OSC Tools


Tools developed by OpenStreetCam to help contributors.


virtualenv -p python3 .

source bin/activate

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

## 1. Upload photos to OpenStreetCam

##### Description
This script is used to upload sequences from a local directory. The available formats are:
* Sequences taken with the OSC mobile apps
* Exif images

##### Usage

cd /path_to_scripts/osc_tools


python osc_tools.py -h

help for upload

python osc_tools.py upload -h

upload all sequences from ~/OSC_sequences folder

python osc_tools.py upload -p ~/OSC_seqences

## 2. Generate Exif info from OSC metadata file

##### Description
This script generates GPS Exif info for each image from an OSC metadata format file.

##### Usage

cd /path_to_scripts


python osc_tools.py -h

help for Exif generation

python osc_tools.py generate_exif -h

Exif generation for sequence in ~/OSC_sequences/Sequence1 folder

python osc_tools.py generate_exif -p ~/OSC_seqences/Sequence1

##### Docker
To run the scripts inside a Docker container:

make docker docker run -Pit osc-up osc_tools.py docker run -Pit --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)",target=/opt/osc osc-up /opt/osc/osc_tools.py

The images directory in the repo will be available in the container at /opt/osc/images