A cute rocket in outerspace!

Fusée Launcher Interfacée (Nintendo Homebrew Version)

A mod of falquinhos Fusée Launcher for use with Nintendo Homebrew Switch Guide. It also adds the ability to mount SD while in RCM.

A very simple GUI for applying Team {Re}Switched Fusée Launcher script onto your Nintendo Switch.


Running this app

You can run this app as a simple python script or by executing the binary file for your platform.

Running as a script

Running the binary file



Using Fusée Launcher Interfacée

The app is very simple, it should be very intuitive to use:

App looking for a device. App found a device and is ready!


If the binary executable won't run in your machine you can build it yourself. The tool I used was pyinstaller.

A note on freezing on Linux:

If you want to freeze using pyinstaller on linux there's a bug on the pip version of it that prevents the libusb to be bundled. You need to donwload the develop branch of pyinstaller and use it as a script.
