
A Smoothie host designed to run on an rpi with multitouch screen or on a desktop with a mouse and keyboard.

This is stable and ready for everyday use.

This uses python >= 3.5 and < 3.8 and kivy >= 1.11.0

Use an RPI-3 Model B or B+, or the RPI-3 Model A+ with RPI multitouch screen. (No XWindows, but multitouch is required if there is no keyboard or mouse). Also runs on pretty much any Linux XWindows desktop (and maybe Mac).

It will run on Windows if you install Python 3.5.2, and follow the kivy instructions for installing kivy on windows.

NOTE it is untested on python versions >= 3.8 but may work.

The minimum usable resolution is 800x480.


The goal is to have a small touch screen host that can run a smoothie and is better than an LCD Panel, and almost as good as a host PC running pronterface. It is not meant to be a replacement for say Octoprint whose goals are different. A secondary goal is to have a decent smoothie aware desktop host to replace Pronterface and bCNC, that has good support for CNC tasks as well as 3D printing. The CNC goals are to allow setting of the WCS to a point on the workpiece, and move to points on the workpiece to check for placement etc.

(UPDATE there is now a desktop layout setting that makes it more usable on a regular desktop, it has been tested on various linux machines but should run anywhere that python3 and kivy will run).

An RPI with 7" touch screen is about the same price as the better LCD panels, and makes a great standalone controller for a 3D printer.


To select the port to connect to click the System menu and select Port, then select the serial port from the list, or for a network connection select Network... then enter the host or ip optionally followed by the port :23 (23 is the default if not specified), eg smoothieip or (NOTE network communication is not well tested). Once you have selected a port to connect to it is saved in the ini file, and you can then click the connect menu item to connect.

The left screen is the console and displays messages from smoothie, the right screen is a selection of panels (Modes) which can be switched to using the tabs to select the panel you want, you can scroll the left screen up and down by swiping up or down.

There is a status bar at the bottom left showing status, DRO and print ETA when printing.

You can select 3d printer mode or CNC mode from the Settings menu, this can affect what Panels are available amongst other minor changes.

There is a gcode visualizer window that shows the layers, or for CNC allows setting WPOS and moving the gantry to specific parts of the Gcode... Click the Viewer menu item, select the file to view, then the layers can be moved up or down. To set the WPOS to a point in the view click the select button, then touch the screen to move the crosshairs, when you have the point you want selected then click the set WPOS button, that point will be set as WPOS. To move the gantry to a point on the view click the select button, then touch and drag until you get the point and then click the move to button, the gantry will move to that point.

The Kivy file browser is pretty crude and buggy. To allow it to be usable on a touch panel I had to set it so directory changes require double taps on the directory. I also do not enable the Load button unless a valid file is selected by tapping the file. This allows swiping to scroll the file lists to work reliably. If running in desktop mode you can select a different native file chooser from the settings page. (You will need to install zenity or kdialog or wx for python3)

The Update System menu entry requires git to be installed and the running directory be a valid git repo pointing to github.

When running on a desktop you can jog using the keyboard up/down/left/right/pgup/pgdown keys, the default jog is 0.1mm, if ctrl key is pressed it is 0.01mm, if shift is pressed it is 1mm. pgup/pgdown move the Z axis. up/down move the Y axis and left/right move the X axis. By default the screen size and position will be saved and set, however when running on egl_rpi (full screen) this is not allowed, so in this case set screen_size and screen_pos to none in smoothiehost.ini in the [UI] section.


Macro buttons can be defined in the macros.ini file that can issue simple commands, can be toggle buttons, can be toggle buttons that monitor switches (eg fan, psu), that can issue shell commands to the host O/S, and that can run scripts on the host O/S that communicate with smoothie. Macros buttons can prompt for input and substitute the given variables. (See sample-macros.ini for examples). Simple macro buttons can be created by clicking the green New Macro button. If a simple macro starts with @ then the following characters are a file name and that file is opened and sent to smoothie. Note that ok is not checked, so it must be a fairly small file of gcodes.

CNC Support (PCB milling etc)

There are features specifically implemented to make CNC use easier.

Suspend (filament change) support

M600/suspend is handled correctly, and will suspend the print until the resume button is clicked (this will send M601). A useful thing is to insert (MSG any message here) in the gcode file before the M600 which will display in the console window, it could be a prompt to change the filament to a specific color for instance.


EMail notifications can be sent to monitor progress by embedding a token in the gcode file.

(NOTIFY any message here)

When this is read in the gcode file an email is sent with the message. In order to send email a file notify.ini must be created with the SMTP authentication for your email server. (GMail works fine for instance). Look at the file sample-notify.ini and modify accordingly.

Note for gmail users, it is best to setup an application password and use that instead of your gmail login.

Unexpected HALTs

If smoothie halts and goes into the alarm state for any reason (like limit hit or temperature overrun), it may be possible to restart from where ir left off. After correcting the issue that caused the HALT, turn the heaters back on (and power) and then click the resume button, if you are lucky it will continue from where it left off. It is probably best to abort the print though.

Install on RPI

NOTE Get a good sdcard for the rpi as it makes a significant difference in performance, an A1 rating is best like sandisk ultra 16gb A1 or the 32gb version. Samsung Evo+ are also supposed to be very fast in an RPI.

NOTE on the current image and all installs on raspbian you need to add this...

> sudo jove /etc/udev/rules.d/90-smoothie.rules
and add this...

SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="1d50", ATTRS{idProduct}=="6015", MODE="0666"
SUBSYSTEM=="tty", ATTRS{idVendor}=="1d50", ATTRS{idProduct}=="6015", MODE="0666", SYMLINK+="smoothie%n"
ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="1d50", ATTRS{idProduct}=="6015", RUN+="/bin/stty -F /dev/ttyACM%n -echo -echoe -echok"

The last line is quite important otherwise you get a whole lot of ok's echoed back to smoothie when it opens. This does not appear to be needed on a desktop probably due to the speed it is setup vs the rpi.


For RPI and touch screen you can just download the image which has a fully running version smoopi with autostart, blanking etc, so no need to do anything else.

Download from unzip and image the resulting .img to an sdcard using for instance which can image direct from the .zip file.

Once loaded boot into the sdcard, login with username pi and password raspberry then

  sudo nano /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf

and add your wifi credentials to the ssid= and the psk= lines.

Reboot, and wifi should be working.

Then update raspbian stretch...

smoopi is normally run on bootup, but in order to allow you to login and do the initial setup it is initially down. You will need to hook up a keyboard temporarily so you can access the login and run raspi-config etc.(NOTE Do not setup wifi using raspi-config).

Once that is done setup smoopi to run on boot by doing...

> sudo rm /home/pi/sv/smoopi/down
> sudo sv up /etc/service/smoopi

Once running use the System menu upgrade to fetch the latest smoopi. If that is successful, then quit under the System menu and smoopi will exit and then be restarted by runit.

Rasbian/Debian Stretch on RPI

(Tested on genuine RPI 7" multitouch screen and external HDMI LCD monitor).

Install the latest raspbian stretch lite... (No XWindows)

Follow these instructions if using an rpi 3 B+ and rasbian stretch...

But change all references to python.. to python3.. As we need kivy for python3.

For instance...

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libsdl2-dev libsdl2-image-dev \
   libsdl2-mixer-dev libsdl2-ttf-dev \
   pkg-config libgl1-mesa-dev libgles2-mesa-dev \
   python3-setuptools libgstreamer1.0-dev git-core \
   gstreamer1.0-plugins-{bad,base,good,ugly} \
   gstreamer1.0-{omx,alsa} python3-dev libmtdev-dev \
   xclip xsel
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade Cython==0.28.2 pillow
python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade git+

This installs a known working version of kivy.

