Python torch.sign() Examples

The following are 30 code examples of torch.sign(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module torch , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From Pytorch_Quantize_impls with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def exp_deriv_WQR(x, kapa, gamma=2, init=0.25/2, size=5):
    res = torch.zeros_like(x)

    res -= kapa*(torch.sign(x)*torch.abs(x-(init)) + torch.abs(x)) *\
           (x>0).float()*(x<   ((init+init*gamma)/2) ).float()

    res -= kapa*(torch.sign(x)*torch.abs(x+init) + -1*torch.abs(x)) *\
           (x<0).float()*(x<   ((-init-init*gamma)/2) ).float()

    cur = init
    for _ in range(size-1):
        previous = cur
        cur *=gamma
        res -= kapa*(torch.sign(x)*torch.abs(x-cur) + torch.abs(x) ) *(x > (cur + previous) / 2).float()*(x < (cur+cur*gamma)/2).float()
        res -= kapa*(torch.sign(x)*torch.abs(x+cur) + torch.abs(x) ) *(x < (-cur - previous) / 2).float()*(x > (-cur-cur*gamma)/2).float()
    return res 
Example #2
Source File:    From audio with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def mu_law_decoding(
        x_mu: Tensor,
        quantization_channels: int
) -> Tensor:
    r"""Decode mu-law encoded signal.  For more info see the
    `Wikipedia Entry <>`_

    This expects an input with values between 0 and quantization_channels - 1
    and returns a signal scaled between -1 and 1.

        x_mu (Tensor): Input tensor
        quantization_channels (int): Number of channels

        Tensor: Input after mu-law decoding
    mu = quantization_channels - 1.0
    if not x_mu.is_floating_point():
        x_mu =
    mu = torch.tensor(mu, dtype=x_mu.dtype)
    x = ((x_mu) / mu) * 2 - 1.0
    x = torch.sign(x) * (torch.exp(torch.abs(x) * torch.log1p(mu)) - 1.0) / mu
    return x 
Example #3
Source File:    From audio with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def mu_law_encoding(
        x: Tensor,
        quantization_channels: int
) -> Tensor:
    r"""Encode signal based on mu-law companding.  For more info see the
    `Wikipedia Entry <>`_

    This algorithm assumes the signal has been scaled to between -1 and 1 and
    returns a signal encoded with values from 0 to quantization_channels - 1.

        x (Tensor): Input tensor
        quantization_channels (int): Number of channels

        Tensor: Input after mu-law encoding
    mu = quantization_channels - 1.0
    if not x.is_floating_point():
        x =
    mu = torch.tensor(mu, dtype=x.dtype)
    x_mu = torch.sign(x) * torch.log1p(mu * torch.abs(x)) / torch.log1p(mu)
    x_mu = ((x_mu + 1) / 2 * mu + 0.5).to(torch.int64)
    return x_mu 
Example #4
Source File:    From affnet with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def invSqrt(a,b,c):
    eps = 1e-12 
    mask = (b !=  0)
    r1 = mask * (c - a) / (2. * b + eps)
    t1 = np.sign(r1) / (np.abs(r1) + np.sqrt(1. + r1*r1));
    r = 1.0 / np.sqrt( 1. + t1*t1)
    t = t1*r;
    r = r * mask + 1.0 * (1.0 - mask);
    t = t * mask;
    x = 1. / np.sqrt( r*r*a - 2*r*t*b + t*t*c)
    z = 1. / np.sqrt( t*t*a + 2*r*t*b + r*r*c)
    d = np.sqrt( x * z)
    x = x / d
    z = z / d
    new_a = r*r*x + t*t*z
    new_b = -r*t*x + t*r*z
    new_c = t*t*x + r*r *z

    return new_a, new_b, new_c 
Example #5
Source File:    From SlowFast-Network-pytorch with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def lp_pool2d(input, norm_type, kernel_size, stride=None, ceil_mode=False):
    # type: (Tensor, float, int, Optional[BroadcastingList2[int]], bool) -> Tensor
    r"""Applies a 2D power-average pooling over an input signal composed of
    several input planes. If the sum of all inputs to the power of `p` is
    zero, the gradient is set to zero as well.

