Happn APIs

Python / PHP modules for interacting with the Happn's REST API.

Note: the following information is related to the Python modules. Please go to the /php subfolder for the PHP modules, and to the Wiki for information about the Happn application & API.

What is included

  \happn                  - Source
  \bin                    - Prebuilt scripts using python Happn API
    setHappnPosition.py   - Script for setting user position
  \examples               - Example implementations
  \php                    - PHP modules

Module Installation

Download the source and run:

    python setup.py install

Getting Started

First you need a Facebook token to create (or reuse) a Happn user. Please look at the following wiki page to know how to get this token : https://github.com/rickhousley/happn/wiki/Happn-REST-API#facebook-authentication

import happn
import pprint #For dictionary printing

token = <your facebook token>

# Generate the Happn User object
myUser = happn.User(token)

# Get user info of a specific user
targetUserDict = myUser.get_user_info(<target user id>)

# Set user position
myUser = myUser.set_position(20.0477203,-156.5052441) #Hawaii lat/lon

# Get recommendations
recs = myUser.get_recommendations()

# Like users
for rec in recs:
    relation = int(rec.get('notifier').get('my_relation'))
    if (relation == happn.Relations.none):
        user_id = int(rec.get('notifier').get('id'))

ToDo list