.bincount(trilirrep), dtype=numpy.int32)
# we sort the irreps of (ij| pair, to group the pairs which have same irreps
# "order" is irrep-id-sorted index. The (ij| paired is ordered that the
# pair-id given by order[0] comes first in the sorted pair
# "rank" is a sorted "order". Given nth (ij| pair, it returns the place(rank)
# of the sorted pair
    old_eri_irrep = numpy.asarray(trilirrep, dtype=numpy.int32)
    rank_in_irrep = numpy.empty_like(old_eri_irrep)
    p0 = 0
    eri_irs = [numpy.zeros((0,0))] * TOTIRREPS
    for ir, nnorb in enumerate(dimirrep):
        idx = numpy.asarray(numpy.where(trilirrep == ir)[0], dtype=numpy.int32)
        rank_in_irrep[idx] = numpy.arange(nnorb, dtype=numpy.int32)
        eri_irs[ir] = lib.take_2d(eri, idx, idx)
        p0 += nnorb
    return eri_irs, rank_in_irrep, old_eri_irrep 
Example #6
Source File:    From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def amplitudes_to_vector_eomsf(t1, t2, out=None):
    t1ab, t1ba = t1
    t2baaa, t2aaba, t2abbb, t2bbab = t2
    nocca, nvirb = t1ab.shape
    noccb, nvira = t1ba.shape

    otrila = np.tril_indices(nocca, k=-1)
    otrilb = np.tril_indices(noccb, k=-1)
    vtrila = np.tril_indices(nvira, k=-1)
    vtrilb = np.tril_indices(nvirb, k=-1)
    baaa = np.take(t2baaa.reshape(noccb*nocca,nvira*nvira),
                   vtrila[0]*nvira+vtrila[1], axis=1)
    abbb = np.take(t2abbb.reshape(nocca*noccb,nvirb*nvirb),
                   vtrilb[0]*nvirb+vtrilb[1], axis=1)
    vector = np.hstack((t1ab.ravel(), t1ba.ravel(),
                        baaa.ravel(), t2aaba[otrila].ravel(),
                        abbb.ravel(), t2bbab[otrilb].ravel()))
    return vector 
Example #7
Source File:    From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def my_ao2mo(mo):
        nao, nmo = mo.shape
        orbspin = mo.orbspin

#        eris = ao2mo.kernel(mygcc._scf._eri, mo_a + mo_b)
#        sym_forbid = (orbspin[:,None] != orbspin)[np.tril_indices(nmo)]
#        eris[sym_forbid,:] = 0
#        eris[:,sym_forbid] = 0
#        eris = ao2mo.restore(1, eris, nao)
#        return eris
        eris =(np.random.random((nmo,nmo,nmo,nmo)) +
               np.random.random((nmo,nmo,nmo,nmo)) * 1j)

        eris = eris + np.cos(eris)*1j
        eris = eris + eris.transpose(1, 0, 3, 2)
        eris = eris + eris.conj().transpose(2, 3, 0, 1)
        eris[orbspin[:,None] != orbspin] = 0
        eris[:,:,orbspin[:,None] != orbspin] = 0
        return eris 
Example #8
Source File:    From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def vector_to_amplitudes_eomsf(vector, nmo, nocc):
    nvir = nmo - nocc
    t1 = vector[:nocc*nvir].reshape(nocc,nvir).copy()
    pvec = vector[t1.size:]

    nbaaa = nocc*nocc*nvir*(nvir-1)//2
    naaba = nocc*(nocc-1)//2*nvir*nvir
    t2baaa = np.zeros((nocc*nocc,nvir*nvir), dtype=vector.dtype)
    t2aaba = np.zeros((nocc*nocc,nvir*nvir), dtype=vector.dtype)
    otril = np.tril_indices(nocc, k=-1)
    vtril = np.tril_indices(nvir, k=-1)

