
Userspace I/O in Python

All examples currently target the BeagleBone family of devices and/or the BeagleBoard-X15.

This library and its examples are for interfacing with uio devices, in particular those using the uio_pdrv_genirq driver and those using the uio_pruss driver.

There isn't much documentation yet other than this README, but a little bit can be found on the wiki.


Make sure you have pip, setuptools, and wheel installed:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3-pip python3-setuptools python3-wheel

You can clone py-uio from git and install it with a single command:

pip3 install --src . -e 'git+'

Or, if you've already cloned the repository, you can install it with pip3 install -e PATH. The -e option causes a symlink (of sorts) to be installed in the python path rather than copying files, which means you don't need to reinstall the package after pulling changes.

To uninstall simply use pip3 uninstall py-uio.


Additional installation instructions:

Now you can try out the various pru-examples:

To recompile the assembly examples you will need pasm, which you can just compile from source:

git clone
cd am335x_pru_package/pru_sw/utils/pasm_source
sudo cp ../pasm /usr/local/bin/

To recompile the C example you need the "TI PRU Code Generation Tools", which you can install using sudo apt-get install ti-pru-cgt-installer, or you can download it here.


(TODO: this is outdated information and needs to be revised!)

Copy the stuff in the etc/ dir to the corresponding places in /etc and tweak the udev rule to taste (user/group/permissions).

The dts/ dir contains example device tree fragments. If you use a custom dts then you can simply include such dtsi files, but since most people don't you can also type make to build device tree overlays from them and use the utils in dts/bin/ to add/remove them.

Example 1 (gpio-triggered IRQ):

cd dts
make gpio-irq.dtbo
sudo bin/add-overlay gpio-irq.dtbo
cd ..
# now pull P9.12 to ground to trigger the irq the script is waiting for

Example 2 (small experiment with L3 service network):

cd dts
make l3-sn.dtbo
sudo bin/add-overlay l3-sn.dtbo
cd ..

The l3-sn is useful testing ground since it is very fussy about access size.