    See :class:`~torch.nn.LPPool2d` for details.
    kw, kh = utils._pair(kernel_size)
    if stride is not None:
        stride = torch.jit._unwrap_optional(stride)
        out = avg_pool2d(input.pow(norm_type), kernel_size, stride, 0, ceil_mode)
        out = avg_pool2d(input.pow(norm_type), kernel_size, padding=0, ceil_mode=ceil_mode)

    return (torch.sign(out) * relu(torch.abs(out))).mul(kw * kh).pow(1. / norm_type) 
Example #6
Source File:    From ME-Net with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def forward(self, inputs, targets):
        if not args.attack:
            return self.model(inputs), inputs

        x = inputs.detach()
        if self.rand:
            x = x + torch.zeros_like(x).uniform_(-self.epsilon, self.epsilon)
        for i in range(self.num_steps):
            with torch.enable_grad():
                logits = self.model(x)
                loss = F.cross_entropy(logits, targets, size_average=False)
            grad = torch.autograd.grad(loss, [x])[0]
            # print(grad)
            x = x.detach() + self.step_size * torch.sign(grad.detach())
            x = torch.min(torch.max(x, inputs - self.epsilon), inputs + self.epsilon)
            x = torch.clamp(x, 0, 1)

        return self.model(x), x 
Example #7
Source File:    From affnet with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def invSqrtTorch(a,b,c):
    eps = 1e-12
    mask = (b != 0).float()
    r1 = mask * (c - a) / (2. * b + eps)
    t1 = torch.sign(r1) / (torch.abs(r1) + torch.sqrt(1. + r1*r1));
    r = 1.0 / torch.sqrt( 1. + t1*t1)
    t = t1*r;
    r = r * mask + 1.0 * (1.0 - mask);
    t = t * mask;

    x = 1. / torch.sqrt( r*r*a - 2.0*r*t*b + t*t*c)
    z = 1. / torch.sqrt( t*t*a + 2.0*r*t*b + r*r*c)

    d = torch.sqrt( x * z)

    x = x / d
    z = z / d

    new_a = r*r*x + t*t*z
    new_b = -r*t*x + t*r*z
    new_c = t*t*x + r*r *z

    return new_a, new_b, new_c, 
Example #8
Source File:    From affnet with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def invSqrtTorch(a,b,c):
    eps = 1e-12
    mask = (b != 0).float()
    r1 = mask * (c - a) / (2. * b + eps)
    t1 = torch.sign(r1) / (torch.abs(r1) + torch.sqrt(1. + r1*r1));
    r = 1.0 / torch.sqrt( 1. + t1*t1)
    t = t1*r;
    r = r * mask + 1.0 * (1.0 - mask);
    t = t * mask;

    x = 1. / torch.sqrt( r*r*a - 2.0*r*t*b + t*t*c)
    z = 1. / torch.sqrt( t*t*a + 2.0*r*t*b + r*r*c)

    d = torch.sqrt( x * z)

    x = x / d
    z = z / d

    new_a = r*r*x + t*t*z
    new_b = -r*t*x + t*r*z
    new_c = t*t*x + r*r *z

    return new_a, new_b, new_c, 
Example #9
Source File:    From affnet with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def invSqrtTorch(a,b,c):
    eps = 1e-12
    mask = (b != 0).float()
    r1 = mask * (c - a) / (2. * b + eps)
    t1 = torch.sign(r1) / (torch.abs(r1) + torch.sqrt(1. + r1*r1));
    r = 1.0 / torch.sqrt( 1. + t1*t1)
    t = t1*r;
    r = r * mask + 1.0 * (1.0 - mask);
    t = t * mask;

    x = 1. / torch.sqrt( r*r*a - 2.0*r*t*b + t*t*c)
    z = 1. / torch.sqrt( t*t*a + 2.0*r*t*b + r*r*c)

    d = torch.sqrt( x * z)

    x = x / d
    z = z / d

    new_a = r*r*x + t*t*z
    new_b = -r*t*x + t*r*z
    new_c = t*t*x + r*r *z

    return new_a, new_b, new_c, 
Example #10
Source File:    From blow with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self,in_channel):