    v = pvec[:nbaaa].reshape(nocc*nocc,nvir*(nvir-1)//2)
    t2baaa[:,vtril[0]*nvir+vtril[1]] = v
    t2baaa[:,vtril[1]*nvir+vtril[0]] = -v

    v = pvec[nbaaa:nbaaa+naaba].reshape(-1,nvir*nvir)
    t2aaba[otril[0]*nocc+otril[1]] = v
    t2aaba[otril[1]*nocc+otril[0]] = -v

    t2baaa = t2baaa.reshape(nocc,nocc,nvir,nvir)
    t2aaba = t2aaba.reshape(nocc,nocc,nvir,nvir)
    return t1, (t2baaa, t2aaba) 
Example #9
Source File:    From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def update_l1l2(mf, t1, t2, l1, l2, orbspin):
    mol = mf.mol
    nao,nmo = mf.mo_coeff[0].shape
    nelec = mol.nelectron
    nso = nmo * 2
    hcore = mf.get_hcore()
    mo = np.zeros((nao,nso))
    mo[:,orbspin==0] = mf.mo_coeff[0]
    mo[:,orbspin==1] = mf.mo_coeff[1]
    h1e = reduce(, (mo.T, hcore, mo))
    h1e[orbspin[:,None]!=orbspin] = 0
    int2e = ao2mo.full(mf._eri, mo)
    sym_forbid = (orbspin[:,None] != orbspin)[np.tril_indices(nso)]
    int2e[sym_forbid] = 0
    int2e[:,sym_forbid] = 0
    int2e = ao2mo.restore(1, int2e, nso)
    int2e = int2e.transpose(0,2,1,3)
    int2e = int2e - int2e.transpose(0,1,3,2)
    mycc = ccsd(nso,nelec,h1e,int2e,h1e_is_fock=False)
    l1, l2 = update_l1l2_sub(mycc, t1, t2, l1, l2)

    return l1, l2 
Example #10
Source File:    From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def unpack_eri_2(eri, norb1, norb2):

    n_oo1 = norb1 * (norb1 + 1) // 2
    ind_oo1 = np.tril_indices(norb1)
    n_oo2 = norb2 * (norb2 + 1) // 2
    ind_oo2 = np.tril_indices(norb2)

    eri_ = None

    if len(eri.shape) == 2:
        if (eri.shape[0] != n_oo1 or eri.shape[1] != n_oo2):
            raise TypeError("ERI dimensions don't match")

        temp = np.zeros((n_oo1, norb2, norb2))
        temp[:, ind_oo2[0], ind_oo2[1]] = eri
        temp[:, ind_oo2[1], ind_oo2[0]] = eri
        eri_ = np.zeros((norb1, norb1, norb2, norb2))
        eri_[ind_oo1[0], ind_oo1[1]] = temp
        eri_[ind_oo1[1], ind_oo1[0]] = temp
            raise RuntimeError("ERI does not have a correct dimension")

    return eri_ 
Example #11
Source File:    From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_fill_k(self):
        fill = 'PBCnr3c_fill_ks2'
        out = run3c(fill, kband)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(finger(out), 6.6227481557912071-0.80306690266835279j, 9)

        out0 = run3c('PBCnr3c_fill_kks2', kband)
        idx = numpy.tril_indices(cell.nao_nr())
        self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(out0[0][idx], out[0]))
        self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(out0[2][idx], out[1]))

        fill = 'PBCnr3c_fill_ks1'
        out = run3c(fill, kband)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(finger(out), -14.883220617173009-3.9101277614911112j, 9)
        self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(out0[0], out[0]))
        self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(out0[2], out[1]))

