XLNet Extension

XLNet is a generalized autoregressive pretraining method proposed by CMU & Google Brain, which outperforms BERT on 20 NLP tasks ranging from question answering, natural language inference, sentiment analysis, and document ranking. XLNet is inspired by the pros and cons of auto-regressive and auto-encoding methods to overcome limitation of both sides, which uses a permutation language modeling objective to learn bidirectional context and integrates ideas from Transformer-XL into model architecture. This project is aiming to provide extensions built on top of current XLNet and bring power of XLNet to other NLP tasks like NER and NLU.

Figure 1: Illustrations of fine-tuning XLNet on different tasks






Figure 2: Illustrations of fine-tuning XLNet on CoNLL2003-NER task

CoNLL2003 - NER Avg. (5-run) Best
Precision 91.36 ± 0.50 92.14
Recall 92.95 ± 0.24 93.20
F1 Score 92.15 ± 0.35 92.67

Table 1: The test set performance of XLNet-large finetuned model on CoNLL2003-NER task with setting: batch size = 16, max length = 128, learning rate = 2e-5, num steps = 4,000


Figure 3: Illustrations of fine-tuning XLNet on ATIS-NLU task

ATIS - NLU Avg. (5-run) Best
Accuracy - Intent 97.51 ± 0.09 97.54
F1 Score - Slot 95.48 ± 0.30 95.73

Table 2: The test set performance of XLNet-large finetuned model on ATIS-NLU task with setting: batch size = 16, max length = 128, learning rate = 5e-5, num steps = 2,000

SQuAD v1.1

Figure 4: Illustrations of fine-tuning XLNet on SQuAD v1.1 task

SQuAD v1.1 Avg. (5-run) Best
Exact Match xx.xx ± x.xx 88.61
F1 Score xx.xx ± x.xx 94.28

Table 3: The test set performance of XLNet-large finetuned model on SQuAD v1.1 task with setting: batch size = 48, max sequence length = 512, max question length = 64, learning rate = 3e-5, num steps = 8,000

SQuAD v2.0

Figure 5: Illustrations of fine-tuning XLNet on SQuAD v2.0 task

SQuAD v2.0 Avg. (5-run) Best
Exact Match xx.xx ± x.xx 85.72
F1 Score xx.xx ± x.xx 88.36

Table 4: The test set performance of XLNet-large finetuned model on SQuAD v2.0 task with setting: batch size = 48, max sequence length = 512, max question length = 64, learning rate = 3e-5, num steps = 8,000

CoQA v1.0

Figure 6: Illustrations of fine-tuning XLNet on CoQA v1.0 task

CoQA v1.0 Avg. (5-run) Best
Exact Match xx.xx ± x.xx 81.8
F1 Score xx.xx ± x.xx 89.4

Table 5: The test set performance of XLNet-large finetuned model on CoQA v1.0 task with setting: batch size = 48, max sequence length = 512, max question length = 128, learning rate = 3e-5, num steps = 6,000

QuAC v0.2

Figure 7: Illustrations of fine-tuning XLNet on QuAC v0.2 task

QuAC v0.2 Avg. (5-run) Best
F1 Score xx.xx ± x.xx 71.5
HEQQ xx.xx ± x.xx 68.0
HEQD xx.xx ± x.xx 11.1

Table 6: The test set performance of XLNet-large finetuned model on QuAC v0.2 task with setting: batch size = 48, max sequence length = 512, max question length = 128, learning rate = 2e-5, num steps = 8,000
