
Basic watermarking libraries for images and videos with python 3.


(Edited on 2017/11/08)


You can do following things by using this library.



  1. Install OpenCV.

※ If you have already installed OpenCV, you can skip this step.

Use homebrew,

$ brew install opencv3 --with-python3
  1. Install this library.
$ git clone


Put a python file in the same directory as "VideoDigitalWatermarking".

And you write only

from VideoDigitalWatermarking import *

for import.

You can use all following functions.


ber - Calculate BER(Bit Error Rate). * calcBER(data1, data2) Calculate Bit Error Rate. @param data1 : result data @param data2 : answer data @return ber : bit error rate [%]
ccc - For Complete Complementary Code. * generateCCC(N) Create CCC. @param N : CCC size @return CCC : CCC(N,N,N**2)
dct - For Discrete Cosine Transform. * dct_dim1(data) 1 dimension DCT. @param data : 1 dimension data @return data : 1 dimension data conversion by DCT * dct_dim2(data) 2 dimension DCT. @param data : 2 dimension data @return data : 2 dimension data conversion by DCT * idct_dim1(data) 1 dimension IDCT. @param data : 1 dimension data @return data : 1 dimension data conversion by IDCT * idct_dim2(data) 2 dimension IDCT. @param data : 2 dimension data @return data : 2 dimension data conversion by IDCT
image - For image processing. * colorimage2block(img, size) Divide color image into blocks. @param img : a 3 dimension image like a np.array[height][width][BGR] @param size : block size list like a [height, width] @return blocks : a 5 dimension blocks like a np.ndarray[block_height][block_width][height][width][BGR] * getRgbLayer(img, rgb=RED) Read grayscale image. @param img : a 3 dimension color image like np.ndarray[Height][Width][BGR] @param rgb : a returned layer number. Blue is 0, Green is 1 and Red is 2. You can also give a colorname like RED. @return layer : a color layer of image, only red, green or blue. * get_y(img) Get only Y from YCC image. @param img : 3 dimension np.ndarray[Height][Width][YCC] @return y_data : 2 dimension np.ndarray[Height][Width]. Including only Y. * grayimage2block(img, size) Divide gray image into blocks. @param img : a 2 dimension gray image like a np.array[height][width] @param size : block size list like a [height, width] @return blocks : a 4 dimension blocks like a np.ndarray[block_height][block_width][height][width] * readColorImage(filename) Read color image. [notice] Grayscale images are treated as RGB image. (ex. if pixel value is 100, it's treated [100][100][100] RGB image.) @param filename : filename @return img : 3 dimension np.ndarray[Height][Width][BGR] * readGrayImage(filename) Read grayscale image. @param filename : filename @return img : 2 dimension np.ndarray[Height][Width] * rgb2ycc(img) RGB to YCbCr. @param img : 3 dimension np.ndarray[Height][Width][RGB] @return ycc_data : 3 dimension np.ndarray[Height][Width][YCC] * showImage(img) Show imsge data. @param img : image data * writeImage(filename, img) Export image data. @param filename : filename for export image data @param img : 2 or 3 dimension image array * ycc2rgb(img) YCbCr to BGR. @param img : 3 dimension np.ndarray[Height][Width][YCC] @return rgb_data : 3 dimension np.ndarray[Height][Width][BGR]
msequence - For M-Sequence. * generateM(N) Create M-Sequence. @param N : length 2**N-1 @return m : M-Sequence
psnr - For calculate PSNR(Peak Signal to Noise Ratio). * calcPSNR(cover, stego) Calculate PSNR. @param cover : cover image @param stego : stego image @return psnr : PSNR [dB]
secret - For Secret informations. * generateSecret(n) Generate 0 or 1 random secret information for simulation. @param n : length @return secret : secret information list
video - For video processing. * video2image(filename, n=0) Read mpeg video and divide into jpeg images. @param filename : video filename @param n : number of export images (if n=0, this function exports all images in video.) @return count : number of exported images
watermarking - For image watermarking. * correlate(data1, data2, cycle=NON_CYCLE) Calculate correlate function. @param data1 : data1 @param data2 : data2 @param cycle : CYCLE or NON_CYCLE (Default is NON_CYCLE) @return correlate : correlate list * createBasicSeq(ccc, secret_length, tau=1, ch=1) Create Basic-Sequence using CCC. @param ccc : (N,N,N**2)CCC @param secret_length : length of secret information @param tau : shift interval @param ch : channel of CCC @return basic : basic sequence * createEmbedSeq(basic, secret, a=1, tau=1) Create Embed-Sequence using CCC. @param ccc : (N,N,N**2)CCC @param secret : secret information @param a : embed strength @param tau : shift interval @return es : basic sequence * embedBitReplace(cover, secret, bit=1, interval=0) Embed secret informations by changing bit. @param cover : cover data (2 dimension np.ndarray) @param secret : 0 or 1 secret information list @param bit : number of replaced bit (It's recommended to be close to the LSB.) @param interval: ebmed interval @return stego : srego data (2 dimension np.ndarray) * embedMseq(cover, secret, m, a=1, tau=1) Embed secret informations by spread spectrum using m-sequence. @param cover : cover data (2 dimensional np.ndarray) @param secret : 0 or 1 secret information @param m : M-Sequence @param a : embed stlength @param tau : embed shift interval @return stego : srego data (2 dimension np.ndarray) * extractBitReplace(cover, stego, secret_length, bit=1, interval=0) Extract secret informations by chacking LSB. @param cover : cover data @param stego : stego data @param secret_length : length of secret information @param bit : number of replaced bit @param interval : embed interval @return secret : extracted secret information * extractCCC(ccc, es, secret_length, tau=1, ch=1) Extract secret informations by spread spectrum using CCC. @param ccc : (N,N,N**2)CCC @param es : embed sequence (excracted from stego data) @param secret_length : length of secret information @param tau : shift interval @param ch : channel of CCC @return secret_data : extracted secret information * extractMseq(cover, stego, secret_length, m, tau=1) Extract secret informations by spread spectrum using m-sequence. @param cover : cover data @param stego : stego data @param secret_length : length of secret information @param m : M-Sequence @param tau : embed shift interval @return secret : extracted secret information * minus2zero(minus_data) Convert -1 to 0. @param minus_data : secret information represented by -1 and 1 @return zero_data : secret information represented by 0 and 1 * zero2minus(zero_data) Convert 0 to -1. @param zero_data : secret information represented by 0 and 1 @return minus_data : secret information represented by -1 and 1