        fill = 'PBCnr3c_fill_ks2'
        out = run3c(fill, numpy.zeros((1,3)))
        self.assertAlmostEqual(finger(out), -1.3258082818877739, 9) 
Example #12
Source File:    From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def amplitudes_to_cisdvec(c0, c1, c2):
    c1a, c1b = c1
    c2aa, c2ab, c2bb = c2
    nocca, nvira = c1a.shape
    noccb, nvirb = c1b.shape
    def trilidx(n):
        idx = numpy.tril_indices(n, -1)
        return idx[0] * n + idx[1]
    ooidxa = trilidx(nocca)
    vvidxa = trilidx(nvira)
    ooidxb = trilidx(noccb)
    vvidxb = trilidx(nvirb)
    size = (1, nocca*nvira, noccb*nvirb, nocca*noccb*nvira*nvirb,
            len(ooidxa)*len(vvidxa), len(ooidxb)*len(vvidxb))
    loc = numpy.cumsum(size)
    civec = numpy.empty(loc[-1], dtype=c2ab.dtype)
    civec[0] = c0
    civec[loc[0]:loc[1]] = c1a.ravel()
    civec[loc[1]:loc[2]] = c1b.ravel()
    civec[loc[2]:loc[3]] = c2ab.ravel()
    lib.take_2d(c2aa.reshape(nocca**2,nvira**2), ooidxa, vvidxa, out=civec[loc[3]:loc[4]])
    lib.take_2d(c2bb.reshape(noccb**2,nvirb**2), ooidxb, vvidxb, out=civec[loc[4]:loc[5]])
    return civec 
Example #13
Source File:    From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _exact_paaa(self, mo, u, out=None):
        nmo = mo.shape[1]
        ncore = self.ncore
        ncas = self.ncas
        nocc = ncore + ncas
        mo1 =, u)
        mo1_cas = mo1[:,ncore:nocc]
        mos = (mo1_cas, mo1_cas, mo1, mo1_cas)
        if self._scf._eri is None:
            aapa = ao2mo.general(self.mol, mos)
            aapa = ao2mo.general(self._scf._eri, mos)
        paaa = numpy.empty((nmo*ncas,ncas*ncas))
        buf = numpy.empty((ncas,ncas,nmo*ncas))
        for ij, (i, j) in enumerate(zip(*numpy.tril_indices(ncas))):
            buf[i,j] = buf[j,i] = aapa[ij]
        paaa = lib.transpose(buf.reshape(ncas*ncas,-1), out=out)
        return paaa.reshape(nmo,ncas,ncas,ncas) 
Example #14
Source File:    From recordlinkage with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_lower_triangular(self, index_class):

        # make an index for each dataframe with a new index name
        index_a = pd.Index(self.a.index, name='index')
        df_a = pd.DataFrame(self.a, index=index_a)
        pairs = index_class.index(df_a)

        # expected
        levels = [df_a.index.values, df_a.index.values]
        codes = np.tril_indices(len(df_a.index), k=-1)

        full_pairs = pd.MultiIndex(levels=levels,

        # all pairs are in the lower triangle of the matrix.
        assert len(pairs.difference(full_pairs)) == 0 
Example #15
Source File:    From nsf with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, features, using_cache=False, identity_init=True, eps=1e-3):
        super().__init__(features, using_cache)

        self.eps = eps

        self.lower_indices = np.tril_indices(features, k=-1)
        self.upper_indices = np.triu_indices(features, k=1)
        self.diag_indices = np.diag_indices(features)

        n_triangular_entries = ((features - 1) * features) // 2

        self.lower_entries = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(n_triangular_entries))
        self.upper_entries = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(n_triangular_entries))
        self.unconstrained_upper_diag = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(features))

Example #16
Source File:    From vnpy_crypto with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _initialize_error_cov_unstructured(self):
        # Initialize the parameters
        k_endog = self.k_endog
        self.parameters['error_cov'] = int(k_endog * (k_endog + 1) / 2)

        # Setup fixed components of state space matrices

        # Setup indices of state space matrices
        self._idx_lower_error_cov = np.tril_indices(self.k_endog)
        if self.error_order > 0:
            start = self.k_factors
            end = self.k_factors + self.k_endog
            self._idx_error_cov = (
                np.s_['state_cov', start:end, start:end])
            self._idx_error_cov = np.s_['obs_cov', :, :] 
Example #17
Source File:    From vnpy_crypto with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _helmert_contrast(self, levels):
        n = len(levels)
        #contr = np.eye(n - 1)
        #int_range = np.arange(n - 1., 1, -1)
        #denom = np.repeat(int_range, np.arange(n - 2, 0, -1))
        #contr[np.tril_indices(n - 1, -1)] = -1. / denom