Example #11
Source File:    From ME-Net with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def forward(self, inputs, targets):
        if not args.attack:
            return self.model(inputs), inputs

        x = inputs.detach()
        if self.rand:
            x = x + torch.zeros_like(x).uniform_(-self.epsilon, self.epsilon)
        for i in range(self.num_steps):
            with torch.enable_grad():
                logits = self.model(x)
                loss = F.cross_entropy(logits, targets, size_average=False)
            grad = torch.autograd.grad(loss, [x])[0]
            # print(grad)
            x = x.detach() + self.step_size * torch.sign(grad.detach())
            x = torch.min(torch.max(x, inputs - self.epsilon), inputs + self.epsilon)
            x = torch.clamp(x, 0, 1)

        return self.model(x), x 
Example #12
Source File:    From affnet with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def invSqrt(a,b,c):
    eps = 1e-12 
    mask = (b !=  0)
    r1 = mask * (c - a) / (2. * b + eps)
    t1 = np.sign(r1) / (np.abs(r1) + np.sqrt(1. + r1*r1));
    r = 1.0 / np.sqrt( 1. + t1*t1)
    t = t1*r;
    r = r * mask + 1.0 * (1.0 - mask);
    t = t * mask;
    x = 1. / np.sqrt( r*r*a - 2*r*t*b + t*t*c)
    z = 1. / np.sqrt( t*t*a + 2*r*t*b + r*r*c)
    d = np.sqrt( x * z)
    x = x / d
    z = z / d
    new_a = r*r*x + t*t*z
    new_b = -r*t*x + t*r*z
    new_c = t*t*x + r*r *z

    return new_a, new_b, new_c 
Example #13
Source File:    From DeepRobust with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def BPDA_attack(image,target, model, step_size = 1., iterations = 10, linf=False, transform_func=identity_transform):
    target = label2tensor(target)
    adv = image.detach().numpy()
    adv = torch.from_numpy(adv)
    for _ in range(iterations):
        adv_def = transform_func(adv)
        l2 = nn.MSELoss()
        loss = l2(0, adv_def)
        g = get_cw_grad(adv_def, image, target, model)
        if linf:
            g = torch.sign(g)
        adv = adv.detach().numpy() - step_size * g.numpy()
        adv = clip_bound(adv)
        adv = torch.from_numpy(adv)
        if linf:
            print('label', torch.argmax(model(adv)), 'linf', torch.max(torch.abs(adv - image)).detach().numpy())
            print('label', torch.argmax(model(adv)), 'l2', l2_norm(adv, image))
    return adv.detach().numpy() 
Example #14
Source File:    From Pytorch_Quantize_impls with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_LinQuant_forward(fsr, bit_width, inputs):
    op1 =  LogQuant(fsr=fsr, bit_width=bit_width, with_sign=False, lin_back=True)
    expected1 = torch.pow(torch.ones_like(inputs)*2, torch.clamp(torch.round(torch.log2(torch.abs(inputs))), fsr-2**bit_width ,fsr )) 

    assert equals(

    op2 =  LogQuant(fsr=fsr, bit_width=bit_width, with_sign=True, lin_back=True)
    expected2 = torch.sign(inputs)*torch.pow(torch.ones_like(inputs)*2, torch.clamp(torch.round(torch.log2(torch.abs(inputs))), fsr-2**bit_width ,fsr )) 

    assert equals(
Example #15
Source File:    From HessianFlow with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def fgsm(model, data, target, eps, cuda = True):
    """Generate an adversarial pertubation using the fast gradient sign method.

