Python scipy.signal.decimate() Examples

The following are 27 code examples of scipy.signal.decimate(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module scipy.signal , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From representation_mixing with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def harvest_get_downsampled_signal(x, fs, target_fs):
    decimation_ratio = np.round(fs / target_fs)
    offset = np.ceil(140. / decimation_ratio) * decimation_ratio
    start_pad = x[0] * np.ones(int(offset), dtype=np.float32)
    end_pad = x[-1] * np.ones(int(offset), dtype=np.float32)
    x = np.concatenate((start_pad, x, end_pad), axis=0)

    if fs < target_fs:
        raise ValueError("CASE NOT HANDLED IN harvest_get_downsampled_signal")
            y0 = sg.decimate(x, int(decimation_ratio), 3, zero_phase=True)
            y0 = sg.decimate(x, int(decimation_ratio), 3)
        actual_fs = fs / decimation_ratio
        y = y0[int(offset / decimation_ratio):-int(offset / decimation_ratio)]
    y = y - np.mean(y)
    return y, actual_fs 
Example #2
Source File:    From representation_mixing with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def harvest_get_downsampled_signal(x, fs, target_fs):
    decimation_ratio = np.round(fs / target_fs)
    offset = np.ceil(140. / decimation_ratio) * decimation_ratio
    start_pad = x[0] * np.ones(int(offset), dtype=np.float32)
    end_pad = x[-1] * np.ones(int(offset), dtype=np.float32)
    x = np.concatenate((start_pad, x, end_pad), axis=0)

    if fs < target_fs:
        raise ValueError("CASE NOT HANDLED IN harvest_get_downsampled_signal")
            y0 = sg.decimate(x, int(decimation_ratio), 3, zero_phase=True)
            y0 = sg.decimate(x, int(decimation_ratio), 3)
        actual_fs = fs / decimation_ratio
        y = y0[int(offset / decimation_ratio):-int(offset / decimation_ratio)]
    y = y - np.mean(y)
    return y, actual_fs 
Example #3
Source File:    From tools with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def harvest_get_downsampled_signal(x, fs, target_fs):
    decimation_ratio = np.round(fs / target_fs)
    offset = np.ceil(140. / decimation_ratio) * decimation_ratio
    start_pad = x[0] * np.ones(int(offset), dtype=np.float32)
    end_pad = x[-1] * np.ones(int(offset), dtype=np.float32)
    x = np.concatenate((start_pad, x, end_pad), axis=0)

    if fs < target_fs:
        raise ValueError("CASE NOT HANDLED IN harvest_get_downsampled_signal")
            y0 = sg.decimate(x, int(decimation_ratio), 3, zero_phase=True)
            y0 = sg.decimate(x, int(decimation_ratio), 3)
        actual_fs = fs / decimation_ratio
        y = y0[int(offset / decimation_ratio):-int(offset / decimation_ratio)]
    y = y - np.mean(y)
    return y, actual_fs 
Example #4
Source File:    From pase with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def __call__(self, pkg):
        pkg = format_package(pkg)
        wav = pkg['chunk']
        wav =
        factor = random.choice(self.factors)
        x_lr = decimate(wav, factor).copy()
        x_lr = torch.FloatTensor(x_lr)
        x_ = F.interpolate(x_lr.view(1, 1, -1),
            if 'report' not in pkg:
                pkg['report'] = {}
            pkg['report']['resample_factor'] = factor
        pkg['chunk'] = x_
        return pkg 
Example #5
Source File:    From spiketoolkit with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def resample(recording, resample_rate):
    Resamples the recording extractor traces. If the resampling rate is multiple of the sampling rate, the faster
    scipy decimate function is used.