        #contr = np.zeros((n - 1., n - 1))
        #int_range = np.arange(n, 1, -1)
        #denom = np.repeat(int_range[:-1], np.arange(n - 2, 0, -1))
        #contr[np.diag_indices(n - 1)] = (int_range - 1.) / int_range
        #contr[np.tril_indices(n - 1, -1)] = -1. / denom
        #contr = np.vstack((contr, -1./int_range))

        contr = np.zeros((n, n - 1))
        contr[1:][np.diag_indices(n - 1)] = np.arange(1, n)
        contr[np.triu_indices(n - 1)] = -1
        return contr 
Example #18
Source File:    From chainerrl with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _get_batch_non_diagonal_cpu(array):
    batch_size, m, n = array.shape
    assert m == n
    rows, cols = np.tril_indices(n, -1)
    return array[:, rows, cols] 
Example #19
Source File:    From chainerrl with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _non_diagonal_idx_array(batch_size, n):
    idx_offsets = np.arange(
        start=0, stop=batch_size * n * n, step=n * n, dtype=np.int32).reshape(
        (batch_size, 1))
    idx = np.ravel_multi_index(
        np.tril_indices(n, -1), (n, n)).reshape((1, -1)).astype(np.int32)
    return cuda.to_gpu(idx + idx_offsets) 
Example #20
Source File:    From chainerrl with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def check_forward(self, diag_data, non_diag_data):
        diag = chainer.Variable(diag_data)
        non_diag = chainer.Variable(non_diag_data)
        y = lower_triangular_matrix(diag, non_diag)

        correct_y = numpy.zeros(
            (self.batch_size, self.n, self.n), dtype=numpy.float32)

        tril_rows, tril_cols = numpy.tril_indices(self.n, -1)
        correct_y[:, tril_rows, tril_cols] = cuda.to_cpu(non_diag_data)

        diag_rows, diag_cols = numpy.diag_indices(self.n)
        correct_y[:, diag_rows, diag_cols] = cuda.to_cpu(diag_data)

        gradient_check.assert_allclose(correct_y, cuda.to_cpu(y.array)) 
Example #21
Source File:    From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def amplitudes_to_vector_singlet(r1, r2, kconserv):
    '''Transform 3- and 7-dimensional arrays, r1 and r2, to a 1-dimensional
    array with unique indices.

    For example:
        r1: t_{i k_i}^{a k_a}
        r2: t_{i k_i, j k_j}^{a k_a, b k_b}
        return: a vector with all r1 elements, and r2 elements whose indices
    satisfy (i k_i a k_a) >= (j k_j b k_b)
    cput0 = (time.clock(), time.time())
    log = logger.Logger(sys.stdout, logger.DEBUG)
    # r1 indices: k_i, i, a
    nkpts, nocc, nvir = np.asarray(r1.shape)[[0, 1, 2]]
    nov = nocc * nvir

    # r2 indices (old): k_i, k_J, k_a, i, J, a, B
    # r2 indices (new): (k_i, k_a), (k_J), (i, a), (J, B)
    r2 = r2.transpose(0,2,1,3,5,4,6).reshape(nkpts**2, nkpts, nov, nov)

    idx, idy = np.tril_indices(nov)
    nov2_tril = nov * (nov + 1) // 2
    nov2 = nov * nov

    vector = np.empty(r2.size, dtype=r2.dtype)
    offset = 0
    for ki, ka, kj in kpts_helper.loop_kkk(nkpts):
        kb = kconserv[ki, ka, kj]
        kika = ki * nkpts + ka
        kjkb = kj * nkpts + kb
        r2ovov = r2[kika, kj]
        if kika == kjkb:
            vector[offset:offset+nov2_tril] = r2ovov[idx, idy]
            offset += nov2_tril
        elif kika > kjkb:
            vector[offset:offset+nov2] = r2ovov.ravel()
            offset += nov2

