
Features of this project:



pip install py360convert

Now at everywhere, you can import py360convert or use the command line tool convert360.

Command line examples

You can run command line tool to use the functionality. Please See convert360 -h for detailed. The python script is also an example code to see how to use this as a package in your code.

convert360 --convert e2c --i assert/example_input.png --o assert/example_e2c.png --w 200
Input Equirectangular Output Cubemap

convert360 --convert c2e --i assert/example_e2c.png --o assert/example_c2e.png --w 800 --h 400
Input Cubemap Output Equirectangular

You can see the blurring artifacts in the polar region because the equirectangular in above figure are resampled twice (e2c then c2e).

convert360 --convert e2p --i assert/example_input.png --o assert/example_e2p.png --w 300 --h 300 --u_deg 120 --v_deg 23
Input Equirectangular Output Perspective


e2c(e_img, face_w=256, mode='bilinear', cube_format='dice')

Convert the given equirectangular to cubemap.

e2p(e_img, fov_deg, u_deg, v_deg, out_hw, in_rot_deg=0, mode='bilinear')

Take perspective image from given equirectangular. Parameters:

c2e(cubemap, h, w, cube_format='dice')

Convert the given cubemap to equirectangular.


import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
import py360convert

cube_dice = np.array('assert/demo_cube.png'))

# You can make convertion between supported cubemap format
cube_h = py360convert.cube_dice2h(cube_dice)  # the inverse is cube_h2dice
cube_dict = py360convert.cube_h2dict(cube_h)  # the inverse is cube_dict2h
cube_list = py360convert.cube_h2list(cube_h)  # the inverse is cube_list2h
print('cube_dice.shape:', cube_dice.shape)
print('cube_h.shape:', cube_h.shape)
print('cube_dict.keys():', cube_dict.keys())
print('cube_dict["F"].shape:', cube_dict["F"].shape)
print('len(cube_list):', len(cube_list))
print('cube_list[0].shape:', cube_list[0].shape)


cube_dice.shape: (768, 1024, 3)
cube_h.shape: (256, 1536, 3)
cube_dict.keys(): dict_keys(['F', 'R', 'B', 'L', 'U', 'D'])
cube_dict["F"].shape: (256, 256, 3)
len(cube_list): 6
cube_list[0].shape: (256, 256, 3)