    recording: RecordingExtractor
        The recording extractor to be resampled
    resample_rate: int or float
        The resampling frequency

    resampled_recording: ResampleRecording
        The resample recording extractor

    return ResampleRecording(
Example #6
Source File:    From spiketoolkit with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_traces(self, channel_ids=None, start_frame=None, end_frame=None):
        start_frame_not_sampled = int(start_frame / self.get_sampling_frequency() *
        start_frame_sampled = start_frame
        end_frame_not_sampled = int(end_frame / self.get_sampling_frequency() *
        end_frame_sampled = end_frame
        traces = self._recording.get_traces(start_frame=start_frame_not_sampled,
        if np.mod(self._recording.get_sampling_frequency(), self._resample_rate) == 0:
            traces_resampled = signal.decimate(traces,
                                               q=int(self._recording.get_sampling_frequency() / self._resample_rate),
            traces_resampled = signal.resample(traces, int(end_frame_sampled - start_frame_sampled), axis=1)
        return traces_resampled.astype(self._dtype) 
Example #7
Source File:    From passiveRadar with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def decimate(x, q):
    '''decimate x by a factor of q with some settings that I like'''
    return signal.decimate(x, q, 20*q, ftype='fir', axis=0, zero_phase=False) 
Example #8
Source File:    From sp-2016 with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def wavwrite(srcfile, fs, training):
        mat = io.loadmat(srcfile)
    except ValueError:
        print('Could not load %s' % srcfile)

    dat = mat['dataStruct'][0, 0][0]
    if ds_factor != 1:
        dat = signal.decimate(dat, ds_factor, axis=0, zero_phase=True)

    mn = dat.min()
    mx = dat.max()
    mx = float(max(abs(mx), abs(mn)))
    if training and mx == 0:
        print('skipping %s' % srcfile)
    if mx != 0:
        dat *= 0x7FFF / mx
    dat = np.int16(dat)

    winsize = win_dur * 60 * fs
    stride = 60 * fs
    for elec in range(16):
        aud = dat[:, elec]
        for win in range(nwin):
            dstfile = srcfile.replace('mat', str(win) + '.' + str(elec) + '.wav')
            beg = win * stride
            end = beg + winsize
            clip = aud[beg:end]
            audiolab.wavwrite(clip, dstfile, fs=fs, enc='pcm16') 
Example #9
Source File:    From audio-super-res with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def upsample_wav(wav, args, model):
  # load signal
  x_hr, fs = librosa.load(wav,

  x_lr_t = decimate(x_hr, args.r)
  # pad to mutliple of patch size to ensure model runs over entire sample
  x_hr = np.pad(x_hr, (0, args.patch_size - (x_hr.shape[0] % args.patch_size)), 'constant', constant_values=(0,0))
  # downscale signal
  x_lr = decimate(x_hr, args.r)

  # upscale the low-res version
  P = model.predict(x_lr.reshape((1,len(x_lr),1)))
  x_pr = P.flatten()

  # crop so that it works with scaling ratio
  x_hr = x_hr[:len(x_pr)]
  x_lr_t = x_lr_t[:len(x_pr)] 

  # save the file
  outname = wav + '.' + args.out_label
  librosa.output.write_wav(outname + '.lr.wav', x_lr_t, fs / args.r) 
  librosa.output.write_wav(outname + '.hr.wav', x_hr, fs)  
  librosa.output.write_wav(outname + '.pr.wav', x_pr, fs)  

  # save the spectrum
  S = get_spectrum(x_pr, n_fft=2048)
  save_spectrum(S, outfile=outname + '.pr.png')
  S = get_spectrum(x_hr, n_fft=2048)
  save_spectrum(S, outfile=outname + '.hr.png')
  S = get_spectrum(x_lr, n_fft=2048/args.r)
  save_spectrum(S, outfile=outname + '.lr.png')

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
Example #10
Source File:    From passiveRadar with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def channel_preprocessing(sig, dec, fc, Fs):
    '''deinterleave IQ samples, tune to channel frequency and decimate'''
    IQ = deinterleave_IQ(sig)
    IQ_tuned = frequency_shift(IQ, fc, Fs)
    IQd = decimate(IQ_tuned, dec)
    return IQd 
Example #11
Source File:    From passiveRadar with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def find_channel_offset(s1, s2, nd, nl):
    '''use cross-correlation to find channel offset in samples'''
    B1 = signal.decimate(s1, nd)
    B2 = np.pad(signal.decimate(s2, nd), (nl, nl), 'constant')
    xc = np.abs(signal.correlate(B1, B2, mode='valid'))
    return (np.argmax(xc) - nl)*nd 
Example #12
Source File:    From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_shape(self):
        # Regression test for ticket #1480.
        z = np.zeros((30, 30))
        d0 = signal.decimate(z, 2, axis=0, zero_phase=False)
        assert_equal(d0.shape, (15, 30))
        d1 = signal.decimate(z, 2, axis=1, zero_phase=False)
        assert_equal(d1.shape, (30, 15)) 
Example #13
Source File:    From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_basic_FIR(self):
        x = np.arange(12)
        y = signal.decimate(x, 2, n=1, ftype='fir', zero_phase=False).round()
        assert_array_equal(y, x[::2]) 
Example #14
Source File:    From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_basic_IIR(self):
        x = np.arange(12)
        y = signal.decimate(x, 2, n=1, ftype='iir', zero_phase=False).round()
        assert_array_equal(y, x[::2]) 
Example #15
Source File:    From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_bad_args(self):
        x = np.arange(12)
        assert_raises(TypeError, signal.decimate, x, q=0.5, n=1)
        assert_raises(TypeError, signal.decimate, x, q=2, n=0.5) 
Example #16
Source File:    From Computable with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_shape(self):
        # Regression test for ticket #1480.
        z = np.zeros((10, 10))
        d0 = signal.decimate(z, 2, axis=0)
        assert_equal(d0.shape, (5, 10))
        d1 = signal.decimate(z, 2, axis=1)
        assert_equal(d1.shape, (10, 5)) 
Example #17
Source File:    From Computable with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_basic(self):
        x = np.arange(6)
        assert_array_equal(signal.decimate(x, 2, n=1).round(), x[::2]) 
Example #18
Source File:    From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def _test_phaseshift(self, method, zero_phase):
        rate = 120
        rates_to = [15, 20, 30, 40]  # q = 8, 6, 4, 3

        t_tot = int(100)  # Need to let antialiasing filters settle
        t = np.arange(rate*t_tot+1) / float(rate)

        # Sinusoids at 0.8*nyquist, windowed to avoid edge artifacts
        freqs = np.array(rates_to) * 0.8 / 2
        d = (np.exp(1j * 2 * np.pi * freqs[:, np.newaxis] * t)
             *, 0.1))

        for rate_to in rates_to:
            q = rate // rate_to
            t_to = np.arange(rate_to*t_tot+1) / float(rate_to)
            d_tos = (np.exp(1j * 2 * np.pi * freqs[:, np.newaxis] * t_to)
                     *, 0.1))

            # Set up downsampling filters, match v0.17 defaults
            if method == 'fir':
                n = 30
                system = signal.dlti(signal.firwin(n + 1, 1. / q,
                                                   window='hamming'), 1.)
            elif method == 'iir':
                n = 8
                wc = 0.8*np.pi/q
                system = signal.dlti(*signal.cheby1(n, 0.05, wc/np.pi))

            # Calculate expected phase response, as unit complex vector
            if zero_phase is False:
                _, h_resps = signal.freqz(system.num, system.den,
                h_resps /= np.abs(h_resps)
                h_resps = np.ones_like(freqs)

            y_resamps = signal.decimate(d.real, q, n, ftype=system,

            # Get phase from complex inner product, like CSD
            h_resamps = np.sum(d_tos.conj() * y_resamps, axis=-1)
            h_resamps /= np.abs(h_resamps)
            subnyq = freqs < 0.5*rate_to

