
RFCN implement based on Keras&Tensorflow

This is an implementation of Region-based Fully Convolutional Networks on Python 3, Keras, and TensorFlow. The model generates bounding boxes for each instance of an object in the image. It's based on Feature Pyramid Network (FPN) and a ResNet50 or ResNet101 backbone.

The repository includes:


Thanks to the Mask-RCNN implement by matterport, we have the great framework so that we don't have the needs to generate bounding box and implement the Non-Maximum-Suppression algorithm.

If you are already fimilar with matterport's framework, this repository is easy to understand and use. What I have done is remove the mask head in the framework, which makes it be a Faster-RCNN, and implement a position sensitive ROI pooling layer and a VOTE layer. For more details, please read the paper.

position sensitive ROI

Getting Started

Train on your own dataset

As you can see in, for a specific dataset, all you need is listed below:

Predict on your own dataset

See as a demo. More details in writing.


This RFCN framework consists of FIVE parts:

Experiment Result

To make sure the framework work normally, we have trained the model 240 epochs with DeepFashion dataset. And the detection result might useful: