This is an implementation of the Tor protocol in Python. It's still a work in progress and is nowhere near complete or secure. If you are looking for anonymity, try the official client at

This product is produced independently from the TorĀ® anonymity software and carries no guarantee from The Tor Project about quality, suitability or anything else.

Module Writing

Modules can be written as either a single file or a python package. A single file module must include a class with the same name as the module name.

from core.Module import Module

class Example(Module):
    def module_load(self):
        # do stuff

    def module_unload(self):
        # do stuff


If you'd like to structure it as a Python package create a directory with the file the same as, where the class inside is named the same as the directory. Dependencies, other files, etc can all be included here just like a normal package.

Module Class

The module class provides the following methods:

Method Description
module_load(self) Executed on module load, should load events and bootstrap the module.
module_unload(self) Executed on module unload, events are automatically cleaned up but if any other clean up needs done this is where to do it.
register(self, event, function) Register an event.
register_first(self, event, function) Register an event so that it is executed first, not guaranteed to be first but it will be before everything registered normally.
trigger(self, event, *args, **kwargs) Trigger the event immediately.
trigger_avail(self, event, *args, **kwargs) Trigger the event once it is registered (lazy execution of an event).


Code borrowed / stolen / adapted from:

Why 'pycepa'?

The Tor Project prefer if people not use 'tor' in their project names, and 'pycepa' sounded better than 'pyonion'. 'cepa', being latin for onion. :)