            # Complex vectors should be aligned, only compare below nyquist
            assert_allclose(np.angle(h_resps.conj()*h_resamps)[subnyq], 0,
                            atol=1e-3, rtol=1e-3) 
Example #19
Source File:    From passiveRadar with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def fast_xambg(refChannel, srvChannel, rangeBins, freqBins, shortFilt=True):
    ''' Fast Cross-Ambiguity Fuction (frequency domain method)
        refChannel: reference channel data
        srvChannel: surveillance channel data
        rangeBins:  number of range bins to compute
        freqBins:   number of doppler bins to compute (should be power of 2)
        shortFilt:  (bool) chooses the type of decimation filter to use.
                    If True, uses an all-ones filter of length 1*(decimation factor)
                    If False, uses a flat-top window of length 10*(decimation factor)+1
        xambg: the cross-ambiguity surface. Dimensions are (nf, nlag+1, 1)
        third dimension added for easy stacking in dask

    if refChannel.shape != srvChannel.shape:
        raise ValueError('Input vectors must have the same length')

    # calculate decimation factor
    ndecim = int(refChannel.shape[0]/freqBins)

    # pre-allocate space for the result
    xambg = np.zeros((freqBins, rangeBins+1, 1), dtype=np.complex64)

    # complex conjugate of the second input vector
    srvChannelConj = np.conj(srvChannel)    

    if shortFilt:
        # precompute short FIR filter for decimation (all ones filter with length
        # equal to the decimation factor)
        dtaps = np.ones((ndecim + 1,))
        # precompute long FIR filter for decimation. (flat top filter of length
        # 10*decimation factor).  
        dtaps = signal.firwin(10*ndecim + 1, 1. / ndecim, window='flattop')

    dfilt = signal.dlti(dtaps, 1)

    # loop over range bins 
    for k, lag in enumerate(np.arange(-1*rangeBins, 1)):
        channelProduct = np.roll(srvChannelConj, lag)*refChannel
        #decimate the product of the reference channel and the delayed surveillance channel
        xambg[:,k,0] = signal.decimate(channelProduct, ndecim, ftype=dfilt)[0:freqBins]

    # take the FFT along the first axis (Doppler)
    # xambg = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft(xambg, axis=0), axes=0)
    xambg = np.fft.fftshift(fft(xambg, axis=0), axes=0)
    return xambg 
Example #20
Source File:    From tools with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 4 votes vote down vote up
def sinusoid_analysis(X, input_sample_rate, resample_block=128, copy=True):
    Contruct a sinusoidal model for the input signal.

    X : ndarray
        Input signal to model

    input_sample_rate : int
        The sample rate of the input signal

    resample_block : int, optional (default=128)
       Controls the step size of the sinusoidal model

    frequencies_hz : ndarray
       Frequencies for the sinusoids, in Hz.

    magnitudes : ndarray
       Magnitudes of sinusoids returned in ``frequencies``

    D. P. W. Ellis (2004), "Sinewave Speech Analysis/Synthesis in Matlab",
    Web resource, available:
    X = np.array(X, copy=copy)
    resample_to = 8000
    if input_sample_rate != resample_to:
        if input_sample_rate % resample_to != 0:
            raise ValueError("Input sample rate must be a multiple of 8k!")
        # Should be able to use resample... ?
        # resampled_count = round(len(X) * resample_to / input_sample_rate)
        # X = sg.resample(X, resampled_count, window=sg.hanning(len(X)))
        X = sg.decimate(X, input_sample_rate // resample_to, zero_phase=True)
    step_size = 2 * round(resample_block / input_sample_rate * resample_to / 2.)
    a, g, e = lpc_analysis(X, order=8, window_step=step_size,
                           window_size=2 * step_size)
    f, m = lpc_to_frequency(a, g)
    f_hz = f * resample_to / (2 * np.pi)
    return f_hz, m 
Example #21
Source File:    From Projects with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def on_render(self):
        # get data from GUI
        downsample_fac = int(eval_expr(self.ui.downsample_fac.text()))
        win_size = int(eval_expr(self.ui.win_size.text()))
        fft_size = int(eval_expr(self.ui.fft_size.text()))
        overlap_fac = float(eval_expr(self.ui.overlap_fac.text()))
        clip_min, clip_max = float(eval_expr(self.ui.clip_min.text())), float(eval_expr(self.ui.clip_max.text()))
        x_tick_num, x_res = int(eval_expr(self.ui.x_num_ticks.text())), float(eval_expr(self.ui.x_resolution.text()))
        x_tick_rotation = int(eval_expr(self.ui.x_tick_rotation.text()))
        y_ticks_num, y_res = int(eval_expr(self.ui.y_num_ticks.text())), float(eval_expr(self.ui.y_resolution.text()))