        data: input image to perturb
    if cuda:
        data, target = data.cuda(), target.cuda()
    data.requires_grad = True
    output = model(data)
    loss = F.cross_entropy(output, target)
    loss.backward(create_graph = False)
    pertubation = eps * torch.sign(
    x_fgsm = + pertubation
    X_adv = torch.clamp(x_fgsm, torch.min(, torch.max(

    return X_adv.cpu() 
Example #16
Source File:    From Pytorch_Quantize_impls with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_LogQuant_forward(fsr, bit_width, inputs):
    op1 =  LinQuant(fsr=fsr, bit_width=bit_width, with_sign=False, lin_back=True)
    op2 =  LinQuant(fsr=fsr, bit_width=bit_width, with_sign=True, lin_back=True)

    # Clip(Round(x/step)*step,0,2^(FSR)) with step = 2^{FSR-bitwight}
    step =  torch.FloatTensor([2]).pow(fsr-bit_width)
    expected1 = torch.clamp(torch.round(inputs/step)*step, 0,2**fsr)  
    assert equals(

    expected2 = torch.sign(inputs)*torch.clamp(torch.round(torch.abs(inputs)/step)*step, 0,2**fsr)  

    assert equals(
Example #17
Source File:    From rltime with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _vf_unscale(self, scaled_x):
        """Computes the inverse of _vf_scale(x), if vf-rescaling is enabled"""
        if not self.vf_scale_epsilon:
            return scaled_x

        # We need double() otherwise we lose too much precision for low eps
        # values such as 1e-3, due to the eps**2 terms
        scaled_x = scaled_x.double()
        abs_scaled_x = torch.abs(scaled_x)
        eps = self.vf_scale_epsilon
        # TODO: Can this be simplified somehow?
        x = abs_scaled_x / eps - (
                (1 / (2. * (eps**2))) *
                    4 * self.vf_scale_epsilon*abs_scaled_x +
                    (2. * eps + 1)**2)
            ) + \
            (2. * eps + 1) / (2. * (eps ** 2))
        x *= torch.sign(scaled_x)

        # SANITY CHECK to make sure the inverse is working, enable only to
        # test this function
        # assert(torch.all(torch.abs(scaled_x - self._vf_scale(x))<1e-5)), ("_vf_unscale() sanity failed:",(scaled_x, self._vf_scale(x)),(scaled_x == self._vf_scale(x)))

        return x.float() 
Example #18
Source File:    From dynamic-reparameterization with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def prune_sign_change(self,reinitialize_unused_to_zero = True,enable_print = False):
        W_flat =

        new_tensor_sign = torch.sign(W_flat)
        mask_flat = self.mask.view(-1)        
        mask_indices = torch.nonzero(mask_flat > 0.5).view(-1)
        sign_change_indices = mask_indices[((new_tensor_sign[mask_indices] * self.tensor_sign[mask_indices].to(new_tensor_sign.device)) < -0.5).nonzero().view(-1)]
        mask_flat[sign_change_indices] = 0

        cutoff = sign_change_indices.numel()
        if enable_print:
            print('pruned {}  connections'.format(cutoff))
        if self.grown_indices is not None and enable_print:
            overlap = np.intersect1d(sign_change_indices.cpu().numpy(),self.grown_indices.cpu().numpy())
            print('pruned {} ({} %) just grown weights'.format(overlap.size,overlap.size * 100.0 / self.grown_indices.size(0) if self.grown_indices.size(0) > 0  else 0.0))
        self.tensor_sign = new_tensor_sign
        return sign_change_indices 
Example #19
Source File:    From Pytorch_Quantize_impls with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def Quant(input, dtype="lin", fsr=7, bit_width=3, with_sign=True, lin_back=True):
    Apply a quantization with backprob support on input tensor.
    :param dtype: Use \'lin\' or \'log\' method.
    :param fsr: Max value of the output.
    :param bit_width:  Numbers of bits on this quant op.
    :param with_sign: Add a sign bit to quant op.
    :param lin_back: Use linear back propagation or a quantized gradient.
    if dtype=="lin":
        return LinQuant(fsr=fsr,bit_width=bit_width,with_sign=with_sign, lin_back=lin_back).apply(input)
    elif dtype=="log":
        return LogQuant(fsr=fsr,bit_width=bit_width,with_sign=with_sign, lin_back=lin_back).apply(input)
        raise RuntimeError("Only \'log\' and \'lin\' dtype are supported !") 
Example #20
Source File:    From Pytorch_Quantize_impls with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def nnQuant(dtype="lin", fsr=7, bit_width=3, with_sign=True, lin_back=True):
    Return a Torch Module fronter with Quantization op inside. Suport Lin and Log quantization.

