Qiew - Hex/File format viewer

Portable Executable (PE) file viewer

Designed to be useful for reverse engineering malware.


see wiki for key functions

This program is licensed under GPLv2.


Binaries available for Windows AMD64, built with cx_Freeze

Installation from sources

Install Terminus font, for Windows users download from here. For Debian/Ubuntu users: sudo apt-get install xfonts-terminus

If you have a C compiler run

pip install -r requirements.txt

Otherwise run

pip install yapsy pefile pyperclip pyaes ply pyelftools androguard PyQt5

and manually install Capstone.

If you develop in a virtualenv on Windows, you need to copy the python3.dll to your virtual env, as only python36.dll is copied automatically.

Available plugins

Binary view mode


Hex view mode


Disassembly view mode

disasmview disasmview

Powered by: Python3, Qt5, Terminus font, pefile, Capstone

see wiki