        if downsample_fac > 1:
            downsampled_data = sig.decimate(, downsample_fac, ftype='fir')
            downsampled_fs = self.fs / downsample_fac
            downsampled_data =
            downsampled_fs = self.fs

        ft = Stft(downsampled_data, downsampled_fs, win_size=win_size, fft_size=fft_size, overlap_fac=overlap_fac)
        result = ft.stft(clip=(clip_min, clip_max))

        x_ticks, x_tick_labels = create_ticks_optimum(ft.freq_axis(), num_ticks=x_tick_num, resolution=x_res)
        y_ticks, y_tick_labels = create_ticks_optimum(ft.time_axis(), num_ticks=y_ticks_num, resolution=y_res)

        fig = self.ui.mpl.fig
        ax = fig.add_subplot(111)

        img = ax.imshow(result, origin='lower', cmap='jet', interpolation='none', aspect='auto')

        ax.set_xticklabels(x_tick_labels, rotation=x_tick_rotation)

        if self.ui.x_grid.isChecked():
            ax.xaxis.grid(True, linestyle='-', linewidth=1)

        if self.ui.y_grid.isChecked():
            ax.yaxis.grid(True, linestyle='-', linewidth=1)

        ax.set_xlabel('Frequency [Hz]')
        ax.set_ylabel('Time [s]')



        self.ui.sampling_freq.setText('%d' % downsampled_fs)
        self.ui.data_length.setText('%.2f' % ft.t_max)
        self.ui.freq_res.setText('%s' % (downsampled_fs * 0.5 / np.float32(ft.fft_size))) 
Example #22
Source File:    From ApneaECGAnalysis with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def pre_proc(dataset, database_name, is_debug=False):
	:param Mit2Segment list dataset: ECG segments.
	:return None:
	clear_id_set, noise_id_set = [], []
	for segment in dataset:
		if is_debug:
			print("now process %s	id=%s." % (segment.database_name, str(segment.global_id)))
		# denoising and write to txt file
		segment.denoised_ecg_data = denoise_ecg(segment.raw_ecg_data)
		# ecg data list to .mat
		list2mat(segment, is_debug=True)
		# compute RRI, RAMP and EDR.
		if os.path.exists(segment.base_file_path + "/Rwave.mat"):
			RwaveMat = sio.loadmat(segment.base_file_path + "/Rwave.mat")
			Rwave = np.transpose(RwaveMat['Rwave'])
			Rwave = np.reshape(Rwave, len(Rwave))
			# RR intervals
			RR_intervals = np.diff(Rwave)
			# store RR intervals + "/RRI.npy", RR_intervals)
			# RRI validity check
			rri_flag = rricheck(segment.denoised_ecg_data, RR_intervals)
			if rri_flag:
			# compute R peaks amplitude(RAMP)
			RAMP = compute_r_peak_amplitude(segment.denoised_ecg_data, Rwave)
			# smoothing filtering
			RRI = smooth(RR_intervals, 3)
			RAMP = smooth(RAMP, 3)
			# spline interpolation
			RRI = interp_cubic_spline(RRI, fs=4)
			RAMP = interp_cubic_spline_qrs(Rwave, RAMP, fs=4)
			# store RRI and RAMP + "/RRI.npy", RRI) + "/RAMP.npy", RAMP)
			# EDR
			EDRMat = sio.loadmat(segment.base_file_path + "/EDR.mat")
			EDR = np.transpose(EDRMat['EDR'])
			EDR = np.reshape(EDR, len(EDR))
			# downsampling
			EDR = decimate(EDR, 25) + "/EDR.npy", EDR)
			# print(".............")
	print(len(clear_id_set))[0] + "_" + database_name[1] + "_clear_id.npy", np.array(clear_id_set))[0] + "_" + database_name[1] + "_noise_id.npy", np.array(noise_id_set)) 
Example #23
Source File:    From dagbldr with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 4 votes vote down vote up
def sinusoid_analysis(X, input_sample_rate, resample_block=128, copy=True):
    Contruct a sinusoidal model for the input signal.