    :param dtype: Use \'lin\' or \'log\' method.
    :param fsr: Max value of the output.
    :param bit_width:  Numbers of bits on this quant op.
    :param with_sign: Add a sign bit to quant op.
    :param lin_back: Use linear back propagation or a quantized gradient.

    if dtype == "lin":
        return front(LinQuant(fsr=fsr, bit_width=bit_width, with_sign=with_sign, lin_back=lin_back))
    elif dtype=="log":
        return front(LogQuant(fsr=fsr, bit_width=bit_width, with_sign=with_sign, lin_back=lin_back))
        raise RuntimeError("Only \'log\' and \'lin\' dtype are supported !") 
Example #21
Source File:    From autonomous-learning-library with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def forward(self, input):
        if not
            return F.linear(input, self.weight, self.bias)

        torch.randn(self.epsilon_input.size(), out=self.epsilon_input)
        torch.randn(self.epsilon_output.size(), out=self.epsilon_output)

        func = lambda x: torch.sign(x) * torch.sqrt(torch.abs(x))
        eps_in = func(self.epsilon_input)
        eps_out = func(self.epsilon_output)

        bias = self.bias
        if bias is not None:
            bias = bias + self.sigma_bias * eps_out.t()
        noise_v = torch.mul(eps_in, eps_out)
        return F.linear(input, self.weight + self.sigma_weight * noise_v, bias) 
Example #22
Source File:    From Pytorch_Quantize_impls with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _quantOpXnor2d(kernel_size, stride=1, padding=1, dilation=1, groups=1, form="NCHW"):
    if not form in ["NHWC", "NCHW"]:
        raise RuntimeError("Input form insupported ")

    if type(kernel_size) !=int:
        raise RuntimeError("Only int kernel_size supported (square kernel)")

    class _QuantXNOR2d(torch.autograd.Function):
        def forward(ctx, input):
            input_mean_channel = torch.mean(input, 1, keepdim=True)
            kernel = torch.ones(1, 1,kernel_size, kernel_size).to(input.device)
            input_mean = torch.nn.functional.conv2d(input_mean_channel,kernel ,bias=False,stride=1, padding=1, dilation=1, groups=1)
            input_mean.require_grad = False
            ctx.save_for_backward(input, input_mean)
            return torch.sign(input)*input_mean

