

SubScraper is a subdomain enumeration tool that uses a variety of techniques to find potential subdomains of a given target. This is especially helpful during penetration testing or bug bounty hunting to uncover additional attack surfaces. Depending on the the CMD args used, SubScraper can perform DNS lookups and HTTP/S requests during the enumeration process to help prioritize targets and aid in potential next steps.

Key Features

Enumeration Techniques


git clone
cd subscraper
python3 install


Subdomain Enumeration

subscraper --enum 2
subscraper -e 3

Subdomain Takeover

Once the output report is complete, users can check for subdomain takeover opportunities using the following command. This will perform CNAME lookups on all potential targets and display the results:

subscraper --takeover subscraper_report.txt

All Options

SubScraper Options:
  -T MAX_THREADS       Max threads
  -t TIMEOUT           Timeout [seconds] for search threads (Default: 25)
  -o REPORT            Output to specific file
  target               Target domain (Positional)

Enumeration Options:
  -s                   Only use scraping techniques
  -b                   Only use DNS brute force
  -w SUBLIST           Custom subdomain wordlist
  -e LVL, --enum LVL   Enumeration Level:
                       1: Subdomain Only (Default)
                       2: Live subdomains, verified by DNS
                       3: Live check & get HTTP/S response codes

Enumeration Advanced:
  --censys-api API API Key
  --censys-secret KEY Secret

Subdomain TakeOver:
  --takeover           Perform takeover check on list of subs