    X : ndarray
        Input signal to model

    input_sample_rate : int
        The sample rate of the input signal

    resample_block : int, optional (default=128)
       Controls the step size of the sinusoidal model

    frequencies_hz : ndarray
       Frequencies for the sinusoids, in Hz.

    magnitudes : ndarray
       Magnitudes of sinusoids returned in ``frequencies``

    D. P. W. Ellis (2004), "Sinewave Speech Analysis/Synthesis in Matlab",
    Web resource, available:
    X = np.array(X, copy=copy)
    resample_to = 8000
    if input_sample_rate != resample_to:
        if input_sample_rate % resample_to != 0:
            raise ValueError("Input sample rate must be a multiple of 8k!")
        # Should be able to use resample... ?
        # resampled_count = round(len(X) * resample_to / input_sample_rate)
        # X = sg.resample(X, resampled_count, window=sg.hanning(len(X)))
        X = sg.decimate(X, input_sample_rate // resample_to)
    step_size = 2 * round(resample_block / input_sample_rate * resample_to / 2.)
    a, g, e = lpc_analysis(X, order=8, window_step=step_size,
                           window_size=2 * step_size)
    f, m = lpc_to_frequency(a, g)
    f_hz = f * resample_to / (2 * np.pi)
    return f_hz, m 
Example #24
Source File:    From dagbldr with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 4 votes vote down vote up
def sinusoid_analysis(X, input_sample_rate, resample_block=128, copy=True):
    Contruct a sinusoidal model for the input signal.

    X : ndarray
        Input signal to model

    input_sample_rate : int
        The sample rate of the input signal

    resample_block : int, optional (default=128)
       Controls the step size of the sinusoidal model

    frequencies_hz : ndarray
       Frequencies for the sinusoids, in Hz.

    magnitudes : ndarray
       Magnitudes of sinusoids returned in ``frequencies``

    D. P. W. Ellis (2004), "Sinewave Speech Analysis/Synthesis in Matlab",
    Web resource, available:
    X = np.array(X, copy=copy)
    resample_to = 8000
    if input_sample_rate != resample_to:
        if input_sample_rate % resample_to != 0:
            raise ValueError("Input sample rate must be a multiple of 8k!")
        # Should be able to use resample... ?
        # resampled_count = round(len(X) * resample_to / input_sample_rate)
        # X = sg.resample(X, resampled_count, window=sg.hanning(len(X)))
        X = sg.decimate(X, input_sample_rate // resample_to)
    step_size = 2 * round(resample_block / input_sample_rate * resample_to / 2.)
    a, g, e = lpc_analysis(X, order=8, window_step=step_size,
                           window_size=2 * step_size)
    f, m = lpc_to_frequency(a, g)
    f_hz = f * resample_to / (2 * np.pi)
    return f_hz, m 
Example #25
Source File:    From representation_mixing with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 4 votes vote down vote up
def sinusoid_analysis(X, input_sample_rate, resample_block=128, copy=True):
    Contruct a sinusoidal model for the input signal.

