Pytorch implementation for our paper Variational Laplace Autoencoders in ICML 2019.



This code assumes GPU computation.

Install additional required packages

pip install -r requirements.txt

Make directories for datasets and model checkpoints

mkdir checkpoints
mkdir datasets

Running Experiments

To run an experiment

python run.py --dataset=MNIST --output_dist=gaussian --model=VLAE --n_epochs=2000 --hidden_dim=500 --z_dim=50 --n_update=4

run.py will automatically download the dataset at the first run and train the model for n_epochs. After the training is finished, it will evaluate the log-likelihood using the best checkpoint using importance sampling (5000 samples by default).

This repo also includes our implementations of the VAE, SA-VAE, HF, IAF models which we used as baselines for our experiments. Type python run.py --help to see help messages on the arguments.

On the other hand, you can manually evaluate a checkpoint (note that you will have to use the same model setting arguments to correctly load the model)

python eval.py --dataset=MNIST --output_dist=gaussian --model=VLAE --hidden_dim=500 z_dim=50 --n_update=4 --checkpoint=<path_to_your_checkpoint>


Basic Tensorboard logging functionality is implemented. It includes loss curves and image sample visualizations. The tensorboard event file is saved at the checkpoint directory of the model. To launch a tensorboard, run:

tensorboard --logdir=<path_to_your_checkpoint_directory>



Example run results using dataset=MNIST output_dist=gaussian n_update=4 logit_transform=True on the MNIST dataset. alt text


  title={Variational Laplace Autoencoders},
  author={Park, Yookoon and Kim, Chris Dongjoo and Kim, Gunhee},