Learning with Self-Supervised Regularization

This repository contains a Keras implementation of the SESEMI architecture for supervised and semi-supervised image classification, as described in the NeurIPS'19 LIRE Workshop paper:

Tran, Phi Vu (2019) Exploring Self-Supervised Regularization for Supervised and Semi-Supervised Learning.



The training and evaluation of the SESEMI architecture for supervised and semi-supervised learning is summarized as follows:

  1. Separate the input data into labeled and unlabeled branches. The unlabeled branch consists of all available training examples, but without ground truth label information;
  2. Perform geometric transformations on unlabeled data to produce six proxy labels defined as image rotations belonging in the set of {0,90,180,270} degrees along with horizontal (left-right) and vertical (up-down) flips;
  3. Apply input data augmentation and noise to each branch independently;
  4. At each training step, sample two mini-batches having the same number of unlabeled and labeled examples as inputs to a shared CNN backbone. Note that labeled examples will repeat in a mini-batch because the number of unlabeled examples is much greater;
  5. Compute the supervised cross-entropy loss using ground truth labels and the self-supervised cross-entropy loss using proxy labels generated from image rotations and flips;
  6. Update CNN parameters via stochastic gradient descent by minimizing the sum of supervised and self-supervised loss components;
  7. At inference time, take the supervised branch of the network to make predictions on test data and discard the self-supervised branch.


The code is tested on Ubuntu 16.04 with the following components:



This reference implementation loads all data into system memory and utilizes GPU for model training and evaluation. The following hardware specifications are highly recommended:


For training and evaluation, execute the following bash commands in the same directory where the code resides. Ensure the datasets have been downloaded into their respective directories.

# Set the PYTHONPATH environment variable.
$ export PYTHONPATH="/path/to/this/repo:$PYTHONPATH"

# Train and evaluate SESEMI.
$ python train_evaluate_sesemi.py
    --network <network_str>
    --dataset <dataset_str>
    --labels <nb_labels>
    --gpu <gpu_id>

# Train and evaluate SESEMI with unlabeled extra data from Tiny Images.
$ python train_evaluate_sesemi_tinyimages.py
    --network <network_str>
    --extra <nb_extra>
    --gpu <gpu_id>

The required flags are: