Python pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPBadRequest() Examples
The following are 28
code examples of pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPBadRequest().
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Example #1
Source File: From pyramid_openapi3 with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_view_raises_valid_http_exception(self) -> None: """Test View raises HTTPException. Example view raises a defined response code. """ from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPBadRequest def view_func(*args): raise HTTPBadRequest("bad foo request") self._add_view(view_func) view = self._get_view() request = self._get_request(params={"bar": "1"}) with self.assertRaises(HTTPBadRequest) as cm: view(None, request) response = cm.exception # not enough of pyramid has been set up so we need to render the # exception response ourselves. response.prepare({"HTTP_ACCEPT": "application/json"}) self.assertIn("bad foo request", response.json["message"])
Example #2
Source File: From sentry-python with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 6 votes |
def test_bad_request_not_captured( sentry_init, pyramid_config, capture_events, route, get_client ): import pyramid.httpexceptions as exc sentry_init(integrations=[PyramidIntegration()]) events = capture_events() @route("/") def index(request): raise exc.HTTPBadRequest() def errorhandler(exc, request): return Response("bad request") pyramid_config.add_view(errorhandler, context=exc.HTTPBadRequest) client = get_client() client.get("/") assert not events
Example #3
Source File: From rest_toolkit with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 6 votes |
def validate(data, schema): """Validate data against a JSON schema. This is a helper function used by :py:class:`JsonSchemaValidationMixin` to validate data against a JSON schema. If validation fails this function will raise a :py:class:`pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPBadRequest` exception describing the validation error. :raises pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPBadRequest: if validation fails this exception is raised to abort any further processing. """ try: jsonschema.validate(data, schema, format_checker=jsonschema.draft4_format_checker) except jsonschema.ValidationError as e: error = { '.'.join(str(p) for p in e.path): e.message } response = JSONValidationError(json=error) response.validation_error = e raise response
Example #4
Source File: From rest_toolkit with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 6 votes |
def validate(data, schema): """Validate data against a Colander schema class. This is a helper function used by :py:class:`ColanderSchemaValidationMixin` to validate data against a Colander schema. If validation fails this function will raise a :py:class:`pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPBadRequest` exception describing the validation error. :raises pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPBadRequest: if validation fails this exception is raised to abort any further processing. """ schema_instance = schema() try: schema_instance.deserialize(data) except colander.Invalid as e: raise HTTPBadRequest(e.msg)
Example #5
Source File: From rest_toolkit with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, request): raise HTTPBadRequest(json={'foo': 'bar'})
Example #6
Source File: From bouncer with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 6 votes |
def test_it_rejects_invalid_or_missing_urls(self): invalid_urls = [ None, # Unsupported protocols. "", "doi:10.1.2/345", "file://", # Malformed URLs. r"http://goo\[g", ] for url in invalid_urls: request = mock_request() request.GET["url"] = url with pytest.raises(httpexceptions.HTTPBadRequest): views.goto_url(request)
Example #7
Source File: From patzilla with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def opaquelinks_verify_handler(request): """Verify an opaquelinks token""" token = token_payload(request) if not token: return HTTPBadRequest('Token missing') signer = request.registry.getUtility(ISigner) data, meta = signer.unsign(token) return data # ------------------------------------------ # utility functions # ------------------------------------------
Example #8
Source File: From patzilla with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def ificlaims_download_handler(request): """Download resources from IFI CLAIMS Direct""" resource = request.matchdict['resource'] format = request.matchdict['format'].lower() pretty = asbool(request.params.get('pretty')) seq = int(request.params.get('seq', 1)) options = {'pretty': pretty, 'seq': seq} try: response = ificlaims_download(resource, format, options) except IFIClaimsException, ex: if type(ex) is IFIClaimsFormatException: raise HTTPNotFound(ex) else: raise HTTPBadRequest(ex)
Example #9
Source File: From patzilla with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def depatisconnect_abstract_handler(request): # TODO: use jsonified error responses patent = request.matchdict['patent'] language = request.params.get('language') try: abstract = depatisconnect_abstracts(patent, language) except KeyError as ex: log.error('Problem fetching details of DEPATISconnect: %s %s', type(ex), ex) raise HTTPNotFound(ex) except ValueError as ex: log.error('Problem fetching details of DEPATISconnect: %s %s', type(ex), ex) raise HTTPBadRequest(ex) return abstract
Example #10
Source File: From patzilla with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def depatisconnect_description_handler_real(patent): try: description = depatisconnect_description(patent) if not description['xml']: raise KeyError('Description is empty') except KeyError as ex: log.error('No details at DEPATISconnect: %s %s', type(ex), ex) raise HTTPNotFound(ex) except ValueError as ex: log.error('Fetching details from DEPATISconnect failed: %s %s', type(ex), ex) raise HTTPBadRequest(ex) except Exception as ex: log.error('Unknown error from DEPATISconnect: %s %s.', type(ex), ex) log.error(exception_traceback()) raise HTTPBadRequest(ex) return description
Example #11
Source File: From patzilla with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def depatisconnect_claims_handler_real(patent): try: claims = depatisconnect_claims(patent) except KeyError as ex: log.error('No details at DEPATISconnect: %s %s', type(ex), ex) raise HTTPNotFound(ex) except ValueError as ex: log.error('Fetching details from DEPATISconnect failed: %s %s', type(ex), ex) raise HTTPBadRequest(ex) except Exception as ex: log.error('Unknown error from DEPATISconnect: %s %s.', type(ex), ex) log.error(exception_traceback()) raise HTTPBadRequest(ex) return claims
Example #12
Source File: From wut4lunch_demos with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def newlunch(request): form = Form(request, schema=LunchSchema()) if not form.validate: raise exc.HTTPBadRequest l = Lunch( submitter=request.POST.get('submitter', 'nobody'), food=request.POST.get('food', 'nothing'), ) with transaction.manager: DBSession.add(l) raise exc.HTTPSeeOther('/')
Example #13
Source File: From muesli with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, request): exercise_id = request.matchdict['exercise_id'] exercise_id = exercise_id.strip("/") user_id = request.matchdict.get('user_id', None) self.exercise = request.db.query(Exercise).get(exercise_id) if self.exercise is None: raise HTTPBadRequest("Die Angeforderte Übung existiert nicht!") self.lecture = self.exercise.exam.lecture student = None self.user = None if user_id is not None: user_id = user_id.strip("/") self.user = request.db.query(User).get(user_id) try: student = request.db.query(LectureStudent).filter(and_(LectureStudent.student_id ==, LectureStudent.lecture == self.lecture)).one() except SQLAlchemyError: student = None self.__acl__ = [(Allow, 'group:administrators', ALL_PERMISSIONS)] self.__acl__ += [(Allow, 'user:{0}'.format(, ('view', 'viewAll', 'viewOwn'))] if request.user in self.lecture.assistants else [] if request.user == self.user and request.user is not None: self.__acl__ += [(Allow, 'user:{0}'.format(, ('view', 'viewOwn'))] if self.lecture.tutor_rights == editAllTutorials: self.__acl__ += [(Allow, 'user:{0}'.format(, ('view', 'viewAll', 'viewOwn'))] if request.user == self.lecture.tutors else [] else: self.__acl__ += [(Allow, 'user:{0}'.format(, ('view'))] if request.user in self.lecture.tutors else [] if student is not None: tutorial = student.tutorial self.__acl__ += [(Allow, 'user:{0}'.format(, ('viewOwn'))] if request.user == tutorial.tutor else []
Example #14
Source File: From muesli with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def removeKey(request): code_id = int(request.matchdict['key_id']) api_key = request.db.query(models.BearerToken).get(code_id) if api_key is None: raise HTTPBadRequest("API Key nicht gefunden") if api_key.user == request.user or request.user.is_admin: api_key.revoked = True request.db.add(api_key) request.db.commit() request.session.flash('API Key entfernt ', queue='messages') else: request.session.flash('API Key nicht gefunden', queue='errors') if request.referrer: return HTTPFound(location=request.referrer) return HTTPFound(location=request.route_url('overview'))
Example #15
Source File: From muesli with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def list_auth_keys(request): form = forms.SetAuthCodeDescription(request) jwt_token = "" if request.matchdict.get('user_id', ""): user_id = request.matchdict.get('user_id', "") else: user_id = tokens = (request.db.query(models.BearerToken) .filter_by(user_id=user_id).filter(models.BearerToken.revoked == False).all()) if request.method == 'POST' and form.processPostData(request.POST): exp = datetime.timedelta(days=muesli.config["api"]["KEY_EXPIRATION"]) max_keys = muesli.config["api"].get("MAX_KEYS", 0) if len(tokens) >= max_keys and max_keys != -1: raise HTTPBadRequest( "Sie haben das Maximum von {} Keys überschritten!" .format(max_keys) ) token = models.BearerToken(client="Personal Token", user=request.user, description=form['description'], expires=datetime.datetime.utcnow()+exp ) request.db.add(token) request.db.flush() jwt_token = request.create_jwt_token(, admin=(request.user.is_admin),, expiration=exp) request.session.flash("Ihr API Token wurde erstellt!", queue='messages') request.db.commit() tokens.append(token) return {'keys': tokens, 'form': form, 'freshtoken': jwt_token}
Example #16
Source File: From patzilla with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def ificlaims_deliver_handler(request): """Deliver resources from IFI CLAIMS Direct in bulk""" kind = request.matchdict['kind'] formats = map(unicode.strip, request.params.get('formats', u'').lower().split(u',')) numberlist = filter(lambda item: bool(item), map(unicode.strip, re.split('[\n,]', request.params.get('numberlist', u'')))) if kind == 'zip': multi = ificlaims_download_multi(numberlist, formats) #for entry in multi['results']: # print 'entry:', entry print 'report:' print json.dumps(multi['report'], indent=4) payload = zip_multi(multi) disposition = 'attachment' zipname = time.strftime('') content_disposition = '{disposition}; filename={filename}'.format(disposition=disposition, filename=zipname) request.response.content_type = 'application/zip' request.response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = content_disposition request.response.headers['Data-Source'] = 'ifi' return payload else: raise HTTPBadRequest("Unknown delivery kind '{kind}'".format(**locals())) # TODO: implement as JSON POST
Example #17
Source File: From patzilla with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def espacenet_description_handler(patent): try: description = espacenet_description(patent) except KeyError as ex: logger.error('No details at Espacenet: %s %s', type(ex), ex) raise HTTPNotFound(ex) except ValueError as ex: logger.error('Fetching details from Espacenet failed: %s %s', type(ex), ex) raise HTTPBadRequest(ex) return description
Example #18
Source File: From patzilla with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def espacenet_claims_handler(patent): try: claims = espacenet_claims(patent) except KeyError as ex: logger.error('No details at Espacenet: %s %s', type(ex), ex) raise HTTPNotFound(ex) except ValueError as ex: logger.error('Fetching details from Espacenet failed: %s %s', type(ex), ex) raise HTTPBadRequest(ex) return claims
Example #19
Source File: From thinkhazard with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def admindiv_hazardsets_hazardtype(request): try: hazardtype = request.matchdict.get("hazardtype") except: raise HTTPBadRequest(detail="incorrect value for parameter " '"hazardtype"') if HazardType.get(request.dbsession, hazardtype) is None: raise HTTPBadRequest(detail="hazardtype doesn't exist") query = ( request.dbsession.query(AdministrativeDivision) .join(HazardCategoryAdministrativeDivisionAssociation) .join(HazardCategory) .join(HazardType) .filter(HazardType.mnemonic == hazardtype) .join(AdminLevelType) .filter( == 3) .order_by( .options(contains_eager(AdministrativeDivision.hazardcategories)) ) data = [ { "code": row.code, "name":, "level_2":, "level_1":, "hazardset": row.hazardcategories[0].hazardsets[0].id if row.hazardcategories[0].hazardsets else None, "hazard_level": row.hazardcategories[0].hazardcategory.hazardlevel.mnemonic, } for row in query ] return data
