PyDDM - A drift-diffusion model simulator

Build Status


PyDDM is a simulator and modeling framework for drift-diffusion models (DDM), with a focus on cognitive neuroscience.

Key features include:

See the documentation, FAQs, or tutorial for more information. You can also sign up for release announcements by email.

Please note that PyDDM is still beta software so you may experience some glitches or uninformative error messages.


Normally, you can install with:

$ pip install pyddm

If you are in a shared environment (e.g. a cluster), install with:

$ pip install pyddm --user

If installing from source, download the source code, extract, and do:

$ python3 install

System requirements


Please report bugs to This includes any problems with the documentation. PRs for bugs are greatly appreciated.

Feature requests are currently not being accepted due to limited resources. If you implement a new feature in PyDDM, please do the following before submitting a PR on Github:

For all other questions or comments, contact


All code is available under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt for more information.