If you're looking for the official importer included with Blender, go here.

Fox model by PixelMannen, rigging by Tom Kranis

gltf-blender-importer Build status

Un-official Blender importer for glTF 2.0.

### Installation Click the "Download Add-on" button above to download the ZIP containing the add-on. In Blender, navigate to **File > User Preferences... > Add-ons** (or **Edit > User Preferences... > Add-ons**) and install that ZIP with the **Install Add-on from File...** button (or **Install...** button). Then type 'glTF' in the search bar and tick the checkbox next to **KSons' glTF 2.0 Importer** to enable it. You can now import glTFs with **File > Import > KSons' glTF 2.0 (.glb/.gltf)**.

See [INSTALL.md](INSTALL.md) for further installation instructions. ### Supported Extensions * KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossiness * KHR_lights_punctual * KHR_materials_unlit * KHR_texture_transform * MSFT_texture_dds * EXT_property_animation (extension abandoned upstream) ### Unsupported Features * Inverse bind matrices are ignored ### Samples Renderings ![BoomBox](doc/boom-box.jpg) ![Corset](doc/corset.jpg) ![Lantern](doc/lantern.jpg) ### See also Official Importer-Exporter: [glTF-Blender-IO](https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF-Blender-IO)