On an rpi3b+ (and better) it seems the double tap time needs to be increased to be usable..

# in file ~/.kivy/config.ini
double_tap_distance = 20
double_tap_time = 400 # <-- increase this from the 200 default
triple_tap_distance = 20
triple_tap_time = 600 # <- and this to be > than double_tap_time

Running under XWindows on RPI

Make sure that you run raspi-config and enable the fake KMS driver, otherwise Smoopi will run really slowly under S/W emulated GL. Make sure that under ~/.kivy/config.ini in the [input] section that only mouse = mouse is set otherwise you will get multiple cursors and click events will go to unexpected places. When running under XWindows the cursor module is not required nor are the hidinput input drivers.

Keyboard and Mouse support when running from console (egl-rpi)

Kivy uses a module called the HIDInput for an external (USB) Mouse and keyboard. This HIDInput is broken in all the releases of Kivy older than 1.11.0. If using an older version of kivy you will need to replace the KIVYINSTALLDIR/kivy/input/providers/ (on the image this would be /usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/kivy/input/providers/ with this version:

You will also need to add the following line to your ~/.kivy/config.ini file under the [input] section:-

%(name)s = probesysfs,provider=hidinput

and the following line under the [modules] section:-

cursor = 1

and disable the onscreen keyboard:-

keyboard_mode = system

Common setup

It is recommended to do this:-

> sudo apt-get update
> sudo apt-get upgrade

Install some smoopi dependencies...

> python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade pyserial aiofiles

Install Smoopi itself

> mkdir smoopi
> cd smoopi
> git clone .

Run with...

> python3

NOTE when using the touch panel make sure the ~/.kivy/config.ini has the following set so the virtual keyboard works in a usable fashion on an RPI touch screen...

keyboard_mode = systemanddock
desktop = 0

If your ~/.kivy/config.ini is empty or not setup for the touch display then here is an example that works for the RPI official 7" touch screen:-

To allow the program to shutdown the RPI when the shutdown menu entry is selected you need to do the following, unless smoopi is running as root/superuser.

Use policykit (make sure policykit-1 is installed).

Create as root /etc/polkit-1/localauthority/50-local.d/all_all_users_to_shutdown_reboot.pkla with the 
following content:

[Allow all users to shutdown and reboot]

Autostart Smoopi (Optional)

To autostart smoopi on boot but run as the pi user follow these directions. (Assuming you are using stretch)...

  1. Install runit (sudo apt-get install runit). On Raspbian Stretch also do sudo apt-get install runit-systemd
  2. in the /home/pi directory run tar xvf ./smoopi/runit-setup-stretch.tar (presuming you checked out the smoopi source into /home/pi/smoopi)
  3. sudo ln -s /home/pi/sv/smoopi /etc/service

To allow Smoopi to connect to the smoothie when auto start by runit you need to do this...

sudo nano /etc/udev/rules.d/90-smoothie.rules
and add this...

SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="1d50", ATTRS{idProduct}=="6015", MODE="0666"
SUBSYSTEM=="tty", ATTRS{idVendor}=="1d50", ATTRS{idProduct}=="6015", MODE="0666", SYMLINK+="smoothie%n"
ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="1d50", ATTRS{idProduct}=="6015", RUN+="/bin/stty -F /dev/ttyACM%n -echo -echoe -echok"

smoopi is now managed by runit. (This has the side effect of restarting smoopi if it crashes).

The smoopi app will start, and will also start on boot. (To stop it you type sudo sv stop /etc/service/smoopi)

Shutdown and Startup button for RPI (Optional)

Optionally to add a button to boot and to shutdown the rpi install a NORMALLY OPEN push button on pins 5 and 6 on the header, then you need to add the shutdown script to autostart... sudo ln -s /home/pi/sv/shutdown /etc/service. NOTE you may need a capacitor across the button to stop noise shutting down the system.

