Project Development KPIs

Project Development KPIs monitors quantitative key performance indicators (KPIs) of product development teams. It exports project development KPIs from Jira and Github to prometheus for monitoring in metrics services such as Grafana. The current list of metrics provided is listed below.


A fundamental part performing as a development team is to deliver quickly with few errors. We aspire to 'move fast and break nothing.'

Engineers love quantitative measures of performance on goals. Lead and Cycle time measure how fast a team is moving. Measures of technical debt and bugs measure how many imperfections they are responsible for. Measures of inventory give visibility into how code moves through the development pipeline.


Build & test

To build and test the project locally simply run the following commands.

$ make
$ make test


A docker-compose configuration is included in this repository to make getting started with the project as simple as possible. To use it, follow the following steps.

Define your environment

Using the sample environment as a base, fill in your Jira and GitHub credentials. You can ignore JIRA_CONTROL_SECRET and JIRA_CONTROL_PATH for now.

$ cp config/sample.env config/production.env
$ vim config/production.env

Configure your Jira project

To add your project for export, create a configuration JSON file.

$ cp config/sample_projects.json config/projects.json
$ vim config/projects.json

There you must specify the fields shown below.

config/sample_projects.json provides a sample of this configuration.

To view your jira workflow, click 'View Workflow' next to the status indicator on any issue page. To check for the correct capitalization of each status check the transitions for an issue that can transition into the state your are interested as show below. Replace ORG_SUBDOMAIN with the jira subdomain of your organization and ISSUE_KEY with the key of the issue.

Run with docker-compose

To run with your newly configured environment, execute the following.

$ PDK_ENV=$(pwd)/config/production.env PDK_PROJECTS_CONFIG=$(pwd)/config/projects.json ./compose-ctl up

Viewing metrics with Grafana

By default, a grafana instance preloaded with templated dashboards will be started. Use your browser to view http://localhost:3000. The default username is admin and default password is admin. The dasboards are then accessible under the 'Home' tab.

Please note that it takes ~20 minutes for data to start showing up on the dashboards. You may need to change the timescales.

Templated Grafana dashboards

The files under dashboards/*.json contain two sample grafana dashboards described below.

Project Development KPIs dashboard

The Project Development KPIs dashboard presents all metrics in detail and is meant for finer-grained analytics. See an image of the dasboard with data below.


Project Development KPIs | Summary dashboard

The Project Development KPIs | Summary dashboard is meant to be displayed in a team area as a simple visual control. It's color coded stats recommend actions for maximizing flow.


I want to contribute!

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