Example #20
Source File: From thinkhazard with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def administrativedivision(request): if "q" not in request.params: raise HTTPBadRequest(detail='parameter "q" is missing') term = request.params["q"] filter_lang = None if request.locale_name != "en": attribute = getattr(AdDiv, "name_" + request.locale_name) filter_lang = func.unaccent(attribute).ilike(func.unaccent("%{}%".format(term))) filter_lang = and_(filter_lang, AdminLevelType.mnemonic == "COU") filter = func.unaccent("%{}%".format(term))) if filter_lang is not None: filter = or_(filter_lang, filter) query = ( request.dbsession.query(AdDiv) .filter(filter) .join(AdminLevelType) .order_by(,"{}%".format(term)).desc(), AdDiv.leveltype_id,, ) .limit(10) ) data = query.all() return {"data": data}
Example #21
Source File: From thinkhazard with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def pdf_cover(request): try: division_code = request.matchdict.get("divisioncode") except: raise HTTPBadRequest(detail="incorrect value for parameter " '"divisioncode"') division = get_division(request, division_code) hazard_types = get_hazard_types(request, division_code) hazards_sorted = sorted(hazard_types, key=lambda a: a["hazardlevel"].order) hazard_categories = [] for h in hazards_sorted: if h["hazardlevel"].mnemonic == _hazardlevel_nodata.mnemonic: continue hazard_categories.append( get_info_for_hazard_type(request, h["hazardtype"].mnemonic, division) ) lon, lat = ( request.dbsession.query( func.ST_X(ST_Centroid(AdministrativeDivision.geom)), func.ST_Y(ST_Centroid(AdministrativeDivision.geom)), ) .filter(AdministrativeDivision.code == division_code) .first() ) context = { "hazards": hazard_types, "hazards_sorted": sorted(hazard_types, key=lambda a: a["hazardlevel"].order), "parents": get_parents(division), "division": division, "division_lonlat": (lon, lat), "hazard_categories": hazard_categories, "date":, } return context
Example #22
Source File: From thinkhazard with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def data_source(request): try: hazardset_id = request.matchdict.get("hazardset") hazardset = ( request.dbsession.query(HazardSet) .join(Layer) .filter( == hazardset_id) .order_by(Layer.return_period) .options(contains_eager(HazardSet.layers)) .one() ) except: raise HTTPBadRequest(detail="incorrect value for parameter " '"hazardset"') return {"hazardset": hazardset}
Example #23
Source File: From rest_toolkit with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def test_validation_error(): resource = DummyResource() with pytest.raises(HTTPBadRequest): resource.validate({'email': ''}, partial=False)
Example #24
Source File: From rest_toolkit with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def test_validation_error(): resource = DummyResource() with pytest.raises(HTTPBadRequest): resource.validate({'email': ''}, partial=False)
Example #25
Source File: From thinkhazard with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def report_neighbours_geojson(request): try: division_code = request.matchdict.get("divisioncode") except: raise HTTPBadRequest(detail="incorrect value for parameter " '"divisioncode"') try: bbox = request.params.get("bbox") box = [float(x) for x in bbox.split(",")] bbox = Polygon( ( (box[0], box[1]), (box[0], box[3]), (box[2], box[3]), (box[2], box[1]), (box[0], box[1]), ) ) bbox = from_shape(bbox, srid=4326) except: raise HTTPBadRequest(detail='invalid value for parameter "bbox"') division = get_division(request, division_code) divisions = ( request.dbsession.query(AdministrativeDivision) .add_columns(AdministrativeDivision.geom_simplified) .filter(func.ST_DWITHIN(AdministrativeDivision.geom, bbox, 0)) .filter(AdministrativeDivision.leveltype_id == division.leveltype_id) ) return [ { "type": "Feature", "geometry": to_shape(geom_simplified) if geom_simplified is not None else None, "properties": { "name":, "code": div.code, "url": request.route_url("report_overview", division=div), }, } for div, geom_simplified in divisions ]
Example #26