Backlight on RPI

To allow Smoopi to turn on/off the backlight you need to do this...

sudo nano /etc/udev/rules.d/backlight-permissions.rules
and add this...
SUBSYSTEM=="backlight",RUN+="/bin/chmod 666 /sys/class/backlight/%k/brightness /sys/class/backlight/%k/bl_power"

NOTE the default is for no blanking, there is a setting under the settings menu that allows you to set the timeout for blanking the screen, it is initially set to 0 which is no blanking. If it blanks then touching the screen will unblank it.

Builtin webserver and optional camera

In Settings you can turn on the webserver which will simply allow you to get current progress from any web browser, nothing fancy. Also in Settings you can enable the video option which uses mjpg-streamer (which needs to be built and installed, See for instructions on that). If enabled and running then the video will show up in the progress web page. There is also a camera option in the system menu which allows a preview of the camera view. The url for the camera is in the settings, and should be the url which gets a video stream from the camera. If the camera is local it should be set to '''localhost''' which will get replaced with the actual IP when a remote browser requests it. (The default '''http://localhost:8080/?action=stream''' is to get the frame from the locally running mjpg-streamer, but can actually be any URL of any webcam that can stream mjpg video).

If you are using the supplied image and want the streamer to auto start then..

1. from the home directory
2. '''> tar xvf smoopi/runit-setup-mjpegstreamer.tar'''
3. edit '''~/sv/streamer/run''' and make sure the path is correct to the mjpeg streamer directory
4. edit '''~/sv/streamer/env/LD_LIBRARY_PATH''' and make sure the path is correct there too
5. delete '''~/sv/streamer/down'''

It should auto start then.

On linux Desktop (and maybe windows/macos)

Install on recent Linux and python >= 3.5.x and <= 3.7.x using the fast wheels installation...

python3 -m pip install --upgrade --user pip setuptools virtualenv
python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade kivy


However if you want to see video from cameras (the spindle cam for instance) you need to build it yourself as below and make sure gstreamer is installed.

If that does not work then install from source...

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libsdl2-dev libsdl2-image-dev \
   libsdl2-mixer-dev libsdl2-ttf-dev \
   pkg-config libgl1-mesa-dev libgles2-mesa-dev \
   python3-setuptools libgstreamer1.0-dev git-core \
   gstreamer1.0-plugins-{bad,base,good,ugly} \
   gstreamer1.0-{omx,alsa} python3-dev libmtdev-dev \
   xclip xsel
python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade Cython==0.28.2 pillow
python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade git+

stable seems to work ok so long as it is > v1.11.0

Install some dependencies we need...

python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade pyserial aiofiles

Run as

> cd kivy-smoothie-host
> python3

In settings set the desktop layout to Wide Desktop (or Small Desktop or Large Desktop) and restart. The larger desktop layouts can also have a size specified by editing the smoothiehost.ini file and changing eg screen_size = 1024x900 under the [UI] section. Set screen_size and screen_pos to none if you do not want the screen size and position to be saved and restored.

By specifying a command line argument you can select a different config file eg python3 cnc will select smoothiehost-cnc.ini instead of smoothiehost.ini so different settings can be used for different machines.

Make sure that under ~/.kivy/config.ini in the [input] section that only mouse = mouse is set otherwise you will get multiple cursors and click events will go to unexpected places. The hidinput input driver is also not required (or wanted).

NOTE all the files are coded UTF-8 so make sure your locale (LANG=en_US.utf8 or even LANG=C.UTF-8) is set to a UTF-8 variety otherwise you will get weird errors from deep within python/kivy.

Smoothie version required

This requires the latest FirmwareBin/firmware-latest.bin from Smoothie github, (or FirmwareBin/firmware-cnc-latest.bin).

NOTE to use the T0 and T1 buttons in the Extruder panel the temperature controls need to have the following designators 'T' and 'T1'. The temperature for the currently selected tool will show, and the set temp will apply to that tool.

