MongoDB replica-set controller for Docker Swarm cluster

Build Status

This repository provides a dockerized controller for a Mongo DB replica-set deployed on a Docker Swarm cluster.

Officially tested mongo versions:

Officially tested docker versions:

How to use

First, you need to have a Docker Swarm (docker >= 17.06.0-ce) already setup (See Testing for a local setup). Secondly you need to create an overlay network called backend (when creating the network and setting up the Swarm cluster, be careful with MTU issues! Locally you won't have any, but using cloud providers, you may hit several ones):

(to change the default MTU add --opt

Then, simply run

Alternatively, you can use the simple script we created that covers both steps:

Allow some time while images are pulled in the nodes and services are deployed. After a couple of minutes, you can check if all services are up, as usual, running:

$ docker service ls
ID                  NAME                MODE                REPLICAS            IMAGE                              PORTS
hmld6tiwr5o0        mongo_mongo         global              0/3                 mongo:3.2                          *:27017->27017/tcp
uppaix6drfps        mongo_controller    replicated          1/1                 martel/mongo-replica-ctrl:latest   

You can also check the operations performed by the controller reading the logs:

$ docker service logs -f mongo_controller
mongo_controller.1.7x6ujhg5naw7@swarm-1    | INFO:__main__:Waiting mongo service (and tasks) (mongo_mongo) to start
mongo_controller.1.7x6ujhg5naw7@swarm-1    | ERROR:__main__:Expired attempts waiting for mongo service (mongo_mongo)
mongo_controller.1.sv8eztwisitz@swarm-manager    | INFO:__main__:Waiting mongo service (and tasks) (mongo_mongo) to start
mongo_controller.1.sv8eztwisitz@swarm-manager    | INFO:__main__:Mongo service is up and running
mongo_controller.1.sv8eztwisitz@swarm-manager    | INFO:__main__:To remove: {'', ''}
mongo_controller.1.sv8eztwisitz@swarm-manager    | INFO:__main__:To add: {'', ''}
mongo_controller.1.sv8eztwisitz@swarm-manager    | INFO:__main__:new replSetReconfig: {'ok': 1.0}
mongo_controller.1.sv8eztwisitz@swarm-manager    | INFO:__main__:Primary is:

To remove the stack:

You can configure the following environment variables for deploying your stack using the provided docker-compose.yml file (the variables are used in the controller service, so they are important, without configuring them, the service won't work correctly):

Few hints, to customise the docker-compose.yml orchestration according to your needs:





To test the script you need to set-up a Docker Swarm cluster. An easy way to do so is using miniswarm:


The script aims to cover the following cases (checked ones are the one covered):

You can run the test with:

Tests starting with ci-test are designed for Travis CI, they won't run locally, unless you install as well a MongoDB Client.

N.B.: Tests creates a cluster using miniswarm if you already created a cluster using it, the tests will delete it and create a new one.

To do


Contributions are welcome in the form of pull request.