For more information, please install this library and refer to "VideoDigitalWatermarking/html/index.html" with your browser.


Some program samples.

Sample image


Embeded in time domain.

Change the bit of the red layer in the time domain by the bit replace method. We use the LSB to minimize the effect on the image.

#coding: utf-8

from VideoDigitalWatermarking import *

fnin  = 'test.bmp'
fnout = 'test_embeded.bmp'

secret_data = [1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0]

rgb_data = readColorImage(fnin)
red_data = getRgbLayer(rgb_data, rgb=RED)
embeded_red_data = embedBitReplace(red_data, secret_data, bit=1, interval=0)

#replace red_data to embeded_red_data
height = red_data.shape[0]
width  = red_data.shape[1]
for i in np.arange(height):
    for j in np.arange(width):
        rgb_data[i][j][RED] = embeded_red_data[i][j]

writeImage(fnout, rgb_data)

Extract from time domain.

Extract secret information from the LSB of the red layer in the time domain.

#coding: utf-8

from VideoDigitalWatermarking import *

fn_cover  = 'test.bmp'
fn_stego = 'test_embeded.bmp'

rgb_cover = readColorImage(fn_cover)
rgb_stego = readColorImage(fn_stego)

red_cover   = getRgbLayer(rgb_cover, rgb=RED)
red_stego   = getRgbLayer(rgb_stego, rgb=RED)

secret_data = extractBitReplace(red_cover, red_stego, 8, bit=1, interval=0)
Read "test.bmp".
Read "test_embeded.bmp".
[ 1.  1.  1.  1.  0.  0.  0.  0.]

Embed in frequency domain.

Change the any bit of the Y layer in the frequency domain by the bit replace method. We use the high bit to avoid the "quantization error".

#coding: utf-8

from VideoDigitalWatermarking import *

fnin  = 'test.bmp'
fnout = 'test_embeded.bmp'

secret_data = [1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0]

rgb_data = readColorImage(fnin)
ycc_data = rgb2ycc(rgb_data)
y_data   = get_y(ycc_data)
dct_data = dct_dim2(y_data)
embeded_dct_y_data = embedBitReplace(dct_data, secret_data, bit=5, interval=100)
embeded_y_data = idct_dim2(embeded_dct_y_data)

#replace y_data to embeded_y_data
height = ycc_data.shape[0]
width  = ycc_data.shape[1]
for i in np.arange(height):
    for j in np.arange(width):
        ycc_data[i][j][0] = embeded_y_data[i][j]

embeded_rgb_data = ycc2rgb(ycc_data)

#print(rgb_data[0][0], embeded_rgb_data[0][0])

writeImage(fnout, embeded_rgb_data)

Extract from frequency domain.