        def backward(ctx, grad_outputs):
            raise NotImplementedError("Conv XNor net not implemented !") 
Example #23
Source File:    From CU-Net with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def quantizeConvParams(self):
        for index in range(self.num_of_params):
            if bitsW == 1:
              n = self.target_modules[index].data[0].nelement()
              s = self.target_modules[index].data.size()
              m = self.target_modules[index].data.norm(1, 3)\
              m = Q(m, bitsG)     
                      .mul(m, out=self.target_modules[index].data)
            if bitsW == 2:
              w = self.target_modules[index].data
              n = self.target_modules[index].data[0].nelement()
              s = self.target_modules[index].data.size()
              d = self.target_modules[index].data.norm(1, 3)\
              wt = w
              for col in range(s[0]):
                  d_col = d[col,0,0,0]
                  wt_neg = w[col,:,:,:].lt(-1.0 * d_col).float().mul(-1)
                  wt_pos = w[col,:,:,:].gt(1.0  * d_col).float()
                  wt[col,:,:,:] = wt_pos.add(wt_neg)
              wt.mul(1, out=self.target_modules[index].data)        
              self.target_modules[index].data = Q(C(self.target_modules[index].data, bitsW), bitsW) 
Example #24
Source File:    From CU-Net with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def updateQuanGradWeight(self):
        for index in range(self.num_of_params):
          if bitsW == 1:
              weight = self.target_modules[index].data
              n = weight[0].nelement()
              s = weight.size()
              m = weight.norm(1, 3)\
              m[] = 0 
              m[] = 0
              m = Q(m, bitsG)
              m = m.mul(self.target_modules[index]
              m_add = weight.sign().mul(self.target_modules[index]
              m_add = m_add.sum(3)\
              m_add = m_add.mul(weight.sign())
              self.target_modules[index] = m.add(m_add).mul(1.0-1.0/s[1]).mul(n)
              self.target_modules[index] = Q(C(self.target_modules[index], bitsG), bitsG)
              self.target_modules[index] = Q(C(self.target_modules[index], bitsG), bitsG) 
Example #25
Source File:    From Pytorch_Quantize_impls with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _quantOpXnor(dim=1):
    class _QuantXNOR(torch.autograd.Function):
        def forward(ctx, input):
            mean = torch.mean(input) if dim<0 else torch.mean(input, dim)
            ctx.save_for_backward(input, mean)
            if dim<0:
                return torch.sign(input)*mean
                form_mean = {0 : (1,-1), 1 : (-1,1)}[dim]
                return torch.sign(input)*mean.view(form_mean)
        def backward(ctx, grad_outputs):
            input, mean = ctx.saved_tensors
            sgn_input = torch.sign(input)
            if dim<0:
                return sgn_input*torch.mean(grad_outputs*sgn_input) + grad_outputs*mean
            form_mean = {0 : (1,-1), 1 : (-1,1)}[dim]

            return sgn_input*torch.mean( grad_outputs*sgn_input, dim ,keepdim=True) + grad_outputs*mean.view(form_mean).expand(input.size())
    return _QuantXNOR 
Example #26
Source File:    From CU-Net with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def quantizeConvParams(self):
        for index in range(self.num_of_params):
            if bitsW == 1:
              n = self.target_modules[index].data[0].nelement()
              s = self.target_modules[index].data.size()
              m = self.target_modules[index].data.norm(1, 3, True)\
                      .sum(2, True).sum(1, True).div(n).expand(s)
              m = Q(m, bitsG)     
              self.target_modules[index].data = self.target_modules[index].data.sign()\
            if bitsW == 2:
              w = self.target_modules[index].data
              n = self.target_modules[index].data[0].nelement()
              s = self.target_modules[index].data.size()
              d = self.target_modules[index].data.norm(1, 3, True)\
                      .sum(2, True).sum(1, True).div(n).mul(0.7)
              wt = w
              for col in range(s[0]):
                  d_col = d[col,0,0,0]
                  wt_neg = w[col,:,:,:].lt(-1.0 * d_col).float().mul(-1)
                  wt_pos = w[col,:,:,:].gt(1.0  * d_col).float()
                  wt[col,:,:,:] = wt_pos.add(wt_neg)
              self.target_modules[index].data = wt.mul(1)        
              self.target_modules[index].data = Q(C(self.target_modules[index].data, bitsW), bitsW) 
Example #27
Source File:    From pytorch_DoReFaNet with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def uniform_quantize(k):
  class qfn(torch.autograd.Function):

    def forward(ctx, input):
      if k == 32:
        out = input
      elif k == 1:
        out = torch.sign(input)
        n = float(2 ** k - 1)
        out = torch.round(input * n) / n
      return out

    def backward(ctx, grad_output):
      grad_input = grad_output.clone()
      return grad_input

  return qfn().apply 
Example #28
Source File:    From Pytorch_Quantize_impls with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def XNORConv2d(dim=[0,1], quant_input=False,  stride=1, padding=1, dilation=1, groups=1):
    # TODO backprob input quant
    class _XNORConv2d(torch.autograd.Function):
        def forward(ctx, input, weight, bias=None):
            mean_weight = torch.mean(torch.abs(weight), dim, keepdim=True)
            weight_b = torch.sign(weight)*mean_weight
            if quant_input:
                input = torch.sign(input) *torch.mean(torch.abs(input), 1, keepdim=True)
            ctx.save_for_backward(input, weight, mean_weight, bias)
            output = torch.nn.functional.conv2d(input, weight_b, bias=bias, stride=stride, padding=padding, dilation=dilation, groups=groups)
            return output