Source File: From muesli with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def get(self): """ --- get: security: - Bearer: [read] - Basic: [read] tags: - "v1" summary: "return a specific tutorial" description: "" operationId: "tutorial_get" produces: - "application/json" responses: 200: description: "response for 200 code" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Tutorial" """ try: tutorial = self.request.db.query(models.Tutorial).options( joinedload(models.Tutorial.tutor), joinedload(models.Tutorial.lecture)).filter( == self.request.matchdict['tutorial_id'] # pylint: disable=C0121 ).one() except NoResultFound: raise HTTPBadRequest("Ungueltige Tutorial ID!") exa = tutorial.lecture.exams.filter((models.Exam.results_hidden == False)|(models.Exam.results_hidden == None)) # pylint: disable=C0121 if self.request.has_permission('viewAll'): tut_schema = models.TutorialSchema() else: tut_schema = models.TutorialSchema(only=allowed_attributes.tutorial()) exam_schema = models.ExamSchema(many=True, only=["id", "name"]) result = tut_schema.dump(tutorial) try: lecture_student = tutorial.lecture.lecture_students.filter(models.LectureStudent.student_id == except NoResultFound: lecture_student = None # If the user is part of the tutorial he is allowed to view the exams if self.request.has_permission('viewAll') or lecture_student: result.update({"exams": exam_schema.dump(exa)}) return result
Example #27
Source File: From muesli with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def collection_post(self): """ --- post: security: - Bearer: [write] - Basic: [write] tags: - "v1" summary: "create a tutorial" operationId: "tutorial_collection_post" produces: - "application/json" consumes: - "application/json" parameters: - in: "body" name: "body" description: "" required: true schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Tutorial" responses: 200: description: successfull creation of a tutorial schema: type: object properties: result: type: string example: ok created: $ref: "#/definitions/CollectionTutorial" 400: description: HTTPBadRequest (Example uses A bad attribute) schema: type: object properties: result: type: string example: error error: type: array example: [{'description': {'name': ['Missing data for required field.'], 'test123': ['Unknown field.']}, 'name': 'fail', 'location': 'body'}] """ schema = models.TutorialSchema() schema.context['session'] = self.request.db try: result = schema.load(self.request.json_body) except ValidationError as e: self.request.errors.add('body', 'fail', e.messages) else: tutorial = models.Tutorial(**result) self.db.add(tutorial) self.db.commit() return {'result': 'ok', 'created': schema.dump(tutorial)}
Example #28
Source File: From kinto-attachment with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def post_attachment_view(request, file_field): keep_old_files = asbool(utils.setting_value(request, 'keep_old_files', default=False)) # Remove potential existing attachment. utils.delete_attachment(request, keep_old_files=keep_old_files) if "multipart/form-data" not in request.headers.get('Content-Type', ''): raise http_error(httpexceptions.HTTPBadRequest(), errno=ERRORS.INVALID_PARAMETERS, message="Content-Type should be multipart/form-data") # Store file locally. try: content = request.POST.get(file_field) except ValueError as e: raise http_error(httpexceptions.HTTPBadRequest(), errno=ERRORS.INVALID_PARAMETERS.value, message=str(e)) if content is None: raise http_error(httpexceptions.HTTPBadRequest(), errno=ERRORS.INVALID_POSTED_DATA, message="Attachment missing.") folder_pattern = utils.setting_value(request, 'folder', default='') folder = folder_pattern.format(**request.matchdict) or None attachment = utils.save_file(request, content, folder=folder) # Update related record. posted_data = {k: v for k, v in request.POST.items() if k != file_field} record = {'data': {}} for field in ('data', 'permissions'): if field in posted_data: try: record[field] = json.loads(posted_data.pop(field)) except ValueError as e: error_msg = "body: %s is not valid JSON (%s)" % (field, str(e)) raise http_error(httpexceptions.HTTPBadRequest(), errno=ERRORS.INVALID_POSTED_DATA, message=error_msg) # Some fields remaining in posted_data after popping: invalid! for field in posted_data.keys(): error_msg = "body: %r not in ('data', 'permissions')" % field raise http_error(httpexceptions.HTTPBadRequest(), errno=ERRORS.INVALID_POSTED_DATA, message=error_msg) record['data'][file_field] = attachment utils.patch_record(record, request) # Return attachment data (with location header) request.response.headers['Location'] = utils.record_uri(request, prefix=True) return attachment