Extract secret information from the any bit of the Y layer in the frequency domain.

#coding: utf-8

from VideoDigitalWatermarking import *

fn_cover  = 'test.bmp'
fn_stego = 'test_embeded.bmp'

rgb_cover = readColorImage(fn_cover)
rgb_stego = readColorImage(fn_stego)

#print(rgb_cover[0][0], rgb_stego[0][0])

ycc_cover = rgb2ycc(rgb_cover)
ycc_stego = rgb2ycc(rgb_stego)
y_cover   = get_y(ycc_cover)
y_stego   = get_y(ycc_stego)
dct_cover = dct_dim2(y_cover)
dct_stego = dct_dim2(y_stego)

#print(dct_cover[0][0], dct_stego[0][0])

secret_data = extractBitReplace(dct_cover, dct_stego, 8, bit=5, interval=100)
Read "test.bmp".
Read "test_embeded.bmp".
[ 1.  1.  1.  1.  0.  0.  0.  0.]

Embed by M-Sequence.

Embed secret information by spectrum spread using M-Sequence.
(But mow, you can only use τ=1. I am fixing this.)

Time domain

#coding: utf-8

from VideoDigitalWatermarking import *
import numpy as np
import math

fnin  = 'test.bmp'
fnout = 'test_embeded.bmp'

secret_data = [1,1,1,1,0,0,0]

secret_length = len(secret_data)
N = math.ceil(math.log2(secret_length+1))
m = generateM(N)

print('m =', m, '\n')

rgb_data = readColorImage(fnin)
red_data = getRgbLayer(rgb_data, rgb=RED)
embeded_red_data = embedMseq(red_data, secret_data, m, a=1, tau=1)

#replace red_data to embeded red_data
height = red_data.shape[0]
width  = red_data.shape[1]
for i in np.arange(height):
    for j in np.arange(width):
        rgb_data[i][j][RED] = embeded_red_data[i][j]

writeImage(fnout, rgb_data)

Frequency domain

#coding: utf-8

from VideoDigitalWatermarking import *
import numpy as np
import math

fnin  = 'test.bmp'
fnout = 'test_embeded.bmp'

secret_data = [1,1,1,1,0,0,0]

secret_length = len(secret_data)

N = math.ceil(math.log2(secret_length+1))
m = generateM(N)

print('m =', m, '\n')

rgb_data = readColorImage(fnin)
ycc_data = rgb2ycc(rgb_data)
y_data   = get_y(ycc_data)
dct_data = dct_dim2(y_data)
embeded_dct_y_data = embedMseq(dct_data, secret_data, m, a=100, tau=1)
embeded_y_data = idct_dim2(embeded_dct_y_data)

#replace y_data to embeded_y_data
height = ycc_data.shape[0]
width  = ycc_data.shape[1]
for i in np.arange(height):
    for j in np.arange(width):
        ycc_data[i][j][0] = embeded_y_data[i][j]

embeded_rgb_data = ycc2rgb(ycc_data)

writeImage(fnout, embeded_rgb_data)
m = [1, 1, -1, 1, -1, -1, 1] 

Read "test.bmp".
Write "test_embeded.bmp".

Ectract by M-Sequence.

Extract secret information by spectrum spread using M-Sequence.

Time domain

#coding: utf-8

from VideoDigitalWatermarking import *
import math

fn_cover  = 'test.bmp'
fn_stego = 'test_embeded.bmp'

secret_length = 7 #secret infomation length
N = math.ceil(math.log2(secret_length+1))
m = generateM(N)

print('m =', m, '\n')

rgb_cover = readColorImage(fn_cover)
rgb_stego = readColorImage(fn_stego)

red_cover   = getRgbLayer(rgb_cover, rgb=RED)
red_stego   = getRgbLayer(rgb_stego, rgb=RED)

secret_data = extractMseq(red_cover, red_stego, secret_length, m, tau=1)