    vector = np.hstack((r1.ravel(), vector[:offset]))
    log.timer("amplitudes_to_vector_singlet", *cput0)
    return vector 
Example #22
Source File:    From vnpy_crypto with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def initialize(self, model):

        super(GlobalOddsRatio, self).initialize(model)

        if self.model.weights is not None:
            warnings.warn("weights not implemented for GlobalOddsRatio "
                          "cov_struct, using unweighted covariance estimate",

        # Need to restrict to between-subject pairs
        cpp = []
        for v in model.endog_li:

            # Number of subjects in this group
            m = int(len(v) / self._ncut)
            i1, i2 = np.tril_indices(m, -1)

            cpp1 = {}
            for k1 in range(self._ncut):
                for k2 in range(k1 + 1):
                    jj = np.zeros((len(i1), 2), dtype=np.int64)
                    jj[:, 0] = i1 * self._ncut + k1
                    jj[:, 1] = i2 * self._ncut + k2
                    cpp1[(k2, k1)] = jj


        self.cpp = cpp

        # Initialize the dependence parameters
        self.crude_or = self.observed_crude_oddsratio()
        if self.model.update_dep:
            self.dep_params = self.crude_or 
Example #23
Source File:    From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def uniq_var_indices(self, nmo, ncore, ncas, frozen):
        nocc = ncore + ncas
        mask = numpy.zeros((nmo,nmo),dtype=bool)
        mask[ncore:nocc,:ncore] = True
        mask[nocc:,:nocc] = True
        if self.internal_rotation:
            mask[ncore:nocc,ncore:nocc][numpy.tril_indices(ncas,-1)] = True
        if frozen is not None:
            if isinstance(frozen, (int, numpy.integer)):
                mask[:frozen] = mask[:,:frozen] = False
                frozen = numpy.asarray(frozen)
                mask[frozen] = mask[:,frozen] = False
        return mask 
Example #24
Source File:    From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def grad_elec(cigrad, civec=None, eris=None, atmlst=None, verbose=logger.INFO):
    myci = cigrad.base
    if civec is None: civec =
    nocc = myci.nocc
    nmo = myci.nmo
    d1 = ucisd._gamma1_intermediates(myci, civec, nmo, nocc)
    d2 = ucisd._gamma2_intermediates(myci, civec, nmo, nocc)
    dovov, dovOV, dOVov, dOVOV = d2[0]
    dvvvv, dvvVV, dVVvv, dVVVV = d2[1]
    doooo, dooOO, dOOoo, dOOOO = d2[2]
    doovv, dooVV, dOOvv, dOOVV = d2[3]
    dovvo, dovVO, dOVvo, dOVVO = d2[4]
    dvvov, dvvOV, dVVov, dVVOV = d2[5]
    dovvv, dovVV, dOVvv, dOVVV = d2[6]
    dooov, dooOV, dOOov, dOOOV = d2[7]
    nocca, nvira, noccb, nvirb = dovOV.shape

    dvvvv = dvvvv + dvvvv.transpose(1,0,2,3)
    dvvvv = ao2mo.restore(4, dvvvv, nvira) * .5
    dvvVV = dvvVV + dvvVV.transpose(1,0,2,3)
    dvvVV = lib.pack_tril(dvvVV[numpy.tril_indices(nvira)]) * .5
    dVVVV = dVVVV + dVVVV.transpose(1,0,2,3)
    dVVVV = ao2mo.restore(4, dVVVV, nvirb) * .5