        def backward(ctx, grad_output):
            input, weight, mean, bias = ctx.saved_tensors

            weight_b = torch.sign(weight)*mean
            grad_input = grad_weight = grad_bias = None

            if ctx.needs_input_grad[0]:
                grad_input = torch.nn.grad.conv2d_input(input.size(), weight_b, grad_output, stride=stride, padding=padding, dilation=dilation, groups=groups)
            if ctx.needs_input_grad[1]:
                grad_weight_temp = torch.nn.grad.conv2d_weight(input, weight.shape, grad_output, stride=stride, padding=padding, dilation=dilation, groups=groups)
                grad_weight = mean*grad_weight_temp +torch.sign(weight) * torch.mean(grad_weight_temp*torch.sign(weight) , DIM, keepdim=True)

            if bias is not None and ctx.needs_input_grad[2]:
                grad_bias = grad_output.sum(0).squeeze(0).sum(1).squeeze(1).sum(-1).squeeze(-1)

            if bias is not None:
                return grad_input, grad_weight, grad_bias
                return grad_input, grad_weight  

    return _XNORConv2d 
Example #29
Source File:    From affnet with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def invSqrt(self,a,b,c):
        eps = 1e-12
        mask = (b != 0).float()
        r1 = mask * (c - a) / (2. * b + eps)
        t1 = torch.sign(r1) / (torch.abs(r1) + torch.sqrt(1. + r1*r1));
        r = 1.0 / torch.sqrt( 1. + t1*t1)
        t = t1*r;
        r = r * mask + 1.0 * (1.0 - mask);
        t = t * mask;
        x = 1. / torch.sqrt( r*r*a - 2.0*r*t*b + t*t*c)
        z = 1. / torch.sqrt( t*t*a + 2.0*r*t*b + r*r*c)
        d = torch.sqrt( x * z)
        x = x / d
        z = z / d
        l1 = torch.max(x,z)
        l2 = torch.min(x,z)
        new_a = r*r*x + t*t*z
        new_b = -r*t*x + t*r*z
        new_c = t*t*x + r*r *z

        return new_a, new_b, new_c, l1, l2 
Example #30
Source File:    From Pytorch_Quantize_impls with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def XNORDense(dim=[0,1]):
        Return a XNOR Dense op with backprob. Apply a binarization on Weight only with a reduct mean.
        Wi_b = sign(W)*mean(|Wi|) with mean compute along dim given.
    class _XNORDense(torch.autograd.Function):
        Applies a linear transformation to the incoming data: y=W_b.x+b
        With W_b a binarized transformation of W with a deterministic way.
        Wi_b = sign(W)*mean(|Wi|)

        Apply back prob with real grad : 
        dC/dWi = n^{-1}*sign(Wi)*sum(dC/dWj_b * sign(Wj) ) + dC/dWi_b * alpha
        with alpha = mean(|W|)
        def forward(ctx, input, weight, bias=None):
            mean = torch.mean(torch.abs(weight), DIM, keepdim=True)
            weight_q = torch.sign(weight)*mean
            ctx.save_for_backward(input, weight, mean, bias)
            output = torch.nn.functional.linear(input, weight_q, bias)
            return output

        def backward(ctx, grad_output):
            input, weight, mean, bias = ctx.saved_tensors
            weight_q = torch.sign(weight)*mean
            grad_input = grad_weight = grad_bias = None
            if ctx.needs_input_grad[0]:
                grad_input =
            if ctx.needs_input_grad[1]:
                grad_weight_temp = grad_output.t().mm(input)
                grad_weight = mean*grad_weight_temp +torch.sign(weight) * torch.mean(grad_weight_temp*torch.sign(weight) , DIM, keepdim=True)
            if bias is not None and ctx.needs_input_grad[2]:
                grad_bias = grad_output.sum(0).squeeze(0)
            return grad_input, grad_weight, grad_bias
    return _XNORDense