🐱‍🏍 — the first pygame 2 community game. Starting now! Are you in?

Alt text

"My first cat was named Speedy. Because when he went into one of those crazy dashes across the house, he'd run all along the backrest of the couch, like one of those motorcycle stuntperson. On a near-vertical surface."

To help drive pygame 2 development, we are making a game with pygame 2.

The whole pygame community is invited to take part. In making this one game. In 4 days.

More info here

Get started.

python3 -m venv venv
. ./venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.dev.txt
python run_game.py

The team.

Awesome libraries

Apart from pygame 2 we are going to try using some awesome libraries.

pygame 2 compilation

The game should also work with pygame 1.9.4+, but this game is about using pygame 2.


For now compiling pygame 2 from source is needed (hopefully not by the end of things).

Running tests.

Tests can be found in the tests/ folder.

Type pytest. Or run python -m tox

Tests are run on mac, linux, windows when there is a pull request made.


Releasing is tested with python3.7(not python2 or any other version).

To the python package index (pypi).

rm -rf dist/*
python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
twine upload dist/*

On windows:

python setup.py bdist_msi
dir build/*.msi

On mac:

python setup.py bdist_dmg
ls build/*.dmg

Making gif.

Uncomment the game.py line. Then press g to start recording, g to stop.

        # self.gifmaker = GifMaker()

Requires imagemagic tested on OSX, probably works on linux.


Code license

License for code will be the same as the pygame license (LGPL, but you can keep your parts of course!)

Art assets

https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ https://creativecommons.org/2015/10/08/cc-by-sa-4-0-now-one-way-compatible-with-gplv3/

So technically anyone should be able to distribute the game following those licenses (and even sell it).