    d2 = ((dovov, dovOV, dOVov, dOVOV),
          (dvvvv, dvvVV, dVVvv, dVVVV),
          (doooo, dooOO, dOOoo, dOOOO),
          (doovv, dooVV, dOOvv, dOOVV),
          (dovvo, dovVO, dOVvo, dOVVO),
          (dvvov, dvvOV, dVVov, dVVOV),
          (dovvv, dovVV, dOVvv, dOVVV),
          (dooov, dooOV, dOOov, dOOOV))
    t1 = t2 = l1 = l2 = civec
    return uccsd_grad.grad_elec(cigrad, t1, t2, l1, l2, eris, atmlst,
                                d1, d2, verbose) 
Example #25
Source File:    From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def writeIntegralFile(DMRGCI, h1eff, eri_cas, ncas, nelec, ecore=0):
    if isinstance(nelec, (int, numpy.integer)):
        neleca = nelec//2 + nelec%2
        nelecb = nelec - neleca
    else :
        neleca, nelecb = nelec

    # The name of the FCIDUMP file, default is "FCIDUMP".
    integralFile = os.path.join(DMRGCI.runtimeDir, DMRGCI.integralFile)
    if DMRGCI.groupname is not None and DMRGCI.orbsym is not []:
# First removing the symmetry forbidden integrals. This has been done using
# the pyscf internal irrep-IDs (stored in DMRGCI.orbsym)
        orbsym = numpy.asarray(DMRGCI.orbsym) % 10
        pair_irrep = (orbsym.reshape(-1,1) ^ orbsym)[numpy.tril_indices(ncas)]
        sym_forbid = pair_irrep.reshape(-1,1) != pair_irrep.ravel()
        eri_cas = ao2mo.restore(4, eri_cas, ncas)
        eri_cas[sym_forbid] = 0
        eri_cas = ao2mo.restore(8, eri_cas, ncas)
       #orbsym = numpy.asarray(dmrg_sym.convert_orbsym(DMRGCI.groupname, DMRGCI.orbsym))
       #eri_cas = pyscf.ao2mo.restore(8, eri_cas, ncas)
# Then convert the pyscf internal irrep-ID to molpro irrep-ID
        orbsym = numpy.asarray(dmrg_sym.convert_orbsym(DMRGCI.groupname, orbsym))
        orbsym = []
        eri_cas = ao2mo.restore(8, eri_cas, ncas)
    if not os.path.exists(DMRGCI.scratchDirectory):
    if not os.path.exists(DMRGCI.runtimeDir):

    tools.fcidump.from_integrals(integralFile, h1eff, eri_cas, ncas,
                                 neleca+nelecb, ecore, ms=abs(neleca-nelecb),
    return integralFile 
Example #26
Source File:    From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def amplitudes_to_vector_ip(r1, r2, kshift, kconserv):
    r1a, r1b = r1
    r2aaa, r2baa, r2abb, r2bbb = r2
    nkpts = r2aaa.shape[0]
    nocca, noccb = r1a.shape[0], r1b.shape[0]
    nvira, nvirb = r2aaa.shape[-1], r2bbb.shape[-1]
    # From symmetry for aaa and bbb terms, only store lower
    # triangular part (ki,i) < (kj,j)
    idxa, idya = np.tril_indices(nkpts*nocca, -1)
    idxb, idyb = np.tril_indices(nkpts*noccb, -1)
    r2aaa = r2aaa.transpose(0,2,1,3,4).reshape(nkpts*nocca,nkpts*nocca,nvira)
    r2bbb = r2bbb.transpose(0,2,1,3,4).reshape(nkpts*noccb,nkpts*noccb,nvirb)
    return np.hstack((r1a, r1b, r2aaa[idxa,idya].ravel(),
                      r2baa.ravel(), r2abb.ravel(),
Example #27
Source File:    From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def writeIntegralFile(shciobj, h1eff, eri_cas, ncas, nelec, ecore=0):
    if isinstance(nelec, (int, numpy.integer)):
        if shciobj.spin is None:
            nelecb = nelec // 2
            nelecb = (nelec - shciobj.spin) // 2
        neleca = nelec - nelecb
    else :
        neleca, nelecb = nelec