Frequency domain

#coding: utf-8

from VideoDigitalWatermarking import *
import math

fn_cover  = 'test.bmp'
fn_stego  = 'test_embeded.bmp'

secret_length = 7 #secret infomation length

N = math.ceil(math.log2(secret_length+1))
m = generateM(N)

print('m =', m, '\n')

rgb_cover = readColorImage(fn_cover)
rgb_stego = readColorImage(fn_stego)

ycc_cover = rgb2ycc(rgb_cover)
ycc_stego = rgb2ycc(rgb_stego)
y_cover   = get_y(ycc_cover)
y_stego   = get_y(ycc_stego)
dct_cover = dct_dim2(y_cover)
dct_stego = dct_dim2(y_stego)

secret_data = extractMseq(dct_cover, dct_stego, secret_length, m, tau=1)
m = [1, 1, -1, 1, -1, -1, 1] 

Read "test.bmp".
Read "test_embeded.bmp".
[1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0]

Embed and Extract by CCC.

Embed and Extract secret information by spectrum spread using Complete Complementary Code.

#coding: utf-8

from VideoDigitalWatermarking import *

secret_data = [1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0]
secret_length = len(secret_data)

ccc = generateCCC(2)
print(ccc, '\n')

basic = createBasicSeq(ccc, secret_length, tau=1, ch=1)
print('basic = ', basic, '\n')

es = createEmbedSeq(basic, secret_data, a=1, tau=1)
print('Embed Sequence =', es, '\n')

secret = extractCCC(ccc, es, secret_length, tau=1, ch=1)
print('secret =', secret)
[[[ 1.  1. -1.  1.]
  [-1.  1.  1.  1.]]

 [[ 1.  1.  1. -1.]
  [-1.  1. -1. -1.]]] 

basic =  [1. 1. -1. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. -1. 1. 1. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.] 

Embed Sequence = [ 1  2  1  2  0 -2  0 -2 -1  0 -1 -1  0  1  2  4  2  0 -2 -3 -2 -1  0  0  0  0  0  0  0] 

secret = [1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]

Divide video into images.

You can input a video and output each frames as images.

#coding: utf-8

from VideoDigitalWatermarking import *

filename  = 'test.mp4'
video2image(filename, n=5)
frame num = 5
fps       = 30
hright    = 1080
width     = 1920 

Export 5 jpeg Images.

Divide image into blocks.

You can input an image and divide it into blocks.

#coding: utf-8

from VideoDigitalWatermarking import *

filename = 'test.bmp'
image = readColorImage(filename)

blocks = colorimage2block(image, [128,128])

for i in np.arange(blocks.shape[0]):
    for j in np.arange(blocks.shape[1]):
        writeImage(str(i*blocks.shape[1]+j+1) + '.bmp', blocks[i][j])

1.bmp 2.bmp
3.bmp 4.bmp

Correlate function

Calculate correlate function.

#coding: utf-8

from VideoDigitalWatermarking import *


cycle = correlate(x, y, CYCLE)
noncylcle = correlate(x, y, NON_CYCLE)

print('CYCLE     =', cycle)
print('NON CYCLE =', noncylcle)
CYCLE     = [-1 -1  3 -1 -1]
NON CYCLE = [ 1 -2  3 -2  1]


Calculate Bit Error Rate.

#coding: utf-8

from VideoDigitalWatermarking import *

data1 = [1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0]
data2 = [1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0]
ber = calcBER(data1, data2)
print('BER =', ber, '[%]')
BER = 50.0 [%]


Calculate Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio.

#coding: utf-8

from VideoDigitalWatermarking import *
import numpy as np

a = np.array([[[11,10,10],[20,20,20],[30,30,30]],[[10,10,10],[20,20,20],[30,30,30]],[[10,10,10],[20,20,20],[30,30,30]]])
b = np.array([[[10,10,10],[20,20,20],[30,30,30]],[[10,10,10],[20,20,20],[30,30,30]],[[10,10,10],[20,20,20],[30,30,30]]])
c = np.array([[[10,10,10],[20,20,20],[30,30,30]],[[10,10,10],[20,20,20],[30,30,30]],[[10,10,10],[20,20,20],[30,30,30]]])

psnr = calcPSNR(a, b)
print('PSNR =', psnr, '[dB]')

psnr = calcPSNR(b, c)
print('PSNR =', psnr, '[dB]')
PSNR = 38.37903944592942 [dB]
PSNR = -inf [dB]



This program is using OpenCV for input and output.
Please read here about OpenCV license.

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