
This web application provides a restful API for your desktop and other applications licensing needs.

Key View

key view key detail add key

Application View

app view app detail

API Example



Aside from the python module requirements listed in requirements.txt, the following is required:


This software should be used from a viritualenv environment.

virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -U -r requirements.txt

Then edit the config:

mv keyserv/ keyserv/

Make sure you set SECRET_KEY to a randomly generated value, then change SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI to the URI for the database you create below.

Database Setup

The following commands will create a suitable database for the keyserver to use.

su - postgres
createuser keyserver
createdb -O keyserver keyserver

User Setup

This creates a user and password on the command line. Currently there's no user creation available in the user interface.

flask create-user username password

Key Creation & Usage

  1. Create an Application at the /add/app URL.
  2. Create a Key at the /add/key URL. Activations set to -1 means unlimited activations

API Endpoints

/api/check GET

Used to check if a key is valid. Your application should exit if the response code is not 201. A response of 404 means the key does not exist. This endpoint only accepts the GET method.

404 response:

{"result": "failure", "error": "invalid key"}

201 OK response:

{"result": "ok"}


/api/activate POST

Used to activate the application. If successful, the number of remaining activations will decrement by one. After activation, your application should store the token in an obscure location and use the /api/check endpoint each time it starts up. This endpoint only supports the POST method.

404 Invalid Key response:

{"result": "failure", "error": "invalid activation token", "support_message": "call 555-555-5555 for support or email"}

410 Out of Activations response:

{"result": "failure", "error": "key is out of activations", "support_message": "visit for support"}

201 Activation Successful response:

{"result": "ok", "remainingActivations": 1}

The number of remaining activations will be returned in the JSON payload. -1 indicates unlimited activations.



curl localhost:5001/api/activate -X POST -d token=2SZRHXZBNB3GUCHM375FTB8DJ -d machine=ICEBREAKER -d user=sam
    "result": "ok",
    "remainingActivations": "9"

Database Notice

The database schema is likely to change as this software is still young. Appropriate ALTER TABLE queries will come with the commit message.