    if shciobj.groupname is not None and shciobj.orbsym is not []:
# First removing the symmetry forbidden integrals. This has been done using
# the pyscf internal irrep-IDs (stored in shciobj.orbsym)
        orbsym = numpy.asarray(shciobj.orbsym) % 10
        pair_irrep = (orbsym.reshape(-1,1) ^ orbsym)[numpy.tril_indices(ncas)]
        sym_forbid = pair_irrep.reshape(-1,1) != pair_irrep.ravel()
        eri_cas = ao2mo.restore(4, eri_cas, ncas)
        eri_cas[sym_forbid] = 0
        eri_cas = ao2mo.restore(8, eri_cas, ncas)
        # Convert the pyscf internal irrep-ID to molpro irrep-ID
        orbsym = numpy.asarray(symmetry.convert_orbsym(shciobj.groupname, orbsym))
        orbsym = []
        eri_cas = ao2mo.restore(8, eri_cas, ncas)

    if not os.path.exists(shciobj.runtimedir):

    # The name of the FCIDUMP file, default is "FCIDUMP".
    integralFile = os.path.join(shciobj.runtimedir, shciobj.integralfile)
    tools.fcidump.from_integrals(integralFile, h1eff, eri_cas, ncas,
                                 neleca+nelecb, ecore, ms=abs(neleca-nelecb),
    return integralFile 
Example #28
Source File:    From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def square_mat_in_trilu_indices(n):
    '''Return a n x n symmetric index matrix, in which the elements are the
    indices of the unique elements of a tril vector
    [0 1 3 ... ]
    [1 2 4 ... ]
    [3 4 5 ... ]
    [...       ]
    idx = numpy.tril_indices(n)
    tril2sq = numpy.zeros((n,n), dtype=int)
    tril2sq[idx[0],idx[1]] = tril2sq[idx[1],idx[0]] = numpy.arange(n*(n+1)//2)
    return tril2sq 
Example #29
Source File:    From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_fill_auxe2(self):
        eriref = numpy.empty((nao,nao,nao))
        ip = 0
        for i in range(mol.nbas):
            jp = 0
            for j in range(mol.nbas):
                kp = 0
                for k in range(mol.nbas):
                    buf = gto.moleintor.getints_by_shell('cint3c2e_sph', (i,j,k),
                                                         c_atm, c_bas, c_env, 1)
                    di,dj,dk = buf.shape
                    eriref[ip:ip+di,jp:jp+dj,kp:kp+dk] = buf
                    kp += dk
                jp += dj
            ip += di

        intor = getattr(libri1, 'cint3c2e_sph')
        r_atm = numpy.vstack((c_atm, c_atm))
        r_bas = numpy.vstack((c_bas, c_bas))
        fdrv = getattr(libri1, 'RInr_3c2e_auxe2_drv')

        fill = getattr(libri1, 'RIfill_s1_auxe2')
        eri1 = numpy.empty((nao,nao,nao))
        fdrv(intor, fill,
             ctypes.c_int(0), nbas, nbas, nbas, ctypes.c_int(1), cintopt,
             r_atm.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), natm,
             r_bas.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), nbas,
        self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(eriref, eri1))

        fill = getattr(libri1, 'RIfill_s2ij_auxe2')
        eri1 = numpy.empty((naopair,nao))
        fdrv(intor, fill,
             ctypes.c_int(0), nbas, nbas, nbas, ctypes.c_int(1), cintopt,
             r_atm.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), natm,
             r_bas.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), nbas,
        idx = numpy.tril_indices(nao)
        self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(eriref[idx[0],idx[1]], eri1)) 
Example #30
Source File:    From recordlinkage with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _dedup_index(self, df_a):

        levels = [df_a.index.values, df_a.index.values]
        codes = numpy.tril_indices(len(df_a.index), k=-1)

        return pandas.MultiIndex(
            levels=levels, codes=codes, verify_integrity=False)