
Sugardough is not activelly maintained and packages are out of date and insecure.

Sugardough is a web application template based on Django. Sugardough is built using Cookiecutter.


Requirements Status

Virtualenv Build Status Docker Build Status

Create a sugardough project

  1. Get cookiecutter:

    $ pip install cookiecutter
  2. Run cookiecutter with sugardough template

    $ cookiecutter
  3. Done!

Contribute to sugardough

To contribute to sugardough development:

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Create a virtualenv.
  3. Install development requirements using pip:

    $ pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Update the template directory, and cookiecutter.json as well with new variables if needed.
  5. Run the regeneration script that auto-creates a test site:

    $ ./bin/
  6. Launch the test site to see your changes:

    $ cd test_project/sugardough
    $ docker-compose up
  7. Git commit changes.
  8. Pull request!

The command can also watch for changes and auto-regenerate the test project:

$ ./bin/ --watch

If you want the test project to use a different value for a variable than the default defined in cookiecutter.json, add the value to your ~/.cookiecutterrc file:

    project_name: "Foo Bar"



Sugardough itself is licensed under the Apache 2 license. See the LICENSE file in this repository for the full text of the license. The website projects produced using sugardough use the Mozilla Public License version 2 by default.