    X : ndarray
        Input signal to model

    input_sample_rate : int
        The sample rate of the input signal

    resample_block : int, optional (default=128)
       Controls the step size of the sinusoidal model

    frequencies_hz : ndarray
       Frequencies for the sinusoids, in Hz.

    magnitudes : ndarray
       Magnitudes of sinusoids returned in ``frequencies``

    D. P. W. Ellis (2004), "Sinewave Speech Analysis/Synthesis in Matlab",
    Web resource, available:
    X = np.array(X, copy=copy)
    resample_to = 8000
    if input_sample_rate != resample_to:
        if input_sample_rate % resample_to != 0:
            raise ValueError("Input sample rate must be a multiple of 8k!")
        # Should be able to use resample... ?
        # resampled_count = round(len(X) * resample_to / input_sample_rate)
        # X = sg.resample(X, resampled_count, window=sg.hanning(len(X)))
        X = sg.decimate(X, input_sample_rate // resample_to, zero_phase=True)
    step_size = 2 * round(resample_block / input_sample_rate * resample_to / 2.)
    a, g, e = lpc_analysis(X, order=8, window_step=step_size,
                           window_size=2 * step_size)
    f, m = lpc_to_frequency(a, g)
    f_hz = f * resample_to / (2 * np.pi)
    return f_hz, m 
Example #26
Source File:    From representation_mixing with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 4 votes vote down vote up
def sinusoid_analysis(X, input_sample_rate, resample_block=128, copy=True):
    Contruct a sinusoidal model for the input signal.

    X : ndarray
        Input signal to model

    input_sample_rate : int
        The sample rate of the input signal

    resample_block : int, optional (default=128)
       Controls the step size of the sinusoidal model

    frequencies_hz : ndarray
       Frequencies for the sinusoids, in Hz.

    magnitudes : ndarray
       Magnitudes of sinusoids returned in ``frequencies``

    D. P. W. Ellis (2004), "Sinewave Speech Analysis/Synthesis in Matlab",
    Web resource, available:
    X = np.array(X, copy=copy)
    resample_to = 8000
    if input_sample_rate != resample_to:
        if input_sample_rate % resample_to != 0:
            raise ValueError("Input sample rate must be a multiple of 8k!")
        # Should be able to use resample... ?
        # resampled_count = round(len(X) * resample_to / input_sample_rate)
        # X = sg.resample(X, resampled_count, window=sg.hanning(len(X)))
        X = sg.decimate(X, input_sample_rate // resample_to, zero_phase=True)
    step_size = 2 * round(resample_block / input_sample_rate * resample_to / 2.)
    a, g, e = lpc_analysis(X, order=8, window_step=step_size,
                           window_size=2 * step_size)
    f, m = lpc_to_frequency(a, g)
    f_hz = f * resample_to / (2 * np.pi)
    return f_hz, m 
Example #27
Source File:    From pase with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def __call__(self, pkg):
        pkg = format_package(pkg)
        wav = pkg['chunk']
        tensor_wav = wav
        re_factor = // 8000
        wav =
        inwav = wav
        #wav = resample(wav, len(wav) // re_factor)
        #wav = librosa.core.resample(wav,, 8000,
        #                            res_type='kaiser_fast')
        wav = decimate(wav, // 8000)
        wav = np.array(wav * (2 ** 15), dtype=np.int16)
        total_frames = int(np.ceil(len(wav) / self.FRAME_SIZE))
        P_ = total_frames * self.FRAME_SIZE - len(wav)
        orilen = len(wav)
        if P_ > 0:
            wav = np.concatenate((wav, 
                                  np.zeros((P_,), dtype=np.int16)),
        owav = []
        T = len(wav)
        data = [wav[t:t + self.FRAME_SIZE] for t in range(0, T,
        for frame in data:
            enc = self.c2.encode(frame)
            dec = self.c2.decode(enc)
        owav = np.array(owav, dtype=np.int16)
        owav = owav[:orilen]
        #owav = np.array(owav, dtype=np.float32) / (2 ** 15)
        # resample up to original srate
        owav = resample(owav, len(owav) * re_factor)
        #owav = librosa.core.resample(owav, 8000,, res_type='kaiser_fast')
        owav = owav.astype(np.float32) / (2 ** 15)
        #owav = owav / (2 ** 15)
        owav = norm_energy(owav, inwav)
            if 'report' not in pkg:
                pkg['report'] = {}
            pkg['report']['kbps'] = self.kbps = torch.from_numpy(owav)
        pkg['chunk'] = torch.from_numpy(owav)
        return pkg