Python package


LINQ (Language Integrated Query) is a popular querying language available in .NET. This library ports the language so that developers can query collections of objects using the same syntax. This library would be useful for Python developers with experience using the expressiveness and power of LINQ.


Available as a package from PyPI.

pip install py-linq


To access the LINQ functions an iterable needs to be wrapped by the Enumerable

from py_linq import Enumerable
my_collection = Enumerable([1,2,3])


Please visit the project site for better documentation


Contributions are welcomed. This project uses pipenv to handle the few library dependencies. Pre-commit is also used so that formatting and linting checks are performed on commit.

  1. Clone the repository using git clone
  2. Install pipenv globally pip install pipenv
  3. CD into the root of your cloned repository directory and pipenv install --dev to install all packages from the repository Pipfile.
  4. Install pre-commit by typing pipenv run pre-commit install
  5. You should now be ready to start coding!


Bruce Fenske


  1. Oleg Shilo
  2. Sebastien Celles
  3. Daniel Goltz


Date Version Description
21-Apr-2020 1.2.2
  • Issue #38 - Fixed issue where to_list calls were taking a very long time. Added some regression testing for this issue
  • General performance improvements across code-base where identified
21-Jan-2020 1.2.1
  • Issue #36 - Fixed iterating over files
24-Nov-2019 1.2.0
  • Memory consumption improvements by removal of data caching when collection is iterated over
  • Issue #22 - Unexpected behaviour when using iterator as input data
  • Issue #34 - Data loss when using any function
  • Issue #35 - Unexpected result when using first function
7-Oct-2019 1.1.0
  • Issue #23 - Any accepts a None predicate
  • Issue #24 - Performance improvement where any returns on first matching element
  • Issue #25 - Use of any to check for elements in an Enumerable
  • Issue #26 - Performance improvement where element_at only iterates until the n-th element
  • Issue #29 - Performance improvement where distinct method is no longer immediately executing.
  • Issue #30 - Performance improvement where all function is no longer iterating through collection more than once
  • Issue #31 - Performance improvement where reverse function is no longer immediately executing
  • Issue #32 - Count function now accepts a lambda predicate to filter collection
16-Jul-2019 1.0.1
  • Issue #21 - Support lambda predicates in first, first_or_default, last, and last_or_default methods
07-Mar-2019 1.0
  • Issue #17 - Added additional LINQ methods to complete the Enumerable API as per MSDN
06-Jan-2019 0.7
  • Issue #19 - Distinct bug fix
06-Dec-2018 0.6
  • Issue #13 - Empty list as default parameter
  • Issue #14 - except_ method bug fix
19-Jul-2017 0.5
  • last and last_or_default method bug fixes
  • then_by and then_by_descending implementation
30-Jan-2017 0.4
  • Added Python 3 support
15-Jan-2015 0.3
  • Changed README.rst
  • Performance improvements
12-Jan-2015 0.2
  • Added documentation
07-Jan-2015 0.1
  • Initial beta release