GAE Angular Material Starter

Easiest way to start Google App Engine Angular Material project on Earth & Mars!

As a base for this I've used starter projects gae-init and MEANJS, so big thanks to them!

This full stack uses following technologies:

You can see live demo here:

What's implemented?

What do I need?

First make sure you've got following things installed on your machine:


Using yeoman:

sudo npm install -g generator-gae-angular-material-starter
mkdir myNewApp && cd myNewApp
yo gae-angular-material-starter  # it will ask you few questions, e.g your app name, etc.
gulp run

Using github:

git clone
cd gae-angular-material-starter
npm install
gulp run

And that's it! You should now see the app running on port 8080. You can now sign in via Google, or you can click "Generate Database" and then sign in as "admin" with password "123456"


When you're done with your beautiful Material Design app it's time to deploy! First, make sure you change your application name in app.yaml

gulp build update main

And that's it! Your next big thing is out!

What's left to do?


Sure you can :)


MIT. Can't be more open, source ;)