
User anomaly detector based on logs generated by Osquery framework and machine learning to process those logs. Machine learnings alogirthms that are currently implemented are: Recurrent neural network - Long short-term memory (LSTM) and One-Class Support Vector Machine (OCSVM). This project is part of Master thesis at Faculty of electrical engineering and computing, University of Zagreb.

Note: Only Linux platforms are supported. Tested on Xubuntu 16.04.

The code includes:


Existing security solutions are mostly based on preventing known malicious threats or a defined set of rules and therefore most outside and inside threats end as successful attacks. The idea was to build a system that is an adaptive user action identifier, so it can predict and detect anomalous behavior in real time.



If you use syslog-ng or you can read about the configuration here. If no logs are available, read debugging suggestions.


How to use


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