Spindle Camera

There is support for a spindle camera (or just a regular camera). On a rpi if you are using the rpi camera you need to install a couple of extra modules...

pip3 install --user picamera numpy

and remember to enable the camera in raspi-config.

To use a USB camera it should just work.


There are various buttons in the spindle camera screen as well as a cross hair in the center.

zero will set the X and Y WPOS to zero at the current position

capture will create a PNG of the current camera screen in the current directory

jog Enters touch jog mode

invert Inverts the jog movement

back Exits the spindle camera window

To jog and focus you need to use multitouch on an RPI screen. Once the jog mode button is pressed one finger slid left or right will jog in the X axis by 0.001mm, two fingers will jog by 0.01mm, three fingers will jog by 0.1mm. Slide up and down will move in Y. Four finger slides up/down will move the Z axis up/down to focus the camera. NOTE that only the first finger to touch is tracked so if that is lifted it will no longer jog until all fingers are lifted. If four fingers touch then it enters z jog mode and will stay in that mode until all fingers are lifted.

If using one of the desktop layouts you will have access to the jog screen for jogging, or you can use the pendant.


There is support for a home made MPG pendant using a Teensy as a rawhid device. Also the LHB04 Mach3 pendant.

Home made

Project here...

Then you need to do the following on the rpi...

Then you will have the MPG/Pendant controller available for jogging etc.

(NOTE you need the latest version of smoothieware dated greater than 1 October 2018 to support the $J command)

HB04 wired USB

Support for the wired LHB04 MACH3 USB pendant is now available. add the following to the smoothiehost.ini file...

hb04 = 0x10ce:0xeb70

The button functions can be defined in the hb04.ini file (see the sample-hb04.ini file)...

# user defined macro buttons
macro1 = G0 X20 Y20
macro2 = G0 {axis}0
#macro7 = 
#macro3 = 
#macro6 = 
#rewind = 
# predefined buttons can be overriden
#start = runs last file viewed or run
#safez = G91 G0 Z20 G90
#origin = G90 G0 X0 Y0
#probez = G38.3 Z-25
#zero = G10 L20 P0 {axis}0
#home = $H
#spindle = M3 or M5 depending on whether spindle switch is on or off
#half = "G90 G0 {}{}".format(axis,[axis-88]/2)

Python Easyhid needs to be installed...

then add this to /etc/udev/rules.d/50-HB04.rules...

SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="10ce", ATTRS{idProduct}=="eb70", MODE:="0666"

Plug in the HB04 and turn it on, then run smoopi.

Many of the buttons have default actions, but can be redefined in the [macros] section of the hb04.ini file. NOTE that if {axis} appears in the macro it will be replaced by the currently selected axis.

The hard coded buttons are the step button which increases the move multiplier, and the MPG button next to it which decreases the multiplier. at x1 each encoder click moves 0.001mm, at x10 it moves 0.01mm, at x100 it moves 0.1mm etc.

The Stop button will send a kill/halt (control X) to smoothie and the reset will send $X to unkill.

The move to origin and home buttons do as you would expect. The =0 button sets the WCS of the selected axis to 0. The spindle button will toggle the spindle switch on and off (if one is defined) The =1/2 button will set the WCS of the currently selected axis to half the current position. (eg if WCS is set to 0 at left edge and spindle is at right edge it would set the WCS X to half the current value so then going to G0 X0 it would move the spindle to the center X position)

Screen shots

Extruder screens

Extruder Screen Temp Graph

DRO screen

DRO Screen

Command screen

Command Screen

Jog screen

Jog Screen

Macro screen

Macro Screen

MPG screen

MPG Screen

Config Editor

Config editor

GCode viewer

Gcode Viewer Screen Selection in Gcode Viewer Screen



GCode help screen

GCode Help Screen

Desktop mode

Desktop Screen

Wide Screen Desktop mode

Wide screen Screen